Gomorrah falls [inc][MFF]

*”Don’t look back, don’t look back,” Anna’s father kept repeating as they struggled across the fields, their bodies buffeted by the winds whipped up by the explosion behind them, unbalanced by their heavy packs. The twin cities were gone; radioactive vapor beneath the mushroom clouds hanging orange and obscenely beautiful beneath the night sky. Beside her, her sister Lin struggled on, weeping silently, tears cutting tracks through the dust and grime on her cheeks. Behind them, their mother, blinded by the first explosion as she looked back at their home despite the warnings of their father not to, disoriented by the winds of the second, slipped into the river as she ran, blind, swept away before they could reach her, forced away by the third.*

*No time to mourn. Over the ridge, into the national park. Must hurry now; the wind is picking up and the fallout is drawing near. No other survivors with them. They were one of the last cities to get hit; no other survivors anywhere.*


*Through the park, quickly now. Rainclouds gathering, gathering, drawing closer. Time’s getting short, must find shelter. First raindrops fall, hot and burning where it lands on bare skin. Draw her hood closer, protect her neck, tuck her gloves beneath her sleeves. Turn faces towards the ground, to protect the eyes.*

*There. The caverns in the green; a favorite tourist destination in what is now the Before. Shelter from the gathering storm. Quickly, the closest, head inside, Anna’s father is urging them in, Anna, Lin, them himself, to the back of the closest cavern. Far enough away from the rain, the winds, the fallout, room enough for them all and the packs they brought with them.*

*Drop supplies along the back wall, look for the radio. Panic as their father realizes it’s not with them. Before they can say a word, out into the thickening rain, lost to sight in an instant in the dark, illuminated briefly by a flash of lightning.*

*Another flash, brighter than the sun, and a shock wave that slams them back against the wall, knocking the breath out of them. They staggered upright, see their father lying in the rain in the sullen, fading glow. Anna dashes out, heedless of the burning of the water, drags him back in, his skin red and raw where it was exposed to the rain.*

*Strip his clothes off, toss them out into the night, careful to handle them with their gloves only. His eyes red and sightless, burned by the hot rain, his hands and face charred and blistered. His skull cracked and bleeding where he hit it against a curb in the parking lot, blood flowing freely in the musty cavern air. Lin drops to her knees, wails into the night. In an instant, they’re alone.*

They wrapped him in a camp blanket and lay him gently on their only surviving inflatable mattress, the other buried with their mother. While Lin tended to their father Anna took stock of their supplies, hoping they had enough for the days ahead. As leaders first beat their chests and poured sand to draw lines in their dad had stocked their cabin by the river with as many supplies as he could afford or borrow in the weeks leading up to the first of the nukes, enough for the four of them for a year if they were careful, until they could harvest their first planting. A year and a half for the three of them now. Two years for two if it came to that.

Anna hoped it wouldn’t come to that.

Their cabin was two hours by car. It took them almost an hour to walk what was normally a three minute drive; they’d only made it as far as they had due to their early start. A high nuke took out their car, the electronics frying instantly, and two more took out their city. They’d seen no other cars on the road while they drove; as they packed she’d seen people online seemed to be treating it as an adventure, a joke. Nothing serious. Now? It was just the three of them.

Lin tried her cell phone; no reception. They wouldn’t get much signal underground anyway, but how many towers were still standing now? Not many. Anna tried the radio their dad risked his life to rescue: only static. Outside, the mushroom cloud’s glow was fading, faint. Probably still to early to try. Hopefully someone was still out there to broadcast. Somewhere.

As the night wore into day, it became clear that Anna and Lin would likely be on their own before long. Their father still hadn’t woken, his skin became redder, more blisters formed where he’d been burned, his breathing shallower. He could drink water if they poured it into his mouth, but for every mouthful he swallowed they wasted ten more trying. They couldn’t even go look for help; despite the radioactive rain stopping in the early hours of the night it was still too dangerous to go out. Their father had told them that it would be days before radiation levels would drop enough to be safe to walk outside for very long, and the insistent chattering of the handheld Geiger counter when Anna got too close to the mouth of the cavern told her that her father knew what he was talking about. She set the radio down just out of range of the Geiger’s cry, and turned it on. Still static.

That night, they talked about what to do next. They’d have a few days, maybe a week, to watch their dad to see if he recovered enough to go with them to their cabin. Or recovered at all. One thing they agreed on; once there they couldn’t make it on their own, not just the two of them, not long-term. They needed more people. And there *were* none. Just them.

On the third evening, after much discussion, they made a decision. They needed a community long-term, and the only source of one- as far as they knew – was themselves. And so, that night when the last of the light had faded from the sky, they gave their dad a little more watered wine from their dwindling store, and when he swallowed the last of it they stripped naked and snuggled on either side of him, warming him with their skin. Lin, always the more pragmatic of the two, made the decision to go first, and shooed Anna away while she did, asked her to check on their supplies one more time, to give her privacy. She went over to the packs, and quietly began to take stock, despite her having memorized their contents long before. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched Lin reach down and take him in her hand, stroking him into hardness. Once he was, she rolled on top of him, onto her knees, and worked him into herself, dry and grunting as she did, working up and down the shaft, finally becoming wet enough to take her father fully into her, breasts swinging slightly as she moved along his body, Anna watching in fascinated dread at the sight of her sister on top of their father in anticipation of her turn. Back and forth Lin moved on top of him, stopping only at the feel of the spasm as he came within her, holding in place to keep as much of him within her as she could before he went soft enough to slip out.

Lin rolled onto her back and looked over at her sister kneeling by the packs. “Your turn,” she whispered to Anna, and Anna nodded. It’d be awhile before she could try. But try she would.

While Lin slept, she idly played with his member, at first damp and sticky from the moisture of her sister, then rough, then finally dry. When her father went hard and stiff again, she rolled on top of him. Took hold of him, tried to put him inside of her, found she couldn’t. She was too dry, too nervous…try as she might, she couldn’t get him in. It hurt too much.

Finally, not knowing what else to do, she woke her sister. “Lin, Lin, wake up,” she hissed in the dark, shaking her.
“Wha–?” she yawned, the asked, “What is it?”
Embarrassed, she said, “I need help.”
“You need…help?” asked Lin, and Anna could *hear* the raised eyebrow in her voice. “What, exactly, do you need help with?”
“It’s…well, it’s my..,” Anna sighed. “I’ve never done this before, OK? It hurts, I don’t know what to do.”
“What do you mean, ‘It’s your first time,'” Lin asked. “Aren’t you, like, 26 already?”
“Yes. Yes!” Anna told her. “But it is, all right?”
“What’s the problem?”
“I can’t get him in.”
“You can’t…why not?”
“I don’t know! I know *where*, but I can’t do it!”
Lin reached over and felt between Anna’s legs. “Well, no wonder! You’re dry as a bone! What do you expect?”
“So what do I do?”
Hand still between her legs, Lin began to stroke Anna *here*, and *here*. Anna closed her eyes, it felt good, ashamed at who it was that made her feel that way. She felt herself wetten, and felt Lin slide a finger in, up to the knuckle, then back out. “There. Now you can take him.”
At the idea, she felt herself dry up again. Lin sighed, and took their father in her hand, started stroking him between Anna’s legs as she crouched over him, rubbing him along her in those same spots, and again she felt that same rush of pleasure and shame as she began to wetten, and when Lin felt him glide ever more smoothly along her slit she gently slid the tip *up* and *in* Anna, stopping as she felt Anna clench tight at the feel of him inside of her, then a little more as she relaxed. Slowly, Anna began to move on top of him, taking him into her, a bit at a time, the feel of a man in her for the first time, her father filling her in a way that was new to her. “Take it slow,” Lin told her, and she did, moving along his waist, out then the length of him again, her breasts swaying slightly in the night air as Lin’s did before, losing herself in the feeling of pleasure, the pleasure she was told not to expect her first time, that pleasure itself multiplied through the prism of emotions that she was feeling: the guilt of the act and with who, the shame of her sister watching her have sex with their own father, the further shame of her enjoyment of the sensations. Unconsciously, she shifted her body slightly to further heighten the feeling, and almost without warning came, the electric wave rushing throughout her body, a slight hitch in breath the only outward sign that she had done so. Not enough for Lin to notice. She hoped.

Another minute, two, and all at once she felt a rush of heat deep inside of her, and she pressed down against him as she’d seen her sister do earlier, to keep as much of him within her. When she felt him begin to go soft, she in turn rolled off his body and, her sister already asleep, joined her.

Over the next two days, they grew ever more certain that he would not wake up; his face grew paler, his breathing weaker. They found that he responded better to the wine than water, and eventually forewent water altogether for him, giving him mouthfuls of wine at a time, transferring it to his mouth from theirs, every kiss a kiss of rehydration. Every chance they got, every few hours, one or the other of them would be found with him, hips moving rhythmically on top of him, urging him with warm flesh to come, to come, to provide the seed for a new generation, for a new world. Lin methodical and efficient, Anna less so, wanting the memories of her last days on earth with her father to be as sweet as she could make them, the last she would ever have.

It was Lin who was with him at the last. She never told Anna what happened as she thrust upon their father, but she knew that Lin had done what needed doing. They dressed him in his favorite shirt, pants, shoes, wrapped him in his blanket and placed a photo of the four of them beside him before they kissed him on the cheek and told him they loved him, that he was a good father. Each gave the other privacy to say what needed saying to the man who had been their dad, and Anna found that she had little to say, that she’d said all that needed saying in the years before. Told him simply that she loved her daddy, hoped that they made him proud, told him she’d see him again.

Faced the night and cried quietly while Lin said her goodbyes, and held her hand afterwards while they watched the stars, alone together in their memories of what had been and the parents they loved.

And in the morning, they turned away from the ruins of the old world and set off to start the new.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ty2wr4/gomorrah_falls_incmff

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