My actual favorite threesome [MMF]

*By popular demand, you fucking weirdos.*

It took me a while to write this. It’s one of this stories I wanted to save for myself for a bit. I’m still not sure how to unpack it, but it’s so weirdly sweet and intimate I had a hard time writing it.

Once upon a time I woke up hungover between my boyfriend and his best friend. The three of us had been hooking up all week.

My boyfriend rolled over so that we were spooning and squeezed one of my breasts. I groaned and told him to fuck off.

“Do you guys want to be alone?” Best Friend asked.

“NO,” my boyfriend and I said in unison.
My boyfriend bit my ear and I told him to fuck off again.

“I could make you fuck me right now,” my boyfriend said as he put a hand between my legs.

*TBF, he probably could.*

“Fuck off and go get me coffee.”

He pulled my hair slightly and I groaned.

“Dude, she said no,” Best Friend grabs his hand to stop him.

My boyfriend and I both laugh. “She didn’t ACTUALLY say no. She’d safe word me if she didn’t want it. Trust me, V doesn’t do anything she doesn’t want.”

I did safe word him then and told him to go make me fucking coffee.

“Are y’all always like this?” Best friend asks.

“Like what?” I mumble.

“I don’t know… I can’t tell if this is the healthiest or least healthy relationship I’ve ever seen him in.”

“If you figure it out let me know.”

My boyfriend comes in and gives me Advil, water, and coffee. When I thank him he slaps my ass and says, “Don’t get the wrong idea. It’s for me so I can fuck you later.”

“Have you figured it out yet?” I ask Best Friend. He just smiles and kisses me on the cheek.

“I REALLY don’t like how you two are getting along,” Boyfriend says.

*I had fucked both of them two nights ago but apparently a kiss on the cheek was drawing the line.*

“Seriously?” I asked as I downed my coffee. I leaned over and kissed Best Friend on the lips for a few seconds.

“You really do want to get punished, huh?” Boyfriend warns.

I smile as he puts a thumb to my mouth and circles my lips lazily. “Fuck off,” I finally say again.

He takes the mug from my hand and flips me so that I’m bent over his lap. “How many times should I spank her?” He asks his best friend.

Best Friend looks at us in horror. “I should leave right?”

“Sit down,” Boyfriend says. “Tell me how many times to spank her.”

“Three,” Best Friend finally mumbles.

“You’re getting off easy,” Boyfriend says as he hits me three times quickly and then pushes me back on the bed. “I think I want you to fuck her now.”

Best friend stares at both of us like we’ve gone batshit crazy. “Really?”

I shrug. “He’s not very good at sex so I need to be fucked anyway.”

*God I love making my boyfriend mad.*

Boyfriend immediately stands up, pulls his pants down, and pulls my hair so that I’m inches away from him. “In your mouth, now!” he says. I open and take him in and he slams himself so far down my throat I gag a little before I can adjust. He smiles at that because… you know… he’s fucking crazy.

He holds himself like that and tells me not to break eye contact. “He’s going to fuck you now while you suck my dick. If he gets off before me I swear to god you won’t be able to sit down today you fucking whore.”

Best Friend doesn’t move. “I can’t… You shouldn’t talk to her like that.”

I can honestly say that’s the first time I ever started laughing with a dick in my mouth. Boyfriend releases me and we both crack up.

“It’s cool, he’s using his sex voice,” I say. “Do you think he talks to me like this in real life?”

“He DOES have a sex voice,” Best Friend laughs. “It’s like Batman meets 50 Shades.”

*Yeah it was never totally confirmed, but I’m somewhat certain the two of them had fucked in the past. He had taken my boyfriend’s dick up his ass the night before in a way that looked a little too familiar.*

I giggle and start imitating him. The two of us are rolling over laughing as Boyfriend is getting super pissed off.

“How about I go jerk off in the shower and the two of you can keep laughing about this?” Boyfriend complains.

*The nerve of this asshole. He’s fucked both of us and he’s the only one who gets jealous. We had gone out a couple of nights before and I’d gotten along with his friend so well my boyfriend made me take my underwear off and give them to him because he got so jealous. He was fucking weird.*

“Please do not leave,” I finally say. “I like your sex voice. I would very much like you to fuck my mouth now.” I turn to Best Friend. “I am also down for you to join if you are.”

Best Friend gives a nod and my boyfriend kissed him once and it’s weirdly sweet and intimate. Then he slaps him and tells him to fuck me before he has to punish us both.

“Um… I don’t want it like that,” Best Friend says. We both stare at him in utter confusion.

*I swear the two of us got so weird in bed I’m fairly certain we had forgotten how to have normal sex. Let that sink in for a minute… I’m about to fuck both these dudes and this is one of our tamer moments.*

*While I’m breaking this 4th wall… I also truly don’t know if this was the healthiest or least healthy relationship of my youth.*

“Wait. How do you want it?” Boyfriend asks.

“Like… Can we just all be sweet with each other. Like do you *have* to punish her while it happens?”

*At this point in my life I had forgotten how to have sweet sex. This was WILD.*

I think we both just give him a blank stare.

Best Friend looks at my boyfriend. “Also, I want to be the one to get you off… but I can fuck her while I do it.”

*When I was 9 I got a purity ring from my parents and promised not to have sex before marriage.*

Best Friend very, very sweetly undresses me and I let them both kiss up and down my body as I play with their hair. Best Friend gets behind me like we’re going to spoon and then moves my Boyfriend’s hands to my chest so that they’re each playing with my breasts.

*I once won an award at my school for writing an essay about waiting until marriage before sex. It was a REALLY good essay.*

I start making out with my boyfriend as his best friend nibbles my ear and runs a hand up and down my body. When Best Friend reaches a hand in between my legs and starts fingering me, I moan into my boyfriend’s mouth and wrap my hands around his neck.

*I cried when a boy kissed me when I was 12 because I couldn’t save my first kiss for my wedding day.*

Best Friend takes my hips and moves me towards him as he thrusts into me. I gasp and my boyfriend kisses him and says, “I love that you’re making her feel good.”

Best Friend touches his cheek gently and then moves his hand down to start mstroking my boyfriend. He takes him in his hand and moves up and down as my boyfriend’s hands go back to my breasts.

Yes, I am in heaven. These are two very attractive men I’m sandwiched in between. My boyfriend starts moaning and wraps his arms around me. We almost never have sex facing each other and this is the closest we’ve come to vanilla.

*Again, his best friend is fucking me from behind and jerking him off and THIS is the closest we’ve ever come to vanilla.*

It’s so intimate and sweet I can barely stand it as I alternative between kissing my boyfriend and turning my head to make out with his friend. They also periodically kiss each other which is just heightening the intimacy of this moment.

*They’re actually weirdly sweet together in all aspects.*

My boyfriend moves his hand down and starts playing with my clit. He knows my body well and is aware I’m about to come. “Look at me while you climax,” he whispers. He doesn’t even use his sex voice. He’s just sweet and sincere.

I finally grab his face and watch him while I come. Both their hands are all over me as I ride it out.

“I’m going to keep going,” Best Friend whispers. I nod for him to continue. He starts thrusting harder and I reach down so that we’re both stroking my boyfriend. That’s enough for him to come with a final moan he kisses me through.

Best Friend grabs my hips and thrusts into me a final time as he finally comes inside of me. It’s weirdly hot to have both their cum on me.

It’s not like we cried or anything afterward, but we were so fucking sweet. We all three made out for a bit and then layer back to take a nap.

“We’ve never really done that,” my boyfriend said.

“What do you mean?” Best Friend asks.

“We’ve never really been sweet with each other during sex,” I answer.

Then, because we are totally rational adults who are not at all afraid of intimacy, we both flip out. I leave the house and don’t return until that evening because I need space. When I come back, he pins me against the wall and calls me a whore as he fucks me.

If someone finds a moral to this story I’d love to hear it.



  1. Wow. The juxtaposition of this sweet and strange encounter and recollections of your Christian conservative childhood are just begging for some sort of Freudian analysis.

    I’m sure you’ve touched upon it before, but how you made the evolution from who your parents wanted you to be as a child and who you actually are would be a fascinating and deeply personal read. Totally, understandable if that is a part of you that you don’t want to share, but this extreme contrast can’t just be coincidental.

    Similarly, that your brain is wired to find enjoyment from pain and humiliation has to also be related to your upbringing even though you are clearly still in control and also have a lot of confidence and a strong sense of self.

  2. > Once upon a time I woke up hungover between my boyfriend and his best friend. The three of us had been hooking up all week.

    Ok I’ve been wondering about this since the first part (the “I was the Gift” story), but how big is that bed, isn’t boyfriend supposed to be a big dude? Or are you guys sleeping on the floor or something? I need to know! My universe building mind needs it lmao

    > While I’m breaking this 4th wall… I also truly don’t know if this was the healthiest or least healthy relationship of my youth.


    Ok back to the story, Best Friend is such a sweet cinnamon roll! Like a genuinely nice guy and friend, he must be protected at all costs, hope he is doing well!

    And hmmmmm fyi I’m not American, so ngl a bit intrigued at how far you guys take religion, and I graduated from 2 Catholic schools lol. The whole purity concept being such a big thing is a mystery to me, it’s only 2/9 as far as Dante is concerned. Even in the decalogue it’s not even in the top 10. Religion isn’t about not committing a sin, it’s about forgiveness and love. Two things that I hope current Viola has in spades and young Viola knows she deserves.

    Moral of the Story: “It’s not gay when it’s in a threeway, if there’s honey in the middle there’s a leeway” – Timberlake and Samberg 2011

    Thank you for this story! It really did turn out to be sweet and intimate, with just the right amount of sex and a dash of that trademark Ms. V humour, cheers to another great one!

    Ok last one, have you ever had KO to say “I’m Batman” in his sex voice? Because that would be awesome LMAO

  3. I love this story. It’s so hot to see that BF cared for you and best friend and you all were so passionate together

  4. I want a relationship like this, minus whatever mental gymnastics yall got going on. Or maybe I’m drunk. Ok I’m drunk.

  5. I really love the memories flashing into this one. And everything else, of course!!

  6. This story is incredible… I love your writing style, the 4th wall break, the commentary with religion, the sweet sweeeeet best friend and the fucking hot MMF.

  7. God you’ve had some amazing sexual experiences! And I love your writing so much!

  8. Great story as always, regarding the healthiness aspect of the relationship though I’d say it was anything but.

  9. Did I say educative, hilarious, heartbreaking and hot? ‘Cause now I have to add ABSOLUTELY FUCKING CUTE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *I was seriously squealing through the whole story!!!*

  10. Jesus the 4th wall breaks have me laughing so hard I’m seeing stars. I legitimately have to take a break on this one so I don’t die 💀

    Also; Moral of the story is probably know you’re limits and switch things up between sweet and rough every once in a while?

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