helping a friend with her rape fantasy [MF]

So, a couple of years back a friend of mine f (28) asked me m (32) if I would help her with her fantasy. We had always been open with each other and had ended up in bed a few times and it had always been incredible sex. She had a part time job as a sex educator where she taught women how to give good blow jobs and how to dress and perform in bed. So believe me she was good. She is also tall slim mixed race and to me very attractive. I just loved the contract of my white cock against her dark skin. So sexy.

Anyway we were chatting over a coffee and she told me she had always had this fantasy of being raped. At first I was a bit shocked. She wanted to be over powered in her own home and forced to do whatever the guy wanted anything would go. Even anal I said (knowing this was something she wasnt into)? No limits she said. Then she turned and looked me in the eye and asked would I do it. I don’t know if it was the look or the mention of anal or her hand on my thigh, but my cock started to swell and I felt my face go red. If it helps you out of course i said trying to sound cool.

We chose a night. She told me the door wouldn’t be locked and she said she didn’t want to know any more about my plans.

I sat in the dark in my car. I had a knife, cable ties, a mask for my face, black clothing and an evil smile. I could see the upstairs bedroom light was on so I knew she was up there. My cock was already throbbing and my mind racing my heart pounding. I had to make it real. I wanted to see fear and most of all I wanted to cum deep her ass at the end of all this……

I walked as quietly as I could to her front door and tested the handle. Unlocked. I slid inside and locked it behind me. No chance of escape.

I could hear music upstairs and knew that’s she would be dancing away oblivious. I silently crept up the stairs, sideways, thinking that would be the best way to avoid creaks. As I got my eyes level with the landing I could see her in the front room. Headphones on and dancing. My cock was instantly hard….she was dressed in black stocking and suspenders a green basque and a green thong. My mouth was watering and my cock twitching at what I was going to do to her.

The first she felt was the sharp blade against her skin and my hand take the headphones off and whisper “don’t fucking move”. She froze but as soon as I took the knife away to bind her hands she fought back. We wrestled and I pushed her face down into the bed over powering her. She fought like a wildcat right until the cable ties zipped tight with her hands behind her back. I leant close ” you will do everything I want or I will cut you” she nodded and sobbed a little.

Bent over the bed face down and ass up with my weight pressing down she could feel I was hard and I could feel the heat of her body. I tore off her thong and then kicked her feet wider apart so I could get access. I could feel her smooth freshly shaved pussy my finger naturally teasing her lips appart to test for wetness. My thumb resting against her perfect tight ashole. Where to begin….

Will write the rest later…I promise šŸ˜‰



  1. Wow. Not only is that a hot story but you write it really well too. Can’t wait to hear kore

  2. Eagerly waiting for more. I love the fantasy and that you agreed to help her live it out. Your writing is excellent šŸ˜˜

  3. Sneaking up on someone unprepared with a knife sounds like a really stupid idea

  4. You could hear music from upstairs and she had headphones on? Something isn’t right there.

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