Lovin’ in the Apocalypse Ch. 12 [Apocalypse, survival, romance, NON CON, manipulation]

Last time on, Lovin’ in the Apocalypse!

Rachel does not seem to be able to control herself! While Tom does the thing with Kelsey, she seduces Cameron and spends most the night making out with him. With the web growing more complicated by the day, Rachel continues to spin.

Who else might fall into the trap? Find out now!

Chapter 12: The Calm Before

Rachel woke in a state of confusion. Her pussy ached, she felt sticky and her mind was telling her that Cameron was the one who left her like this. But as she looked over, she saw Tom’s sleeping face. The real details of the night slid into focus and Rachel remembered everything as it actually happened. It had not been Cameron that fucked her raw but she did tried to fantasize that it was him. She was not successful at convincing herself with the fantasy. Tom was rough and used her like a toy. Last night, she was tied up, gagged with panties and being fucked like a slut. That did not seem like it would be Cameron’s style. Rachel imagined he would be slow and tender, for a while at least.

It surprised her that Cameron was the first thing on her mind this morning. For the last couple of weeks, Rachel’s imagination was wrapped up in the devious plans to get her husband inside Kelsey. Now that that was over, she felt decidedly lighter. She assumed that relationship would catch fire without her throwing more sparks at them. She could focus on her own desires for a time. Kelsey fit in those desires and was still sitting on a throne in Rachel’s mental red room. But she also knew if she came in too early and tried to squeeze herself into their fun, it would probably run the girl off. Since she had her own illicit fun to play now, Rachel did not mind giving them some room to play.

Rachel was indeed sore. Her crotch throbbed in protest as she walked gingerly down to the bathhouse. Tom went too deep far too often last night. He usually did not push her so much but apparently little miss perfect pussy gave him a taste for deeper fucking. That was fine, he could have all the deep sex he wanted with Kelsey but he would have to rein it in some with her. She could not function well in this state. Tom would just have to understand and take it out elsewhere.

Rachel closed her eyes as the warm water ran into her hair and spread down her body. After several seconds of darkness behind eyelids, Rachel’s imagination began to play her a fantasy. She imagined two strong, dark skinned hands wrapping around her from behind. She pictured them resting on her bare stomach before pulling her body against his. Naked and in the shower, she would be able to feel his cock pressed against her back. Would it be hard? No… it would be hanging down but not quite flaccid. Cameron is the type to have a cock that needs to be seduced. She would have to make him hard before he could put it inside her.

Although she was intensely sore, Rachel could not stop her hand from dipping down to her swollen lips. She hissed out in pleasure/pain as her fingers moved gently into her folds. She did not go as far as to penetrate herself but the light pressure on her clit was stimulating her enough. She tried to imagine what it would feel like to have Cameron’s face against her neck as his large fingers danced through her pussy. Rachel shivered as a little orgasm pulsed out weakly in her stomach. It was just enough to knock the edge off and clear her mind for more sensible thoughts. When had she become so obsessed with sex?

“How are you feeling? I know I was a little rough last night.” Tom was sitting up in bed when Rachel came back from her shower.

She saw the stained sheets he was nestled in and felt a strong urge to roll around in the mess. She suppressed the desire and began to brush the tangles from her hair. “I’m really sore. You know better than to go that deep.”

“I know, I just wanted to feel all of you.”

“You definitely did.” Rachel put down the brush and faced Tom. “Look, I’m happy Kelsey can give you something that I physically can’t, okay? Don’t feel like you have to keep it even between us, just do what feels good for each one of us. When you’re with Kelsey, go deep. When you’re with me, go hard. Okay?”

“Okay. That’s fair.” Tom smiled and flipped the covers open. “Wanna come back and ruin your shower?”

“Fuck no!” Rachel rolled her eyes. “I won’t even let you put a finger in me today. Maybe tomorrow too! You really did mess Kitty up, Tom.”

“I’m really sorry about it.” Tom did not look at all sorry. “I can kiss her and make it better.”

Rachel nearly refused that too but after going so long without getting oral regularly, she did not want to turn down any offer. “Fine. But I mean it about fingers. Stay outside.”

Tom slid down to lay flat on his back. Rachel took off her shower clothes and climbed back into the mess that was their bed. She thought for a moment then decided to make it mutual. Rachel turned her body to be opposite of Tom before placing her smooth thighs on either side of his head. She slowly lowered her furry pussy down to his bearded mouth and sighed as his lips began to kiss her tender pussy. His tongue was gentle and considerate as it circled her damp folds.

Tom’s cock was near her face, not quite erect yet and was still a little messy from last night. Rachel took him in her hand and just lightly stroked him as she selfishly let him do more work. As much as he got yesterday, she deserved to be a little pampered today. Even though she felt that way, her body had no such conviction. Her mouth began to salivate with a craving for hot cum. Rachel sucked the tip of Tom’s cock into her mouth and tasted her own flavors. Leaning into being the lazy princess this morning, Rachel laid her head on Tom’s thigh and just lightly sucked the head of his cock. This was satisfying her craving and she was still the one being pampered.

Tom did not grow urgent or needy from her light lip service. He seemed to understand this was not for him. His mouth remained gentle and easy, building her an orgasm like a monk stacking river rocks in meditation. As Tom worked her pussy steadily along, Rachel suckled precum from his cock. Before long, she drifted off into a euphoric dose.

On the other side of camp, Kelsey was brushing her teeth and staring at her own reflection in the mirror. Her almond colored eyes were bright and full of strength. As she appraised herself in the mirror, Kelsey felt a growing sense of pride. She could have any man she wanted. She proved that twice now. Even before all this apocalypse stuff, she used to receive inappropriate attention from adult men. Now that she was old enough to play along, she found the experiences intoxicating.

She leaned over and spit the foamy toothpaste into the metal sink and stood up. A dribble of paste ran down her chin and stood out boldly against her skin. The image sent her mind racing towards a gutter and she wondered how much cum Rachel managed to get out of Tom since she left. Kelsey did try to intentionally leave him drained but she did not fool herself. Tom was still in love with his wife and Rachel was very skilled at pleasuring him. Kelsey was not quite there yet on being able to steer what happened in their personal sex life but it was a goal she was determined to make.

Kelsey heard Cameron humming loudly to himself in the kitchen as he moved about. “Someone’s in a good mood this morning.” Kelsey could have been talking about either one of them. She was just doing a better job at containing her joy. “Did you get lucky last night or something?”

“Even if that was an appropriate thing for us to talk about, it still wouldn’t be any of your business.” Cameron wagged a finger at her. He poured hot water into a mug and set the kettle on their new wood stove.

Kelsey sat down at the table in their sun lit dining space. “Come on, dad. We may be father and daughter but we are also adults living in the same house. You don’t have to be so prudish.”

“Prudish?” Cameron barked out a laugh. “I’m not prudish, I just don’t kiss and tell!”

“Oh! You kissed someone?!” Kelsey bounced in her seat as she clapped her hands. “Who was it?”

“Fine. Yes, I had some fun with an adult woman last night. That’s all you get, young lady. I’m allowed to keep secrets too.”

Kelsey was so happy for her father that she got out of her chair and threw herself against him in a big hug. Cameron stumbled a bit but caught his daughter without much effort. “I’m so happy! It’s about time you started seeing someone.”

“I don’t know about “seeing” but I’m happy with what I got. That’s enough for now.” Cameron squeezed her tight. “Now, do I get to know who’s been making you so moody and sneaky lately?”

“Absolutely not.” Kelsey kissed his bearded cheek and sat back down at the table. She felt restless though and knew she would not sit for long.

“Thought not.” Cameron smiled as he finished making their breakfast. “Guess I’ll just have to wait until you bring them to dinner or something.”

Kelsey snorted. “Yeah, that’ll be the day.”

After breakfast, Kelsey did not really know what to do with herself. Well, she did know what she wanted to do but with Rachel at home, that was off the table. Or was it? The things Tom told her before they made love had been shoved way back into her memories of last night but now it was coming back to her. Rachel knew, was into it and possibly wanted to participate. That was still a bit unsettling to Kelsey but she found herself already less repulsed by the idea than she was before. What would it be like to have Rachel there watching them? What would she do, finger herself or sit quietly?

As Kelsey’s mind worked over these questions, her feet carried her through the camp as if they were on auto pilot. She did not have a destination and was barely aware that she was moving at all. Rachel was by far the strangest woman she ever met, Kelsey could not figure out what the woman was playing at. It confused Kelsey but she was also intrigued by her. She spent time fantasizing about dominating Rachel but is that something she was actually into? Would she be willing to find out? As if in answer to her own question, Kelsey’s hand knocked on the closed door.

“Huh? Oh shit.” Rachel sat up, confused as hell. Tom’s flaccid cock was in her face and she was draped over him like she was a blanket. She felt her pussy squish against his face as she sat up awkwardly. He let out a muffled protest.

“Sorry! We fell asleep.” Rachel moved off him and hissed. “I think someone’s here, get up.” As she gathered her discarded shower clothes, Tom got out of bed and scrambled to find his own clothing. Rachel threw their comforter over their bed in an attempt to straighten up.

“Oh! Good morning, Kelsey.” Rachel said as she opened the door, obviously surprised to see the young woman.

“Who?” Tom called out from inside the cabin. His question was followed by a loud bang and a swear. He struck his knee against a chair just before flinging open the curtains to allow the morning sun into their small home.

“Hey.” Kelsey was standing there, looking a little lost. She was wearing running shorts and a tank top, showing off her mile long legs and ample bust.

“I don’t really know why I came by. I was just kinda nervous about, well, everything.”

Kelsey felt extremely awkward. She suspected that Rachel already knew everything about last night but it was still uncomfortable being here in front of her. Kelsey realized she was starting to collect memories of facing the wives of her lovers. But if what Tom said was true, this should not be so bad. In fact, Rachel was beaming up at her as if Kelsey was her favorite person.

“That’s understandable. Do you want to come in and talk?” Rachel sounded as if the topic would be no heavier than the weather. She did look pretty cute with her curly hair hanging down in damp ringlets. She was wearing loose fitting lounge clothes that would be appropriate anywhere but for some reason, it made her seem more fuckable.

“Yeah, okay.” Kelsey walked into their cabin with feet that felt a little numb.


Kenneth tried to slow his breathing down enough to calm his racing blood. He did not feel tired as he was before, having finally accepted medicine that turned his world black for two whole days. His moods were still prone to flighty bursts of anger. He knew it was a bad path to be on but could not seem to curb it. To make matters worse, he is now constantly hallucinating about his dead wife. Even though Kenneth is well rested, the wrath would not leave his peripheral vision. He was starting to develop a tick from trying to see her fully.

Dave was sitting in front of him, looking squat with beads of sweat on his bald head. The rodent was squeaking on and on, nervously spouting out nonsense that made him seem guilty. Kenneth could not hear what the man was saying. A ringing tone was drowning out Dave’s words as a single red idea kept pulsing just behind his eyes. He could see his hands around the rat’s thick neck…

“Dave. Shut the fuck up a minute and listen.” Bruce knocked the blubbering man on the shoulder with a not so light punch.

“Ow! Shit, Bruce.” Dave rubbed his shoulder painfully. “Take it easy, huh? I bruise quickly.”

“Then shut up and listen.” Bruce leaned in close and Dave’s mouth closed.

“Tell me something, Dave.” Kenneth leaned forward with his hands flat on the table. He did not trust them elsewhere. “I need to know if you can find it again.”

“F-find what, Bossman?” Dave shrinked back a bit.

“The camp you attacked a while back. You know, with that big horde you seemed really proud of?”

“Oh! Yes! I can find that again, no problem.” Dave very obviously relaxed in front of them.

“What did you think we needed to know?” Bruce asked.

“Who the hell knows? You guys are scary and always on point. I thought maybe I accidentally stole something.” He laughed a little too loudly.

“No, nothing like that.” Kenneth’s voice was like ice. “But I’m not done talking.” Dave grew silent again and Kenneth continued.

“We got a little plan working out for that place and I decided to use your teams’ special skills for this mission.”

“Oh hell yes! Now that we got them pegged, we’ll get the largest mob they’ve ever seen!”

“No!” Kenneth’s bark cut off Dave’s excited planning. “We got something else in mind. You still know where that gas station is? The one you three hid last time?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good. You’ll need to do that again. We want to throw waves this time. At first, send in a small one, maybe a hundred or so and let them burn resources knocking that one down. Then, gather one a little larger and send it. And so on for about 2 weeks. Got that?”

Dave’s face looked troubled. “Bossman. I don’t know. We usually send them in and get out quickly for a reason. If we stick around the area, we might get found.”

“You won’t get found if you’re gathering the next mob while they’re fighting the last one. When will they have time to search?” Kenneth said this like it was a flawless plan. He even smiled as if it was an inside joke.

“Ahh, yeah. That could work.” Dave’s features became even more rodent-like as he grew excited.

“Good. Go get the other two ready and head out when Bruce gives you the all clear. But not before then. This plan is time sensitive, understand?”

“Yes, Bossman. I understand.” Dave stood up and reached out to shake Kenneth’s hand.

Kenneth looked down at Dave’s hand and could not quite stop his lip from twisting in disgust. The squat man noticed the gesture and quickly retracted his hand.

“Right, I’ll just get on it.” Dave laughed nervously and then left the room.

Bruce glanced out into the hallway and then closed the door. He considered sitting down in the recently vacated seat but Dave left a sweat ring on the chair. He opted to stand, having sat on enough ass sweat for one biker’s lifetime. He folded his large arms and tried to wrap his head around the plan again. Bruce expected this problem to go to trial followed by a public execution but the Bossman had more nefarious ideas. Wheels within wheels.

“You think this will actually work? We’re counting on a lot of luck.”

Kenneth leaned back in his chair and his hands slid limply off the desk. “I don’t know, Bruce. I do know they will be weary of strangers after that first attack and the mishap with your gear. This will give them a reason to let go of that paranoia.”

“I’m not saying it doesn’t make sense. I’m just worried that too much of the plan depends on luck.” Bruce started to pace as he spoke.

“Every breath these days comes from being lucky, Bruce. It’s the best currency we have left. Besides, we don’t really have the bullets to take these people on. We have to play it smart.”

Dave slammed the door to his room almost hard enough to break the handle. He did a good job holding the angry outburst inside while walking through the hotel but lost it as soon as he was safely home. He had not exactly expected to make it back here and left Andy and E instructions on what to dispose of. All the materials to make more of his drug were gone. Dave could not even appreciate the fact he was still free and not facing execution. Instead, he was furious about having to leave for this fucked up mission.

“Whoa, man! You good?” E was draped backwards on the couch with Andy cuddled up next to him. Their combined dull expressions made Dave fall a little farther into his anger.

“No, I’m not fucking good! We got no stock and on top of that, we got to go out on a damn raid!” Dave grabbed a half eaten can of red pasta and flung it as hard as he could against a wall. The brownish sauce streaked down the wall in thick runs.

“Dave, calm down. We’ll be alright. They didn’t even search the room, man. They don’t know what we’re doing.”

“That’s half the goddamn point, you ass! We got to go on a mission without any fucking stock!” This time the thrown object was a book that came close to hitting the love birds.

That got through to the addicts who just realized the scope of their own problems.

“Oh shit! What are we going to do?” Andy sat up fast and then swayed from a head rush. She shook her head to clear it and moved a little slower after that.

Dave stormed around their den for several moments. He would occasionally throw something or scream out in frustration. E and Andy stayed out of his way for the most part but nervously wondered how they were going to stay high. They were unaware that Dave kept a secret cache for this sort of issue. He was not willing to gamble that his “friends” would stick around without it. The problem was with the rest of the people who used his stuff. Dave knew leaving those people dry for too long was bound to bite him in the ass.

Finally, his anger burned out and he began to calculate his options. Sure, there was a risk of one of the junkie fuckers rolling over on him but if they did that, who would supply their habits? Dave needed to get a message circulating through those people that he would make more as soon as he got back. He would even discount it for a while, a gesture of good will. They really did not have a choice but to wait on Dave. He was putting a lot of faith in the faithless but he was likewise without choice.

“You two need to get out and spread the news. Make sure our customers know that I’ll be back and they’ll get their stuff after that.” Dave began to gather possessions that they would need for the trip. He was going to wait until they were out of the room to dig out his secret stash.

“Man. What are we going to do?” E was turning pale and looked on the verge of tears.

“Listen. If you two can keep your lips sealed about this, I’ll make sure you’re both good for this trip. I mean it though. If one person asks me before we leave, I’ll dry your asses up. Got it?”

They got it and left to spread the word. Dave allowed the rage to fall back over him when he was alone. He threw things and broke anything that did not seem important. He felt like the Bossman and Bruce was intentionally fucking him over here. Just when he felt confident enough to raise the price. It did not feel like a coincidence. Still, they did not search his place or make any accusations. Dave could almost convince himself it was just a spot of misfortune.

Dave picked up the sofa from one end and moved it away from the wall. The couch stank and it twisted his stomach to have his face so close to this pool of Andy and E’s filth. They hardly ever left the couch unless they were forced to do so. If only they knew what they had been sitting right on top of. Dave pried up the loose carpet and then a piece of flooring that he crudely cut out in the early days of the Apocalypse. He reached into the dark cavity and sighed in relief when he felt the leather bag.

The stress of this day was making Dave feel like he was going crazy. He needed to blow off some steam and thought he might do just that when Andy got back. Perhaps he would get lucky and she would come back before E did. He was long overdue for a one on one with her but it was never really that exciting. When alone, Andy rarely gave Dave a reason to want more personal time with her. She was still and nearly emotionless during those times. It was only when E was involved that she seemed interested.

Dave did not know how long they were gone for exactly but by the time they got back, he was annoyed about the delay. Watching them walk into the room with sneaky little smiles and flirtatious touching was proof enough that they stopped somewhere for a quickie. That would normally not bother him so much; they did that all the time. However, Dave spent the time waiting on them expecting to have sex as soon as Andy got back. Knowing that he was left waiting because they were doing it without him sent his mood to the boiling point.

Dave sneered at the couple as they finally noticed him. “You want this?” he dangled a small amount that was in a little baggie. He already spent time rationing his remaining stock and would not reveal how much he really had. This little baggie could be all they get for a while. It solely depended on his mood.

The way Andy and E’s faces lit up made Dave hate them a little. They were like circus animals, trained to leap for a sweet treat. He tossed the bag onto the table and shrugged.

“Have at it but if you want it to last, you best take it easy.”

He held up a hand and Andy froze in place while reaching for the stuff. “It’s time to pay up.”

Andy’s eyes widened involuntarily as she realized what Dave meant. She glanced back down at the small pack and wondered how hard it would be to go cold. She really did not want to sleep with Dave again but she was starting to feel that sober ache in her head. The stuff was right there in the open and impossible to ignore. She felt thirsty for it and knew she would not be able to get out of this. Not trusting her voice, Andy just nodded and got down on her knees. She hoped that he would accept her mouth and make it quick.

“Oh no, sweetheart,” Dave began to unbutton his jeans. “On your back this time. I’m going to feel that whole pussy.”

“You know I don’t like that,” Andy’s voice was small.

“I know you don’t like it with me. But this isn’t really about what you want. Don’t you want the stuff?”

Andy nodded. Her bleached blonde hair was looking extra thin these days.

“I even warned everyone that the price was going up. You heard me say it a hundred times.”

“Come on, man. Why are you being like this today? I thought you cut us a break to help you out.” E sounded petulant.

“No. That was our deal, E. Remember? And look,” Dave pulled another little bag out of his pocket and tossed it to E. “That’s for your hard work today. Thanks for helping me out.”

E looked at the bag with only a single dose inside. He could give this to Andy and get her off the hook but that was a temporary solution. Besides, if he gave her his dose, what would he do?

“Yeah. That’s right. My mistake.” E would not look in Andy’s direction. Having the stuff in his hand was enough to push away the feelings he might have later on.

Andy’s lip trembled as she watched E make the inevitable decision. She really was alone here. Even after all that sweet love they made, the drug was still stronger. Even for her. Andy knew she was not going to refuse Dave, no matter how much she wished she could. Without complaint, Andy shifted from her knees to her ass. She unbuttoned her pants and slid them off her thin legs. E’s load from earlier should be all leaked out of her by now but she worried Dave would notice. She tried to give herself a good wipe with her panties before removing them completely.

She really did not have to worry, Dave was not interested in looking at her snatch. He shoved his pants down to his ankles and knee-walked towards her. His small cock looked angry as it bobbed in front of his hairy stomach. Andy did not want to watch it approach but her eyes were stuck. She realized this would be the first time he actually got a good angle on her. She would have to suffer all of his 4 inches.

Dave pressed his gut against Andy’s and was amazed by how good that alone felt. Her skin was warm and soft against his flesh. It was a damn good thing he prepared for this. Before they got back from running his errand, Dave made sure to knock his edge off. He wanted to spend some time inside this hole and would not let Andy off cheap for her tab. Dave thought, ‘she must have been secretly enjoying this. Why else would it be so wet down there?’

Dave, with a meaty hand wrapped around his stub of a cock, ran the head of it through Andy’s pussy. She was soaked! He knew she was just playing hard to get all those times. With a groan of pleasure, Dave pushed himself into Andy’s sweet hole.

“Oh, yeah. Get in there” Dave pulled his hand away as he slid in. He did not notice the glob of cum that was on his fingers. It smeared away as he grabbed her by the hips.

“Ahh! This is so much better!” Dave started pumping his hips. The small thrusts were barely enough to make Andy move. His sweaty face pressed against her neck, his breath coming out in wheezes. The stubble around his snort-like mouth was making her stomach churn with repulsion. Andy tried to make eye contact with E but he was slumped on the dirty couch and staring at the ceiling. She wondered, ‘has the couch moved?’ just when the rat between her legs began to huff even more aggressively.

“Oh, I fucking love this. It’s so much better! This is the price now. You hear me?” His words were etched into her neck by the stubble.

“You better be hearing me!”

“I hear you.” She began to fear this would go on for eternity. ‘Is this hell? It very well could be.

Dave was at his limit, he made a few more deep grinding thrusts against the limp woman’s hips. With one more grunt of effort, he pushed himself up off of Andy and pulled his cock out of her.

“Holy shit! Agghh!” Dave cried out and pumped his cock with his fist. One good burst of cum landed halfway up Andy’s belly. The rest splattered around her lower stomach and mixed into her curly pubes.

The rush of air that came to Andy when Dave got up was like surfacing from water. She had not realized how much of that was suffocating her until he was gone. She barely registered where his cum was falling, all that mattered was that it was over. She could take that baggie and forget about all this. Where to go though? Sitting on the couch next to E felt wrong. Probably even impossible right now.

“Thanks Andy,” Dave huffed down at her before he shuffled back and noisily got to his feet. “Can I get you a towel or something?”

“No.” Andy sat up and glanced at the table.

“Yes! Fine, take it! Jesus, you’d think a girl would fucking give a thank you back! Ehh, E?” Dave laughed as he pulled his pants back up.

Andy snatched the baggie off the table and scurried over to sit against a wall. E, not hearing the joke, chuckled and said, “heh. Yeah. Right man.”

“You guys better act right. Bruce can come get us at any moment.”

“Fine, man. We will.”

Dave had his doubts but at least he could think straight again. With the anger drained out of him, Dave turned his thoughts to the future and this mob mission. Something about it felt off. The job itself seemed a little sudden. On top of that, he could not recall ever having to go face Bossman to get a mob order. That felt like an interrogation but they did not even ask him anything really. Dave did not like this one bit.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/u4xewg/lovin_in_the_apocalypse_ch_12_apocalypse_survival