Naughty Night School: Part 3 – Alone at last [College] [Teacher/Student] [MF]

After gathering my things from a bewildered Jules, I lead Val down the hall to the art room.

Irritatingly casual, he walked with me silently down the hall, hands in pockets, his messenger bag slung comfortably across his body.

“Thanks again for filling in.” I say, breaking the silence. “Have you ever done anything like this before?”

I unlock the classroom door and usher him in, flipping on the overhead lights and dropping my things on the desk just inside the room.

“What? Take off all my clothes mere moments after meeting a woman? Well, I’m not one to kiss and tell.” He crosses the room, inspecting the space.

It’s a large classroom, a little tired, and located in one of the older buildings on campus. Art rooms require little in the ways of current tech, so we have been banished to a repurposed science lab. Twenty easels are positioned in a large circle around a wide platform assembled from wooden risers. I have some studio lights for the scene, and furniture I picked up from a thrift store; a low padded bench, sturdy side table, and a bar stool. I struggled to create an intimate space from such a cold starting point, but a few lamps and a speaker for music went a long way.

I fire up the projector and connect my laptop, pulling up my slide deck for this evening’s focus points and logging in to the school server.

“There’s a consent form I’ll need you to read over and sign, and we should go over a few points together so you can tell me what you’d be comfortable with.”

Val slowly circles the space, he’s across from me now, peering over the top of an easel.

“I have a soft limit for handcuffs, should I be worried about that making an appearance this evening?”

“E-excuse me?”

“Mostly it’s a comfort thing,” he continues, returning to the front of the room and approaching the desk, “there are just so many other options when it comes to restraints. I understand some people love the classics though, so, maybe if you ask nicely.”

I freeze, my fingers hovering over the keyboard, desperately trying to uncement my tongue from the roof of my mouth. All I can manage is an awkward chuckle as I feel my cheeks heating again. I busy myself producing a document and slide it across the desk, gathering some of my sketches and a book of figures as well.

I clear my throat, ignoring his teasing,“We’ll keep things simple tonight. Easy poses, short holds, and I’ll probably wrap things up early. These are just some examples of poses we can run through.” I flip through the book and lay the drawings out on the desk, “It’s best if we rotate standing, seated, and reclined poses to give different muscles a break.”

He runs his fingers over the pages, fanning them out, “However you want me.” One side of his mouth creeps up into a smirk as he looks up from the figures. “Did you draw these? I’m looking forward to seeing how you capture my image.”

My god he puts me on edge. I’m starting to regret asking him to come. He’s too willing, too relaxed, what’s he playing at? I’m thankful, certainly, but what kind of person jumps at the opportunity to strip down and have a room full of strangers stare at them, with no notice?! I am a professional, I am *capable* of being professional.

“I’m here to support my students, I won’t have time for any of my own work.”

Still smiling, he picks up the consent form, glancing down and skimming over it, “I can stay late.”

Val turns away from me and moves to perch on a stool in front of one of the easels, reading over the form. I take the opportunity to finish setting up the room, turning off the harsh overhead lighting, replacing it with low lamplight outside the circle, and shining the studio lights on the center platform. I stand in the middle, fussing with some fabric to drape over the bench, and laying out a clean towel for sitting on. I glance back at Val, it’s hard to see past the bright light pointed at me, but I catch him watching.

“I give you full permissions, Miss Lawson.” He says, holding up the signed document, “If you need to guide me into any positions to better suit your… vision, you may. Just be gentle, it’s my first time.”

“It’s Gwen,” I shoot back, and he grins, “and I’m sure verbal instructions will work just fine. You know your left from your right I take it?”

Proud of myself for finally finding my voice, I straighten my back and march over to the far side of the room. “Follow me, I’ll show you where you can get changed.”

I open the door to a large supply closet off the main space which serves as a dressing room for our models. Val lingers in the doorway and watches calmly as I gesture around the room. “You can leave your things here. There’s a sink, a clean robe, more towels, slippers, and I keep some snacks in the cupboard just in case. Bathroom is just down the hall.”

He takes a step forward, setting his bag to the floor, shrugging off his jacket, and tossing it on the counter.

I continue, “We have a few minutes before my students will start arriving. You can get ready and I’ll invite you in once they are settled at their stations. If you need to do anything before we get started…”

Val takes another step and reaches an arm back, grasping the collar of his t-shirt before pulling it forward over his head. His shirt slides off effortlessly, revealing the lightly toned muscle of his lean frame.

I back up, fumbling behind me and gripping a ledge on a tall cabinet of shelves. “What are you doing?”

“I thought you might be interested in a preview before my big debut. Make sure everything is to your liking.”

Val rests his hands either side of my shoulders, bracing himself on the shelves, his t-shirt still bundled in one hand. I feel my heart beat pounding as my breathing becomes shallow. He is so close I can feel the heat radiating off his body. He smells warm and sweet like cinnamon and brown sugar. His eyes scan over me languidly, a small smile on his lips. I can’t meet his gaze.

“So responsive,” he muses, “am I making you nervous?”

[Naughty Night School: Part 1 – Desperate Times [College] [Teacher/Student] [MF]]([Naughty Night School: Art Lover – Part 2 [College] [Teacher/Student] [MF]](



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