The Farm, pt. 4 (forced breeding, body expansion, forced orgasm)

When Avery awoke, she had the sensation of floating.

What the… she thought, slightly opening her eyes and seeing only soft yellow-white light in a deep purple room, almost like she were getting a massage. In fact, now that she thought of it, she felt a pulsing pressure around her wrists and hips and ankles, and she realized something soft was holding her up.

Her head was resting on a circular pillow, further emphasizing the idea in Avery’s mind that she were in a massage parlor, with her face cradled by a cushioned headrest and her arms stretched up and beyond her head, suspended with her wrists in soft stirrups. It felt to her like similar stirrups held her ankles behind her. The bulk of her weight was being supported by an infinitely soft cushion underneath the hinge of her hips, positioning her with her ass high in the air and her legs softly folded under her, and her torso lightly stretching between her hips and her head. Avery couldn’t see much, but thought she felt as though her breasts were also supported by something- although whatever it was seemed to be just enough to keep their weight from pulling down on her back.

If she weren’t so confused, if the memories of her internment weren’t so present in her mind, she’d almost enjoy it. Physically, she felt surprisingly weightless, comfortable.

Although the comfort quickly changed to dread as she heard the sound of footsteps approach her.

Patent Pumps.

The head rest under her face, though comfortable, blocked Avery’s view below her and to the sides. But the angle of her arms and her hips prevented her from adjusting much to try to see around.

She heard the footsteps stop. Avery held her breath, unable to determine where Patent Pumps had stopped her walk, and only had a moment to wonder before-

Something soft and slippery rubbed itself between the folds of her pussy.

Avery jerked, feeling herself swing slightly in the restraints. A slender hand caught one of her feet.

“Now, now,” the teasing voice of the high-heeled woman crooned, “It will only be more painful for you if you fight it. We finally got you relaxed. It would be a shame to cause you pain.

Avery found herself at war with her own mind. Every fiber of her being tensed with the urge to fight this woman, to struggle against her constraints until she was physically unable to.

But her body remembered the stocks. Her knees and neck still ached from kneeling day and night against the cold concrete floor of the barn, and the voice was absolutely right. For the first time since she’d been here, Avery’s body had relaxed- first from the heat of the shower, and then from the soft fabric and masterful balancing of her body in these swings.

Avery stilled.

“That’s a good girl,” the woman praised, stroking a warm, soft hand up and down Avery’s thigh.

Avery shuddered at the contact. She hated this woman with all of her being, but at the same time…

Her touch was so surprisingly comforting. Warm. Almost familiar.

Tears welled in Avery’s eyes. She fought, but couldn’t manage to keep a sob from escaping her throat.

“Oh, now now my dear, it’s going to be okay,” the voice purred behind her. As she spoke, the hand crept higher towards the seam between her legs, and Avery felt the slick, smooth object slowly and gently creep its way up and down, massaging the folds of her pussy. “You have been so patient, so good, while we’ve prepared this for you. You have responded so well to our treatments.

Treatments? Avery thought. The whirr of a small motor clicked on, and suddenly the support underneath her breasts began to slowly move, pushing up and smushing the fleshy masses into her chest before wrapping around them, and slowly pulling back down into place. Avery groaned as it tugged just a little bit further down that was entirely comfortable, before the material inside the cups inflated slightly, pressing harder against the skin and pushing the mass of her breasts back up into her chest.

The feeling was entirely foreign, almost as if each one of her tits were surrounded by their own water bed, and the material pulsed around them in a regular rhythm, alternating with lightly squeezing and relaxing around her breasts.

Her hips slowly began to rock in time with the massaging pumps, and Avery moaned. Patent Pumps chuckled, and Avery felt the pads of her fingers lightly grip into one of her thighs as the slick object from earlier pushed inside of her.

Avery’s pussy spread easily for it, and when she felt it bottom out inside of her she was surprised to feel that it wasn’t particularly deep. In fact, when she felt the woman withdraw her hand from it, Avery had to clench the walls of her pussy down to keep it from falling out.

“Oh, that won’t do, will it?” The woman’s voice clucked with disapproval. “We want you relaxed. Can’t have you tensing. Perhaps if something were to hold it in place…”

Another whirr reached Avery’s ears, and seconds later a firm plate same up behind her and pressed against her ass, sealing the entrance of her pussy. She could feel the top of her mound peeking out from underneath the plate, almost as if she were perched on the edge of a chair.

The edge of it grazed her clit. Avery jolted.

“Oh my, still sensitive, are we?” Patent pumps asked. Rhetorically, Avery thought. She had to know how sensitive she’d be. Avery held back another moan. The cups around her breasts were squeezing more insistently now, her hips rocking more forcefully in their swing, and the movements were pressing the flesh of her ass and the base of the object inside her to softly slap against the plate.

It’s edge pressed again and again up against her swollen clit.

“Let’s work with that.”

At the same moment Avery felt the plate shift, she heard the buzz of the vibrator. Her whole ass was shaking now as the plate buzzed behind her, vibrating the object that she realized was a short dildo at the outer edges of her pussy and tantalizing her clit at the same time. Avery felt sweat began to bead between her shoulder blades as the sensations started to build within her. The pumps continued their onslaught on her breasts, and her nipples swelled and poked inside their strange fluid pressure chamber, and the woman chuckled again.

“You’re going to feel just a slight pinch.”

When she said that, Avery was expecting something to shove into her from behind, so she gasped in surprise when instead she felt a sting in the tip of each nipple. Avery winced, but the pain soon ebbed away as heat began to spread from the tips of each nipple and radiate throughout her breasts.


Avery couldn’t hold back the moans any longer. While the vibrations at her clit were slowly pushing her higher into bliss, it was the fuzzy, prickling heat in her breasts that was the height of Avery’s pleasure now. The cups continued to massage and squeeze and pump their achingly steady rhythm and, to Avery, felt like they were squeezing tighter with each cycle.

Avery felt her back rounding as the cups pushed her breasts further and higher back into her chest, and then Avery realized- it wasn’t the cups that were squeezing tighter. It was her breasts that were growing, impossibly, larger.

“Ohhhhhh!” An animalistic howl burst from the base of Avery’s throat as she felt something like a valve release inside of her left breast, followed quickly by the right, and the hot pressure that had been building inside of her sprayed out through her nipples. The rush of sensation sent a wave of warmth up her chest and down her spine and into her core, tangling with the electric current of pleasure pulsing with the vibrations against her clit and pussy, until it finally reached a delicious climax, and she found herself bucking her hips against the swing with her orgasm.

“Now!” She heard the woman yell over the sound of Avery’s own screaming, and suddenly metal arms wrapped around her thighs and secured the plate firmly against her ass, and she felt a rushing weight, like water, spill into her core from the dildo inside of her.

Avery tensed briefly at the intrusion, but the dildo swelled and expanded, forcing her loosened pussy to relax even further to accept its increased width. The mass pushed against the roof of her inner walls and she felt herself relax even further, and suddenly there was wetness everywhere: down her legs, dripping from her thighs and pouring deep inside her pussy and squirting from her breasts. The pressure in her core increased further and further and further until she thought she might burst, the fabric against her hips cutting almost painfully into her swollen lower stomach as wave after wave after wave of mind-numbing pleasure surged from every point of contact on her body.

“Turn her,” the woman said.

Avery felt hands on her then, detaching the cups from her breasts, lifting her limbs up from the stirrups and her hips from the swing as they spun her to lay face up in mid-air, before slowly transporting her and lowering her into an impossibly comfortable bed. All the hums and buzzing of motors ceased. The hands propped her knees up with pillows and she didn’t have the strength to fight them. Her limbs felt impossibly weak, like noodles, and her body wrung out and used from the fullest-body orgasm she had ever experienced.

The last thing to drift into Avery’s consciousness before sleep overtook her was the sensation of light, soft fingers trailing across her stomach, and a low female voice whispering, “Let’s hope this takes.”


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