Readers Vote D&D NFSW Story (In Progress Voting)

Here and over on my [AO3]( I’m doing an experimental Choose your own adventure audience vote story. In which the Audience votes on which characters “encounter” which creatures. Once only one pair remains the audience will decide their fate before the next work begins.

More details are on the [AO3]( I’ll make new posts here as the story continues, but will just update the AO3 version. First will be the character list followed by the setup and then the link the polls for the continuation. Don’t forget to vote!

Character List

**Frida The Elf Barbarian:** Frida is a wood elf, from the northern tribes. She joined the group to face powerful foes so that she may return and become the leader of her tribe.

**Highest Stat:** Strength 19

**Lowest Stat:** Wisdom 8

**Subclass:** Path of the Ancestral Guardian

**Height:** 6 ft. 3 in.

**Hair:** Black hair kept in short dreads and shaved on the sides.

**Description:** Frida is a tall and muscular warrior, her dark skin ties her to the forest tribes of her Wood-Elf heritage. Across her arms and torso, she carries runic tattoos which carry the history of her people so that she may add to that history with her journey before she returns to take up the chiefdom of her people

**Notable Traits:** Headstrong and overly self-confident

**Miila The Human Druid:** Miila was the daughter of a family of hunters, growing up in the woods she formed a deep kinship with the creatures within. One of which was a Wild Shaped druid, who secretly guided her along with Druidic Rituals. After meeting a forest spirit she took up the path of a Druid and traveled out to help those with her newfound powers.

**Highest Stat:** Wisdom 20

**Lowest Stat:** Dexterity 7

**Subclass:** Circle of the Shepard

**Height:** 5’6

**Hair:** Auburn

**Description:** Miila is unkempt, her shoulder-length hair messy and adorned with decorative charms.

**Notable Traits:** Miila is clumsy and sometimes aloof with the awe of nature

**Georgina The Halfling Rogue:** A delinquent child Georgie has always valued fun as the pinnacle of living. Sneaking out of school to snatch sweets from the local store. After getting caught vandalizing a noble’s summer house she joined up with the party to get out of town.

**Highest Stat:** Dexterity 18

**Lowest Stat:** Strength 6

**Subclass:** Thief

**Height:** 4 ft.

**Hair:** Brown

**Description:** Georgie has a slender frame with long hair worn in a ponytail. Her dark studded leather aids her in scraps and the occasional side job.

**Notable Traits:** Georgina is a troublemaker, but past troubles have made her relentlessly cautious

**Thia the Human Warlock:** Trapped in a bad spot Thia traded her constitution for a silver tongue and dark magics. Which she uses in search of a fortune, both for her benefit and hopefully to buy back her soul.

**Highest Stat:** Charisma 22

**Lowest Stat:** Constitution 5

**Subclass:** Pact of the Fiend

**Height:** 5 ft. 11 in.

**Hair:** Black

**Description:** Thia carries herself with class, wearing a black dress mended by magic and protected by mage’s armor. She wears her hair in a crown braid with a silver headdress.

**Notable Traits:** Thia is reckless and determined, her singleminded pursuit of wealth and power blinds her to danger. She also is remarkably confident (often overly so)

**Baela the Firbolg Sorceress:** Born with holy magics to clerics of the God of Fire Baela was destined for a power she never desired. Caring and soft-spoken Baela has used her magic to heal and help, making friends with the party and joining them to ensure their and those they encounter’s safety

**Highest Stat:** Charisma 19

**Lowest Stat:** Strength 8

**Subclass:** Divine Soul

**Height:** 7 ft. 10 in.

**Hair:** Dirty Blonde

**Description:** Baela keeps plainly dressed in a dull green tunic, letting her hair grow long. She wears cloth wraps around her arms to hide burn marks from a fire she accidentally started in her youth

**Notable Traits:** Baela is quiet and gentle, but is fearful her magics could accidentally harm those around her.


Rocks shifted and fell as the pillar of light broke through the now unburied entrance.

The small form of a halfling clambered through, tied to a rope around their waist. By dim lantern light, she lowered down to the bottom. “All clear!” she called out to her four companions. One by one climbed the 25 ft. down the rope into the entryway staring off into the depths that lay ahead of them. Accept for Miila who soared down as a hawk, before reshaping into her human form.

“Are you sure this is such a good idea?” Softly spoke the party’s Firbolg member. “It doesn’t feel right to disturb a place like this.”

“Stuff it Baela, there’s good money to be had down here” The party’s human leader exclaimed. “I wouldn’t have brought you here if I thought we couldn’t handle”

“Whatever lies ‘ere I can take” The ax-bearing Barbarian said as she squinted her eyes down the blackened cavern.

“Regardless, we can’t go in blind again. We barely got out of that tomb in Rikelwed” Said the lantern toting halfling.

“You’re right Georgie, who’s on scouting duty?” said the Warlock as she looked over her party.

“I think for this it should be…”

# Vote Here

[Character Vote](

Alt Link: [](

[Monster ]([Vote](

Alt Link: [](

Votes end at midnight on the 15th of April MST.



  1. I’m here for the druid in hopes of an Evil Dead like tree scene. Lol

  2. Basicly just went diagonal on the thing, except the warlock with the mindflayer and the sorcerer with the cult just bc it would be boring to have it be so stereotypical as a warlock with a cult. With mindflayer that could be like getting brainwashed to think the mindflayer is the being that is giving her power, so she tries to get it to give her more and refuses to leave untill she is level 20(which wont happen) with the cult/sorcerer she can be used as a ritualistic sacrifise that summons their demon which then impregnates her with “the one chosen to lead” The cult so they keep her, the druid with pack where she sees that they are a desperate pack without females so they need somone to help expand the pack, the halfling with trolls offered as a tribute to the chief who wears her as human armor/a sheath, i think a subreddit for things similar to it is r/x6harness ? Not 100 on that one tho. And lastly the brood i got nothing for, what ive seen with that before is usually hot but i cant exactly pinpoint what. Either way gl lol

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