The Goddess and the Grasshopper: Chapter 4- Here goes.

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**The Goddess and the Grasshopper: Chapter 4- Here goes.**

She looks similar to her pictures; her hair’s a bit shorter. Her eyes are more electric. I motion that I’ll make my way over.

Holy fuck, what the heck am I doing? It’s legit been over 15 years since I faced another human in this way. I want to vomit. I want to hide. Would she see me if I ducked out? I could pull it off. What if she’s disappointed? What if I make it around to her side of the bar and she’s not there? What if she’s dipped?

She didn’t. She’s right there. Breathe in…. And out. Thank goodness she’s still smiling. Here goes.

“Hey there,” she says, buoyantly, as she pushes a pint in my direction. “Your smile is brighter than your pictures give you credit for.”

“The same could be said for your eyes.” I lift my glass and smile “Thanks! And cheers…”

“To us”- we say. Our eyes locked, as we press our drinks to our lips.

The pounding bass of the music pierces the chatter and laughter. Has it been there the whole time? We make a few attempts at banter but realize this is no place to chat, and that’s not why we’re here.

She grabs my hand, her eyes widen, “Let’s dance.” We both slug the rest of our drinks and take to the floor.

Oh my freaken god. I’m flooded with terror and excitement. My face flashes flames and I feel a bead of sweat trickle down my temple. My whole body is damp in an instant.

Thankfully, the space is over-full. Any worry of performance related to dancing devolves as bodies press closer and closer into each other. She reaches where we’re going and turns to me. It’s the first time I can taker her in, take all of her in.

She is beautiful and real. She’s soft, and a little tough, a little edge, a little dark.

She spreads her arms wide. She’s taking me in too.

*(End Chapter 4)*


**Find G&G: Introduction, here:**


**Find G&G: Chapter 1, here:**


**Find G&G: Chapter 2, here:**


**Find G&G: Chapter 3, here:**

