The Cruise, part Seven [No Sex]

Back in her cabin Emily checked the time. It was almost 12:30 so she didn’t have time for a shower before her next appointment. Instead she wiped off her crotch with a wet hand towel, washed her face and quickly redid her makeup. Then she dressed again, in a sundress with pink bra and panties underneath, then headed to the bar where she was supposed to meet her next client.

Emily spent the next hour listening to her client bitch about her work as they sat at the bar. The woman drank a bottle of wine while she talked and Emily nursed a vodka cranberry until the woman finally took Emily back to her cabin. There Emily quickly fingered the woman until she came, and collected her $200.

As Emily left the woman’s cabin she checked her calendar. There were no more appointments for the night, but Emily didn’t feel like going to sleep yet. She was hungry, and feeling a bit frustrated as well. Neither Kate nor the last woman had actually touched her, and Sam had left her annoyed and unsatisfied. Emily decided to head back to the bar she had been at with her client to have another drink and get some food as well.

At the bar Emily sat at the bar and ordered a whisky on the rocks and asked for a menu. “Weren’t you just here an hour ago with your girlfriend?” The bartender asked as she brought Emily her drink and the menu.

“She wasn’t my girlfriend,” Emily said absently as she browsed the menu.

“Just a fling? Didn’t go well?” the bartender asked. Emily was one of the few people in the bar at 3 am, and the bartender was obviously bored and looking to pass the time.

Emily blushed and said, “Not exactly. I’m here as one of Grates’ girls and she was a date.”

“Oh, gotcha,” the bartender said. She gave Emily an appreciative up and down look. “I’m sure you’ll do very well! Would you like anything to eat?”

Emily ordered a burger, and started playing on her phone while she waited. Ten minutes later the bartender returned with her food, and Emily ate it as she sipped her whisky.

“Anything else?” The bartender asked when Emily was finished.

“No, thank you,” Emily told her. “I should get to bed. It’s probably going to be a bust day again tomorrow!”

The bartender laughed. “Well maybe I’ll see you in here again. I’m on the 10pm to 4am shift here. I’m Ammie,” she said, holding out her hand.

“Maybe you will!” Emily said with a wink. “I’m Emily and I hope to see you again.” With that Emily went back to her cabin, climbed into her bed and passed out.
