The Seasons of Michaela [part 1] [mf]

***a note for my readers. This story is entirely fictional, it was written on a phone in an airport bar during a layover, so please forgive any typos, formatting issues, etc.(phones are not the ideal medium for writing or proofreading imho) I don’t know where it is going, but if it is well received I’ll continue it. Comments welcome***

The deep thunder of the tyco drumming crashed around her, echoing and cascading off the roof, reverberating through her body with enough force to make the show felt at least as much as it was heard. The vantage of the private balcony box was underwhelming, staring down at the shirtless and sweaty drummers pounding away some 20 feet below her had a visceral feel, but then this show wasn’t big on the visuals, it was more about the sound. The box it seems was a waste for this show, but still a sweet gesture from her date who was trying so desperately to impress her. In truth he was trying entirely too hard, never in a boastful or openly showy way typical of the overly cocky assholes that littered bar stools across the city. He was trying too hard by not having enough self confidence to be himself…over compensating for some internal fault only he saw in himself. The expensive restaurant, the overpriced cocktails, the balcony box…she could go on to his new designer jeans that fit him perfectly, and rest of his wardrobe, obviously new, and hand picked for this occasion, or any number of other subtle ways he was trying far too hard to impress her. Sure, it was a first date, and a certain level of “being your best” was expected, appreciated even. The trouble for was that it was all too much. He had it. He was striking to look at, his 6ft frame perfectly proportioned, the strong jaw line, he had it…he just didn’t know it. She leaned back in her seat feeling a pang of guilt, knowing it was not only their first date but also their last. Her internal dialogue crept in around the edges of deep rumble eminating from the stage below. She was mad at him, for lacking the confidence to just be himself and instead trying to dazzle her, for having a perfect physique, that was wasted on a boy who hadn’t gained the self confidence to make him the perfect catch of a man. She was mad at herself for thinking it, wondering if she was just sabotaging another potentially great relationship. The drumming below turned fierce, fitting for the thunderhead that was brewing in her mind. He was sweet, charming, educated, in a word he was polished…someday he’d make a great guy, but that day wasn’t today. She felt bad, knowing his type would spend weeks or maybe months replaying the date in his mind wondering where he went wrong. She felt bad for knowing the secret that it was over while he was blissfully unaware, turning to smile sweetly at him she slipped her hand onto his thigh giving it a gentle squeeze…god it was firm…probably from his lacrose hobby. He smiled nervously back, timidly placing his hand over hers. Giving him the reassuring gesture that everything was going well.

The decision made, she slid her hand north along his thigh, with only the briefest hesitation at his belt line before twisting her wrist so she could grab his inner thigh making him jump in surprise as she deftly planted her palm on his crotch, her fingers cupped along the stiff denim of his zipper, probing through the thick fabric. It was only a moment before the effect she was having was evident as an impressively hard bulge formed and tried to snake its way down his thigh, trying to find room to grow. His lips parted as he started to master his initial shock and began to form words that would soon try to pass through the gap in lips. Seeing this she pressed her advantage, wrapping her hand around the vaguely tube shaped bulge straining the denim, gently kneeding it between her hand and his thigh. The sharp hiss of air rushing into his lungs was audible even above the raucous pounding below them, but no words came forth. She cast a fretful look around them, but realized in the dim light no one could see, even if a spotlight was on them, the half wall of the balcony provided privacy from prying eyes from below. She was shocked at what she had done, but proud too in her courage…but something else too…excitement….she was enjoying the reaction she was getting from him, as a soft moan barely heard even by her escaped his lips…she was in control, she was turning him on in a way he couldn’t deny or hide…it was the real him, not his date face that locked on her hand. With one swift decisive move she’d shattered hours of well meaning pretense and broken probably days of rehearsed polite conversation and seized a glimpse of the man beneath. Feeling her courage fading she realized what she had done, and in a microsecond her brain tested and discarded a dozen ways for an exit. But she had him and she was excited by the effect she was having on him, she could almost feel the humidity under her little black cocktail dress raise. Riding on the edge of excitement and not wanting her courage or his truth to slip from her grasp she knew what she had to do next. Three heartbeats of pure panic struck her as she stopped kneading and then like a viper struck for the pulltab of his zipper yanking it down to a surprised grunt from her date. Before he could say no, if he even would she pressed the finger of her other hand against her lips in “shhh” motion and fished her hand between the course teeth of his zipper. Her heart was pounding, frantically scrubbing her hand against the soft cloth of his underwear that seemed to put up and inpenetrable wall between her hand and his stiff member. The blood in her ears boomed with each beat as she felt the immediacy of freeing him. Pushing against the soft cloth, the wicked teeth of the brass zipper biting into her wrist, cloth, cloth, cloth , flap? No…cloth, ah ha…something hard..a button on the boxers fly, her fingers seized it as her thumb pressed it sideways, popping it loose from its hole. Her hand furrowed under the flap immeadiatly brushing past course hair to grip the base of his engorged shaft. The soft skin melting against her palm as her fingers curled around it tightly, the palpable warmth of him triggering a deep hormonal response somewhere in her brain, the most obvious effect of which was causing her panties to cling more tightly. She gave a firm tug, gruntingly slightly at the effort of pulling him free from the sheath like qualities of where his member had tried to grow down his thigh, but it was done. Surrounded by hundreds of people intent on the banging drummers no one saw his penis spring free of his pants, throbbing off beat to the drums. It had only been moments since she’d made the first move, his shock has kept him quiet so far, but his pursed lips were starting to work feverishly, his moral center trying to get a handle on what he should be saying or doing. If she didn’t work quickly the embarrassment of having his penis exposed to the world would quickly overcome her work so far. She grabbed him, or tried to, her fingers not quite able to encircle his entire girth. A few exploratory pumps, feeling the skin slide along his shaft, a few of the larger veins yielding and rolling under her firm grip, she was on her knees in front of him, when had that happened? her eyes fixed on the pulsing meat in her hand, her mouth instinctively closing the distance. A light flick of her tongue on underside of his cock elicited a quick twitch from him before her lips pressed together, for a kiss came sliding down around the soft skin covering the head of his penis. It was then, with tip of him in her mouth, her lips locked around the ring where it changed from soft mushroom to a rock hard shaft that she realized how large he really was. He wasn’t a monster, but certainly well above average in all respects. She worked her jaw as she took more of him in her mouth, her head slowly bobbing as she worked her way up and down his shaft. She’d seen the porno blowjobs, lots of saliva and almost no pressure…and knew they were bullshit. Sucking down she traversed down his length, her tongue sliding along the bottom, her mouth compressed against him, her lips holding pressure, she was only about halfway down when she could sense him about to ram her uvula and start a gag reflex…the heady smell of his crotch filling her nose…not offensive, it was clean and musky, manly, to her it’s what penis smelled like. The intoxicating scent making her want to take all of him in her mouth, gag reflex be damned, but instead she started pumping the lonely base of his shaft with her hand. She chanced a look up at him, his head was arched back, his eyes alternating between being squeezed tightly shut and flying open with alarming speed …he was talking…no not words , just sounds, though she couldn’t hear them, she knew them for deeply satisfied sighs…it had worked, the thinking part of his brain had been severed as surely as if she had used a knife…now he was just feeling.

Her bare feet enjoyed the short pile of the carpet in the hall..but the small stream of liquid that was making it’s way down her inner thigh wouldn’t let her linger….she found the back stairwell and descend straight out the exit door and into brisk night air of spring in the park that hugged two sides of the theater. Her thighs were shaky from their recent exertions, but deciding the few blocks to home wouldn’t kill her, she let her bare feet find their way through the soft grass and onto the sidewalk on the other side, the traffic was reasonably light, her barefoot romp not raising the suspicions of any of the passersby. She caught the walk signal on the corner and traversed the street and several more before her toes were finally clawing over sill of her own front door, the trendy 2 story townhouse rising above her.

She swung wide through the kitchen pausing at the fridge while her hand instinctively hovered over a bottle of late harvest reisling and instead impulsively grabbed a bottle of meticulous California microbrew before pulling herself upstairs, down the hallway that separated the dual master suites, through the doorway of her bedroom and into the adjoining bath. She’d managed the short jaunt home without letting herself think, but as she dropped her heels to the floor and slapped her clutch and unopened beer next to sink the internal voices she’d been keeping at bay came crashing in. She cranked the water handle for the tub and in a fluid motion snatched her dress and sloughed it over her head, shaking her straight raven tresses while the dress was still plummeting to earth . She gripped the counter with both hands, staring at herself in the mirror, who was the woman staring back at her? Her green eyes cut to core, knowing all her secrets. The face was familiar, but the eyes were wrong, not the placid emerald pools she knew..they were hungry. With great effort she tore her vision from the pseudo twin in the mirror, testing the water with one hand and snatching the beer with the other she sank into the basin of the tub. The water only inches deep slowly filling around the voids of her legs. Cracking open the beer she hurled the top at the wastebasket instead it careened off the wall, skidded off the top of toilet seat and improbably launched itself back into flight long enough to dive into the bathtub with her . A long slow draft from the bottle soothed her throat, easing a parched hoarseness she hadn’t taken time to realize was there. Her toes had just been engulfed by the water and she glanced down to the ellipsis of the tub bottom visible between her thighs were the eddy currents from the tap had pushed the bottle cap and it sat lazily shifting in the tide. She drew back her foot, clenching the rough edge of the cap between her toes before lifting it out of the water and shaking it loose on the tiled tub rim with a heavy sigh. She slipped her leg back into the water as it began to circle her breasts. She delicately kicked the tap closed an let her head rest along the tub rim as she sank into the warmth. What had she done? The anxiety from seeing her own strange eyes looking at her slowly faded , the warm water leaching the tiredness from her muscles and the panic from her mind. She had never done anything like that before, never made the first move, never on a first date, never in public, never a one night stand (or at least never intended as such)…so many “never’s”. She picked up the rapidly condensing bottle and took another pull of its golden contents, but setting it on floor outside the tub. It’s not like she was a prude. She’d been in a few relationships, her high school sweetheart, 3 different boyfriends as she’d worked her through college, a failed office romance at her first job after college, and a few suitors since. What was her problem? Her mind tried to reconcile her behavior with who she thought she was, much like it reconciled accounts when she was at work. As the discarded rationalizations began to pile up she opened her eyes, not realizing they’d been closed, and began scrubbing at her legs with a bar of soap, stopping regularly to drink the beer while it was still cold. Her mind seized when it found her original rationale of trying to give him the confidence boost he needed to break out of his shell, she couldn’t stifle the grin as she thought about the fact that regardless of whether it changed him, it would be a night he’d never forget. Gingerly threading her soapy fingers around her labia she was surprised at the instantaneous pleasure and the rising flush in her cheeks. Of course, he had gotten his, but her libido had been supercharged and then deprived of its release. She almost discarded the thought, but her head needed a good clearing out, maybe it would help. Closing her eyes again, she let her fingers dance along the soft folds, slipping between the petals. They’d danced this dance often enough she didn’t need to remind them of the steps and it wasn’t long before they were firmly circling the engorged nib of her clit. She replayed her earlier antics in her mind, but this time the audience wasn’t applauding the drummers. They were all staring at her, applauding her as her body convulsed in an orgasm, her toes flying from the water, trying to find something to grip. The cheering grew louder as her hips shuddered uncontrollably against the bottom of tub, her breathing shallow and ragged between deep guttural moans of ecstasy. After several moments Her thighs finally unclenched, freeing her hand. She slowly pulled her dangling feet back into the water while splashing water onto her face with her hands. “Well that was new” she thought in disbelief realizing she’d just fanticised about people watching her have sex. Her breathing deepened and slowed as she finished washing herself. Her mind was more sluggish, more relaxed, but still full of questions she couldn’t answer. She yanked the stopper as she stepped out of the water that was quickly growing tepid, letting the only evidence of her night swirl down the drain. Pulling a towel from the rack, she paused, curious as to what she would see in the half fogged mirror. She swiped at it with the towel clearing it enough to get a good look. There she was staring back at herself, but the eyes were still wrong, they were burning back at her like hot coals, but something else was different too. She stepped back from the counter the towel forgotten in her hand. She was sexy! She’d always been beautiful…even cute, but she’d never really thought of herself as sexy before…she let her eyes wander along her own body, seeing it in a new light, almost as if it were the first time. The small, but firm breasts she’d resented as a teen, were perfectly shaped, her nipples perched perfectly atop the dark quarter sized circles of her areoles were in the perfect proportion to her chest, the dimples formed by her clavicle, the way her deeply tanned skin rippled slightly over her rib cage, the defined but flat abdomen dotted with an adorable navel. The micro droplets and rivulets of water coursing over her skin started to grow chill. Shaking her head from the mirror she wrapped the towel tightly around herself rolling and tucking the corner at the top so it would hold itself up. She gathered the discard dress off the floor and flung it at the hamper where it landed on the rim, she kicked the shoes closer to the adjoining walk in closet on the far side. The buzzing clutch on counter reminded her of her phone, expecting to find it without looking, instead her hand came up with a wadded ball of her underwear, they joined the dress in the hamper before she finally retrieved the slim electronic lifeline from its confines. A few texts from katie, probably wondering how her date was going, and Two missed calls from her date…2? Already? She groaned and left the voicemails unheard, instead thumbing through the texts from Katie. Just as she suspected, inquiries about the date and an offer for rescue if she needed it, “where were you right before I fucked his brains out in a crowded theater?” she wondered half heartedly. She picked the beer off the floor and tested it, but finding it empty didn’t stop her from tilting her head back trying to coax the last stubborn drops out. She padded softly through her bedroom, down the hallway and the stairs back to the kitchen. She’d already grabbed a fresh brew from the fridge when the tell tale snick of the dead bolt caught her depositing her empty bottle in the recycling under the sink. Her phone lay forgotten on the island when Katie’s blond pixie cut popped around the corner with a surprised “you’re home early?” It wasn’t really a question, it was a statement of fact, the questions of explanation were implied as they only can be in the secret communication stylings of friends for many years. But she could have done with out her roommate implying the question of “that bad?” Like it was a form of punctuation. A quick glance at the microwave revealed it was a few minutes to 10 yet, too early for a plausible lie, not that she wanted to lie… She just had her own questions, and wasn’t sure she was ready for the barrage her best friend would unleash as the story came out. Katie had already rounded the breakfast bar, her head momentarily buried in fridge before emerging with a beer. She shouldered the door closed as she spun to peer at her girlfriend accross the island. She had to answer Katie, her mouth began trying to work non-committal tones into words, but whatever calmness she was trying wear on her face must have been betrayed by the tumult of emotions pouring through her strongly enough that her mouth wouldn’t connect with her brain. In an instant Katie was pulling her into tight embrace “what’s wrong Michaela?”
“Everything, nothing, I don’t know”
She hadn’t remembered moving to the living room, but Katie was pulling her onto the couch, both of their beers in one hand, the other was brooking no argument as it hauled her onto the cool white leather. Katie cracked both their beers open but not until after she had positioned Michaela’s head in her lap.
“Talk to me. Start at the beginning.” It was there, flat on her back with Katie as her pillow that she started to recount her night. Katie’s reassuring strokes through her hair never faultered even as she shared her beer tipping it gently to michaelas lips. Even as the awkward parts came to light, her friend only listened intently, tenderly coaxing her through the story. How long had it been since they’d had a heart to heart like this? It wasn’t uncommon for them to curl up to watch a movie together, or even to sleep in the same bed when one of them was undergoing some excrutiating relationship drama…that was probably the last time, when Katie had been seeing a guy for months before finding out he was married…it must have been last fall sometime. She turned her head into Katie’s stomach, burrowing tightly against the only person she could have ever shared this with. The threadbare cotton tank top couldn’t hide the sweetness of Katie’s vanilla body wash, or the subtly spicy twinge of her natural smell, her sweat, probably from her workout earlier in the evening. It wasn’t foul or off putting like guy sweat, it was comforting, something familiar and safe.
“Wow, you really did that?” Again another non question from Katie, interrupting her brief olfactory revelry. It was a quiet confirmation as she nodded against the taught abdomen. “And?” That was most definitely a question.
Turning her head back up to find Katie’s piercing blue eyes staring down at her gently she mustered a non answer, “and what?”
“How do you feel? What are you thinking?”
“Well doctor it all started with my mom…” She tried to jest with a forced chuckle, but the flash of hurt accross Katie’s eyes stung her. Her friend wasn’t trying to play shrink…there wasn’t anything but heartfelt concern behind her face. “Sorry, just trying to lighten it up a little”
“No, you’re poorly trying to deflect”
The barb was justice for her failed feint, she both hated and loved that Katie knew her so well. Having been called out on her shit she tried something more sincere. “I don’t know, confused I guess. I don’t know what to think, it’s not some singular emotion it’s just this fucked up confused blob in my head I can’t shake.”
“Like?” her friend was unrelenting
“I’m not impulsive… not like…”
“not like me?” her friend taunted. it was true katie was a free spirit, her heart pinned on her sleeve, sweet and guileless, she did what she wanted without fear, without over analyzing everything to death.
“Not like that, I don’t jump a stranger at a concert. ”
“Umm, you just did” her friend reminded her, not cruelly, but with deep compassion.
“Did you enjoy it?” It was a simple question, but it cornered the complexity of her inner voice into a simple answer
“Then why are you freaking out?”
“It’s not that simple…”
“It could be.” Katie cut her off. “If you want to pick it apart, I’ll help, but you don’t have to. You could just take it for what it was.”
“That’s not me…”she started to whine
Katie brought her up short, “What did you like about it?”
The silence lengthened, but her friend gave her time to find the answer.
“The control. I was decisive, bold…it felt incredible”
“It was impulsive, you thought something and you acted on it without all your typical fretting about the consequences…”
“I don’t fret..”
Katie rode right over her “for once you were actually alive, instead of playing your part in the script you keep in your head!”
She felt her cheeks flush “that’s not fair!”
“Fine, tell me what you didn’t like about it.”
Her head was starting to reel again, Katie had struck a nerve. Taking a deep breath to flush heat from her voice “it was wreckless, someone could have seen! What would they think? For that matter what does he think? That I’m some kind of slut?” She nearly hissed.
“Why do you care what he thinks? You’re never going to see him again. What does it matter to you?”
“Because I’m not a slut! Because I don’t want him to think less….”she trailed off as Katie’s clever trap snapped shut, like a horse kicking the wind out of her, but Katie slammed the point home anyway
“Because it doesn’t fit the little script in your head!”
Long moments passed in silence, she rolled her face back into the comfort of Katie’s abdomen and mumbled weakly against the flimsy cotton “that was cruel”
“Maybe. It’s not black and white, I know your southern debutante upbringing is having a hard time with this, but it doesnt have to be right or wrong. It happened, you enjoyed it, I’m pretty sure he enjoyed it, the only problem is that you can’t fit your actions to the character you want the world to see”
Michaela brought her arms around Katie’s svelte build, hugging her tightly. “Now what?” She groaned, feeling her friends skin vibrate with her words.
“Now a new chapter, try living without the script” Katie chirped enthusiastically.
“Thank you, I love you.” Michaela reluctantly pulled her face away from her friend’s shirt again. “i love you too sweetie” Katie’s lips descended planting a gentle kiss of Michaelas forehead. ” otherwise we wouldn’t be up talking about boys at 3 in the morning.” Michaela started, her head jerking up to try and glimpse the time on the microwave in the kitchen, her head was heavy, her eyes grainy, by how tired she suddenly felt it really could be that late. She sat up, rubbing at her eyes. She stood, her thighs promising to remind her of last night with every step.”bedtime” she intoned as She reached down to pull Katie off the couch. She wraped her arm around Katie’s waist as Katie’s arm slipped onto her shoulders. “Way past” Katie said stifling a yawn with her free hand. “Stop it or i’ll start yawning too” Michaela finished behind her own hand, they both smiled, letting loose a tiny giggle as arm in arm, hip to hip they climbed the stairs one by one. They paused at the top of the landing, “you okay?” Katie inquired. “I think so” Michaela replied, they exchanged soft kisses on each others cheeks whispering good night wishes to each other, their bodies reluctantly parting from the comfort of a truely intimate relationship as they went opposite ways down the hall. As her bedroom door clicked shut behind her Michaela pulled the corner of the towel loose and let it puddle on the floor around her feet before piling into her bed
