The best day of my 9-5 ( PART 1 )

Ten years, ten god damn years I have been coming to this same crappy dead end job. The same day in, day out routine, working a 9-5 that barely covers the rent just so I can continue living this miserable existence. The most exciting thing that happens in this office is when someone finally reaches their breaking point, snaps and tells one of the managers to go fuck themselves in a blaze of glory.

Today, however, was not a normal day. Sure, everything started similar enough but for the first time in my career, I was at the office and didn’t want to finish early.

My days run like clockwork. I wake up at 6am and drag myself out of bed, I make myself a black coffee and sit in the kitchen trying to convince myself to go to work instead of jumping out the window. Once the coffee has entered my bloodstream and my self-loathing subsides enough for me to accept my fate, I chuck on my suit and make my way to the office.

I actually enjoy my commute, I go by train and it gives me thirty minutes of pre-work bliss. I put my headphones on and let the world melt away as I enjoy the only peace I will get for the next eight hours. I always get the earlier train too, It means that I get a seat and I can grab some breakfast before I have to be in the office, so it is worth waking up that little bit earlier for me.

This morning I found a seat on the train as usual and went to power on my headphones.

“Battery low. Please Charge” Sounded the robotic AI voice from my headphones.

*Fuck. The charger must have fallen out last night.*

Well, that was my whole morning ruined. The carriage was always noisy, full of people talking, coughing or just generally being obnoxiously loud in whatever they are doing. the only reason I spent a months salary on these noise-cancelling headphones was so that I didn’t have to listen to this shit and now I had no choice.

Without my headphones, I decided to go the other way and observe people to kill the time. Listening to peoples conversations and looking at all the other war torn faces of the 9-5 commuters. There was the bike guy, the newspaper guy, the power suit woman and various other people you would expect to see on a 6:45 train to the city. I heard a voice coming from the row of seats behind me and I knew that I recognized it, not enough to know who it was but enough for my ears to prick up and know that I had heard it before.

I tried looking in the reflection of the window opposite me to see if I could catch a glimpse of the familiar voice. A female voice that spoke with confidence and authority while retaining it’s soft spoken femininity. There was no way of me seeing who it was from the seat I was in and it would seem creepy if I moved mid stop so I waited until we pulled up at the next station. I got up early and walked as if I was going to exit but when the train doors opened I walked over to the bay of six seats she was at and sat down opposite her. Probably was still a creep move but hey, I was bored and had nothing better to do than investigate it. Besides, I hoped it was someone I knew well enough to have a conversation with and pass the time until I arrived at my station.

When I sat down I instantly recognized who it was. She worked for the same company as I did on the front desk, we had exchanged pleasantries a few times but that was about it. She was on the phone and it was clearly a work call as she mentioned the first name of one of the big bosses and was discussing his availability for a meeting.

I was sat directly opposite her near the window as it was the only seat free in that section but she hadn’t taken any notice of me when I sat down. She was looking out the window as she spoke and I was trying to avoid staring at her so I just made some passing glances every now and then to see if she noticed and recognized me.

I hadn’t noticed how beautiful she was before, in that grey office everything seems dull and lifeless but even just from looking at the side profile, I could tell she was gorgeous. Dark hair with a fair complexion, she didn’t wear much make-up but didn’t need to either. Her beautiful long legs sticking out of her pencil skirt and I couldn’t help but notice the button up shirt was practically bursting open behind her blazer.

I kind of zoned out and I lost track of how long I was looking at her, she turned her head saw me staring directly at her which startled her a little. I gave her an awkward smile trying to cover up the fact that I was most certainly checking her out and tried to play it off as if I was just waiting for her to turn round and recognize me.

It took her a few seconds but she recognized my face and returned the smile then went back to looking out the window as she continued with her conversation.

*Phew, I got away with it.* I thought.

I wasn’t going to risk looking at her any more, the last thing I needed was a sexual harassment case thrown at me at work and despite how deplorable I find working there, I knew I needed it.

She finished up her conversation and said goodbye to whoever was on the other end of the line. I wasn’t sure if she was going to say something or strike up a conversation so I took a quick look back at her to see if she was waiting for me to say hi. I turned round a second too early, she was still looking out the window and just as my head was facing her it was too late to abort she turned round and once again saw me looking at her.

*Shit, now she is definitely going to think I am a creep.*

“Hey, I didn’t know you got this train. I haven’t seen you on here before,” I said awkwardly.

“Hey, you work in the same office as me right? Nathan is it?”

She knew my name! How did she know my name, I didn’t know hers but I was happy to know that she knew mine. Hopefully she was thinking about the fact we have said hello a few times and not the fact she just caught me staring at her twice.

“Yeah, that’s right. I’m Nathan.”

She smiled and looked back out the window. Great work genius, I was all flustered and couldn’t come up with a better response. I had killed the conversation dead but it was probably for the best, at least she hadn’t called me out for checking her out.

I looked down at my phone and just started looking at the different menus, I just had to do something, anything to keep my brain from attempting to salvage the situation and making it worse.

As I was looking at the screen she uncrossed her left leg from her right and switched to having her right on top. I was using all of my will power to focus on the dead center of the screen, I was about to burst a blood vessel trying to avoid looking. I couldn’t help but notice it in my periphery, she opened her legs wide before recrossing them.

Was I seeing things? Was I dreaming? I was almost certain I just caught a glimpse of her exposed pussy, was she not wearing any panties?

She had exaggerated the crossing of her legs to such a degree I could only wonder if she had intended for me to see. Yet there she was, innocently looking out of the window as if nothing happened at all. I kept my eyes focused on my phone, refusing to let my face acknowledge the fact I was screaming on the inside.

Five minutes goes past and I managed to calm myself down and tell myself that it was all in my head. I was playing a puzzle game on my phone that I had forgotten that I had installed which was providing me with a suitable distraction.

Suddenly, I feel something lightly brush my knee. I am 6ft 5 and have long legs so I am used to people bumping into them so I instinctively moved them back and looked up to apologize for them protruding into her space. There she was again, legs wide open, her beautiful pussy staring right at me in all it’s glory. This time she paused there for around five seconds before re-crossing her legs.

Okay, this time I knew what I saw. There was no mistaking it and I looked just long enough to know for certain. I still didn’t know if this was intentional or not, it certainly seemed as if it was but maybe she was completely innocent in all this. Well, as innocent as a girl not wearing panties can be.

I looked up at her face and could see a slight smirk out the corner of her mouth and then I realized, she wasn’t looking out the window at all. She was using the reflection just like I was trying to before and watching my every move. How long had she been looking at me? Did she see all those times I was checking her out?

My mind was racing and I began to panic, what the hell was I thinking? This was a co-worker, I shouldn’t be checking her out and looking at her while she was uncrossing her legs, had I gone mad. My thoughts were disrupted by the tannoy announcing that the next stop was ours.

She began to get her bags together and get ready to leave and so did I. Then I noticed it, the throbbing erection that was sticking up through my trouser pants concealed by my hunched over posture. If I stood up to leave before her, she would see the shameful state I was in. I waited for her to get up and leave but she stayed seated until the very last minute.

“This is our stop Nathan,” She said sweetly. Did she know? Was she doing this deliberately to torture and humiliate me?

Luckily I had my laptop bag with me, so I used it to hide the bulge that was throbbing behind my trousers and got off the train as quickly as possible. I wasn’t waiting to find out if she saw anything, I mixed with the swarm of people getting off the train and disappeared into the hoard.

I went to my usual breakfast spot and got another coffee and an almond croissant. Once again I tried to convince myself it was all in my imagination, repeating that sentiment over and over until my heart rate finally dropped.

*Shake it off Nathan. It’s all in your head.*

Once I had finished my breakfast and read the newspaper for a bit, I made my way over to the office. I took the lift up to the 14th floor and walked down the corridor to the lobby. She was there behind the desk. Normally reception greet everyone who walks into the office but she made no effort to acknowledge my entrance and I was more than relived that I could pass by seemingly undetected.

I got to my cubicle and went about my business as usual, checking the influx of emails I hadn’t yet read and attending pointless meetings that achieve nothing a one line message couldn’t have solved.

When you work in the same place for long enough, you learn a few tricks of the trade you can use to make the day pass by a little easier. One member of the team always had to take the early lunch slot at 11:30 which nobody wanted to do because it always makes the end of the day feel much longer. However, I volunteered to always take the early lunch because when I come back, everyone leaves and I can spend an additional hour on reddit while they are gone. It is also a time when the office is practically empty so I get two hours in the middle of the day undisturbed by my annoying co-workers.

Today was no different, once I got back from my break, everyone got up and left me in peace. After doing some shopping and going on reddit for a bit I needed to take a piss, so I got up from my desk and went over to the men’s toilet. I thought I would treat myself and sit down on the toilet instead of using the urinal as I could scroll on my phone while being paid for it here so why not.

Once I had had enough of being on my phone, I pulled my pants and trousers up, flushed the toilet and went to wash my hands. As I opened the cubicle door, there was a figure standing on the other side. My heart stopped, I stood there frozen as the door proceeded to swing open and right in front of me was the girl from the train. I was paralyzed on the spot, I just stood there staring at her in complete shock. What the fuck was she doing in the men’s toilet? Had she come to confront me about checking her out on the train?

She moved forward putting her finger tips on my chest and pushing me back into the cubicle. She locked the door behind her and moved in closer to me. I was still frozen, only moving with the force of her pushing me into the position she wanted, unable to say a word. She was staring at me, not breaking eye contact with me for a single moment. She put her finger on my lip instructing me to stay quite, not knowing I couldn’t say anything even if I wanted to. Her finger dragged down my lip to my chest and with a slight adjustment at the wrist she angled her hand facing down, palm flat against my stomach, and traced her hand down until it was all the way past the inside of my waistband.

I couldn’t believe this was happening, had I finally lost it? Had this job broke me to the point where I had started hallucinating or was her hand really cupping the shaft of cock right now?

I couldn’t look away from her eyes, they were stunningly beautiful and held a gaze that revealed to me she knew exactly what she wanted. As she looked at me with her hand down my pants, the warmth of her palm and the look she was giving me was enough to make my cock go rock hard. It began to lift up and push against her hand, then I saw that same smirk I had seen earlier. I knew I wasn’t imagining it, the leg crossing, the taunting at the station, it was all real.

Once I was fully erect and about ready to burst, she closed her fingers around my cock and began to slowly stroke up and down. I began to squirm and try to pull back, it was getting too intense and I already felt like I was going to soak my work trousers in cum but she gripped my cock tighter and pulled me back in close, still looking deep into my soul. Once she had secured me back in place, she started pulling at my cock again. I was trying to distract myself with anything I could think of, counting sheep or writing an email response in my head, nothing was working.

She pulled her hand out of my trousers and I breathed a gasp of relief. She put her hand down her own skirt and touched herself while I stood there trying my hardest not to cum just looking at her. She quickly pulled her hand back out and straight back down my trousers, this time her hand was all wet and slimey from her pussy juice. She grabbed my cocking stroking it all over using her own wetness as lube for my throbbing cock, It felt so good I couldn’t help but let out a moan.

“Shhhh” She whispered softly, continuing to stroke my cock up and down.

I knew it was coming, I couldn’t hold on any longer. Her greased palm gripped tightly around my cock corkscrewing up and down. My breathing was shallow and erratic, she knew I was about to cum. She pulled my cock to the outside of my trousers and squatted down. She didn’t hesitate for a second and took my whole cock into her mouth, all the way down to the back of her throat in one fell swoop. She held it there, deep in her mouth and looked at me with those gorgeous eyes of hers as I exploded in her mouth at once. I came like I have never cum before, I could feel my cock pumping my hot cum down her throat and she didn’t move an inch. She just stayed there, looking up at me, enjoying every second of it.

Once she had milked me for every last drop, she flicked her tongue around the end of my cock cleaning up any remaining residue of cum and finally pulled her head back until my cock slid out from her lips making a ***pop*** sound as it plopped out.

She licked her lips, still looking up at me and rose up to standing. She tucked my cock back beneath my waistband and gave it a little endearing pat on the outside of my trouser as if to say, “there you go, all better now.”

I parted my lips and went to say something, I didn’t really know what I was going to say but I had questions and I felt like I needed to thank her for what was hands down the greatest sexual experience of my life and we hadn’t even fucked. Before I could say anything though she put her finger back on my lip continuing to silence me.

She once again placed her hand on my chest and gave me a firm push back. I stumbled backwards, falling back onto the toilet where she now stood towered over me. There was a ledge above the toilet from the cistern boxing, she adjusted her skirt and lifted her right leg over my shoulder resting her foot on the ledge.

There, staring at me once more, was her beautiful pink pussy, glistening and dripping wet.



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