Giving In and Letting Go [M/F][D/s]

He had a power over her she would never fully understand. Most days she had no care to try and explain it. The closest she could come was that a piece of her resided within him while a piece of him resided within her.

He made her feel weak in the best of ways. He could look at her and as if speaking to her mind she would calm. On the other hand, the simplest of words could make her panties wet and she’d be left fantasizing about all the dirty and awful things he might do to her. And yet, their connection was much deeper than the sex. He cared for her, he protected her, he would do anything for her. She was his, beyond anyone’s understanding of the meaning and he never took this lightly, for he knew what she was surrendering to him.

She relinquished her life to him, trusted him, and believed in him. Even with her own strength and pride, he’d earned her submission and she willingly knelt at his feet. She helped make him feel whole and complete where there once was an ache he thought would never subside.

With him, she learned that giving in and letting go would never be seen as weakness but as power and his most priceless possession.

C. Stephens



  1. The ideal relationship. Both partners value each other’s strengths and buffer each other’s weaknesses. Lovely.

  2. Hmm…..perhaps my issue is that, not being able to fully ‘give in’

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