The Cruise, Part One [FF]

Emily took an early morning flight to Miami, then caught a shuttle bus from the airport down to the harbour where the cruise ship was leaving from. She had settled on a light femme chic look for the trip, lots of sundresses and shorts and pastel shirts, with strappy sandals. She also had a pair of bikinis and a one piece swimsuit, sexy but not too revealing. She didn’t want to look like a streetwalker. She did pack some sex underwear though, in case there was a woman who wanted a trashy look.

Emily had worn a pair of jeans and a t-shirt for the plane ride, and was already finding it a bit too hot as she got off the shuttle bus and started rolling her luggage down towards the dock. She arrived just as early boarding was starting as she had been instructed. At the dock a crew member scanned her ticket, then took her bag to have it delivered to her room and directed Emily to the gangplank that took her up to the deck. The cruise ship was massive, holding 2000 passengers plus crew, and Emily took a moment to admire it before she boarded. When she got to the top of the ramp, another crew member scanned her ticket again, then handed her the key card for her room and directed her to the elevator that would take her to her room.

When Emily got to her room, she found her luggage already inside the small room. There was a single bed, desk, TV and mini fridge and a small ensuite bathroom with a rather cramped shower. There were no windows because the room was in the interior of the ship. “Well, I doubt I’ll be spending a lot of time here,’ Emily thought to herself as she found a folder with her name on it laying on the bed.

The folder contained the welcome package with safety information, a copy of the ship’s itinerary, a map of the restaurants, pools, gyms and shops on the ship, as well as a note directing her to be at one of the staff offices in an hour for her special orientation.

Emily hopped into the shower to clean off after her flight, then changed into a light sundress with boyshort panties underneath and no bra over her modest chest. She dried her hair which had a short undercut hanging to the left, then put on some subtle makeup. Then she went to where the note had directed her.

The note led her to a door that had the nameplate ‘Jennifer Grates, Head of Concierge Services.’ Emily knocked and a voice from inside called for her to enter.

Jennifer Grates was a rather plain looking woman in her late forties with dark brown hair pulled back into a ponytail and wearing the blouse and skirt of one of the cruise staff. She was typing on her keyboard and didn’t look up as Emily came in, but gestured for Emily to take a seat in one of the two seats in front of her desk. Grates’ office was larger than Emily’s cabin, and had a porthole that was currently looking out onto the docks.

After a minute Grates finished her typing, and swiveled in her chair to look at Emily. “So you’re the new girl Debbie found,” Grates said.

“Yes ma’am,” Emily replied, trying to look meek and eager at the same time. This woman would at least partially control how much money Emily made on this trip and she was hoping to make a good impression.

“Well, I know Debbie went over most of this with you, but I want to go over the ground rules and expectations again. You’re not to solicit any of the guests. Either let them approach you or one of the staff will let you know about an interested woman.” Grates opened a drawer in her desk and pulled out a small cheap Android phone. She slid it across to Emily. “Keep this phone with you. It has a calendar app synced to a master I have here, and you will also receive texts from concierge services when a woman is interested in booking you.”

Emily took the cellphone, nodded and put it into her purse.

“You will be on call from 4pm until 4am each day, so I would suggest taking a short nap when we’re done here. You will also have to update the calendar with any appointments you have arranged so that the staff knows not to bother you when you’re with a client. Every morning at 10am you will come back here to give me your daily cut. The cut is 20% of whatever you make, with a minimum of $100 a day. Understood?”

Emily nodded. It was just after 1pm, and after waking up early in the morning to catch her flight she really hoped she would be able to get a quick nap if she was going to have to start working in under three hours.

“One last thing before you go,” Grates said. “Lock the door will you?” As Emily stood and locked the door to the office, Grates pushed her chair back from her desk and hiked up her skirt, then slid her panties down her legs. She primly folded her panties and placed them on her desk then leaned back and spread her legs. It revealed a thick dark bush. “I’m going to have to do some quality assurance before I book you any clients.”

Emily walked around the desk and knelt in front of the older woman. She placed her hands on Grates knees then began running them up and down Grates legs. Emily bent her head down and gave long slow licks up the hollows where Grates’ legs met her pelvis. Grates had obviously been anticipating this, and her hair was wet and matted where it covered her slit. After a few moments of making the woman twitch, Emily moved her hands and used them to spread her slit open from inside the mass of hair. Grates was already quite wet so Emily didn’t waste anymore time warming her up, and dived right in. She licked from the bottom of Grates pussy to the top, driving her tongue inside her before letting it land on the woman’s clit.

Emily used her tongue to circle Grates’ clit under its heavy hood, then began to flick at it rapidly as Grates leaned back and moaned. As Emily flicked at her clit, Grates ran her hands through Emily’s hair, occasionally adjusting her position.

When Emily’s tongue and jaw started to get a bit tired, she switched to sucking the woman’s clit between her lips. At the same time, Emily used two fingers on her left hand to penetrate Grates soaked pussy, curling to massage the warm spongy of her g-spot. As Emily continued, Grates began to stifle louder moans and buck her pussy into Emily’s face. Suddenly she tensed, grabbing hard at Emily’s hair. Then Grates sighed and pushed Emily’s face away.

Feeling a little cheeky, Emily stood up and grabbed Grates’ panties off her desk. Emily used the panties to wipe Grates cum off her face. “So,’ Emily asked, “How did I do?”

Grates had already composed herself when she told Emily, “You’ll do. Orientation for first time guests is at 4pm. The details are in your package that was in your rooms. You won’t be on call today till 5pm so that you can go through orientation. Make sure that you keep that cellphone with you and check it at least every fifteen minutes when you’re on call.” As Grates spoke she quickly composed herself and pulled her skirt back down. She didn’t bother putting her panties back on, instead tossing them into her desk drawer. “I will see you again tomorrow at eleven thirty.”

Grates pulled her chair back to her computer, utterly composed as she started typing again and ignoring Emily. Feeling dismissed, Emily unlocked the door to Grates’ office and left.



  1. We are going on a cruise in August. So 🔥🔥🔥. I’ll have to let my wife know.

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