[MF] My (35M) most embarrassing orgasm

I’m a pretty normal, healthy guy in his 30’s, but a few months ago I started having some pain in my groin when I had an erection. I did a telemedicine visit with my regular doctor, and he told me it was probably just a strained muscle, but if it continued to see a urologist. I’d never been to a urologist since it’s generally not necessary at my age, and didn’t even know how to find one. I looked in the hospital system directory that my other doctor was in and found a practice not far from me and made an appointment.

When I arrived I did all the usual check-in stuff with the nurse, explained why I was there, and then waited. And waited. And waited. Finally about a half hour later another doctor came in and told me the doctor I was expecting to see wasn’t feeling well and went to get a covid test. She told me I could reschedule or she could see me. I was there, and probably exposed to covid, so I figured why not just get it over with. I told her my problem, and she told me to stand up so she could examine me.

Here’s the thing: I had been very busy with work and didn’t really have time to take care of things that week. Normally I need to ejaculate every day, but it had been 4 days at that point. When she told me to drop my pants I went from flaccid to hard before she had her gloves on. And I’m not just talking hard…I mean HARD. I apologized profusely but she was super cool. She told me it happens all the time and not to worry. So I stood there, fully erect, as she examined me from all angles. Asking about my erections, sex, where it hurt etc. It was probably only 30 seconds but precum started forming right away.

By the time she moved to my testicles I knew I was in trouble. I could feel it building and tried to think of anything else, but my scrotum has always been so sensitive. When she moved to my other testicle I realized I was going to lose it and turned away, gripping my penis and hoping not to cum, but I couldn’t hold back. Shot after shot – probably 10 or 12 in all – hit the table, the floor, everywhere as I mumbled “I’m so sorry” under my breath. She handed me some tissues, told me not to be embarrassed, and that I probably did just have a strained muscle.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/u1q6cb/mf_my_35m_most_embarrassing_orgasm