realized I’m bi [F] after getting married

I’ve always felt an attraction I guess to girls but I never saw it as I’m bi. Now that I’ve gotten into porn i’ve realized I’m definitely sexually attracted to girls. But i still don’t see myself as actually being with and loving a girl. Is it possible to only be bi sexually? I think about wanting to fuck a girl all the time I wish a friend I could fuck on the low would come into my life.



  1. You should try like an online dating and see if you can find a girl to hook up with.

  2. Situations like this are why a lot of people differentiate between sexual and romantic attraction. I’ve known several people who are bisexual but homo- or heteroromantic. So they would hook up with either men or women, but would only date one or the other

  3. I agree with bluegirrrl, you need to maybe proach this subject with your partner and see what he thinks of you with another girl. If he is ok with it then you have your answer if he is not ok with it, then you need to make a serious decision on how bad you want to have sex with another girl, and go from there.

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