My original story – Chapter 1 – (White mind: A history about sexnosis) (lostwhisper9980)

hey there guys… im here to share a story im writing, based on short chapters about hypnosis and, mainly sex, so the content will be totally +18. is a story about dominance but it doesnt go over the board, so dont spect gore, skat, pedophilia, or anything else that could go over the limit. i have to clarify that humilation is present at some level, but i dont go so far, so take note of that too.

other thing i have to clarify, is that english is not my native language, so i make an apology in advance if something is not correctly written or is incomprehensible. i ll gladly try to explain if you asked.

without further delay, here is the first chapter. hope you enjoy it.

White mind – A history about sexnosis.

Chapter 1: The new pet.

Hello, my name is Lilia, and this is the story on how being a hypno-submissive slut made my life incredible.

I knew him from internet.

A man who was kind at the first moment, but with a little aura of dominance.

We started to talk via DM on Reddit, but then, we move to discord, he said “to make it more personal…”

I didn’t have any problem with that, we talked for like three weeks already, so I accept it.

Here was the moment where everything change… he started to use some animated images… something like spirals, to give me orders… it was weird. Not the fact the he was trying to hypnotize me, but the fact that I was already hypnotized and hadn’t realized it…

Then, I fast checked our previous conversations on Reddit, and those same images were there… and what it comes after he send those spirals was the most traumatic thing that could happen to me…

There were orders that he gaves me… sexual orders… and for what I respond to them, I clearly obeyed them… because, I couldn’t believe I did those kind of things… until I get to the part where I send him nudes of me…

Nudes where I show my boobs, my nipples, my ass, my vagina… even my anus was exposed there… and the worst thing is… I can´t remember doing those things…

But even worst is… that I was excited…

I don’t know why, but this feeling of being used without notice it makes me so hot… it was clear, he makes me realized until now, because he wanted to see my reaction… and he got what he wanted… the total control on my mind and body…

He got at his serve a 25 shorthaired blonde girl, slim body, big butt, and little tiny tits…

My role in our sessions was as a pet. When he activates the trigger saying “time to catch the stick, my adorable pet”, my mind goes completely blank, and after I released it, I was completely nude, fingering my ass and playing with my clit… I really… LOVED THIS!!!

And then, the moment comes. He send me a massage where he wanted that I move to live with him… but I was warned, I wasn’t the only pet…

He said that I could refuse, but that our sessions would end at that time… I didn’t want that… So, I accepted…

He was clear, counting me, there were five pets at his “care”… and living with him meant being just another pet… I wasn’t his girlfriend, I wasn’t his wife, not even his friend… I was, and actually am, one of his sexual pets… the problem was that, I didn’t realized the actual meaning of my role at that moment, and got me some troubles…

Three months has passed, and I was ready. I take a private airplane he send me that takes me to his personal island… I was excited… near the beach, the sun, some tropical environment and a big mansion just in the middle of the jungle… I was surprised… he told me before that he was rich, but I didn’t believe that he was that rich… I wont lie… my pussy got so wet when I put my feet on the sand… call me gold-digger if you want, I was having an orgasm and it was really satisfying…

Then, a drone with a screen comes flying near to me, and the pilot of the airplane. It was just the two of us…

The screen on the drone turn on, and I clearly see him… my man, my owner, my master was there… but he didn’t even greet me, which I didn’t care about.

He went to speak directly with the pilot. He asked him how he was, if he felt good, if he was tired… I got a little bit jealous here, but decided to ignore it…

The pilot replied that he felt a little stressed, that he needs some relaxation…

“Is that so?” replied my master. “Well, then use that bitch you have there with you. Do as you please with her. But remember, you must return her safely to my mansion. Don’t go overboard with her, just use her to release your stress, understand?”

“Yes. Thank you, boss”. Replied the pilot when I was so confused. I was thinking: “He meant me? He meant to the pilot to use me to makes him feel better?” And then, it happened, the screen on the drone turns right in front my face, and a full screen spiral appears. It was so cute. I couldn’t look away.

And in the background, I heard the voice of my master, addressing me: “Please this man”…

And I responded… “YES, MASTER!!” I said it with a completely ecstatic voice, I definitely sounded like a whore…

Then, I turn my eyes to the pilot, and I see it, a huge cock waiting for me…

Everything goes blanck after that…


here is my twitter. is mainly for nsfw content and sometimes, i upload some drawings:
