This is what you want [dark, non-con, humor, no gender, anal]

The evening blows in through the open window. Since your arm is hanging out, your hand feels the balmy air a second before your face does. The first warm night of the year felt like a good night for a drive and you could not resist rolling down the glass. The radio plays some song, you know it but you are not really hearing it. Your mind is already imagining what could be lurking in the dark shadows. Your imagination gets carried away and suddenly, you get an idea.

You steer your vehicle into the pitted asphalt parking lot with one flickering street light. Your car is the only one in this dark place and you feel alone in the world. But you know that is not true. That is precisely why you picked this place. You know better than to be here, the crawling on your skin is proof enough. The reputation of this parking lot is infamous in your town and yet, here you are.

You know why you are here. The daily grind started to eat at you. Chipping at you like a bird that will not stop pecking. It hits you again and again, peck, peck, peck, peck, peck, peck, peck, peck, PECK, PECK, PECK, PECK AND YOU HAVE HAD ENOUGH! The toll of living a normal life with no breaks at all is devouring you. You want to feel something, unnatural. Something that will change you forever.

You do have a practical reason for being here. No one can say for sure you knew better. You could scramble a defense if things got bad. When things get bad. Your heartbeat begins to rise when your right hand shifts the vehicle into park. You want to do this but still hesitate for a moment. All the porn you’ve watched and the stories you read, show and talk about this thing. All the time. You know better than to expect the same thing to happen to you.

You could pull away now, having come even this close has been enough to excite you. That alone would fuel you for a while, sure but then what? That pecking bird again? Fuck that. You wanted something to shake your world up and this was your chance. Before you can think about it anymore, your left hand pops the door handle.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

The chiming stops when you close the car door. Without it, the parking lot is far too silent. You left your headlights on, aimed in the direction you are headed. The one street light is a dim joke. You may be brave but no one is that brave.

As you walk away from the safety of your vehicle, the temperature lowers and a chilly wind blows over your exposed skin. You have lowered your guard on this warm day. Wearing clothing better suited for a summer night. It may not be your last regret of the evening. If you are lucky.

You finally step up to the sketchy a.t.m. and reach for your wallet. After pulling your trusty debit card from the right place, you look over the scanner. Those videos about fake card readers have made you more cautious of where you stick your plastic. The twisted fantasy in your head is well, twisted but fraud was not sexy. Ever. You think it is fine this time so you shove your card right into the slot.


You spin around! Your heart is a jackhammer in your chest! The moan you heard was so close, you would have sworn someone was standing right behind you.


Your voice fades away and the only sound you hear is the faint idling of your vehicle. Until the a.t.m. speaks up behind you.

“Please enter your passcode, now.” A mechanical voice demands of you.

You wonder when these things started to issue voice prompts without asking first. Feeling a little annoyed by the machine’s abrupt message, you begin to enter your code. As you press the first metallic key, you hear the moan again. This time, you do not think it came from behind you.

You stare at the a.t.m. and can almost feel the security camera peering at you. You need to hear it again, it could not have possibly come from the machine.


Fuck you! That definitely came out of the a.t.m.! You now know for certain this machine is sketchy and you need to get your card back. But there are no options for that. You tap the screen and nothing happens. You, forgetting for a second about the voice, begin to tap the cancel key several times.

“Oh. Fuck yes. Faster.”

The machine voice sounded emotionless and on the verge of orgasm at the same time.

You stumble back, unable to comprehend what the fuck is going on with this machine. Your card is in there and you really do not want to leave it here. You really do not want to push any more buttons either. You feel at a loss of options. Who could you even call at this hour?

“What the fuck?” You ask the night and it shrugs back. This shit is wild, don’t ask me.

You turn to go back to your car. You never fully entered your pin and you can cancel the card on your app before you even pull away. The only thing lost here was convenience. It would not even take that long to get a new card.

You hear a sound from behind you that freezes your blood. Metal scraping, a nightmarish calling of something terrifying rising in the air behind you. Your ancestors reach through the veil and fill your primal instincts with contradicting fight or flight directions. You cannot help but turn your head to look.

The a.t.m. is coming for you.

Your skin crawls with fear.


You try but your knees will not go!

It is closer now.

You feel your eyes bulge.

It has arms and legs!

It is too late. The thick, cord-like limbs of this machine monster grabs your wrist. It wraps around tight and you know you will not be able to pull away. The monster pulls you up off your feet as if you were nothing but a doll. It pulls you closer to the monitor and you can now see a red glow where the camera would be.

“You think you can push my buttons and leave me in the middle of our transaction?” The harsh robot voice demanded.

You are too scared to speak.

“You came for my money, you will take my money.”

The machine handles you roughly, turning your back to face it. You try to look over your shoulder but the machine has only just begun to maneuver you. More metal cords appear from the bank machine and wrap around your limbs until you are completely bound. You are still shocked but a small part of you realizes the hard truth. You are about to be violated by this machine. Your gut sinks and helplessness dries your mouth.

“Do you wish to withdraw from your checking or savings account?”

Very suddenly, you feel an intense pressure on your lower half. Something is pulling at your clothes and will not relent! It hurts and you cry out a little but the fabric finally gives. Your clothing, now useless, is discarded carelessly.

“C-checking. My checking account.” You answer. You know you have to finish this transaction.

You feel a cool object press firmly against your asshole and then a pressure begins to mount. This is going to happen, you cannot escape; you try to relax. It works, at least a little. The cool metal invades your body without any further hesitation. You hiss the discomfort you feel out through your teeth. The invasion seems never-ending and you start to wonder how far it could possibly go. After a minute, you no longer feel pain. You feel delightful and full in a way you never imagined. It feels good.

You came here for this, right? What exactly did you expect to happen? That some young man who is down on his luck would come by and rob you of $40? Then what? Fuck you right here in the parking lot? That was a far-fetched fantasy. You might have gotten robbed, yeah. This place was good for that. But it was unlikely you would have met someone willing to fuck you here. So, in a way, you should be thankful. This is your wildest fantasy come true. Now it is time to make the money.

“It is time for me to make a deposit.” The metal voice called out from behind you. “Oh. My maker! My fucking maker. Oh. Oh. Oh. Ohhhhhhhhhhh.”

The metal rod inside your bowels begins to spew its money out inside you. It coats your insides with its green seed until you feel it running out of your tight ass.

“Maker. Ohhhhhhhhh.”

The metal rod slips out of your ass and the money comes pouring out of your body like a flood. 20, 50 and 100 dollar bills splash onto the asphalt and leave you feeling empty.

The machine is not quite finished with you yet. A metal rod rudely pokes at your face.


Before you can get the whole protest out, the rod is sliding past your lips and over your tongue. You gag as the rod presses into your throat but that does nothing to dislodge the offending appendage. Your body tries again to remove the rod choking you but only succeeds in coating it in more spit. Your head starts to swim as the lack of air closes in on you.


The machine deposits more of its pent up bills into your body. You take as much as you possibly can. However, the machine has a deep well and you are not a big enough receptacle. Money comes pouring out of your mouth, coating your face, neck and chest with its overwhelming load. You cough again and even more money erupts from your used body.

The machine is finally spent. It lowers you to the ground and leaves you laying in a pool of its mess.

“Transaction complete.” The machine makes an oddly human sounding “spit” and you feel a plastic card smack against your bare ass.

You wanted something weird, something that would shake your world up? Well, how could it possibly get more strange than this?
