Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.02: Marcia Learns Submission (Part 8)

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< Part 7

It was clear to her that Lady Jennifer was not trying to end this. Marcia could tell that she was expecting something, but what? Maybe, she thought, this was some sort of test to see if Lady Jennifer could trust her. Eventually this was the thought that won out, so she just let go, and stepped back.

Lady Jennifer stood there for a few moments looking at Marcia, then said, "I'm very disappointed in you right now. You probably did what you thought I wanted you to do, and if so, you're wrong. You may have a hard time believing this, but if you truly wanted to respect me, and respect what I have taught you today, you would have done something…anything.

"Do you think you're the only one who likes to have a hand up her skirt? …What would have made me the most proud of you is if you had spanked me.

"The important thing to remember here is what I just told you earlier. I want you to be a strong and powerful woman. The kind of woman that has the self-confidence to demand another woman's submission….Even mine."

Lady Jennifer gave Marcia a few moments to think, then continued. "Something related to this act of submission is how a woman can initiate it. We in this kingdom frown on ambiguous flirtation. It's not honorable. If you're attracted to woman, then be obvious about it and have the courage to submit to them.

"Suppose you're talking to a woman, and she flips her hair over her right shoulder to you. What she is doing is giving you the sign that she wishes to be your submissive by offering her hair to you, and that you are free to do with her as you please. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mistress Jennifer."

"Do you really?"

"Yes, Mistress Jennifer."

"Prove it."

Marcia immediately responded by flipping her hair over her right shoulder. Lady Jennifer reached out with her left hand. and grabbed her hair. Then using it like a handle, she wordlessly guided Marcia around, and bent her over the arm of the lounge. She then raised her dress and pulled her panties down to her knees, and as she was doing so she said, "This was for the one time you forgot to address me as Mistress Jennifer."

The spanking she delivered was not long. Only ten swats with her hand, but it had the desired impact she was after.

"And this is for the non-verbal response earlier," and she delivered another ten solid spanks. When she was done she left the panties at Marcia's knees, but stood her up facing her.

She then took that opportunity to switch hands that were holding Marcia's hair and said, "Marcia. I consider you to be a smart girl. I should not have to explain what I now expect of you."

Lady Jennifer then pulled down on Marcia's hair, and at the same time, used her forearm to push on Marcia's shoulder. Marcia quickly understood that she was expected to kneel down, and did so.

Marcia was now on her knees with her face only inches from what she knew was about to be the focus of her attention. Lady Jennifer did not wait long before she pulled Marcia's face into her crotch, and slowly humped her face through her dress. She did this for about a minute then pulled Marcia back out.

"If I have to explain myself any clearer, I'll have you back over that lounge again for another spanking." Marcia figured she was told quite plainly by Lady Jennifer what she wanted. She had to admit that she had at times thought about licking another woman's pussy, but not in any serious way.

Using her left hand, she raised Lady Jennifer's dress until her panties were in view. She then used her right hand to lower her panties until they were down around her ankles, at which Lady Jennifer kicked them away. Marcia didn't know what she was doing, she only did what she thought she would like if the roles were reversed, and began licking at her mistress' lips.

Lady Jennifer then raised her left leg and placed it on the lounge, and then practically sat on the open mouth of Marcia. "That's it Marcia. Stick your tongue in me as far as you can go." Lady Jennifer then began to slowly rub her clit along Marcia's nose, and in no time at all she was cuming in Marcia's mouth.

Once she was done she pulled Marcia up for another deep passionate kiss. She always liked the taste of herself in the mouth of a young woman, and Marcia was no exception.

After pulling back and looking over Marcia, Lady Jennifer said, "Looks like I'm the one that now has to apologize for making a mess of someone."

This struck both women as amusing, and they giggled.

"How about I take you to the room you will use while you are staying with me, so you can then clean up before dinner."

Lady Jennifer led Marcia out of her bedroom, and down the hallway to an unassuming door. When she opened it up, Marcia saw Laura inside. It was clear that Laura was not there to prepare the room for Marcia, because she was just standing there in white satin demi-bra and panties, and she also still wore the black stockings and garter, along with those ridiculous stiletto heels.

Lady Jennifer said to Marcia, "Marcia, you and Laura are going to be roommates this summer." Then to Laura she said, "Laura, will you help Marcia get ready for dinner?"

"Yes, Mistress Jennifer," replied Laura. She then looked right at Marcia and said, "I'll help Marcia with anything she desires." She then reached behind her head, and flipped her long, wavy, dirty-blonde colored hair over her right shoulder.

~ End of Chapter 2 ~ Marcia Learns Submission ~

Chapter 3 >



  1. *Author’s Note:* *I am a teacher not a preacher. A preacher tells you what is right; a teacher makes you learn it for yourself. In the chapters of this story, I am not laying out some prescription in life for you to follow. Rather, I am only presenting points to ponder; simply random ideas in a unique and interesting framework. If what you have read brings solace and clarity to your life, then go with it. If what you have read troubles you, then move on, and write it off as nothing more than the ranting of a raving lunatic.*

  2. This just mind blowing. I’m enjoying every bit of it. Now to patiently wait for the next chapter. :-)

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