The Church Wife: Part One [MF] [Straight Sex] [Married Couple] [Creampie] [Cum Dumpster] [Religion] [Church]

*Some of the characters mentioned in this story are from another one of my stories named Sister-in-Law, it would make more sense to read that story first as events that happened in that story also appear in this one. Thank you.*

“You said her name again last night,” I turned and looked at Andy as he packed his things to get ready for work.

“I did not,” Andy replied.

‘Hope, oh Hope, I love those….’ I hit the stop button on the recording on my phone. “It woke me up, you went on for a few minutes on and off.”

“It’s just a fantasy,” Andry said, dropping his things and walking over to me. He kissed me on the forehead and went back to his bag.

“A fantasy involving a real woman, you have actually met,” I added. “At least my fantasy is an actor I never will meet.”

“I don’t know Superman might come down and save you one day,” Andy laughed.

“Ten minutes!” I yelled as I was trying to leave on time today. “The Witcher, he looks a lot better as the Witcher than he did as Superman,” I shook my head as I went to the bottom of the stairs. “I swear if both of you aren’t down here, I will shut off the Wi-Fi for a month!”

“That will do it,” Andy nodded. “Have a good day.”

The booming sound of teenager’s feet running down the stairs filled the house. Tyler grabbed his breakfast bag and kissed me on the cheek. He was out the door right behind his dad. While Winston slowly sat down at the table.

“You don’t have to keep threatening us,” he said as he poured milk on top of his cereal.

“Get down here on time, and I wouldn’t have to,” I shook my head.

“I am a senior. My grades speak for themselves,” Winston shrugged. “Besides ….”

“You’re going to Ohio State,” I said, naming my college, shaking my head.

“Dad says Tennessee,” Winston shook his head.

We were lucky with Winston; he had good grades plus an arm, he threw the most touchdowns in school history, the previous record-holder was now in the NFL’s hall of fame. He shook Winston’s hand when they honored Winston at the last game.

Then there was Tyler, his twin brother. We knew we would get stuck with him for the rest of our lives. His grades were horrible. All he did was play video games and hang out with a group of his friends. If I drove towards the school, I would see them together, making fun of the other students.

“Go,” I said as I heard the bus pull up.

That was the other thing I loved about Winston; he could ride with his best friends in their cars, but he chose to ride the bus. We were going to surprise him by giving him Andy’s truck for graduation, but after the recent increase in our money situation, we decided to buy him a new truck.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Gillian,” Natasha said. She oversaw the church gatherings.

I worked part-time at the church, and the other times I was a full-time mom, a two-story house didn’t keep itself cleaned.

“The others and I got together yesterday and went over everything for tomorrows event,” Natasha said.

“Why wasn’t I invited?” I asked.

“Gill, honey,” Natasha smiled with those fake eyelashes and cement make-up. “We know you don’t like the whole get together and talking, we went to the golf course and well things happened, and we decided you were going to make the food, here is a list.”

I was always making the food. For once, I wanted to do anything else.

“How about Anise do it this time, I could do….”

“Gillian,” Natasha sighed. “Anise is busy doing other things, she will be going to the schools and… well, she’s busy.”

“Of course,” I nodded.

For an event that tried to prevent our young teens from pre-marital sex, we were sending the most beautiful and sexy woman among us to talk to them.

I wasn’t totally jealous, but Anise turned heads wherever she went, add in the fact she wasn’t married and had no kids. She was a magnet for young men. On the other hand, well, the truth was in the pudding. I couldn’t turn heads at a construction area.

One time we all went to dinner, and a few guys were doing their usual catcalling, and I smiled, thinking that one of them was talking to me, but he yelled, ‘Not you ironing board, the one that actually has tits!’

I mentioned it to Andy, and he laughed. That was when the conversation started that I should go under the knife and get some implants, like Natasha.

Of course, she didn’t go as big as Andy wanted me to. She was a Double D. Andy wanted me to go massive, well above what I was comfortable doing.

“Gillian!” Natasha snapped her fingers in front of my face. “Earth to Gillian.”

“Yes,” I nodded. “I will make the preparations, the usual?”

“Yes, that would be great,” Natasha said as she walked to my office door. “Especially those tiny little egg things?”

“Egg rolls,” I nodded.

“They were a big hit last time, you should make double what you did last time, yeah? Good!” Natasha vanished as she headed down the stairs.

“Great,” I said as I looked at the paperwork in front of me. I called the takeout place and ordered the large dinner for pick up later tonight.

I knew I wouldn’t have time to cook after doing all this paperwork and then going to the grocery store. The good thing was that it would come out of the church’s budget and not my own.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Dinner was a big hit,” Andy said as I finally finished most of the entrées and put them in the fridge.

“It was orange chicken,” I shrugged. “The kids always love it.”

I went into the bathroom and cleaned up. I smelt like food. I couldn’t get it out of my hair and my hands. I decided it would be just better to take a shower.

“I heard about the church event; didn’t you just do one a few weeks ago?” Andy shouted from the bedroom.

“Four months ago,” I yelled back. “Natasha said it was a big hit and brought in a lot of money for the church.”

“Of course, she did, also helps her reputation,” Andy commented as I got out of the shower.

“Now Andy,” I said as I got into bed next to him.

Andy was no fan of Natasha. He thought she was as fake as her tits, and he felt that she was overdoing the preacher’s wife bit.

She also rubbed it in everyone’s faces that her father had put up the money to rebuild the church after a storm took off the roof and did a lot of damage to the interior.

“I am just saying she could tone it down some,” Andy said with a smirk.

“No,” I said, shaking my head.

I knew that look, and after calling Hope Cooper’s name all night last night, the last thing I wanted to do was have sex.

“Come on, you aren’t still mad at that, are you?” Andy said, staring at me.

“You met her last month, and you haven’t stopped talking about her!” I said, turning to face him.

“Can you blame me?” Andy asked. “Even you have been talking about how good her hair looks, how brightly tanned her skin complexion is, and you also talk about her, and her black husband more than I do!”

I looked at him as he emphasized the word black and none of the other words. He knew I didn’t talk about Hope’s husband like that. He was just a very intimidating man and seeing him up close made me think about other black men in our tiny town.

“You talked about him also,” I shook my head.

“He works in construction, I wanted tips and so far, they have paid off,” Andy folded his arms. Then a smile crept over his face as he grabbed the remote.

“Won’t work,” I said as I picked up my magazine.

“Just watching a show,” Andy said as he turned on The Witcher.

I peeked over my magazine and stared at the lead actor. I loved watching him in all black leather, with the white hair and the bulging muscles.

“Fine!” I said.

Andy knew it always worked. Hearing him talk and growl always made me want to leap into the television and have my way with him.

Andy was getting the rewards from the actor. Even now, as Andy climbed on top of me and pushed his way inside, all I could think about was the actor on the television screen.

“And you complain about Hope, you’re thinking about him, aren’t you?” Andy asked as he started to hump me.

I would call it fucking or making love or any other words. But it was humping like a small dog humping someone’s leg. That’s what Andy reminded me of when he was trying to fuck me.

At the beginning of our marriage, there were days that he would have me crawling the walls and tearing at the sheets. Those days were long gone.

Even on our second honeymoon, he fucked me hard and fast the day he met her. I orgasmed twice that night, but I knew it was because he was thinking of Hope and not me. Like now, I was peering over his shoulders and looking at the screen.

Andy continued to hump me as he grunted in my ear. I looked over at the clock. Two minutes and he would be finished. That was the average once he started grunting.

I was nothing more than a cum dumpster for him to use when he got hot and horny. Maybe it was his new secretary, the grocery store cashier, or Hope. Most likely, it was Hope. He probably watched her show this afternoon, and now he was horny.

The woman was a walking talking bimbo with massive fake tits to match. She also dressed like one with brightly colored outfits and high heels.

At the two-minute mark, Andy pushed deeper into me and came. He made a few more hard thrusts before making his usual dumping sounds.

“Happy,” I said, unsatisfied.

“Yes, extremely,” Andy said as he turned over.

Another four minutes, and he would be fast asleep. Dreaming of her.

I had nothing against Hope. She had done wonders for our marriage.

After we returned from the holiday, all he could talk about was her, how great she was, and how much he liked meeting her.

We watched her show and got a few pointers on how to flip houses. We made a killing with the first house. And now we were on our second.

What got me about the whole thing was that she didn’t want to have kids and that she wasn’t religious in any shape or form. Let alone she was now married to a black man; I was no racist, but I was brought up that we all had to stick to our own. I could never share my life with another, not from my own ethnicity.

I turned off my light and sank into the bed. ‘Nope, never could do it,’ I thought to myself.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I spent most of the next day in the kitchen. The kids were at school, which left me in the house alone. I like these days. No one to interrupt me or bother me or look over my shoulder.

There was a knock on the door, and I told them to open it. We hardly locked the doors around here. We had a meagre crime rate. Most of it was carjacking or stealing small items from parked cars. So, we locked the doors to both vehicles, and that was it. With the number of guns and ammo Andy had sprawled around the house, we could start a small militia.

“You never know,” Andy said when he bought or made a new one from scratch.

“Kaitlyn,” I said as one of the other ladies from the church came into the kitchen.

“Wow, what a spread!” Kaitlyn said.

Kaitlyn was the nearest thing to a best friend that I had. Andy didn’t like to hang out and socialize with any of the members from the church. But he loved hanging out at the bar with his buddies.

“So,” Kaitlyn said as she sat down. “What’s the Nine One One emergency?”

“Hope,” I said, shaking my head as I lifted the glass of wine to my mouth.

“You better pour me a glass,” Kaitlyn said as she shook her head.

After a few glasses and talking, we headed for the couch.

“Do you, or don’t you?” Kaitlyn asked. “Forget about Andy and what that silicone bimbo said, do you want to?”

“I mean it would take his mind off of her,” I nodded.

“And you would look like a bimbo,” Kaitlyn said, shaking her head. “Not a blonde bimbo, unless you’re thinking of dying your hair also?”

“No, I like my hair color,” I said as I stared at Kaitlyn.

“Well, I better go,” Kaitlyn said as she looked at the time.

“Can you take some of this to your fridge?” I asked as we stood up.

“Sure,” Kaitlyn nodded.

I followed her out to her massive SUV and put a few things in the back.

Kaitlyn had added some thoughts to what I was thinking about, and most of it made sense. I had to do this for myself. Not for Andy or because Hope had said it was a good thing to do.

I stood in front of the mirror. I didn’t think I looked terrible for forty-six. Sure, there were a few grey strands in my ginger hair that wasn’t there a few years ago.

I was completely flat in the chest area. Most of the kids and young men thought I had a fine rump, it wasn’t something that got the double-takes, but it was okay.

My short ginger hair and green eyes were the things that caught most people’s attention, plus my thick country accent.

“Nope, not going to do it,” I said as I stared at my reflection. “No more thinking about it either.”

I knew it wouldn’t last, as I had said that numerous times before and eventually, I knew I would be in front of this mirror thinking about it again.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Andy and I had been married for just over twenty-one years. We had three kids; our oldest, Ashley, had moved out of the house at seventeen.

She couldn’t put up with our conservative ideals and wanted to be free to make her own decisions, including getting married to a woman.

Ashley was now twenty years old and lived the life in Arizona, a far stretch from Oklahoma. Her brothers kept in touch with her over social media, and once in a while, she would come home for Thanksgiving or Christmas. But Ashley never stayed long. She hated the small town and, as she labelled it, a small-minded mindset.

A church van had come by the house to pick up the rest of the food, and Andy and I were walking into the church to a chorus of greetings.

“The food looks good,” One lady said as we walked inside.

“You really out did yourself with these,” a man said with a mouthful of mini hot dogs.

“Can we?” Tyler said as he pointed to the food table.

“Go before it’s all gone,” Andy said, shaking his head.

They were like bottomless pits, they had just eaten dinner less than an hour ago, and you would think I was starving them by the way they both took off towards the food table.

“You too,” I said as I looked at my husband.

“Thanks,” Andy said as he took off.

We had a good marriage, we never argued in front of people or the kids, we had a great house which was completely paid off. We had a good business together, and we worked well together.

The only thing lacking was things in the bedroom. And that was partly my fault. While the kids were growing up, I gave them all my attention, and now I was doing the same with the church.

It was supposed to be part-time, but I spent most of my time doing things for the church or being inside it.

“Nice turn out,” Natasha said as she walked up to me with Anise in tow.

“Very nice,” I nodded, looking at all the teens gathered around. “I can’t help but notice most of them are male,” I added.

Most of the teenagers were male, no doubt wanting to see Anise.

“The females are harder to convince,” Anise added.

“Well, it’s the males that are the main problem,” Pastor Evans said as he came close to us. “If we can get them to keep it in their pants, our boom problem might not be a problem for long.”

We all nodded. While the rest of the country was experiencing a shortage of new births due to Millennials and the younger generation waiting until they got financially stable, our small town was experiencing a boom in new births. Most of them were young teens.

There wasn’t much to do in our small town, but we were trying to get a new mall built by the highway, and some other things were in the works.

“We should mingle and spread the word, hopefully we will change a few minds,” Natasha said as she kissed her husband.

They made me sick, the way they acted in public. Everyone knew she had cheated on him, but as he preached the path to forgiveness and all. The truth was there was trouble in paradise, and everyone knew it.

I walked around for a little bit and saw my son Tyler talking to his loser friends. No doubt they were trying to score some drugs. I had grounded Tyler after he came home stoned off his ass.

Of course, Andy was all about punishing him for it in front of him, but when we got away from the kids, he laughed his head off and called it a phase.

“Did you check out Anise’s cleavage?” Duncan said who was the self-proclaimed leader of the bunch. “Bet those big whoppers would feel good wrapped around my cock!”

“Please,” Denise said. She was the only girl in the group. “It will barely fit between them, she would have to try her hardest to get it hard enough to fit.”

“Shut up!” Duncan shouted. “You’re just jealous because she has bigger tits than you!”

“Of course, she does, she’s a fucking adult!” Denise shouted.

“Be quiet or some parent would hear us,” Tyler said, not seeing me approach them from the corner.

“At least I am bigger than Tyler’s mom,” Denise laughed.

The rest of the group laughed along with her. “I am a C and what she’s like a minus in that category?” Denise laughed.

Even Tyler was laughing. “I went into her room once, looking for the code for the Wi-Fi, and saw her draw, there were no bras.”

The laughing continued. “Even my little sister wears a training bra, bet your mom couldn’t even wear it!” Hank laughed.

‘There was no way little Natalie was wearing bras already,’ I thought.

I remember the day she was born; I had held her in my arms when Cassandra was sick.

“How big do you think Anise and Natasha are?” Duncan asked.

“Double D and F,” I said as I turned the corner.

I caught them in the act of passing a joint among them as they sat in the corner of the church next to the window.

“Really? In a church!” I said, grabbing it and throwing it out the window.

“Mom!” Tyler shouted as they all stared at it lying in the dirt.

“Out, all of you!” I shouted.

“Not again!” Cassandra yelled as she grabbed Hank by the neck.

“Mom! Seriously?” Hank said as he got carried away.

The other parents came and got their respective kids. I stared a hole through Tyler as he sunk into the corner.

“You’re embarrassing me,” Tyler said, folding his arms.

“You?” I looked down at him.

Andy came around the corner. “Car, now!” he yelled.

Later, when we got home, I blocked all of Tyler’s electronics from connecting to the Wi-Fi, including his phone. You would have thought I shot him in the stomach while he was still yelling and screaming in his room.

“You know,” Winston said as he looked at us.

“Don’t!” I said, shaking my head. Winston was always sticking up for his twin brother. “Or I turn it off completely.”

“Nope, I got homework to do, I am good,” Winston said as he left us alone.

I told Andy about their conversation, and again he laughed.

“They are teens, there is nothing to do in this town, what do you want from them?”

“A little more respect, for one!” I yelled at him.

He was always picking their side. Just because he was a rebel when he was a teen didn’t mean he had to side with them. “Don’t say it!” I shook my head.

“Well, it’s true,” Andy smiled. “I did a lot worse things than them when I was their age, we are lucky, he’s not following in my footsteps.”

Andy settled into bed and smiled at me. “As for the conversation, the truth hurts. I told you people in church were talking about it, and it’s not just the kids.”

“Fine,” I said, standing before him as he sat up in bed. “I’ll do it.”

“No, you won’t,” Andy shook his head.

I had said I would do it many times before, but I always chickened out when we went.

“I will, this time.”

“Swear on this,” Andy said as he grabbed the bible by his nightstand.

“I can’t, not on that,” I said, shaking my head. “Just trust me this time?”

“Fine, I will make the appointment, but if you chicken out again, I will never believe a word you say, deal?”

“Deal,” I nodded as I went to my side of the bed.

“No! I am pissed,” I said as Andy tried to make moves on me again.

A few minutes later, he had my legs spread, and Andy grunted again. He was dumping cum into his faithful cum dumpster at the three-minute mark as usual. Another six minutes after that, and he was snoring up a storm. At the same time, I was thinking about what was to come.

***Author’s Note: The rest of this story as well as many other stories are on my other pages, the links to which can be found*** [***here***](
