Zane’s secret life and Amber’s secret (part 7) [trans]

Chapter 7. A dream is something that more than two people can have.

Zane, Amber and Liz are get dressed in the VIP room, after their three way at the popular night club, The Black Out.

“That was amazing! I haven’t orgasmed like that ever! We should definitely do that again.” Liz says while looking for her panties. “I definitely want to do that again, I mean, if that’s OK with you Zane.” Amber said fixing her makeup. “It’s up to me? You must be joking? Of course I’m all for doing that again. Fuck, have you two looked in a mirror, like ever?” Zane said while watching the girls get dressed. “Hold up, Liz did I just help you cheat on Dan?” Amber said while getting upset with Liz. “No, Dan and I broke up Sunday.” Liz said looking dejected. “Why? If you don’t mind me asking.” Zane said while pulling Liz up off the bed, for a hug with him and Amber. “Well he wants to get married and have kids, right now and I’m not ready for that yet. I’m 23 and I still want to have fun, ya know? I’m not mad at him or anything, I should have seen this coming. He’s 34 and it makes sense that he would want that sooner then me. So we broke it off.” Liz said with a sad smile. “Well you’re always welcome here with Zane and I, right Zane?” Amber says smiling at both of them. “What does she mean by that? Is she inviting me into their relationship?” Liz thinks making her blush. “I don’t know what she means by that,” Zane thinks. “Your always welcome here.” Zane said looking at Amber with an eyebrow raised.

The group of them jump when they hear a loud knock at the door. “Zane when you’re done, I need to talk with you.” A voice from outside the door said. “That’s Gloria,” Zane walks over to the door unlocks it, “come in Gloria”. Gloria walks in looking at Amber “Hey sweet thing it’s good to see you.” Gloria then sees Liz and looks at Zane, “God damn Zane! Your just gonna be killin it like that and not even share?” “You know Glo, I ain’t big into sharing,” Zane says while putting his arms over both the girls shoulders. “So what do you need Glo?”-Zane. “Well we have some big white dude, with shitty tribal tattoos wanting to talk with me about the ring and he says you’ll vouch for him.”-Gloria. “I never said anything about vouching for the dumbass, he’s the boyfriend of Amber’s friend and apparently he has been to the fights here. I don’t think, he’s a good match for your competition.”-Zane. “Why do you say that?”-Gloria. “He seems like a guy who’d rat this place out if he lost money on a fight and he clearly has anger issues, there’s no way he’d leave his emotions outside of the ring.”-Zane. “Yes that’s exactly the type of man he is,”-Amber. “I have an idea of who he’d like to fight.”-Zane. “Who?”-Gloria. “Me.”-Zane. “Shit even if I decided to let him go up, it doesn’t work like that.”-Gloria. “I wish I knew what the fuck you two were talking about.”-Liz. “Zane here or should I call him “The Berserker” doesn’t work for me he’s what we call a challenger, he chooses when he wants to fight, well normally when he doesn’t owe me a favor.” Gloria says winking at Amber. “Well go talk to the jackass and if for some reason you decide to let him fight, I’d love to be his opponent.”-Zane. “Shit I might just let him fight just to see that.” Gloria says turning to walk out of the room, but when she gets to the door she turns around. “One more thing how big is Zane dick?”‐Gloria. Both girls make wide hand gestures and mouth the word huge. “Thought so.”-Gloria.

The three of them are walking into the balcony they left Stacy and Jack. “Where’s Jack?” Amber asks Stacy. “He was asking around for the owner, I guess he wants to do what Zane does.” Stacey said clearly angry. “I’m sorry Stacy, I didn’t want him to actually try tonight.”-Zane. “You did nothing wrong Zane but thank you.”-Stacy. “For?”-Zane. “You got us in the club, a balcony and paid for drinks.”-Stacey. “It’s no big deal.”-Zane. “Also, I’m sorry.”-Stacy. “Why?”-Zane. “Jack is walking around buggin the staff and I know he’s using your name.”-Stacy. “Yeah the owner came to ask us what the deal was with him, don’t worry she was set straight.”-Zane. “I’m gonna catch a ride out of here, I think im done with Jack.”-Stacy. “FUCKING finally Stace, he’s a piece of shit.”-Liz. “Fuck that let’s all jam we will give you a ride.”-Zane. “Ok thanks,”-Stacy.

After dropping Stacy off at her home. The three are pulling into the stake house parking lot where they had ate at earlier that evening, to drop Liz at her car. “Amber do you mind if I crash at your place for a while till I get a new place?”-Liz. “Of course but not tonight, nobody’s staying there.”-Amber. “You can crash with us at my place.”-Zane. “Really that’s awesome, thank you.” Liz said while giving Zane a kiss on the cheek. “I was going to suggest that anyways, I was thinking about getting you a plan B tomorrow.”-Zane. “It’s ok babe she’s on birth control.”-Amber. “By the way why aren’t you staying at your place tonight?”-Liz. “Jim showed up today.”-Amber. “WHAT the fuck did that piece of shit want?”-Liz. “I’ll tell you on the way to Zane’s house. I’ll ride with Liz, ok Zane?”-Amber. “Of course you can tell her how to get there.”-Zane.

The girls jump out of Amber’s car getting into Liz’s civic.
“Ok tell me what the fuck did Jim want?”-Liz. “Get this, he and his father want me to give his dad a kidney, can you believe that?”-Amber. “What did you say?”-Liz. “I said what Jim sir. said to me, I have no farther.”-Amber. “What did he say after you said no?”.-Liz. “He wasn’t really about to speak after he called me and Zane fag.” “Ok, fuckin what did Zane do?” Liz said getting excited. “When he tried to get past Zane at the door, Zane took him by the neck lifting him off the ground and started choking him and telling him to leave and a bunch of other shit.” As Amber explained what happened she felt her girl get excited and her heart jump. “I would have stripped and shoved his cock in me as soon as it was over.” Liz said feeling warmth between her legs… and in her chest. “I can’t start having real feelings for Zane he belongs to Amber.” Liz thinks.”I would have done just that if Zane’s mom wasn’t standing four feet behind me.” Amber said with a laugh. “Hold up Zane’s mom was there she heard about you being trans. What did she say?” Liz’s said with concern in her voice. “I love that woman she said that “adoption is a great way to give her a grand child” how amazing is she, right?”-Amber. “He seems to be able to read everyone he comes in contact with, like he did with me.”-Liz. “Yeah except me.”-Amber. “What do you mean?”-Liz. “I’ll show you what I mean when we get to Zane’s house.”-Amber. “Ok… Zane is like the total package then, fuck does he have a brother?” Liz said laughing.

Amber’s face loses its smile and turns maudlin. “What?”-Liz. “Well he did till about a year ago, his older brother Zack was shot at point blank in a liquor store by a guy holding the place up.” Amber said while feeling bad for Zane. “What makes it worse is Zane’s dad died before he was born. According to his mother, Zack was everything to Zane. Zane never talks about him.”-Amber. “So it’s just him and his mom?”Liz. “Yeah, Zane helps his mom with bills and stuff to, he fights for everything.”-Amber. “I guess that’s how he got so strong, It’s no wonder that I’m into h… Liz caught herself before she said it out loud. “I figured you’d like him, it’s okay I get it.”-Amber. “I’d never hurt you Amber, you know that right?”-Liz. “Of course Liz, it doesn’t mean we can’t play more, remember what he said that he’s not good at sharing.” Amber said with a laugh.

Zane driving to his home alone. “When was the last time I was alone completely with my thoughts? It’s been at least 4 days. God damn that was that fun with Amber and Liz. I can’t believe that Amber was the one who instigated that. Liz is fucking hot to, what is either of them doing with me?” Zane thought looking at the scar on his face in the rear view mirror. “I hope Amber isn’t jealous that I was inside Liz, when I haven’t even been in her yet.” With that thought Zane’s felt his blood pump into his member. “I wonder if she wants to be inside of me?” That thought made is member pulse. “Well I guess that’s something I want to. The thing with Liz can’t last right? I wish it could but that’s not something that Amber would be able to handle? Would I be able to handle that? It doesn’t matter I have Amber and that’s more than I could ever ask for.”

Zane got to his house first. Walking inside his mom, Michelle had just gotten home to.

“Hey kid, where’s Amber?”-Michelle. “We went to a club with some of Amber’s friends, Amber is on her was here in her friend Liz. They Liz is going to spend the night here to, I hope that’s okay, she’s going to sleep with Amber and I.”-Zane. “That’s fine with me but is Amber OK with that?”-Michelle. “It was her idea mom, Amber isn’t a very possessive girl.”-Zane. “Be careful with that Zane, just don’t do anything without Amber there.”-Michelle. “Now that makes sense good thinking mom.” Zane says sarcastically giving her a thumbs up. “Hey just saying I know what’s it’s like being a horny teenager, just don’t fuck this thing with Amber up she’s a great girl.” “I know mom, I’m in love with her and have been for what feels like forever.”-Zane.

There’s a knock at the door. “Come in girls.”-Zane. Amber and Liz walk in. When Amber sees Michelle, she runs up to her giving her a big hug. “Hey Amber you look gorgeous, and so does you friend here. Hi I’m Michelle, Zane’s Mom.”-Michelle. “I’m Liz, your son seems to be a perfect match for my best friend Amber. He’s definitely a gentleman, you definitely raised him right.”-Liz. “Well I didn’t do it alone I had a lot of help.”-Michelle. “She must be talking about Zack.” Amber and Liz have the thought at the same time. “Your both welcome to stay as long as you need. Amber did you call the police today after what happened with that idiot Jim?”-Michelle. “No, I figured that it might not be a great idea. Ya know since Zane almost choked him out.”-Amber. “Ok just be careful please, men like that don’t easily let being humiliated like that go.”-Michelle. “I know that better then most.”-Amber. “Well goodnight you guys try to get some sleep instead of going crazy all night but I am a heavy sleeper, so you guys do whatever you want.” Michelle said winking at Zane, making him laugh with embarrassment.

The three of them are in Zane room settling down in Zane’s not so large bed. “It’s a tight fit but it will work.”-Liz. “Yeah Zane get in the middle.”-Amber. “Gladly.”-Zane. Says getting under the covers. “What kind of crazy ass, winning the lottery type luck is this. I have two extremely beautiful women in my bed, Liz on my left and Amber on my right. Fuck I would love this to be permanent.” Zane thought smiling. Amber and Liz were laying with their heads on each of Zane’s shoulders. Amber looks across Zane wide muscular chest and sees Liz genuinely smiling looking up at Zane, then she looks up at Zane and he’s just beaming looking at her then Liz. Amber sits up. “Whats wrong babe?”-Zane. “Nothing at all, I was just wishing that this night would last forever.”-Amber. Liz sat up, “me to.”-Liz. “Well I don’t see why it can’t as long as everyone is happy with it.”-Zane. “The love you two have is so intense and wholesome, I feel like I’m being selfish wanting to be apart of it.” Liz says while tears up. “Don’t start crying or your going to make me cry.” Amber says already tearing up herself. “Liz, it really doesn’t matter. I know that we all had fun tonight, I don’t want it to end. I love Amber more than I can ever say and she loves you and me. I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t already have strong feelings for you Liz. So let’s just go with the feelings and say fuck you to anyone who doesn’t like it.” Zane said then kissed Liz softly.


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