A Father’s Struggle 41 – USB (fiction, family, bond, m/f, con, torture, exhib, teasing, Spying)

Why is it **EVERY SINGLE** time I feel like I’m making progress on *something*, **something** happens and derails all the progress I’ve made?

Take yesterday for example I watched a video finding out that my little bookworm had something on her that held **the** answers I was looking for to **prove** I did indeed have *a* spy.

Then when I get a chance to actually look at the fucking thing it turns out it’s ***PASSWORD PROTECTED!!!***

Though I shouldn’t *entirely* be surprised as I sort of already **knew** Abby had that folder password protected as I had watched her enter in the stupid password before I saw her watching amateur porn where **I** was the star of said films.

My *plan* was grab the drive while she was distracted, copy the contents, hopefully with the password being too much of an issue, and simply rewatch the same video to see what she entered into the TV to unlock the videos.

I was sure with enough repetitions of watching the video I could get the password down.

Did that happen?

Hell to the fucking no.


Because her folder with all her porn was 2.12TB!!!!

And I didn’t have enough free space on my laptop to unload said amount of data onto it.

I mean I was expecting, not only Abby as I’m sure ALL my girls have porn hiding somewhere in their rooms I’m not stupid, maybe Abby’s folder wasn’t *NEARLY* as large.  Maybe a few dozen of gigabytes at most, not 2.12TB.

So I was up shit creek without a paddle.

Just another day in my book when it comes to my level of planning lately in my opinion.

I wanted to ask *so many* questions as to why her porn folder was so large but in all honesty I was too afraid to ask said questions and I’m not afraid to admit that I sure as **FUCK** don’t want to know the answers to those questions.

There’s only *SO MUCH* you want to know about your children and their desired *kinks* sure as hell isn’t one of them.

I shuddered at that thought.

And let’s not forget the ‘*renewed*’ Reagan fiasco.  Though **now** I think she’s more willing to comply to my *idea* now that she knows about it.

I lightly wondered what made her change her mind though she already *kind of* explained why but I’m sure there’s **more** to it that her voiced confession.

So now she was on the hook for some ‘fun’ time.

Though at the moment I was *lightly* thinking of a way for her to *makeup* for her fuck up.

Maybe some fun ‘Dares’ might be a good penance for her running to my daughters to save her.

I smiled as I thought about that.

Ok I **really** smiled…..like an evil cheshire smile at that thought.

But first things first….Abby’s drive.  Which BY THE WAY is a mind blowing 16TB fucking thumb drive.

When the hell did they make them so damned big?

Last I remembered, and yes I know I’m dating myself when I say this, but the last time I saw and bought a thumb drive it was a 512GB drive and the biggest, mind the time, was a 2TB thumb drive.  Granted the 512 was an easy $50 and the 2TB was still in the $200 range.  Plus this was *almost* 30 years ago when I was in college.

Haven’t had a real reason for a thumb drive in a *while*.

So I guess having a 16TB **now** isn’t that big of a deal.

So getting Abby’s drive away from her to copy her porn folder was my first hurdle….I think.

Not knowing shit about electronics anymore, well not compared to MOST people today, I went to the one person I *knew* could help me….but once again I had to be careful how I geared my questions.  

The person….Savanna.  The family’s resident tech.

I waited until Abby had left saying she was going to go to the local fandom shop here in town before I made my move and knocked on Savanna’s door.

I knocked on Savanna’s door…..then knocked….and just before I was going to **POUND** on the door I heard a faint, “Yeah.”

I spoke into the door, “It’s Me Honey.  Can I talk to you?”

I heard Savanna groan, “I guess.”

I ducked into Savanna’s room to see she was in bed and saw she didn’t have her makeup on, her hair was completely messed up, and she was holding her blanket up.

Savanna blinked at me obviously trying to stay awake and focused, “Is everything alright?”

I smiled, “Sure honey I just wanted to pick your brain about something real quick.”

Savanna looked at the time, “It’s 10:37 am Daddy,” she looked at me and blinked, “can it wait until 3pm when I wake up I just went to sleep like..” she tried to do the math before groaning, “four or so hours ago?”

I smirked at her, “I promise I’ll be quick.  How hard is it to copy a thumb drive?”

Savanna rubbed her face and groaned, “Depends on the size and type really.”  She yawned before continuing, “How big is the drive you want to copy?”

I spoke, “16TB.”

Savanna nodded, “And what type of connection does it have? A, B or C?”


I blinked at her.

She saw my obvious confusion, “Is it rectangular, small and weird looking, or oval and thin?”

This I know, “Rectangular,” I smiled that I felt like I passed some geek test.

She looked at me that told me otherwise, “Was it white …..’

She stopped mid sentence, “You said it was 16TB?”

I nodded.

She sighed, “More than likely it’s a usb 5.1 meaning it has purple or pink.  How fast do you want to copy the drive?”


I shrugged, “Sooner rather than later.”

Savanna rolled her eyes and groaned, “Just go to the store and pick up a USB 5.0 duplicator.  They’re only like 60 or 70 bucks.  Make sure it can duplicate a 16tb drive in the lists and it *should* tell you a rough time to duplicate it.”

I spoke, “Would you happen to know off the top of your head.”

Savanna laid down and turned her back to me, “I don’t know maybe half a day.  Can I go back to sleep now?”

***HALF A DAY?***

I doubt I can get Abby’s drive off her for that long.

I spoke to Savanna, “Is there anything quicker?”

Savanna turned her attention to me and I could see in her eyes I currently have two choices at the moment….continue asking stupid questions and deal with her wrath OR let her go back to sleep.

I bit my lip as I pointed to the door lightly chuckling, “I’ll just go ask someone at the store.”

And turned to leave Savanna’s room.

Before I closed the door I heard Savanna already lightly snoring.

I closed the door glad I didn’t *disturb* Savanna **TOO MUCH** though I’ll admit I was *kind of* playing with fire.

Bet if I had one of those double frap crap achinno’s with triple whip upside down with extra whatever I could have talked her into doing anything but I didn’t so I was lucky I got what I got out of her before some type of flying projectile started flying my way.  Dad or no dad.

Guess I should count my lucky stars Savanna was my techie and not Nicole….or Mackenzie as I tried to stir them out of their slumber after only four-ish hours of sleep as I would **DEFINITELY** be dodging flying projectiles.  

If it were Heather she *might* be more reserved as she kind of kept my sleeping schedule as she was **ALWAYS** up by 0430 to do her morning jog.  Home by 0520.  Cook breakfast and have it ready by 0550 at the latest.  In the shower by 6am and out the door by 0640.

On weekend’s she usually goes out for her morning jog.  Do breakfast.  Lounge until 8am at the latest.  Then she would shower and dress before she was out doing something.

Haley’s sleep schedule was sporadic but she’s not mean in the morning.  Grumpy.  But not mean.

Abby is **Definitely** grumpy and can be mean.

But I couldn’t ask Abby about this drive question as she would know something was up as it was **HER** drive I was trying to copy. Though I was only focusing on ONE part….her porn.

Still feels weird I want a copy of my daughter’s porn collection.

Feels like I need to scrub my body with a steel wire brush.

So now I have an idea of what I needed to get. Now was going to get said item’s.

Then distract Abby so she doesn’t notice her drive mysteriously disappeared for ‘x’ amount of time. Then put it back without her noticing.

I’m not gonna lie as this will be a task.

But first things first….I need a drive….and a……what did Savanna say?


No I think she said duplicator.

So now I had some items to get if I were to get a copy of Abby’s porn folder.  I needed a 16TB thumb drive and a…..USB Drive Duplicator.

Now I’m sure I could go to the local store and possibly get the drive but the duplicator sounds like a special item that *most* store’s will not carry.

And if I needed a *special* item I had to go to a store that was dedicated to *special* items.

Meaning I was going to a tech store.

Only problem is I don’t know which ‘*store*’ I need to go to.  And I kind of forgot to ask Savanna *which* store was the best one.

So I looked it up on my cell phone which electronics/tech store was the best in town.

MicroWay huh?

Alright, looks like I’m going to MicroWay.

I quickly got dressed and left my house not telling a soul where I was going.

I ended up driving close to the college in our fair city which makes sense if you’re going to be offering computer parts and tech services might as well be close to your **BIGGEST** provider for that need….a college full of students.

I parked in their driveway, semi surprised they were packed and waltzed in.

I walked into the ‘*store*’ and felt my chin hit the ground as it wasn’t just a computer store…..it was *THE* computer store as they catered to not only techie’s but gamers.

There were computer parts you could purchase to build your own computer.  There was an area where you could build it yourself with help if needed.  There was a service department for computer repairs.

Hell there was a room labelled ‘Game Room’ with a banner over it stating there was a tournament happening in a couple of weeks for a game I’ve never heard of.

I ignored most of the ambiance of the place and made my way over to hard drives after my initial shock was over.

I walked over to the row labeled ‘*Hard Drives*’ figuring this would be the best place to find a 16tb thumb drive.  I walked into the row and quickly walked to the section that said ‘*Thumb Drives*’ on the side.

I stood there and found a plethora of drives and the different manufacturers of said drives starting at 512GB and went all the way up to 512TB.  I briefly looked at the 512TB thumb drive semi intrigued and briefly marveled how they could fit so much space in such a small unit was astounding.  Briefly being the apt word as I nearly shit a brick when I saw the price immediately putting it back with a resounding *FUCK YOU!* at the price as the company was asking a mere $2,500 for the drive.  I moved back down to the smaller sizes after the 512Tb and found the 16tb at a more reasonable $180.  I briefly looked at the drive, finding it had a pink tone at the rectangular end as it marked it was a 5.4 USB…..whatever the hell that meant.

Right! Now I have my drive.

Now I need a USB Duplicator.

I looked around the shelves hoping the duplicator was in the same location.

And in typical fashion the moment I started looking around I had a person working for the store walk up and ask if I needed help finding anything.  After my initial jump because the fucker just walked up on me without me noticing I asked where the USB Drive Duplicators were located.  The man smiled and walked me around the row where there were different duplicators along with what looked like guts for a portable drive.


I grabbed a USB Drive Duplicator and thanks to Savanna’s advice I made sure the duplicator could do 5.0 and up.  And just like she said it was about $80.

And sure enough just like she also said it did tell me roughly how long a 16TB drive would take….which was seven hours.  Not bad still too fucking long.

Before the ‘*help*’ could walk away I asked him if there was any duplicators that could copy a drive in say…..an hour?

The salesman looked at me quizzically but the person pointed to the duplicator with a $500 price tag.

I pulled out the duplicator and it looks like it could duplicate thumb drives along with a slew of other drives.  Mainly solid state and nvme drives, but it did do thumb drives.  And the duplicator could duplicate a 16tb thumb drive in one hour.


I grabbed the unit and my 16tb thumb drive to the check out and nearly $720, tax got me, I had what I needed for my plan.

Now was the hard part….separating my daughter from her drive long enough to copy it just so I can get to her porn folder and confirm there was video(s) where ***I*** was the star and prove Abby was my spy.

Not really knowing **HOW** I was going to accomplish this I drove home trying to think of a viable excuse.

I got home and found a familiar car parked in my driveway…..Lola’s vehicle.

*Crap* I forgot she said her and Maxine would be here today…..after not seeing them in over a week.

I wonder *why* they didn’t text me that they were coming over.

I sighed thinking *oh well* and toted in my loot hoping Abby wasn’t home to see my ‘*plan*’….a *plan* I was still working on.

I walked into the house finding Lola sitting on one of the chairs in the kitchen sipping at a glass where wine could be visibly seen.

She took one look at me and a warm smile welcomed her face when she saw me.

Without moving she spoke, “Welcome home Max,” she held up the glass, “hope you don’t mind but I helped myself.”

I looked at her and smiled, “Of course not.”  I walked up and kissed her on the cheek before looking around, “Is it just you?”

She smiled, “No.  Maxine is waiting for you.”

I raised my eyebrow, “Oh?”

She smiled, “Come on.”

She looped her arm in mine and forced me to follow her which didn’t take much *forcing*.

I followed her as she led me to my room.

The moment I walked *into* my room my tote bag of *loot* hit the floor as there laid Maxine….on my bed….nude…..sprawled out…..the bindings I had hidden pulled out and strapped to her.

I stood there dumb founded that they had found the bindings as the blood from my head travelled lower as I heard Lola whisper into my ear, “*We* didn’t know you were into this type of thing.”

Lola grabbed onto my *handle* and led me further into the bedroom.

We stopped at my bed so I could further appreciate Maxine in her splendor as Lola asked, “Do you like?”

I looked over at Lola, my blood robbed of any cognitive thought beyond looking at her with a goofy smile and a simple nod.

She chuckled and walked into me and kissed me as her hand travelled down to start what I had missed out on for a week.


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/u035oh/a_fathers_struggle_41_usb_fiction_family_bond_mf