A Father’s Struggle 38 – Culprit Confirmation (fiction, family, bond, m/f, con, torture, exhib, teasing, Spying)

This was the first time I had actually reviewed the new security system as it had recorded everything.

And I had no idea what the hell SF-04-02 or any of the other codes meant.

Still I clicked on the video that had been tagged last night in my room and was completely flabbergasted when I selected the video.

The video was **so** ***crystal clear*** that I couldn’t believe it.  And the angles?

**My God!**

All this money just showed me what I paid for and there were clear differences from my old system to this one.  It was like going from an old TV to 4k TV.

It was that clear.

And I had multiple angles to choose from.

I had started the video and watched as Abby and I were in my room while we watched the anime that **she** selected.

Yeah I know this.

Still I watched until it was clear that I fell asleep.

And I started lightly snoring.  

I had been sleeping for one episode before Abby stopped the show to look at me.

I watched her snap her fingers near my head but I didn’t wake up.  I watched her lightly tap my cheek but nothing.  She picked up my arm and let go as my arm dropped to the bed.

Why was she doing this?  And why don’t I remember her tapping my face and not waking up?

Usually I’m a light sleeper.

Huh weird.

I watched her smile and get up and leave my room.

The video followed Abby from my room to my man cave as she pulled out my laptop and used my saved credentials to login to my *old* surveillance system as I watched her stop the recordings in my room. Then she closed my laptop and put it back. Then she left my
Man cave and walk over to her room. Then once in her room she quickly walked to her cabinet as she reached down and grabbed one of her plethora of toys hiding from her drawer.  Then she walked back to my room.

*Abby abby abby…..how did you know about video surveillance system? why did you grab your toy?  Then come back to my room?* I thought to myself.

Abby walked into my room and closed the door.

**NO!!** I thought as I watched the show.  **DON’T YOU DARE LOCK THAT DOOR!!**

*And she’s strolling to me* I resigned to myself and thought *Why is that smile on her face like that?*

I figured the way she was walking to me with her toy in her hand made me wonder….

Yes I thought it.

*Please **DON’T** use that toy……on me*

I paused the video too afraid to see where it was about to go next though it was clear my little Abby was about to do something naughty.

But then a question entered my brain…..if she was horny which she clearly was if she was getting one of her toys.  Why didn’t her eyes change colors?

I rewound the footage back and paused before she moved to her room to retrieve her toy.  Then using the footage’s features I was able to zoom on Abby’s face….specifically her eyes.

They *looked* normal.

*The contacts* I thought.

She was wearing her contacts that were the exact color of her eyes when she wasn’t horny.

Well that explains **WHY** she had those contacts…..now.

At the time I didn’t know **WHY** she had those contacts and thought them to be weird and odd as Abby didn’t need corrective lenses.  None of my daughter’s needed corrective lenses of any kind as up until now all my girl’s have had near perfect vision…..at least the last time I had them checked they were perfect.

Sure Heather *might* use a pair of glasses to read contracts especially the fine print….or when she was tired.

And I think I’ve caught Abby wearing glasses late at night when she read but she said she only wore them when she was trying to finish a chapter late at night.

Or Savannah wearing blue light lenses as she says it helps her stay in front of a computer longer.

I just took my girl’s word for everything because I don’t read late at night….or stay in front of a computer for an extended amount of time.

So when I found the contacts I thought they were weird but probably just another tool to help Abby read or something.  Not hide when she’s fucking horny.

What else is this girl hiding?

In fact, what are **ALL** my girl’s hiding?

I clicked play to resume the video where Abby came back into my room.

I watched her stand in front of the bed as she unzipped her onesie enough before she resumed laying on the bed.

She grabbed the remote and navigated to something on her drive that was plugged into **my** TV.  I watched her navigate to a folder as she entered a password before the contents could be displayed.

Then she clicked on the first video…..Porn.

And not just any ole porn…..amateur porn.

At first I thought it was just some poor quality porn but quickly realized it wasn’t *normal* amateur porn….as the *star* was someone special…..me.

I blinked as I realized that Abby was watching a video of me….during one of my *solo* sessions.

I sat there dumb founded as my jaw had hung open.

I had found my spy…..Abby.

How else would she have video’s of me?

But why?

I sat there too shocked at what I was seeing as Abby watched me pull out **my** toy and slip the velvet device onto my dick.

I heard Abby moan lightly before she started to fondle her own breasts.

She started to lightly murmur things like *Oh daddy* and other things that were too soft to hear properly.

Then I blinked as she stopped and reached over to **me** and pull out **my dick**.




But she did.   And there I laid lightly snoring as Abby had pulled me out to limply lay there.

Abby looked down at the limp member before returning her attention to the video that was playing to resume fondling herself before she eventually grabbed her toy that she grabbed.  She licked and sucked on it before she slipped it in her onesie and I can only assume what happened next.

I sat there completely flabbergasted at what I was watching….my daughter…..masturbating….to me.

Too many questions ran in my head.  Like how did I miss Abby’s attraction to me?  How did I miss all the camera’s?  How did I miss all the signs that I was being spied on only to find it too late?


Was Abby my ONLY culprit.

She had to be with her thumb drive holding ALL the answers.

A thumb drive I never found in my search.

She must keep that drive on her at all times or I would have found it.

Then it dawned on me….she was still asleep…..and her drive was still plugged into my TV…..I think.

I could go grab the drive and simply look.


I quickly logged out of my system and closed my laptop.

I stood and rushed out of my room.

Only to crash and land on a female as we both uttered ‘*Oof*’.


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/tv5y53/a_fathers_struggle_38_culprit_confirmation


  1. I’m so invested really appreciate your ability to paint a picture

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