Zane’s secret life and Amber’s secret (part 5) [trans][shower play]

Chapter 5. It’s not a dream.
(FYI This one gets a little, let’s say kinky but if your into it let me know lol)

His eyes open his vision is clouded, then he sits up sharply. His mind starts racing. Was that all a dream? Am I still stuck in the uphill battle with myself over my sorrow and rage over the needless death of the man, who was my hero, With no positive relief in sight? Am I still alone, not letting anyone see the constant struggle I’m in keeping myself strong? Is my mother still convinced that I’m trying to die? Most importantly is she real this time or have I been dreaming again this entire time?

“Good morning, I should I say good afternoon, Zane” Zane’s mom says looking through the half open doorway. Zane falls back on the bed covering his still adjusting eyes, “No! That couldn’t have been a dream.” “Are you okay Zane?” Asks Amber. Zane jumps out of the light pink sheets and seeing Amber standing next to the bed, he pulls her into a tight hug worried the she might disappear like the fading memory of a dream. “Ok, I’ve already seen toooo much I’m going to the kitchen.” Michelle, Zane’s mom said shielding her eyes. Zane looks down he’s still naked from the last night and has got a large morning wood situation happening. “Fuck, sorry Mom forgot I was well, ya know” Zane said his cheeks turning red. Amber closes the door and gives him a kiss, then hands him a duffel bag, “Michelle brought you a change of clothes and I’d love to help you with that but not with your mom here.” Amber says with a sweet little smile, pointing at his completely engorged cock. “Hey so why is my mom here?” Zane asked while getting dressed. “She was calling your phone and I didn’t want her to worry or to wake you so I answered and told her you were with me, safe and NOT looking like you got hit by a bus, again” Amber replied. “Well that’s one way to get fully woken up,” Zane said laughing. “Let’s eat your mom brought us lunch”- Amber.

“Where’s the bathroom?” Zane asks following Amber out of her bedroom. Amber points at a door on the opposite side of the living. Amber goes to sit down with Michelle, “Holy shit the boy is hung like a zoo animal” Michelle says to Amber making her blush. “Sorry about my mom’s humor, she’s a bit weird.” Zane says sitting down next to Amber at the small table. “Well she’s not wrong,” Amber says making him laugh while getting flush. “What? are to to just set on making this as uncomfortable as possible?” Zane said making everyone laugh.

They eat lunch while talking and laughing. Until they hear a knock at the door. “You expecting anyone Amber?” Zane asks. “No,” Amber replies. “I’ll see what’s up” Zane says standing up and walking the six feet to door. Zane opens the door, coming face to face with a man 5 inches shorter than Zane, but just as muscular as he his, wearing a matching tank top and gym pants. “Can I help you?” Zane asks. “No you can’t, where the fuck is Mitch?” Said the stanger.

“Oh no why is he here?” Amber wispers looking panicked.

“There’s no Mitch here, man s.” Zane get interrupted by the stranger. “Oh yeah, I forgot what does that fag go by these days? Oh yeah Amber.” “What are you doing here Jim?” Asks Amber retreating behind Michelle. “Well I normally wouldn’t be caught dead here but dad needs you to go to hope hospital and get tested to see if your a match for a kidney transplant.” “I don’t have a dad remember Jim, he said that I was dead to him. I don’t owe that man anything! Jim leave and never come back or I’ll call the police.” Amber says not hiding behind Michelle anymore, Because Zane’s presence alone is giving her courage to stand up to the first bully she ever had. Zane is locked onto jim, blocking Jim from entering and his blood is beginning to boil over. “So what you just gonna let our dad die? Jim said clinching his fists trying to get past Zane. Jim looks Zane up and down “who the fuck are you, some fag whose fu…” He gets his sentence cut short by Zane grabbing him by the neck, then slamming him against the door jamb and lifting him into to the air pinning him against the door jamb bringing him nose to nose. “Shut the fuck UP!” Zane growls tightening his grip on Jim’s neck “I’m giving you two options to pick from little Jimmy. Option One- You leave and never come back, OR option two- you stay and I rip off both of your arms, shove one up your ass and beat you to death with they other, then gut you like a fucking fish, I take your kidneys and eat them, just so your precious daddy can’t have those either. Now it really doesn’t matter what option you choose but I’d just love it if you picked option two.” Zane said with a guttural roar. “Come on Jimmy boy, what’s your choice? I really don’t have all day, Jimmy boy and you don’t either. Did you know that it only four minutes that the average person cannot go without oxygen before losing consciousness? Then brain functions shutdown and every second after starts causing permanent brain damage, that’s crazy right? So as I said. Fucking choose an option Jimmy boy!” “O. O. One” Jim choked out gasping for a breath. Zane begins to lower Jim but then slides him back up slamming Jim’s head hit the top of the door jamb. “I’m sorry Jimmy boy, one more thing. When you go back to sheep fuck ranch, little Jimmy, I want you to tell everyone especially, daddy that Amber’s husband is an absolute monster that won’t hesitate to slaughter everyone of you for even looking at his wife wrong. Do you understand little Jimmy?” “Come on Jimmy I can’t hear you. “Y,,s,,ys” Jim choked out. Zane lowered Jim and smiled and say “goodbye Jim it was nice to meet you” then Jim catches his breath then sprinted as fast as he could to get away from Zane.

“Hey I’m sorry Amber, I hope I didn’t take it to fa.. now Zane’s sentence is cut short by Amber running and jumping into his arms. THANK YOU ZANE thank you. “Wow, that was a intense,” Zane’s mom said. “Oh no your mom just heard all of that” Amber wispers into Zane’s ear. Zane smiled “just look at her Amber” Amber turns around. Michelle smiling “what? you think I’m going to get upset about you being trans Amber? What year is it? Hell, Adopting a child into a happy family is an great way to give me a grand child.” Amber begins crying and runs up to Michelle and hugs her tight, then leans back and says “I wish I had you as my mom.” “Well you did just hear my son call you his wife, right? I think that will come true someday, Amber your beautiful and will always have me to come to. Like I said, you saved my son twice. I’ll never forget that. Also as sure as I am that, that man just shat himself, it may be a good idea for both of you to stay at my house the next few days. Who knows what he might do.”- Michelle. “I can handle him, mom.” Zane said proudly. “Can you handle a bullet?” Michelle said looking serious. “She right Zane, Jim and the rest are gun nuts. So let’s stay at your house for at least tonight. Ok?”- Amber. “Ok babe”- Zane. “Oh wow its late, I gotta get going hun, I’m closing the restaurant tonight so I won’t be home till late, see ya” Michelle said gathering up her belongings, then gave Amber and Zane a kiss of their cheeks and left.

“So you want to go out somewhere tonight?” Zane asked sitting back down at the table pulling amber into his lap. “I’d rather stay home with you. Oh shit,” Amber said jumping out of his lap. “I had told a few friends that I’d go to dinner with them.” “Ok no big deal, would you just drop me off at my place on your way?” Zane said cleaning off the table. “Wouldn’t you like to come?” Amber asked looking at her shoes. “Absolutely, I just didn’t want to, well ya know?” Zane said nervously. “To, what Zane?” Amber asked. “Amber look at me,” Zane said pointing at his still fresh scars on his face and hands. “I’m not really a good lookin guy, the fact that you are even talking to me right now is a fucking miracle. Seriously I must have been a fucking Saint in a past life for you to even feel comfortable in the same room as me.” “You are ridiculous Zane,” Amber said laughing. “Huh?”- Zane. “Zane you are so hot it’s fucking bonkers! The scar just adds to your intensity.” Amber said hugging Zane from behind. “Intensity? Well I can see that.” Zane said looking at his reflection in a mirror hung in the little dining area. “I’m gonna take a shower, then get ready.” Amber announced as she skipped to the bathroom.

Zane grabbed his sketch pad out of his backpack and started putting some of the finishing touches on his recent sketch of Amber, when he hears the shower start. “What the fuck am I doing” Zane said out loud. Zane put his art project away and walks into the bathroom. “What took you so long,” Amber asks with a little giggle. Zane gets undressed and steps into the shower behind her. Looking at her perfect round ass dripping wet and then wrapped his arms around her waist kissing her neck, his cock already hard and pressing into Amber’s back. She turns around pulls his head to hers, pushing her tongue into his mouth, Zane lightly sucking her tongue. “I love all of your tastes” Zane wispers. Amber’s she-cock jumped to attention upon hearing Zane’s admiration. Amber reaches down pulling Zane’s large member onto hers and slowly rubs them together. This makes Zane crazy with lust he looks up and thinks “this is fucking amazing, ok the ceiling is definitely high enough.” Amber goes to kneel in front of Zane’s twitching cock. Zane then threads his arms between her legs and I one swift motion lifts her up softly pressing her back against the wall of the shower with her legs over his shoulders straddling he’s face, taking her pink girl-dick in his mouth. Amber is shocked expression fades into ecstasy when Zane gags pushing her down his throat. “How are you so strong baby” Amber moans. Zane looks up into her eyes and thinks “she’ll get cold up here.” He continues lapping and pushing her girl down his throat for a little while, then lowers he back down putting her back into the hot water. Then he drops to he knees and again shoves her girl back into his mouth. “The cold made me have to ya know, go” Amber says slowly pulling her twitching girl cock out of Zane’s mouth. Zane grabs her hips looks up at her keeping her in his mouth. Amber thinks “WOW, my man is as kinky as I am. “You look thristy, do want to drink from me baby?” Amber coos with instant delight. Zane nodes yes. She let’s go, with her girl still in his mouth. Listening to the sounds of Zane sucking and gulping her nectar, the sound of Zane’s feeding from her brings her closer to a orgasmic explosion. When Zane’s done drinking she grabs the back of his head with both hands and holds him still and begins thrusting her hips slamming her girl dick down his throat his nose bouncing of her waist. “I’m going to cum babe” Amber moans. Then she blows thick white girls cream down Zane’s throat, Zane again slowly sucking, lapping and swallowing every drop. Amber almost falling over trying to stand up straight. She turns around and bends over a little bit showing Zane her pink hole, “be gentle,” she says shaking with excitement. Instead of his cock she feels Zane’s tongue slipping into her, she moans with excitement, get hard again and begins stroking herself. “Deeper Zane deeper get your tongue deeper into my ass” Amber yelps, then she cums into the palm of her hand, offering it to Zane he licks her hand clean then gets to his feet. Amber looks into Zane’s eyes and says “my turn” then drops to her knees and says “we really have to measure your dick it’s really big.” She begins licking his shaft up and down stopping occasionally to suck his balls. “I’m going to get his whole cock down my throat this time,” Amber wispers. Then she pulls his hips towards her pushing him past her tongue and into her throat until she can’t breath, then she runs her hand up the back of his leg getting to Zane’s ass and begins the massage his tight hole, going in circles around it, loosing it some and getting lost in her excitement. Zane’s whole body goes rigid when she pushed her finger into him. “I’m going to cum” Zane says as soon as she gets two fingers as deep as she can into him. “N,n,now” Zane moans loud. This time blowing his cum straight down her throat, not letting go Amber sucks and slurp everything out of Zane’s now over sensitive cock making Zane jump and squirm.

Amber looks up at her love “out in the world Zane’s is toughest, baddest dude there is. He’s a true alpha male, but here he’s mine. I wonder what it will be like when he takes control.” Zane looks down at Amber “this is not a dream.”



  1. Got to be the hottest story I’ve read for a while, literally hanging out for part 6…

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