[MF] I showed my girlfriend my post about her incredible ass. Her response was adorable.

Not to get too meta, but just a little followup on [my post](https://reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/u2rq7h/my_girlfriends_18f_ass_is_so_perfect_it_made/) yesterday about my girlfriend’s phenomenal ass…

I didn’t tell her about the post beforehand because I just meant it as a short, funny, post. But once it blew up, I felt like… well, I gotta tell her.

We already had plans to hang out at my place last night. She comes over. We’re sitting on the couch and I tell her I did a little post about our vacation, and how my family had a really funny response to her beautiful body. She gets quiet. I pull the post up on my phone and pass it to her. I’m nervous just because even though she’s sweet and easygoing, she’s also very shy, and I’m not 100% sure how she’ll react to a story about her. And I definitely don’t want to hurt her feelings.

She reads the post in complete silence, no reaction, just looking intently at the screen. Then she starts scrolling through the comments… and scrolling… and scrolling… her eyes are getting wide. And then suddenly she starts blushing furiously, and she leans toward me and presses her face into my chest. That’s when I know it’s okay, because this is what she does when she’s feeling self-conscious but also flattered and happy.

I ask her if it was okay that I posted it and she just nods her head against my chest. Then I ask her if is he wants me to take it down, and she shakes her head. Finally, I ask if I should post a pic, because so many people have asked. She nods again.

So, I posted [a pic to my profile](https://reddit.com/user/LvckyFvcker/comments/u3m5qi/enjoy_fellas/). Enjoy :)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/u3ptvy/mf_i_showed_my_girlfriend_my_post_about_her


  1. My guy, get a ring on that finger, and tell her you love her every fucking day, or imma knock your face in… my girl would KILL me if i pulled that…

  2. Lucky fucker, indeed. Make sure you worship that ass time and again. Keep her happy and allow her to grow into a little slut. I’m sure you won’t regret it

  3. She’s a keeper in the body department alright. Uncle Phil knows what’s up

  4. You know what, good on you for how you’ve approached all of this. You’re not lucky; you’ve actually tried to make sure she’s comfortable and you care if she’s overwhelmed.

    You two deserve each other.

  5. She sounds sweet on top of being gorgeous. Don’t screw this up dude. That’s a very rare combo.

  6. Does she work out?? Or is she one of those unicorn magical women who are blessed to look that good??

    Either way, you are a lucky man. Shes bangin

  7. This is so wholesome and adorable, I’m glad you and she both enjoyed it. On my way to check out your girl now :)

  8. My God she would have my attention. What an absolutely beautiful woman

  9. Haha now I have an unnatural curiosity to know how the rest of your lives pan out :)

  10. Goddamnnnnnn that ass is an incredible piece of art ❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️🎨✌️

  11. Thanks for giving me hope that it’s actually possible to hold onto someone like this. She seems like she has a great personality with a fucking great body. I honestly did not think it’s possible😭

  12. While the photo is breathtaking, is it wrong that I find her reaction to the first post more attractive?

  13. Damn dude, you got a keeper! Don’t let her go and spoil her the best you can

  14. I now have complete understanding of what all of your family went through. Your GF has head turning, traffic stopping, mayham causing, smoking hot body.

    Lucky man.

  15. She is beautiful! Stay shy and you girl xx!
    Hope this comments don’t ruin you mind beauty 🥰

  16. Dude, very straight-forward: Don’t you ever let her go. If you enjoy the sex and communication is there, never let that girl. Like ever.

  17. I know you are both young – but if you let her get away you will regret it the rest of your life

  18. No girl wearing that swimsuit is unaware of how her ass looks. She knows what she’s doing.

  19. Mate, she can end wars by offering that view for a few minutes!

    You are a winner and from how you describe her, she’s a keeper. Don’t disappoint her, or we’ll come after you!

  20. Dude i’m so happy for you that i want to contribute towords the eventual wedding

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