PARANORMAL UNDERGROUND SPIRITUAL SOCIETY [new story][exposition][mpov][fpov attempt][fm][car][cheating][public][bar][bathroom][shower][mffm][stranger][female help requested]


PROLOGUE: background and exposition about the characters and their back stories, the story itself will mostly be about haunted locations they visit and the sexy escapades on which they embark. It will switch between male and female perspective so there will be points where I make my first attempt to write from the female point of view… I know that I know nearly nothing about what it feels like for a woman… So… to my female readers… feel free to let me know in DMs if I get something wrong or I could describe something better or stronger… also if I get it right.

Let the story begin!

Joel and Kimmy had been friends since high school. They were virgins, so they fucked. They were bored, so they fucked. They were drunk, so they fucked. They went to prom together, so they fucked. One of them went through a breakup, so they fucked. They fucked often, but their relationship was never more than friendship with the occasional, spontaneous benefit.

After graduation, Kimmy went off to college and got herself a boyfriend with a very jealous side and they lost touch.

Joel joined the Marines a couple years later and saw the world. He wrote Kimmy letters every night. He doubted she would ever get to read them but it kept himself busy and helped him not miss her so much. He told her everything he did. From boot camp, through training, and even about the firefights and battles in Iraq. At the end of each letter, he always closed it with, “my only regret, is never telling you everything, so now I am.”

After Iraq, he went back home. The town seemed so small and different compared to the world he had experienced. Having just come home from combat and finding no jobs and no help for veterans with ptsd and other combat injuries, he moved south to Boise.

His first step was to use his veterans education benefits and he went in to enroll at the university. He stepped into the registrars office and saw one of the workers behind the desk who looked really familiar. The name plate on her desk said Kimberly and the same last name he had written on so many envelopes. He had no idea what to say to her, he just grabbed the papers he needed and left.

When he returned the next day, she was sitting at the reception desk. He walked over and she didn’t look up she just kept shuffling papers. “Ooh, this is perfect,” he thought to himself as he stood in front of her and placed his registration packet on the desk looking at her. She had filled out well, she was always beautiful but more knees and elbows than developed woman. This woman in front of him had hips and curves and breasts.

“Thank you,” she said, still without looking up. “We will get this filed and you can expect a letter in a few days.” She took the papers and put them into the “incoming” stack and went back to shuffling other applications without even looking at the name on his application. He placed the stack of letters he wrote, bound with rubber bands and coated in sand, on her desk with the envelopes address side facing up and on the back of the one he wrote last night he wrote, “Call me” with his phone number. He walked away as she picked them up and started to put them in the same stack as his application before she stopped and started flipping through the envelopes, about two hundred of them. He walked out the door and down the hall and as she looked up, all she saw was his back slipping through the door. He walked down the hallway, expecting to be tackled or yelled at, but nothing came.

He went back to his apartment and kept looking for work until he heard back from the school. The next week he got a letter accepting him into the school, but still no call. Two more weeks went by and his classes were starting.

His phone rang late Friday night. A sobbing Kimmy spoke to him from the other end. “You’re a bastard, Joel. Not a word from you for almost six years and now you throw down a stack of letters and walk away.”

“Hey, you….” He started to reply but she cut him off.

“After I realized that the letters were for me, I flipped through the stack. I saw the return addresses change, I saw the rank change, but when I saw the name… I froze… I froze and I cried. Someone back home had told me you were dead and now here was someone handing me four years of letters addressed to me from you. I balled until my supervisor sent me home. I spent the next two weeks reading your letters, thinking you were dead until I saw the one about finally getting to go home. Do you have any idea how that made me feel Joel? Do you have any idea how it feels to lose any chance you ever had with the best friend you ever had and to think that you will never have that chance again only to have them randomly appear again… And they don’t even say a word, they just walk away?” By now she was yelling at him through the phone in a confused mix of emotions.

“Um, actually, I do… kinda what the letters are all about.”

“UUUUUUGH! That is so not fair… You can’t just… We can’t… shit… meet me at Sullivan’s. It’s a bar just up the street from the university, I need a drink.” She hung up the phone.

Joel put on some nice clothes and cologne and left. He had already been to the bar she was talking about. It was recommended in his veteran groups as a gathering place for Marines. He parked and walked in the door, she wasn’t there yet so he sat and waited. He ordered his own favorite, whiskey sour, and hers from so long ago, rum and coke with mint leaf, then sat and waited. She waked in the door after a few minutes and she scanned the room, right past him as he sat there smiling at her, wondering how long it would take for her to recognize him. She didn’t, she recognized the whiskey sour and the rum and coke, the mint leaf sticking out the top. She walked up timidly, smelled the same cologne he wore in high school, she saw the same drinks they drank, but a different person sat there. Last time she saw him, he was a high school boy, this was a man. He stood as she approached, his tall frame towering over her like it always did. His arms wrapped around her and clutched her head to his chest like he used to. She looked into his eyes and saw Joel looking back and before she knew it, their lips met and it felt like it used to.

Joel let her go and pulled out a stool for her, she slapped his arm. “So after six years, six years, Joel! You think you can just…” He kissed her again and it pissed her off that he knew so well how just how to kiss her to calm her down.

“I didn’t come to this city and the university to find you. I had no idea you were even here, I just saw you at the school and knew what I had to do.” Joel said as she sat down and took a drink.

“I’m not the same girl, Joel.”

“I’m not the same guy, I’ve been through a lot, seen a lot, done a lot. I’ve seen and heard things no man should ever have to see and do. But, through it all, there was the memory of you, Kimmy. You got me through a lot of hard times, times I didn’t think I would survive. I thought of you, and wrote to you, and you got me through it.”

“That’s not fair, Joel. The trials of a college girl can’t even begin to compare to a…”

“And here you are in front of me again.”

They sat and talked, talking about their lives the last six years, talking about memories of their lives before. A few hours and a few drinks went by and the server came by closed their check then they walked out.

Kimmy was obviously not as versed in drinking as a Marine, definitely unable to drive. She got into his car and he drove her home. On the way they talked about their favorite subject, the paranormal. She pointed out haunted locations and places she’d been and what she experienced when she went there. They joked about starting a paranormal investigation team.

They pulled up in front of her house and they sat, looking at each other, remembering, finally, how they felt as teenagers. Their lips met again and they parted. Then again, and they parted. Then again, and they stayed together. Their arms flew around each other as their tongues met.

Her hands slowly found their way down to his leg and they slid inward and touched his chubbing club and she pulled her hand back. His hands slid up her sides until his palms brushed the sides of her breasts. Her fingers ran along his zipper. His hands danced along the flesh exposed under her shirt. She let her hand rest in his crotch and her fingers felt along his shaft. His hands started playing with the buttons on the front of her blouse. Her fingers started tugging at his zipper. His hands cupped her c-cups over her bra. Her hand slipped inside his pants. His hands pushed her bra up. Her hand pulled out his erect penis. His fingers squeezed her nipples. Her hand began to slide along the length of his cock. His hands slid down to the buttons of her pants. Her hands pulled the shirt off her shoulders. His hands slid her zipper down. Her hands reached back and unhooked her bra. His hand slid down the front of her panties. Her hand returned to his cock. His fingers slid in until he was touching her clit. She got up onto her knees in the passenger seat. He pulled her pants and panties down. Her head dropped into his lap. His hand reached under her and between her legs. She took his dick into her mouth. He slid his fingers inside her. She began moving her head up and down. He began sliding his fingers in and out with his thumb rubbing against her clit.

“Joel, wait…” she said before slipping her mouth back around him and then off him again. “I have a boyfriend.” Her mouth slid over him again. “I can’t…” Her words coming before she sucked him again, the passion building. “But…” she was sucking again. Her head kept bouncing as Joel kept his fingers dancing with her vagina. “FUUUUUCK!” She exclaimed as she threw a leg over him and hit the lever to lower his seat back. She straddled him, lowered her mouth to his, and slid her pussy over his cock until she felt that feeling she remembered from high school. That electric feeling she got when the first penis that had ever been inside her was tickling the very limits of what she could take into her self.

She slid up and down and rocked back and forth. Her ass dropped back against the steering wheel and the horn honked. Her laugh contracting her vaginal muscles and causing him to begin thrusting back into her. “I have so missed this!” she said as the she began to tingle and then waves of pressure built within her.

Joel felt the wet, slippery, tightness around him and smelled that familiar smell that only Kimmy could make as she fucked. His balls started to quiver in their sack, wanting so bad to claim her. His vision went blurry as he felt the pressure build.

She threw herself down on top of him, taking him all the way in as the waves crashed over her and she felt the hot liquid spilling out of him and into her, adding more pressure inside of her and she crashed on top of him. She kissed him deeply and rolled back to the passenger side. They got dressed and she kissed him again, then got out of the car and went inside.

Joel drove back to his apartment, feeling like he was home for the first time since he was discharged from the Marines.

The next morning, he got a text from Kimmy. “well, I guess I’m single again. my now ex found your letters and was waiting up for me to come home. When my ass hit the horn he looked out the window and saw us fucking and then he saw me get out of the car still putting my clothes back on. He drove me to my car this morning and I broke up with him.”

There was a knock on his door and he got up to open it. Kimmy stood outside. “I got your address from the school’s admin system and wanted to surprise you.” She came in and opened her long coat revealing her curvy but slender body. Stockings and garter, matching bra and underwear, nothing else. She dropped the coat to the ground and pushed him back onto the mattress on the floor in his sparsely furnished apartment then began tugging at his shirt until it slid off over his head. Then she fumbled with his belt and his button and zipper. Once he was free she looked up at his face. “Well, I guess I am ready to say it, Joel. Something I should have said so long ago. If you’ll have me, I am YOURS!” She slid her mouth around his dick and let her tongue dance up and down his shaft as she covered him in saliva.

“You never weren’t.” He replied and then pushed her back onto the mattress and pulled her panties off. He slid his hips up between her legs and pressed his dick into her softly as he firmly kissed her lips. They fucked well into the afternoon, alternating between hard passionate pounding and soft and sensuous love making and then back.

She was astounded. He still remembered just how to touch her, just what to do when she moved a certain way, how to kiss her, just how to press his dick into when she came. Afterward they laid on his bare mattress covered in the only blanket he had, a small, thin quilt printed in woodland camouflage.

“Babe, what now?” She asked him while she nestled her head into his shoulder. “I mean, where do we go from here?”

“Who says we have to go anywhere. Right now, I’m just happy being here with you.”

“So am I, but what about us, what about tomorrow?”

“Baby, a year ago I was being shot at in a different country on the other side of the world. The last four years I never knew where I would be tomorrow or what I would be doing when I got there… If I got a tomorrow. For the last six years, I have missed you and I wrote to you, but I had no idea if I would ever see you again or what I would find when I did. For now, I just want to enjoy this. The concept of planning, with you, for tomorrow, is so far beyond my capability to comprehend.”

“Ok, but what do we call this?” She asked as she squeezed him, her firm bare breasts pressing into his ribs.

“Who says we have to call it anything right now. I am not the same person you knew in high school. The things I have seen and done, no one comes back from that unchanged. I don’t even know who I am anymore. What I do know is that no matter what I did or where I was, you were always out there somewhere and that gave me the will to keep moving. So what do I call this?” He pulled her up until her head rested under his chin. “Paradise. Just being here and laying down cuddling with you after… that… is almost too much. I keep thinking I’m gonna wake up and still be in a hole in the sand with some smelly jarhead sleeping next to me. Having you… right here… is just surreal. What I do know is, all of me that always was yours will always be yours and that’s enough for me right now. I still need to figure out who I am and what life is gonna be, I need to figure out what I have to offer you before I can offer it to you, but when I do, it’s already yours.”

“So we don’t define it yet.” She replied after a pregnant pause of silent pensiveness. “We just be us, and lets do the things we always talked about.”

“What, like exploring haunted buildings?”

“Yeah, and fucking at every opportunity.” She lifted her head and kissed him before laying her head back onto his chest, wrapping the quilt more tightly around herself. “Why don’t you have more furniture and stuff?”

“No real need. I have a tv, game console, chair, mattress, a few dishes, a few pans… I have what I need. I have money saved up but just saw no need to have a bunch of stuff.”

“Makes sense…” She said as she snuggled even deeper into the quilt around her. “This thing is so warm, so thin and the fabric is really weird, but it is so comfy.”

“It’s a poncho liner. It’s designed to be snapped to the inside of a poncho and then you use it as a sleeping bag. You ask pretty much any marine what the most important part of his gear is, aside from rifle and uniform… It’s the woobie.”

“Why ‘woobie?’”

“Its from the movie Mister Mom, the kid calls his security blanket his ‘woobie’.”

“Aaaahhhh,” She sighed and then was snoring softly into him.

She woke up alone on the mattress hearing a clicking noise above her. She looked up and Joel sat, still naked, in a chair with his laptop working on something.

“Doing homework?” She asked through bleary eyes.

“Nah, I got that done last night after I dropped you off. I’m ordering some stuff for us. We said we wanted to explore haunted buildings and stuff… I just ordered night vision cameras, audio recorders, and emf detectors.” He said as she got up and made him move the laptop so she could curl up into his lap, the camo quilt still held tightly, she spread the blanket over them and just enjoyed their nakedness, pressed together skin to skin. “I also ordered a real bed and blankets so you don’t steal my woobie.”

“I think I might though, this thing is so nice and it smells like you.”

“That’s why I ordered another one of those too.” He kissed her then held her tight to him.

“There’s Karaoke at Sullivan’s tonight. There’s almost always a pretty good crowd there for it, we should go… oh and their DJ is a Marine too.” Her voice pierced the silence.

“Yeah, let’s go… but first, I need a shower.”

They got up and she pulled his hand and led him into the bathroom. She grabbed the bar of soap and ran it over every inch of his body, pausing when she noticed a roundish scar on his arm and one on his abdomen.

“The one on my arm is from the small pox vaccine they gave us. The one on my belly…” He turned and showed her a larger scar on his back. “That one is from a round I took in Iraq.” He said it in such a nonchalant and matter-of-fact manner it took her a few seconds to register what he was saying.

She wrapped her arms over his shoulders and started crying. “I just… this moment was that close to never being able to happen.”

“But, I’m here. Sometimes I wonder why I am and so many others aren’t but here I am.”

She continued rubbing him down with soap and then handed it to him while giving his dick some extra manual scrubbing, feeling the blood run back into it as it stood. He turned her around while she kept her hand running up and down over his rod. He rubbed the slick bar over her breasts and used his other hand to grab and massage, his hand just big enough to cover her as he squeezed and rubbed. She let go of him and put her hands against the wall when his hand ran the soap through her ass crack and then he pushed his dick down between her cheeks and pressed his entire body into hers, his shaft teasing against her ass hole sending shivers of longing throughout her body.

When she couldn’t take it any more she turned around and put her legs up over his hips and then guided his dick into herself. He pinned her back against the cold shower wall and rammed up into her as her arms wrapped around his neck. The water rinsed the soap away as he rammed her fast and hard until they both flexed firmly against each other and released.

“God, even a shower quickie with you is better than anything Greg could give me. SO glad I am done with that asshole.”

They rinsed off and she took some extra time to rinse both their cum off her thighs and they got out and got dressed.

They got to Sullivan’s and the tables had been moved to allow for an improvised stage area and dance floor with only one table left. Jake sat at the end of the table, facing the floor with his back to the wall. They watched as people sang and danced.

The DJ came in from taking a break and picked up the mic. The deep timber of his voice shook the room. Kimmy stuck her hand out and touched one of the speaker stands feeling it vibrate as he spoke and then music started playing and he started singing. “Baby lock the door and turn the lights down low…” his voice cut through her and he looked her in the eye as he sang the song. She reached back and grabbed Joel’s leg tightly. Joel’s hand covered hers and she looked back, he just smiled at her, knowing the look in her eyes.

The DJ finished singing and called the next singer, then sat, but still looked at Kimmy. A young woman walked on the floor and her song started playing and as she started singing softly she looked at Joel. Both Kimmy and Joel took note of her 21st birthday tiara, barely there mini skirt, and shirt with a v neck that plunged all the way to her waist, the inner half of her boobs exposed almost to the nipple, as she moved one or both would pop out. As the song continued she motioned for Joel and Kimmy to sit closer together. She came up and straddled both their legs, facing them as she sat down and pulled her shirt apart revealing both her small tits to her as her friends cheered from a table on the other side of the room then ran her hands over both Joel and Kimmy’s bodies. Her song ended and she gave the mic back to the DJ then came back and invited them over to the table she and her other friends were sitting at.

They moved to the table behind the DJ booth. Joel sat immediately behind the DJ and next to the birthday girl. Kimmy sat directly across the skinny table, close enough that their knees overlapped. He reached under the table and put both his hands on her legs. A few moments later he felt a hand grasp the fingers of his left hand and move it until he felt the smooth, young skin of birthday girls leg against his palm and then the leg moved in his direction, welcoming his touch. He felt another hand touch his right and looked under the table and saw Kimmy’s hands on his. She looked at him and nodded toward birthday girl as she started moving his hand, making him tickle the skin of the girls thigh. Birthday girl moved her legs even further over giving them more access to reach further down the side of her thigh before Kimmy’s hand was replaced by the girls own and he felt his hand slide up until he felt his finger pushing her panties aside then warm moisture envelope them while Kimmy kept tickling her thigh.

The DJ got up to take a break. After a minute, Kimmy excused herself to the restroom, leaving Joel to finger the birthday girl. He slid a finger in, noting how tight her hole clung to his single finger as he slowly slid it in and out of her. Her friends sat and watched until one of them whispered something in her ear. She grabbed his had and stood up and started pulling him toward the bathroom. He resisted at first thinking he should wait for Kimmy, but she had been gone a while so he let himself be led by the hand into the men’s room.


Kimmy tickled the girls thigh, knowing she had taken his hand and was using his fingers. She saw the DJ walk over to the bathroom and gave it a minute before she excused herself from the table and followed. She walked in as he washed his hands with his back to the door. She pulled off her shirt and then turned him around and pulled his dick out of his pants, he wasn’t small, bigger than average, about the same size as Joel actually, but in comparison to his six foot seven frame, it wasn’t what she was expecting. She slid her mouth over him a few times until she stood up and slid her pants and panties down. “I want you to eat me, and I want you to hum while you do it.” She turned and put her hands up on the wall and thrust her hips back and spread her legs. The DJ knelt behind her and buried his face in her ass, shooting his tongue into her pussy as he hummed deeply. He slid his mouth over her clit and sucked it into his mouth and began a deep, throaty, resonating hum that vibrated her clit as his tongue flicked and flittered across it. The pressure built and massed until she felt like she was going to explode when he pressed in even further and hummed deeper and louder than before as the pressure released and pulsed as wave after wave washed across her.

He stood and started putting his dick away before she reached out and grabbed it… “I’m not done with that yet!” He stepped behind her and lined himself up, having to squat a bit to get the right angle, then he pushed it in. She felt herself spread around him as his dick slowly slid into her, just as he was fully inserted, the bathroom door opened and birthday girl walked in pulling Joel with her.

Joel stood there, frozen with a mix of shock and arousal on his face seeing Kimmy as he had never seen her before, with another mans cock inside her. She looked back at him, ashamed at first then a smile as the DJ started fucking her.

Birthday girl pulled her shirt off her shoulders and knelt in front of him and fumbled with his zipper. She pulled his pants around his thighs and put her lips around his tip and began quickly thrusting her head back and forth and she showed her lack of blow job experience. He tongue slid lazily over him and her lips brushed lightly over him. “Ok sweety, use your lips and your tongue and suck lightly.” She did as she was told and his pleasure increased.

“Sorry, I’ve never done this before,” she said before slipping her lips back around him.

“Wait, so… you’re a virgin?” He asked, almost guiltily as the sound of flesh slapping and Kimmy moaning picked up intesnsity.

“I had sex once, but just sex, not oral.”

“Then you’ve never had this..!” He said as he pulled her shoulders up until she stood then made her stand just like Kimmy, hips thrust back and legs spread with her hands on the wall. He knelt behind her and shoved his face into her, her entire pussy fit into his open mouth as he sucked it in and flicked her clit. Her knees started to buckle and Kimmy reached over and held her hand. Joel stood back up and started slapping her ass with his dick.

“Please? Please be gentle, I’ve only done this once in high school and he had a small…. you know. My friends dared me to fuck a guy here and I chose you, so please… just be gentle.”

Joel lined up to her and pressed. He was surprised by the tightness. He hadn’t felt a pussy that tight since he was with Kimmy in high school. She squeezed down onto him as he slid in, her face winced in pain as he slowly entered her. He stopped, “are you sure, I don’t want to hurt you sweety.”

“Yes, I want it…. more now that it’s half way in, I want the rest.” He pushed harder watching himself disappear into her more and more. Once he was all the way in, her mouth fell open and her eyes went wide and rolled back.

Kimmy leaned over and kissed her, the nervous, innocent girl started to timidly kiss back as Jake started sliding his dick in and out of her, the faster he pushed, the more she accepted Kimmy’s kiss. The DJ pulled out and had to leave, Kimmy dropped to her knees and knelt down between the girls legs and licked her as Joel’s rhythm progressed to pounding and the girl just stood silent, her body rigid and her muscles clenched into one solid orgasm.

“Please, don’t… don’t cum inside of me, please?”

Joel pulled his dick out and shoved it into Kimmy’s mouth and he started to fuck her mouth almost as hard as he had been fucking the girls tight pussy.

Kimmy put her hands on his ass and when she felt his muscle flex she looked birthday girl in the eye and pulled Joel deeper into her lips as his load shot and filled her mouth. She stood and kissed birthday girl, pushing her sperm laden tongue into her mouth and shared the load. “Happy birthday!” She said as their lips parted, a small string of Joel’s cum strung between their lips.

They got dressed again and went back out to the table and sat and talked. They told birthday girl about their plans to go to haunted locations and found they had a shared interest. They found out that birthday girl’s name is Lily and they got her phone number after she offered to join them in their paranormal adventures.

They stayed until closing time parted with Lily and drove back to Kimmy’s house.

“Oh, shit, I am so sorry Joel! I know we didn’t talk about if that was okay now. I just got lost in being out with you again.”

“Don’t worry baby… I still love you. That was fucking HOT, I just wasn’t ready for it.”

“But the care you took with Lily and making sure it was fun without hurting her… you haven’t lost your touch.” She took her shirt back off and pushed him onto her bed. “Now fuck me hard, I know you need to.”

The next morning, they woke up to Kimmy’s text alert on her phone. She opened her phone and giggled then held the phone out for Joel to see.

–LILY– “Hey, I just woke up and most of last night is like a really awesome blur… but you guys are so clear. I just wanted to say that if you go out exploring haunted places, I want to go too…”

The phone went off again as she held it.

–LILY– “Also, thank Joel for me. That was AMAZING!!! And… I would love to do more of that, with… ummm… both of you. That was the first time I had a girl do anything to me and it was… well I want more!”

Kimmy replied with one hand as she stroked Joel with the other.

– ”Sweety, we would absolutely love to take you with us… and fuck you silly. Both of us.”

–LILY– “Yay! You guys are so awesome!

Kimmy put down her phone and laughed. “Wow, babe… I think we made wuite the impression with her… Well, I guess we have a paranormal team now.”

“Yeah, that, last night… That’s why I hesitated to define our relationship, if we had, that would have been awkward.” Joel piped in.

“Oh, hell no, DUDE… no matter what you say… You are mine and I am absolutely one hundred percent yours. I will never let you go again. But… there’s nothing that says we can’t fuck other people. We are just in an open relationship.” She replied forcefully.

“I can live with that, but, no secrets and no humiliation.” Joel replied before picking up his phone and saw that he too had a text from Lily.

–HOT BAR CHICK– “Thank you so much for last night… I am still sore but thinking about it… I want more. I am texting Kimmy too to ask her permission to fuck you again.:-*”

Joel opened his social media and created a profile for “Paranormal Underground Spiritual Society” paranormal investigation team. Within a few minutes they already had messages from people asking them to investigate houses and buildings around the valley.

And that is how PUSS was born.
