THE most expensive handjob i ever had! [MF] oh the shame!

Nobody ever talks about the really embarrassing stuff? But i will.. :D

So i was in my early 20’s. A close friend of mine was in what seemed a rushed relationship where they both decided marriage was the route to go down.

Me and a large group decided that for a stag party we’d go all out and arranged a 3 day weekend in Amsterdam.

Long story short.. they never made it to the wedding!

But given everything was booked months beforehand we decided to go ahead anyway.. after all, we all looked forward to a messy boys weekend.

We arrived Friday afternoon around 4pm. Got to our hotel, left our shit and set off out consuming whatever the hell we got our hands on. To be honest.. i cant really remember the first night, those chocolate space cakes hit hard as hell! but the next day i do.. vividly.

We woke up early, the feeling of death upon our shoulders, grabbed some breakfast and made our way down to find whichever coffee shop was open for a ‘wake n bake’ surprisingly.. they open early! It was only 8:30 and its a surreal place to be sat with business men dressed in suits smoking a joint before they head to work! But overall a brilliant atmosphere so we stayed there for a few hours, smoking and drinking but this time i left the edibles out.

After a while of deciding where to go, a walk down the red light district was favoured on everyones mind… just for a peek! It wasn’t far so within a few minutes walking we arrived at de wallen ogling all the seductive lady’s in the windows like a bunch of horny school boys.

Now… if you’ve been before then you’ll understand exactly what I’m talking about. Some of the girls are outside and they’re not shy either! They’re very touchy and will literally try to pull you inside, willing or not.

I was the unfortunate target! An absolute amazon of a blonde dutch woman began teasing and trying to lure me inside. I had no intention what so ever to actually play the part but when a beautiful blonde is trying to get you to bury your cock inside her and a gang on lads are pushing, chanting and slapping you to go ahead.. I eventually found myself inside.

She drew the blinds on the window leaving the room almost completely dark with just tinted red glow.

This is when i got a proper good look at her, and she was seriously sexy but she absolutely towered me! I won’t complain I’m into that. MASSIVE fake boobs got revealed when took her over jacket off and she stood in a pair of heels dressed in lingerie with stockings.

Her english was shite, very broken so communication was a little awkward but easy enough to get around..

“150 everything”


“You pay now please”

A pocket full of cash i drew out €150 and handed it over to her, she went away and stashed the cash and came back, undoing her bra throwing it aside unleashing her tits that remained firmly in place, walked over, grabbed my head and sunk it in between her boobs, an easy manoeuvre because my head was pretty much chest height to her anyway.

This really got me going, my cock rocketed behind my pants whilst i nuzzled her huge pillows, she began to rub, pull and squeeze my cock through my pants..



“Clothes.. take them off”


I did so and stripped down to my shorts, with a firm grip on my arm she lured me to the bathroom sink in the corner of the room

“I wash you first”

“Erm.. okay”

No I wasn’t dirty, its just policy… (apparently)

So now at this tiny sink with her on my right, she pressed her boobs into my head again, whipped down my shorts pinging my one eyed bandit out.

The hot tap running she lavished her hands with soap and began to stroke me slowly, and for a stoned fragile mind it was quite alot to take in, it felt damn good!!

She continued with this for around a minute, to which now I’d reached down the front of her laced knickers and began running my fingers along her pussy

She become wet (surprisingly) and began to moan spurring me on to continue playing with her clit whilst she widened her legs apart, by this point she focused on the head of my cock squeezing and rubbing in her giant soft palm… this is where it all went wrong!

What she was doing just felt euphoric, the mix of hot soapy water, her soft palm tits pressed against my head whilst the wetness of her pussy on my fingers just simply overwhelmed me, haha oh shit!

( you can see where this is going can’t you?)

We’re getting on for around 5 minutes, i sucked on her nipples whilst she skill-fully massaged me. Everytime she rubbed, my cock spasmed until it happened one too many times, i knew i was close but too embarrassed to say anything to her

And then i just…..


Spunked…. in the sink!

Literal rope after rope flew out of me, i hoped that with all the soap she hadn’t noticed.. but she did, and its pretty had to not notice a stream of white jizz flying out regardless of how dark the room is.

After a very patronising

“Wooowww! good boy”

She grabbed a towel to dry me off, and patted all the soap off me. Now I wasn’t sure where this next stage would go, until she said

“Okay, we done”

“What? What do you mean?”

“you cum. You go now”

So now I’ve essentially paid €150 for a handjob… a bloody good one though! But still, i was pretty pissed and about to argue my case BUT I remembered what someone told me about these places, and thats that they aren’t alone, there’s people around the back that should trouble arise and they call them.. you’ll get an ass whooping of a lifetime. So with that in mind, I basically got dressed and off i went to find my crew.

Greeted by cheers and claps i said nothing! But i did notice I wasn’t the only dirty boy paying the girls a visit, the group was alot smaller when i arrived back.

And still to this day I’ve never told them what happened!

So whats it like to fuck an Amsterdam prostitute?… Well
Ive no fucking idea! I never got that far lol



  1. I did not think they still used this tactic, You got scammed, but it really does’nt feel like it, It sounds like you only went there once, cos the second time you would have known what she was doing.

    My best, was along time ago….

    Sorry almost hijacked your post!

  2. Great story!

    I imagine this is a pretty common tale. That washing policy is a good way to cut the number of Johns you actually have to fuck and increases the number of clients you can get in an hour, if you are good enough at hand jobs

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