[[Hello again! I just finished polishing up chapters 3 and 4 of this short story. These two are longer and a bit more exciting but we still haven’t reached the best part yet.]]

chapter 3

The room is silent until it fills with the sound of Eliana taking in a deep breath and letting it out in a sigh the moment she plops herself down in the chair that faces the window. She wonders why he picked this room, considering there are some empty ones without the giant window. Not that she wants to do anything that would require privacy..she just doesn’t like being seen by everyone. She figures this was a sign that he was not interested in her sexually like she had secretly hoped. Either way, she is going to take this tutoring serious.

“Okay, so…” She trails off as she leans down into her bag and pulls out a tablet, setting it up with the current calc homework. She looks up at him for the first time since she entered the room. He was just staring quietly as she readied her things. It looks like he didn’t have anything prepared. She begins taking out pen, paper, expo marker, calculator…wow she is prepared. “Did you bring anything too?” She raised a brown at him, she had this disappointed look on her face.

Shane shakes his head. “I got everything I need right up here!” He smiles and emphasizes the phrase by poking his forehead. “but it looks like you prepared real nicely fo-”

“Your grade says otherwise.” She interrupts his thought, knowing he was going to say something snide. She keeps talking, trying not to let him get many words in. The more she talks, the less he teases her. “No offense, I guess, but you do have a D in this class. Don’t you have a 3.8?” She is actually curious, how could someone do so well just to fail so suddenly? There must be a reason.

“First of all, I have a 3.4. Second of all, well, this class has a lot of distractions. I never feel like I can focus.” He smirks at her, lowering his gaze. “Figured I’d learn better here. Yknow, I’ll pay attention more when the teacher is as hot you.” He chuckles as he watches her brows furrow. It’s like she’s trying not to blush but her body fails her.

“whatever..It doesn’t matter. Let’s just go through the homework together. We can take turns writing it up on the whiteboard.”
She realizes she shouldn’t have asked that question. Then again, if she didn’t want him to make comments like that she wouldn’t have come. In actuality, she feels a tinge in her body when she hears his little teasing comments.

“As you wish, princess. Mind if I take a took at the homework? I uh..well yknow.” He gives her a nervous grin and laugh. She doesn’t seem amused that he left all his belongings at home.

Her eyes roll to the back of her head and she stands up with an expo marker in hand. She quickly copies the question onto the board and then flips the screen towards Shane. “There you go. Next time you should probably bring your things.” She says bluntly and looks back up at the calculus question.

“Thanks. Next time? So you already decided you wanna see me again, huh. Im flattered, maybe next time I’ll take somewhere more private.” His voice trails off with a hum. If all goes well today, he might not even be teasing about this one. As perverted as his intentions are right now, he’d love to take her on a real date. Give her something to remember. But for now he didn’t think about the future.

“No- Well, I mean I am willing to tutor you more. But the library is fine, we don’t need to go somewhere private.” Yes, they do need to get some privacy. She has imagined being in a private room with him more times than she can count.

“right…” He thinks for a moment. She is still staring at that question, likely trying to look at anything but Shane. He loves that shyness about her. His eyes trail lower. He admires her back. The dress barely exposes her shoulder blades. “you’re right. We don’t need privacy.” His eyes stop at the small of her back. The fabric clings to her curves and he can easily make out the shape of her ass through the sage green. “There’s still plenty of thing we can do without privacy.”

The tone in his voice made the implications of that sentence very clear. How is she supposed to act innocent with him making such obvious inuendos. She’s going to look dumb if she keeps pretending not to notice.  She grips the marker harder and pulls the lid off. Her teeth grind as she starts to write out the steps to the problem. “This problem is on the easier side. I’ll talk through it and you follow along. Stop me if you need to.” She decides to ignore his comment entirely. She stands her ground firmly and refuses to even glance back at him. In all honesty, she knows if she saw the look on his face she’d simply melt.

It really is adorable, the way she tries to hide her desires like that. It’s so obvious that Shane’s comments are already flustering her. She’s writing quickly on the board, likely out of nervousness. However the quick movement of her arms, along with the constant moving back and forth between the ends of the board, causes her body to sway and giggle. When she steps to the left, he gets a short glimpse of her thigh and the way it jiggles makes him bite his lip. He can barely stand watching her like this, he needs more. “Did you wear that dress for me, doll?” He inquires as he leans into his hand. A smirk plastered onto his face as he watches her body freeze up.

Chapter 4

She didn’t hear those words. At least for a second she tried to convince herself that she didn’t. The sentence made her freeze in place, marker tip still touching the board. “I just..” She pauses for a moment, unable to find the right response. She didnt necessarily wear the dress for him..but she would be lying if she said she didn’t consider him when picking it out. Out of all her dresses, she did pick the one that made her body look its best. “This is just how I dress.” She states bluntly and takes another deep breathe. relax. She calms herself and turns towards him again. She can’t hide the red tinge to her cheeks now. He is still smirking, seemingly satisfied about something.

“I’ve never seen that dress before. You don’t have to be shy, I know you know how sexy and..irresistible it makes you look.” His eyes visibly trace the curves of her body. He licks his lips and ensures she can tell he is checking her out.

“uh-” Is all she can muster out for now. Her eyes widen and she twiddles with the marker. She has never been spoken to like that before. No one has ever called her out like that before. She stammers on her words, but the mess of thoughts in her mind refuse to let her speak.

“you’re speechless?” He is surprised to see this normally well spoken woman begin stammering. Hes excited to see how else she could fall apart. “Don’t lie to me now, why else would you wear something so tight and revealing?” He adjusts himself in his seat and then adjusts himself between his legs. “I can see right through you.”

Eliana wass an interesting combination of surprised, aroused and nervous. The mix is slightly unpleasant, yet it still makes her thigh twitch when he said the words she’d been waiting to hear. I can see right through you. They echo in her head. She wonders how much he really knows about her. Has she really been that obvious? “Tha- That is not true.” She manages to speak, but her voice is small. “I just like the dress, and it’s new..I wanted to wear it.” She defends herself, knowing she was full of it.

“I’ve watched you all semester, Eli.” His eyes are dark and Eliana can’t seem to shake the intimidated feeling she is getting from Shane. “I’ve seen the way you squirm in your seat. I know that brain of yours is just chalk full of dirty thoughts.” He takes a glance at the chalk board and then looks back at her. “Sit back down.” His tone is suddenly very harsh. He sounds serious.

Whatever she may have had left of a smile faded into a look of anxiety. She’s like a dear in headlights, completely frozen and shocked to be confronted. Of course, this is a scenario she had daydreamed about tons of times over, but experiencing it in person made her brain feel soft. “That’s not…” She trails off. It is true. It’s entirely true. A small voice in her head is absolutely ecstatic for this to finally be happening. She notices Shane glance at the problem and she looks too. There’s no way she can focus on this now, but if they aren’t studying…then if she sits down?

She seems flustered now. Shane taps his finger on the table and looks between her and the seat. “Oh, but it is.” He cooed. “Sit down.” His tone was harsher this time.

“but-..” She looks back and forth from the white board to the chair. “We have uhm..” Her eyes wander off as does her imagination. She snaps back quickly.  “We have work to asked me to tutor you.” She is trying her best to be her normal well spoken self, but the cracks and faults in her voice give her away.

Shane takes notice to her moment of dissociation. His dick twitches at the sight. She can’t even keep herself from fantasizing about them together when she’s trying to be serious. Regardless of how cute she looks right now, he had plans. He furrows he brows and frowns at her. “This is the third time I’ve had to ask you to sit back down.” He looks her up and down and then he turned to look out the window. “I might not be able to do anything physical to you right now, but I’ll make you regret disobeying me one way or another.” He trails off with a low cackle and turns back to see a bright red face with cute wide eyes.

She opens her mouth to speak but nothing came out. She’s stunned and had no clue what her next move should be. She could submit to him, just like she has always wanted to do. She could continue to fight, but she has little faith in winning the battle. Her body is visibly twitching in a delightful concoction of arousal and shame. Her palms were wet and the marker was still sustaining abuse by her twiddling fingers. Unfortunately for her, something else was wet as well. She can feel the wetness growing between her legs. She had worn a nice pair of lilac colored panties, trimmed with white lace. She looks back down at the chair and takes caution in sitting down again. She slowly inches her legs back under the desk, dawning a fairly annoyed and frustrated look on her face. She refuses to look at him, only watching him in her peripheral vision as she watched people pass by.

“That’s a good girl.” He is much kinder now that she had listened. They sat in silence for a moment. Her eyes are trained on the movement going on outside the window. How embarrassing. She knows no one can hear what he’s saying to her, but if anyone was watching them close enough it would be obvious from the look on her face alone. Shane’s eyes were still admiring that look. “Look at me.” He demands. Without saying a word her eyes dart to meet his, though only for a second until she snaps her head away again..

“This is..” She bites her lip hard out of frustration. She is normally so good at keeping herself together whenever she’s had dirty thoughts. It’s so much harder when it’s really happening. “Ridiculous. I didn’t come here for this…There’s people here.” She kept here eyes on the people minding their business.

“I know. You didn’t think I just chose a random place to sit..did you?” He smirks deviously. She almost looks offended, yet he can see that twinkle of excitement. He knows every word that comes out of her mouth is a lie. “No..I chose this spot so I could enjoy watching you squirm for me in front of all these people.” He pauses. ” Now look at me, bitch. I’m not asking you again.”

She swallows  her own breath. How humiliating…how incredibly hot. it’s literally like a dream come true for her. She lovs feeling small and controlled and she especially loves the dirty feeling she got from being seen through a window. It makes this game she always plays, hiding her sexuality, a lot more fun. “Y-you’re didn’t want to study, did you?” She asks, not that she is disappointed with the outcome. As she spoke her eyes slowly trail up his arm and his neck..but she cant bare to look him in the eyes.

“No, not at all.” He laughs at the idea. He doesn’t need tutoring, he just needs to make this girl his own. “I wasn’t lying about being distracted though.” He takes notice to where she’s looking. “Look me in the eyes, right the fuck now.” His fist clenches as he speaks and immediately relaxes as soon as she finally got her eyes focused on his. She is too anxious to speak, but her glazed over doe eyes do all the speaking for her. “I bet you’re soaked.”

She sucks in a shaky breath and wiggles ever so slightly in her seat. The movement makes the wet feeling between her legs very obvious. She is soaked, sitting in her own fluids. “Please..lets just work.” She pleads but she doesn’t know what for. She wants this to continue, but fighting against him turned her on even more.

He squints his eyes slightly at her. “That means I’m right, doesn’t it? You’re fucking pathetic.” He scoffs, coldly. He was normally very nice to her, but something about forcing her into her place with his harsh words makes him hard as a rock. His dick has tented his pants, but he is far too focused to care. He couldn’t touch it here anyway, it’s best not to lose his composure. He stands up suddenly.

She let out a squeak at his words and a tingly shiver shot through her stomach and down to her pussy. It’s hot down there, and the constant feeling of emptiness makes it impossible for her to think about anything other than Shane. “Wher- What are you doing?” She asks with a nervous quiver in her voice.

He looks her up and down one more time and scoffs again. “You heard me. I said you’re pathetic, sitting there drenched and shaking. You can barely look me eye, how fucking embarrassing is that?” He turns his head away to hide a smile and heads towards the door. He wants to see how desperate she is. “I’m leaving.” The door handle turns.



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