The Summoning, pt. 3 [Demon/F][Breed Kink][Size Difference]

This new female smelled _wonderful_. Not the same, “in heat’ scent as the one currently filled with my seed, but more of a lavender fragrance. My desire to taste this one grew ever stronger as I forced her to the couch, my four hands working to restrain and strip her. I noticed a bit of discomfort around my mouth, accompanied by a trickle of drool. The woman screamed into my hand, her eyes bulging at the monstrosity eagerly shredding her once nice dress.

Her breasts swayed as she writhed against me on the couch. Each soft mound was topped by a stiff nipple, surrounded by a wide areola. Her dark hair cascaded over her narrow shoulders, barely standing out against her cocoa skin. The curve of her body sloped inward near her navel, then back out along her wide hips. Faint muscle tone could be seen around her stomach, but my eyes were seeking something further down. I tore her violet panties away, revealing a neatly trimmed pubic mound rising over her delicate folds. Darker lips draped around her inner pink, a hood of flesh draped over her hardening clit. Her body cried out to me for stimulation, even if her still screaming mouth and fearful eyes told a different story.

I picked her up and carried her further into the apartment. She kicked and struggled against me as we went, my full erection bobbing between her legs. We got back into the room with the first girl, still laying on her side where I dropped her on the broken bed. A thick river of my semen drained out of her, running down her thigh and onto the mattress. The sight of my conquest made the new girl squeal as tears stained my hand.

Strong arms pulled the girl away from my chest, then up, planning on sending my small tongue into her wetness. There was some surprise to see tentacles reaching out and brushing against her body from my face. I could feel her as the long, thin tentacles drifted across her, my hungry tongue reaching out in anticipation. It had changed too – from the short, fat shape of an ox’s, into a long, deep violet shape similar to a giraffe’s. “_This will be much easier and more enjoyable than expected_,” I thought, elevating her legs to my altered maw.

She rose close to the ceiling, screams dying into sobs at the obvious futility of struggling. Her legs hung limply from the wide hands grasping and spreading her thighs, her hands scratching against the ceiling while my other two elevated her behind the shoulders. The tentacles at my face extended up and around her body, circling around her thighs, ass, and lower back. I licked along the delicate folds of her labia, wiggling against both thin curtains of flesh before sending my tongue _deeper_. She gasped as my tongue entered, moaning despite herself as it plunged and wriggled against her warm, silky walls. Her body jerked in my grasp when my tongue bumped against something deep inside, perhaps nine inches beyond her entrance. She groaned in a mix of pain and pleasure as the full length of my probe curved and twirled inside, the tip glancing along her innermost ring. A vague understanding of human anatomy led me to believe that this was her cervix, the _very opening_ to her __womb__.

Excitement boiled inside. Though her flavor was still filling me with delight, my urge to mate took over and I pulled her from my face. Some discomfort below my waist brought my attention to my cock, slowly changing shape between her descending legs. It narrowed slightly, a small bulge forming near the base. The biggest change was to the head, which had grown a thin extension at the tip. The new tip easily found its way between her slick, lower lips, guiding my meaty rod into her tight pussy. She moaned into my chest as I penetrated her. My tentacles twisted into her hair, caressing her head as my shaft sunk deeper. Her legs wrapped around me, all signs of resistance apparently gone as the bulb near my base began to spread her vulva.

Two of my tentacles worked around her ears. They found the holes, and slipped inside. It started as a whisper, but grew louder. As though she were talking to me, telling me her innermost thoughts and desires. _So wrong. Feels_ ___so___ _good. Gotta fight it. So_ ___deep.___ I realized the tentacles were feeding me her thoughts somehow, and urged them on. Two others slipped around her face, finding their way into her nose as I began thrusting. I lifted and dropped her against me with every plunge of my cock, the bulge at its base growing thicker and pounding against her stretching flower with each thrust.

With five holes filled, tentacles caressing her head and brain, and the bulge of my base pressing into her lips, she surrendered herself to me. _Yesss_, I heard from her mind. Her pussy swallowed my bulb, my full length completely buried inside. My thick head pushed against her cervix, and with a slight wiggle of my hips against hers, the narrow tip slipped _beyond_. Her head hung back, pink tongue lolling out of her open mouth. A faint glow began emitting from the tips of my tentacles, barely visible under her hair but growing stronger. Small veins protruded along each as my climax approached. I ground my hips into hers, my thickening cock remaining buried within her trembling folds. She moaned freely into the air, soft spasms making her arms dance limply as they hung behind her back. I could feel her tight cervix quiver at my tip, almost trying to suck my potent load into her.

I was _all too happy_ to oblige with one final, shallow thrust. Her mind erupted as the first jet of cum pulsed up along my shaft and gushed into her uterus. Her mind melted into mine in shared ecstasy, her orgasm strengthening my own as more and more of my fluid flowed into her. Her moans mirrored my grunts, our breath syncing. My hips jerked with each throb of my cock, forcing every potent drop as deep as possible. Her legs wrapped around me, helping to keep our bodies conjoined through the climax. Slimy, orange fluid soaked her hair and streamed down her face and back as it pulsed from the tip of each tentacle, her eyes rolling up into her head in _unfathomable pleasure_. 

The last few spurts made my legs weak, bringing me to my knees just off the mattress. I laid her onto the soft surface, my tentacles pulling free from her ears and nose. Small, orange trails leaked from where my tentacles had been, and she rested on her back with a contented sigh. Her arm reached out to her friend, still unconscious after her own experience. She kept her legs around me while her climax subsided, her convulsing pussy still milking my organ. Her other hand moved to her stomach, fingers pressing against the small bump that had formed just above her belly button. The smile on her face looked to be warm, almost like love. But her _eyes_. __Those__ were full of _lust_. The girl I had snatched from the door, who had resisted with such fearful passion, had now been rewritten into one dedicated to _me_, hungry for all I could give her. All I could _fill_ her with. One who would happily take my seed, and provide me with offspring.

Thinking of this woman’s future, and my creamy roll in it only made me want more. I came down over her, two hands at her hips, two others sinking into the mattress on either side of her head. My tentacles reached out for her, ready to probe into her mind again. Her friend stirred, and her warm smile turned sinister. 

“_Her turn, my master_,” she breathed.

I hoisted myself to my knees and pulled out of her slowly. The lips of her pussy strained around the lower bulb, but finally relented. She moaned in my cocks wake, her legs shaking around me. Her tight pussy extended outward around my thickness, as if it were trying to keep me inside, and I _nearly_ surged back in. Some milky fluid leaked from the small gape I left behind, but the bulge in her stomach remained.

“S-Samantha?” the other girl began with a hazy voice. She gasped when she saw the state of her friend, laying naked next to her with orangish goo in her hair, face, and chest. She felt the sticky remnants from our last encounters as her eyes drifted to me, now standing at her feet. A scream started, but was cut off as her friend took her by the face and kissed her. Her muffled screams faded into confusion as I took my place between her shaking legs.

The new girl, Samantha, brought one hand to the other’s used pussy. She swirled her fingers around the slick mess between her legs, then held her lips apart while I approached. My thick head penetrated again, easily sliding inside with the help of added lubricant. The girl whimpered and moaned into the mouth of Samantha, her hands digging into the mattress below. Samantha kept massaging the girl’s clit, fishing out her friend’s pleasure as I leaned forward. My tentacles were reaching out when Samantha moved away, my face already close to hers. Her sharp scream dwindled as the tentacles slithered around her head and into her ears and nose. The faint glow began again, and she simply gazed blankly at me while my hips bumped into her.

My lower hands caressed her thighs, upper hands supporting my weight on the mattress. I could hear her thoughts as well, _far_ more chaotic and fearful than Samantha’s. She was screaming inside, desperately trying to regain control of her body as her legs slowly rose around me. Her feet nearly touched behind my back as they circled around. A tear formed in the corner of one of her eyes as her fight faltered, skimming down her cheek when the last spark of resistance diminished in her mind.

She was on the brink of orgasm. Her friend’s hand worked in sync with my thrusting, and the stimulation I was providing to her mind threatened to send her over. Her legs tightened around me, body and inner walls bracing for release. Every thrust and rub between her legs building the orgasm, the signals from my tentacles postponing it. Samantha leaned in between us, taking one of the girl’s nipples in her mouth and pinching the other in her fingers. I could feel the intensity of her building climax as it raged through her mind, demanding release. Her body _ached_ for it, every fiber _begging_ for the approaching ecstacy. Her longing filtered into my mind, encouraging my own eruption. The conscious effort to prolong the inevitable was fading. The small veins along my tentacles bulged harder than before, and I could feel a stubborn trickle draining from my stiff member.

I plunged into her forcefully, pinning Samantha’s hand between our bodies. Samantha released her breast, pulling her head back as the round hill of flesh rolled across her chest. The girl’s lips spread around my large bulb, enclosing on the other side once I had pushed all the way into her. My tip found itself extending through her tensed cervix, and after a moment of torturous delay I released the hold on our pleasure. She unleashed a throaty moan that could have been confused for a scream as her body spasmed against the mattress, orange smears forming behind her head. Powerful pulses ejected my essence into her battered womb in torrents of cum. Her pussy clamped around me, constricting sporadically. 

The outer reaches of her pussy quivered against Samantha’s trapped hand, every pump along my cock coursing through her fingers. Samantha looked at me, lust overtaking love. The girl around my cock continued shaking on the mattress as my potent seed flooded her fertile womb, billions of sperm seeking out her precious egg. My tentacles left her ears and nose, slick strands of orange dangling from each as they rose from her head. She groaned softly, heavy breaths making her chest rise and fall with her subsiding orgasm.

The first girl may have been fertilized, but Samantha is ready for more practice… “_More are coming_,” she told me, my upper hands taking her again. She got to her knees, her back to me. “_Getting together for a party_.” She continued informing me of more women due to arrive as I guided her onto her hands and knees, moaning around what she was saying as I entered her again. “_More_ ___mares___ _for our master_,” she said, rising from her arms. The back of her head rested at my chest, glowing tentacles streaming through her congealed hair. 

The first girl stumbled to her feet as the tentacles found their way into Samantha’s ears, circling around to her nose.”_I’ll greet them_,” she said, making her way to the hall. Her steps were strained, legs still shaky. 

“_Must get them ready for our_ ___master___.” Samantha moaned with my grunts as every thrust of my cock surged past her g-spot. My hands and tongue explored her curves as we searched out another orgasm.


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