Getting heated after class [MF]

Where I went to college it was hot all the time. I mean fall was humid, winter was hot, spring was horrendous, and summer was so brutal even your shoes felt like it stuck to the ground.

Well when classes started up junior year in august, I ended up taking an advanced stats class which only had about 12 people in it since it was only a requirement for stats majors. The class was brutal, constantly doing stats projects and papers to prove different types of models. And it was impossible to figure it all out on your own.

The teacher was kind enough to let us work in groups and pairs on all assignments. i got particularly close with Matisse, Devon, and Hillary. We worked on all our assignments together whenever we could and spent so much time in my off campus apartment, my roommate joked that these three were my actual roommates.

We had one particular puzzling project trying to calculate housing values in certain metros. This project took days to understand and complete. Fortunately I had the group to work on it with. And one specific night Matisse and Devon had to leave at 8pm for their club team volleyball game. This left Hillary and I alone, not unusual at this point after spending so many weeks together.

Hillary was cute, not a model but really a girl next door sort of appearance. She these hazel eyes, with dark brown hair flowing curly down to her shoulders, the cutest pointy nose, and a body that was slim and kept.

As we sat their working on the housing assignment we hear a loud pop from outside startling us from our work. Just then, the AC sputters and dies in the apartment. Although it’s still fall, it’s humid and muggy where we are, so instantly we’re sweating through our clothes.

Hillary in her white v neck and jeans has sweat glistening from her neck getting on her shirt. We decide to take a break as it becomes hard to concentrate.

I call a neighbor to see what’s going on, and apparently the heat got one of the central units and we all had to wait for a fix.

I look over at Hillary fanning herself with a spiraled notebook, and ask her “well do you at least want a beer while this gets fixed?”

She nods approvingly to my suggestion, and I plop down on the couch with two Coronas for us. We cheers to stats, and began to sip as we watched some tv.

After the first beer I see Hillary get a little looser and starts lifting up the bottom of her shirt, just exposing her stomach, to get some air flow. She had a wonderful stomach, wasn’t toned to perfect by any means but just nice and smooth. I offered up another beer to her as we watched some live music on tv from some local band.

I asked her about how her other classes are, how often does she get back to Georgia to see family, and what her and her siblings like to do.

Hillary and I had a good relationship she was easy to talk to, always down to help me out, and comfortable to be around. She asked me what’s going on with my life, did I interview for any summer internships, and then asked me if I had been dating around. I said no, I haven’t had time this year and had a big break early in the summer that really had me lose a lot of interest in dating, to which she understood.

We were down two beers, and listening to a guitar solo. At this point Hillary’s jeans were unbuttoned and I could basically see her black bra poking out. I was dressed pretty comfy in some cotton shorts and a basketball shirt. I asked her if I could give her some clothes or something to make her more comfortable and she said she was fine for now.

Hillary got much more comfortable with her beers as she sprawled out on the couch with her feet in my lap, and her v neck tied up. I don’t know what came over me in that moment watching tv, but I just started massaging her feet while she sipped her drink. Her shoulders loosen and she sinks deeper into the couch. She said it’s been forever since anyone has massaged her and I could tell with the tension. I started moving up her legs to her calves then thighs. At this point I had forgotten that she had unbuttoned her pants and my massaging started moving her pants lower and lower.

I immediately stopped and apologized, but Hillary was unfazed from the drinks, the tiredness, and the heat. She got up dropped her pants, and lifted her shirt off revealing her pink underwear and black bra. I was taken aback by the directness.

She hovered over me and dropped down to straddle me. I took my hands and placed them in her waist. She looked at me with her hazel eyes and said, “I know it seems forward but I actually do like you, and feel so comfortable around you”. We sat for a moment just looking at each other before kissed.

This kiss felt good. That’s the only way to describe it. It was electric. My hands clamped sides as she held on to my face. Hillary started grinding her hips on my already hard boner. I wanted to feel her so badly but wanted to move slow at the same time. She took her hand and removed the latch from her bra to expose her deep brown nipples and guided my hand to caress them. Her head swooned back in joy. She took her too hands and dug them under the bottom of my shirt and lifted it off me and started kissing me deeply again.

I was losing it at this point, I had this gorgeous girl on me grinding away while kissing me in my apartment. Our sweat from the heat intertwined as we held each other. I gently. As I placed her back on the couch I moved on top of her to start licking her nipples. I saw her hand move down into her pink underwear to feel herself. She was in poor joy.

I started kissing her stomach as she fingered herself faster and faster. I moved lower and lower and missed her thighs as she kept touching herself. I asked her if if it’s ok if I go down on her to which she said please! I removed her underwear and tasted her completely. It was magical, the combination of sweat, lust, and Hillary all in one felt incredible. I licked her until I hear her say I’m coming. As she settled down, she offered to give me a hand job to which is accepted. I didn’t last very long given how horny I had been but it felt amazing having her feel me completely and letting me cum.

Afterwards we cleaned up, and heard the AC click back on. We both new this was the start of something for the both of us.



  1. Very well written. I would have liked to hear more detail about the hand job and the cunnilingus but nice buildup.

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