Breeding the Family. Part 2 [MF}

Most of the next day passes until it what happened the night before really hits me. I’ve fantasised in secret for what feels like forever, over the gorgeous young woman who lives in the next room. Of all the things I’d want to do with her; to her. Every fibre in my being wants her. Just to have her all to myself. But there’s something stopping me. I’ve basically avoided her all day, so some small part of me is holding me back. I’m not worried what others think, I’ve just never felt this way about someone before. And I’m almost certain it’s reciprocated.

I’ve kissed a couple people before. But that was mainly at parties, after a few drinks. My best mate has given me shit a few times, about how I never take it further. But honestly, I never could. No matter who they were, they weren’t her. And last night just proved that. I’ve never felt that electricity, that chemistry, before. It was almost magnetic. Completely in sync in the darkness of the night. All I want is to feel that again.

As I think about last night again, my whole body just responds. Feeling a warmth all over, an unyielding hum of desire.

Maybe I should just talk to her. Not overthink it. Just see what happens.

I walk out of my room to go talk to her and see steam flowing out the bathroom door. It’s 4:30pm and someone’s having a bath. Far too curious, I take a step forward. Looking closer, I can see a light flickering through the door, a scented candle’s aroma slowly escaping the bathroom.

Without hesitation, my mind jumps back to the last time I saw my sister leaving the bathroom. It’s ages ago now, but her gorgeous body is still etched into my mind. I image that same silhouette in water, with her eyes closed, taking deep breaths as she lets her fingers run wild all over her most delicate of places.

All my pent up energy is just flowing through me. There’s no use resisting what I’m feeling. My hands mirror hers. Exploring my body, moving lower and lower, until they just feel the effect she’s having on me. Just throbbing against my pants, my rock hard cock, flying at full mast in mere seconds.

I hear some water move around, rhythmically to and fro. I match the pace, barely touching the tip of my cock, whilst doing all I can to not make any noise. A couple more seconds pass and I cannot control myself. I know I’m going to cum and just completely give myself away. I press hard on the head of my dick, trying to stop myself from getting past the point of no return. I’m able to hold off, just. But still feeling far too worked up, and not thinking straight, I walk into her room to grab the book from last night. This is what happens when I don’t think.

It takes me a few seconds to find it, looking around her room. She’s far messier than me, but somehow she knows where everything is still. I could never live like that. Picking up her hairbrush and a few other things scattered on her desk, I find the book and lay down on her bed. Opening the first page, I sprawl out on her bed and just start reading.

*Once upon a time, many centuries ago, lived the fairest of women married to the most noble of men. Her long and sleek brunette hair was the envy of most who met her.*

I go to read more, but am interrupted by loud knocking and yelling.

“For god sake, you were in there before I left for the gym!” That’s weird, that’s her voice. I thought she was in there. “Get out, I need to actually use the bathroom for its intended purpose” she yells.

My cock’s still rock hard, but I’m so confused. Why is she yelling if she was in there before? I tuck my hard cock up under my shirt and walk out to see what all the commotion is about.

She’s standing there, in a navy sports bra and black booty shorts, which completely capture my attention. I realise that I didn’t even see her in all that happened last night. But here she is, just banging on the bathroom door, barely covered just in front of me.

Oh fuck.

That means that she wasn’t in there before. It must have been my other sister. I feel a pit form in my stomach as I realise what’s just happened. Luckily I didn’t cum and they’re both none the wiser. Well, she is a supple 18 year old woman who clearly needs to be satisfied. No. Fuck. She’s not who I want. I want the woman who I haven’t been able to get out of my head for years.

Pushing it all out of my mind, I step forward and tap her on the shoulder.

“Hey, what’s up?” I say casually.

She turns around. “Oh, she’s been in there for at least an hour now and I really need to use the bathroom”

“Yeah I get you, maybe just give her some space”

“Like why the hell is she in there so much? She’s worse than you, honestly. And now today she’s in there for a whole hour, like why?”

“I don’t know. It doesn’t really phase me”

“Of course it doesn’t bother you, you have your own bathroom”

“That old chestnut, hey? You guys are always so salty”

“Well look how much it sucks!”

“Yeah, well you can use my bathroom now”

“Ok great” she says, cutting me off.

“On the condition that, I can borrow your book for evening”

“Which book” she says sarcastically.

“You know”

“The one we read last night?”

I just nod.

“Fuck, I’m surrounded by horny ratbags. I just want to shower in peace” she says exasperated.

“So we have a deal?”

“Yes. Fine. Let me just grab the book for you”

“It’s ok, I can just get it”

“No don’t worry, I’ve got it” she says as she moves past me. She walks into her room and realises what’s happened straight away. “I see you’ve already borrowed it for a while”

“I like the story, what can I say”

“Nothing more, hopefully. I’m going to have a shower”

She’s not usually this annoyed. I don’t know why she’s so irritable. Maybe she’s stressed, or maybe last night was too much for her. Most of my blood’s still pooling in my crotch and making it hard to think. I’d rather just get lost in the story.

She enters my room first and makes a beeline to the bathroom, hurriedly turning the shower on and forgetting to close the door completely. Wanting privacy whilst I read, I shut my bedroom door and lay comfortably on my own bed. As I go to read the next line, I see her workout shorts partly caught in the door. Again, all I can think about was how soft she was against me last night.

Feeling her laying on top of me as we drifted off to sleep, both exhausted from our shared passion. I slept deeply. I don’t remember my dreams, but I woke fully rested, with her still in my arms. She was breathing lightly, her warmth falling on me with each little expiration. I just kissed her forehead, as she smiled a little and held me closer. I stayed with her for a while longer, and then got up and went to my room.

Maybe that’s why she was so annoyed with everyone today?

Hearing the water stop, I’m brought back to the room as she calls out. “Can you hand me a pair of your briefs?”

“I’ve got barely any left”

“Please I just need one”

I open my drawer. I’ve got three left. “Yeah here you go, but you have to wash all the ones you’ve used”

“Sure” she says, even thought she probably wont actually do it.

I move them through the gap in the door and she quickly grabs them from me. A few seconds later, she’s walking out in her favourite red bra and my underwear. I try not to ogle her, but I’ve almost never seen her body up this close. The bra perfectly hugs her cleavage, making my mind run wild. My eyes run down her flat stomach and see her hips subtly curve out. They’re one of my favourite parts of her body. Her hourglass figure so obvious despite how petite she is.

She breaks the silence. “Not reading that book anymore?”

“I’m too distracted”


“By you. By your hips. I just can’t concentrate on anything else”

“Shut up. You know nothing like last night can ever happen again” she says as she moves onto the bed.

“Last night was beautiful”

“Maybe. But it’s in the past, where it’s going to stay.”

“Jeez, you all good?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Maybe we got swept away in the moment and it was fun, but nothing can really happen again”

“Is that why you’re so on edge today? I thought it might have been that I left whilst you were asleep”

“No. You can do whatever you want. I just had a tough workout today and my shoulders are really sore”

“You work too hard in the gym?”

“Yeah, I might have to see a massage therapist again. They’re just really playing up”

“Turn around”

She rolls her eyes. “You don’t have to do anything”

“Turn around. Show me where it’s sore”

She turns around and sits on the edge of the bed.

I sit behind her. She flicks her long hair back as it softly hits me. I let my large hands rest on her petite shoulders, before I start applying pressure on both sides. Her body responds, as she holds her breath for a second and then exhales out rapidly.

“Tell me where it hurts the most”

“Just to the left a little bit”

I hit another spot and she whimpers as she exhales.

“Just there?”


“You really do carry a lot of tension here”

“Yeah, sometimes it’s in my neck and back too”

I move my hands slowly around, applying firm pressure as she closes her eyes and relaxes. “I get that maybe we can’t repeat last night again. But you’re too important to me to not hang out all the time”

“Of course, I just, it was a lot for me”

My hands move closer to her neck, as she lightly runs her finger around her collarbone. As I move closer to her neck, she exhales again.

“Tell me if you want it any higher”

“Just a bit”

My hands move up a little higher, and press deeper into her neck muscles.

“That it, just on the left ” she says, as her body completely relaxes into me.

I keep pressing into the left of her neck, as my other hand runs up and starts running through her hair and scratching her head. Her eyes open for a brief second and then they close again. “Yummm. Please use both hands”

“Sure, it’ll just be easier if you’re on my lap”

I put my hands under her armpits and just lift her up as I move forward. She keeps her eyes closed the entire time, trusting me to move her up and then back down. I slowly lower her, until she sits comfortably on my lap, her ass right on my crotch. I pull her in, so she’s right against me, and my mouth’s right next to her ear, and start playing with her hair and scratching her head again. She smells so amazing.

“So, I know we probably won’t do anything again, but what was your favourite part of last night?” I ask.

“Uhh. Uhh, sorry, I’m just a bit too into this”

“That’s ok, take your time”

“Well, if I had to pick one, it was hearing you”

“You mean hearing my voice” I say slowly but deliberately into her ear.

“Well yeahhh and hearing you”

“Hearing me?”

“Yeah. Hearing your… Hearing the sounds you make as you stroke yourself”

“All the grunts and moans that I can’t help but make?”

“Yeah and hearing every single time your hand strokes your cock up and down. All the noises your precum makes with every jerk. I’ve never heard that before”

“That turned you on a lot, didn’t it”

“You know the answer to that”

“Just tell me, I want to hear it”

“It turned me on a lot. Is that what you want to hear”

“Don’t stop, tell me everything”

“It made me so turned on, I was so wet just thinking about your cock. Every time I’ve just heard the noises you make masturbating. All the grunts and moans are so sexy, hearing how turned on you were just almost made me cum immediately” she says as she moans a little.

“And that’s why you were so wet last night”

“Of course. I dreamed of you, of that night. And woke up absolutely soaking this morning. My minds been a mess all day”

“And that’s why you don’t want to do anything again?”


“Because all you can think about is my hard cock and how fucking good it would feel.”

“Yes, I thought about it all day. And it’s not fair because I want it but I can’t have it”

“So just cum and get it all out of your system”

“I did this morning. Multiple times”

“So that’s why you went to the gym”

“Well yeah, I went to the gym, but I couldn’t work out properly”

“So what did you do?”

“I went and locked myself in a toilet stall. I know I shouldn’t have but I just needed to.”

“Tell me what you thought about”

“I was thinking about you and that story. You were the monster who kept dragging me away, making me not able to do what I’m meant to do. Using me for your own pleasure, but making me feel so good too”

“Tell me how”

She gulps. “It wasn’t just one time. It wouldn’t matter what I was doing. You’d just take me and use me”

“Tell me properly”

“Well one time I was just walking past you, and you just grabbed me and pushed me up against the wall. I was anxious but eager, knowing that I’m all yours, just to make you feel good. And you ripped open my dress, your hand pulling my head towards yours as you kissed me deeply. Our hips intertwined, as you undid your zipper and pushed up into me, telling me to be your good little girl and make you feel amazing. My little lips stretched to accomodate you with each thrust, gripping your cock with each stroke. I was so turned on knowing I’m fulfilling my one true purpose of being your slut. And I’d keep gong, feeling my body erupt with pleasure, but knowing I’m just meant to serve you.”

“Go on”

“I’d move my hips in tandem with you, moving down every time you moved up wanting to milk your cock and make sure every drop of you landed inside me. After each orgasm, just craving to have your warm load shot up inside of me, so I can really fulfil my purpose.”

“Tell me what your purpose is” I say as my hands move down and start roaming around her thighs.

“To be your little cumslut. Your cumrag. Your cumdump. Just to take every last drop of your cum until you breed me.”

“To spend every second of every day ready to just take my cum as I please”

“Yes daddy”

“And that’s what you really want”

“More than anything in the world”

“And you’ll do exactly as you’re told”

“Of course. And you should know something else”

“Tell me”

“I’m ovulating tomorrow”

“How do you know?”

“I track it every month. Hoping that the next month will never come.”

“You really are just like that girl in the book. Wanting to be bred so badly”

“I told you”

“Well I’ve been thinking the same thing”


“I’ve been edging all day, just thinking about dumping my cum in you. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about last night”

“I can tell. Your hard cock’s been throbbing against my ass this whole time”

“If you were any closer, I’d basically be inside of you”

“Don’t tease me like that”

I just smirk to myself. “Stand up. I want to see you properly.”

She stands up. Her nipples are hard against her bra and I can see the outline of her wet pussy in my briefs. I stand up and walk around her, so she’s in between me and my bed.

“Turn around and close your eyes”

She turns around slowly, as I get up behind her. Our bodies are inches away, and I’m sure she can feel my breath on her neck. I just stay near her for a few seconds longer and then slowly move my hands toward her bra.

I lightly graze her back as my hands take hold of both of her bra straps, pushing them together to undo her bra. Moving my hands slowly, I let go of her bra as it falls to her side. I catch a glimpse of her side boob until she coyly moves her arms to cover her tits.

“I..I…I’m sorry I’m just a little bit nervous and don’t want you to judge me” she says anxiously. “I’ve thought about this so much in my head, I just don’t want to disappoint you.”

“I understand, we can take a break if you’re getting too nervous”

“No, no. I really want to”

“We can just take it slow”

“Ok, and you’re not mad?”

“No, just put your hands up for a second.”

I take off my shirt and slowly put it on her. It’s a few sizes too big for her ending just above her knee. Her whole body just relaxes. I place my hand on her waist and pull her into me, her ass just up against my crotch. I brush her hair back and kiss her softly on her cheek. She smiles and runs her hands back onto mine.

Pulling her closer by her hips, I kiss her cheek again, moving down a little lower this time, as I let my hips slowly start moving behind her. She starts slowly matching my pace and pushing her ass back into me, perfectly in sync.

Her hair moves forward again, falling over her collarbone. Still holding her close with one hand, I move her hair back and then pull on it slowly, just enough to move her head slightly. She bites her lip as I kiss her again, this time moving onto her neck. The kisses start soft, as I pull her hair more to expose more of her neck and collarbone. Her hands are roaming around my body, feeling my abs laid bare just for her.

I suck on her neck and she moans out. “I’m all yours” she says.

“I know. You’re all mine” I say as I start to suck her neck again.

Her hand runs up into my hair, pulling my head closer to her and playing with my hair. I kiss lower, letting my lips softly touch her collarbone and work their way back up her neck.

I step back for a second and she tries to pull me back in, her hands holding mine. Grabbing the small of her back, I turn her around to face me.

“Wow, I’ve never seen you this up close before” she says. I’ve been hitting the gym harder in the last 6 months and people have definitely started noticing. Her hands run up my abs and start touching my pecs, slowly exploring me. She smirks to herself, as her hands just keep touching me.

I lean forward into her as she finally looks up at me taking her eyes off my chest. There’s a nervousness and innocence in how she’s moving.

“I’m sorry again for being nervous” she whisper, her hands trailing off my body leaving a space between us.

“I know, you’ve never been with someone before”

“Yeah, I’ve never even been naked in front of someone before and it’s just getting to me. In the darkness of last night, I could relax, because it was just like I was in my fantasies. My eyes were closed the whole time, letting my mind run wild. I really do want everything I said, I guess I just didn’t realise it’d all happen so quickly”

“There’s no pressure”

“I know” she says cutting me off. “But you’ve kissed people before, I haven’t even done that”

“Really? I thought there were plenty of guys who would have kissed you”

“Yeah, I just always got nervous. That’s why I also love the book, because I don’t get nervous in my own head.”

“You could have said this earlier”

“I was too shy. I was saying some of my most intense fantasies, how could I not even have kissed anyone before?”

“It happens. It just means that you’re truly mine”

She blushes, unable to make out a reply.

I just sit in silence, enjoying seeing how affected she was by what I just said.

“You mean that?”

“Of course”

She moves closer to me, her eyes wide with anticipation.

I put one hand on the small of her lower back and the other on the side of her face. We just stare at each other for a few seconds and I inch just a little closer.

“I want to dress up for you. So you never forget tonight”

I just nod and move a little closer still.

“You can do whatever you want to me. Please don’t stop if I’m nervous”

“You sure you can handle it?”

“Yes” she says, as she inches her lips closer to mine.

I pull her closer again, as her arms wrap around me. Our lips edging closer together as my hands run through her hair and we start kissing each other deeply. Her lips are so soft and her tongue dances around mine as she moans. I grab her ass and kiss her deeper, pulling her up so her legs are wrapped around me and pushing her against the wall. Her nails dig into my back as I kiss her deeper for a while longer.

Realising I’m about to lose control, I pull back, lowering her back onto the ground. We just stare into each other’s eyes both feeling the electricity and wanting more.

“Go and get ready for me, you have a long night ahead of you”

Thanks for reading Part 2 – been super busy at the moment, but enjoyed writing this over the last day or so. Will post as regularly as I can, but I feel like this story is just beginning. Always enjoy hearing what people think, so let me know if you enjoyed it



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