The Princess & The Bellatrix Chapter 1 [FF][Fantasy]

Hello mon petite hentais! This is the first part of a new project. You can find links to read it in other places like Inkitt and Wattpad here: [](

I will keep posting here, but you can also follow on there to get notified.

edit: formatting

**Start Reading>>**

The clack of wood echoed around the small stone chamber. The bed, chair, and chest were all piled up against the wall opposite the entrance. The cleared space in the middle was occupied by two figures wearing britches and wide pieces of fabric wrapped around their chests.

One of the warriors sank into her posture, tensing, then relaxing her shoulders. She lowered her wooden sword into a defensive posture, trying to lure her opponent into an attack.

Her opponent shifted her stance and brought her own wooden sword to the front.

The point of her opponent’s sword aligned with the warrior’s centre. She sprang forward. The warrior twisted her sword behind her, arching it and bringing it down into a powerful two handed attack aimed right at her opponent’s neck.

The warrior’s opponent stepped forward in a forty-five degree angle while using the flat of her sword to slap the downward slash sideways.

The power of her swing carried her and the warrior had no choice but to follow where the momentum led. Her opponent closed the distance, softly kicked the warriors knee, dropping her to the floor, and finally placing the wooden sword on the kneeling warrior’s shoulder.

Rhae lifted the wooden sword. “Well done Captain,” she said, “although you could have had me if you waited a bit longer.”

Captain Alessia rose up and rubbed her knee. “Aye, I know. I assumed that you were going for a lunge so I wanted to get there first.”

Rhae patted Alessia on her shoulder. “Not bad instincts, but don’t try to think ahead of your opponent, it usually ends with their sword in your belly.”

They both laughed and walked over to a table where some towels, a bowl with water, a carafe with wine and a bowl with apples were set out earlier.

“Don’t your clients get suspicious when you ask for these things?” asked Rhae.

“Please don’t call them my clients.”, said Alessia as she gargled some water and spat it out into the ocean through the open bullseye. “Slaver scum more like. I just want them to finish unloading, so I can scrub my beloved Madeline of their stench.”

“Is Madeline a goddess of some kind?” asked Rhae as she unwrapped the wide piece of fabric from her chest, and took up a wet towel to scrub the sweat off of her body.

It took Alessia several moments before she answered. The barbarian’s naked body always did that to her.

The barbarian towered over Alessia, being about two heads taller than she. Alessia marvelled at the scars over Rhea’s body. Their white lines accentuated the long muscles in her arms, and legs. She could also guess how those scars got there.

Alessia thought back to when the barbarian was first brought on board. “Killed a score of our people,” Rat-face had said. His name wasn’t Rat-face, but Alessia couldn’t think of him as anything else. The man lead the slaver’s guards, if you could call such a gaggle of cut-throats and worms guards.

When Rat-face said that, Alessia had to wonder if it was true and not the product of the drunkard’s imagination. After having trained with the barbarian for a month, she absolutely believed it.

“Captain?” Rhea had poured a goblet of wine and was offering it to Alessia.

“Sorry, I was deep in thought,” said Alessia reaching out for the goblet

“About the meaning of Madeline?” asked Rhea as she picked up another towel and soaked it in water.

Rhea stepped closer and placed the cold towel on Alessia’s shoulder.

Alessia groaned a bit, “Praise Atlantia, that feels good.”

Rhea turned Alessia so her back was exposed. She moved the towel slowly over Alessia’s shoulders, massaging as she went.

“So, Madeline?” asked Rhea, once again.

“You don’t let up, do you barbarian?”

Rhea kept massaging Alessia’s shoulders, strategically applying pressure where she could find knots or kinks. The thrilling pain of the knots combined with the soft massage made Alessia tremble. The tip of her nipples could barely handle the feel of the material tied around her breasts.

“I enjoy knowledge,” answered Rhea, a fake tinge of innocence in her voice.

Alessia took a sip from her goblet to steady herself. She decided that she might as well answer the barbarian’s question, even if just for want of something to do.

“Madeline is not a goddess,” said Alessia, “She’s just someone from my village.”

“Let me guess. She is a milkmaid, a tavern wench, or the pretty daughter of some noble,” said Rhea as she unwrapped Alessia’s chest, “with an ample bosom, and a warm pile of furs?”

“Tavern wench,” said Alessia laughing, “didn’t get lucky enough for a noble’s daughter. The bosom was ample indeed. No pile of furs though.”

“No pile of furs? Where did you bed her then?” asked Rhea as she lowered the cold towel to Alessia’s back.

Alessia let out a sincere “Ahhh” of pleasure as the barbarian worked the cold towel over her lower back muscles. , “To the lake. We took a basket, laid out a blanket too.”

Rhea stepped closer, Alessia could feel the barbarian’s nipples brushing against the back of her head.

“So you named your ship after a former lover?” said Rhea as she dropped the wet towel to the floor and placed her hands on Alessia’s hips.

“What of it?” said Alessia with a defiance she didn’t truly feel.

Rhea slid her hands over Alessia’s stomach, marking out the muscles, slowly moving upward to cup Alessia’s bare breasts.

“It is of no consequence,” said Rhea, “although I would not mind being considered for the next ship.”

As she finished the sentence, Rhea gently squeezed Alessia’s breasts, flicking her nipples with her fingers as she did so.

Alessia gasped so hard she stuck her hand in her mouth. She could barely breath or stand. Her stomach felt heavy, and her body tensed up.

She managed to rasp out, “Consider it named.” Alessia turned around, hoping to return the favour and pop one of Rhea’s nipples into her mouth.

Alessia’s lips had barely brushed the engorged tip when a knock sounded at the door.

“Oi! Captain! The scum… ehh… Slavers,” shouted a voice behind the door, “They said they need you up on deck.”

A groan that sounded like a banshee’s call came from the captain’s cabin. The man was about to burst in, when the captain’s voice sounded from the room.

“Tell those devil testicles that I’m coming,” shouted back Alessia.

“Without the devil testicles bit, captain?” asked the voice behind the door, who Alessia now recognised as her bosun.

“Yes bosun, without the devil testicles bit,” she answered and then sighed, sinking her face into Rhea’s chest, breathing in, and letting go.

Rhea lightly kissed the top of Alessia’s head. “Bastards,” whispered Rhea, “if they had not interrupted us. You would actually be coming.”

Alessia laughed ruefully.

“Bollocks,” said Alessia, “we will have to leave this goodbye unfinished barbarian.”

Both of them dressed quickly. The sailors would be back to re-arrange the captain’s quarters later.

Alessia escorted Rhea back to her cell, which she shared with another barbarian, some old man who had to enter servitude to pay for his debts.

When Rhea entered her cell, the old man greeted her in their tongue. Rhea nodded at the man.

It always marvelled Alessia how deferential the old man was towards Rhea. She wondered if he knew something Alessia didn’t.

They didn’t say goodbye, the slaver’s guards were around and they would certainly report it to Rat-face.

She knew that if her sailor’s knew, they wouldn’t mind. Sailors tend to be romantic. They would happily slit the throats of all the slavers if she asked them to, particularly if it was related to a lover.

But a contract is a contract, and she had taken it. If she broke it, it would mean being branded a true outlaw, and not only her but her entire crew. Her responsibility was to her crew first, even above her personal desires.

Although, she would have words with her broker once she went ashore. Even better, she’ll send Susie Scissors, ten minutes with her and the broker is guaranteed to become more through in researching his contracts.

Alessia climbed up from the galley to the main deck. The wind carried the smell of salt water, ale, grilled meat, perfume, and all the other smells of the port. She inhaled deeply, letting the annoyance of her interrupted romp wash away. She loved the smell of port cities, it smelled of home.

Alessia spotted her bosun running towards her.

“Captain,” he said breathlessly, “praise Atlantia. We must hurry.”

“Bollocks I’m hurrying for that scum! What do they want?”

“It’s not the slavers I’m worried about,” said the bosun, lowering his tone to almost a whisper, “it’s their client.”

The bosun was by nature a nervous man, it came with the job after all. So Alessia decided to humour him and whispered back, “Who is their client?”

“An imperial princess,” said the bosun.

The bosun had to walk-run to catch up to his rapidly retreating captain.


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