General Arthur’s Conquest – Chapter 7: Seeking Alliance [MF] [MFF] [fantasy] [non-con]

[[Chapter 1](] [[Chapter 2](] [[Chapter 3](] [[Chapter 4](] [[Chapter 5](] [[Chapter 6](]

The light from the morning sun was too bright. My head was pounding, almost as if it was beating me up from the inside for having drank so much the night before. My face hurts. Why the fuck is my face hurting? Oh right. The princess kicked me in my face last night. I sat up on the bed, and massaged my temples. And where the fuck are my clothes?

The princess was bent at her waist, rummaging through one of the bundles of clothes she packed the day before. Her torn sleeping gown hung loosely off her shoulders. I pushed myself off the bed and walked towards her, uncertain of my own intentions. Was I angry? Or was I sorry? My mind was hazy because of this fucking drubbing in my head.

She turned around, startled, and leapt to her feet when she saw me standing stark naked next to her. She stepped away from me, her eyes darting between my face and my exposed cock. I took a step towards her, reaching out my hands, unsure of what I actually wanted to say or do. She retreated. I followed her, matching each of her backwards steps with a forward step of mine until she found herself sandwiched between me and the wall behind her back.

“Please…I’m still hurting.” Heaving heavy breaths, the princess reached for my cock. “L-Let me help you instead…” She started pulling on my flaccid cock. I stood in front of her, my mind muddled from the incessant drumming in my head, undecided if this was what I had set out to do when I got out of bed just moments earlier. Regardless of what my ineffective brain was thinking, my cock started stiffening from the attention the princess was paying to it. I looked down at the princess gently massaging my cock. Her long blonde hair framing her beautiful face. Her sapphire blue eyes swollen from a night of tears. Her chest expanding with each heavy breath she took, pushing her nipples against the torn fabric of her gown.

She gasped as I grabbed onto her waist and spun her around, pressing her body against the wall. I lifted up the bottom of her gown and guided my cock towards her pussy. “W-w-wait. Arthur…wait.” she implored, her hand reaching back in a feeble attempt to push me off her.

I pressed my cock up against her entrance. I slid the head of my cock up and down her slit, feeling the heat from her loins and the moisture coating her folds. She was wet today. Wetter than she was last night, or at least that was how I remembered it. “Arghhhh” I groaned into her ears as I pushed into her, my cock slid into her with ease like a hot knife cutting through a block of butter.

I wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her towards me with each stroke. My pelvis clapped against her ass cheeks, emitting a satisfying SMACK with every thrust. My other arm went around her chest, moved the useless robes out of the way and groped her soft breasts. I fondled her breasts and teased her erect nipples, eliciting soft but unmistakable moans of pleasure from the princess.

“Ahhh..umpphh…oohhh..ahhh” the princess’s gentle moans matched the rhythm of my thrusts.

Her pussy lips clung on to my cock as I pulled out of her. I turned her around to face me and lifted one of her legs with my arm before guiding my cock back into her. I resumed thrusting into her as she brought her arms around my neck, clinging on to me as she struggled to balance on one leg. Perspiration trickling down our bodies, I moved my hips with fervent intensity, feeling my pending orgasm.

“Aaahh…arghh…ahHH… ARGHH!” I groaned. Our eyes locked as I came inside the princess. Desire. Hate. Anguish. Fear. All the emotions melded into one as we held onto each other, our sweaty bodies plastered together.


We moved out at noon, not a minute later. Such is the efficiency the Kastran forces pride ourselves in. I rode at the apex with Lieutenant Dylan to my left. My right, a void, conspicuously empty. We led the troops North. The mounted cavalries followed close behind, while the battle-weary foot soldiers marched on. A baggage train followed at the rear, bringing along the food, weapons and supplies that we need, along with the high-value prisoners, and the princess.

We halted our horses and paused momentarily at the fork in the road. “You sure you want to do this, General?” Lieutenant Dylan asked.

I nodded. “You are in command now, Dylan.”

I gathered a handful of my best cavalry and we rode off, peeling away from the rest of the army. Lieutenant Dylan took over command over the rest of the army, leading them onto the other path.

We rode for days, through forests and plains, across mountains and rivers. The grassy plains gave way to vast scorching sands. Eventually, the shimmering lights of the Inra Empire appeared in the distance. The walls surrounding the Empire stretched as far as the eye could see, even from a distance. Beyond the walls, a marbled palace rose in the distance, shining brightly in the reflected rays of the Sun overhead.

We reduced to a slow trot and stowed our weapons as we approached the gates. Guards began to emerge on the top of walls, bows drawn. The guards stationed outside the gates advanced towards us as I gave the signal for my men to halt.

“This is General Arthur of Kastra. I’m here to request an audience with Emperor Zameer.”


Night had fallen by the time we were ushered into the Royal Palace of Inra and led towards the throne room. The opulence of the throne room surpassed the extravagance of the palace’s exterior. The doors swung open and we stepped into the throne room laid with ruby encrusted flooring. Armed guards stood at attention along columns of gold trimmed pillars. Walls adjourned with priceless art pieces and rare artifacts, multiple beautiful women lazing upon luxurious chaise lounges adorned with fine embroidery that lined the sides of the room. At the back of the room, Emperor Zameer sat confidently on an outrageously gaudy golden throne, a woman kneeling in front of him between his legs, bobbing her head up and down his lap.

“Nice to see that you are doing well, Zameer.” I greeted.

“Arthur! It’s been a while! How nice of you to come all the way to visit!” We exchanged pleasantries as the woman continued with her blowjob, seemingly unperturbed by the presence of a dozen other men standing around in the room. The emperor grunted as he came down the woman’s throat before waving the woman off. I mindfully averted my gaze as his spent cock came into view for a brief moment before he tucked it back under his pants.

“Zameer, I’ve travelled here to seek your support…” I started explaining the purpose of our trip before being interrupted. “I know why you are here, Arthur. We’ll talk business later. Take a seat. You must be hungry. Let’s have dinner first.”

We took our place in the chaises and more women entered the room carrying trays of food. The line of women paraded across the room, each draped in exquisite sheer chiffon gowns, before splitting up and joining each of my men on their respective chaises. I ogled at the two woman who were walking towards me, studying their shapely bodies on semi-display underneath their translucent dresses, leaving little to the imagination. I held my breath as I caught glimpses of their legs leaving the confines of their dresses through the thigh high slits with each step they took.

The one in the turquoise dress and dark black hair flashed me a smile and placed the tray of food on the end of the lounge chair before taking her seat on my right, placing herself between me and the tray of food. She turned towards me and smiled as she crossed her legs and placed her hand on my biceps. “Nice to meet you, General. I’m Jasmine”, she introduced herself with a smooth melodic voice.

I felt the cushion sink under the weight of another body on my left and a raspy voice whispered in my ear, “And my name’s Ariel”. I turned around to find another lady with fiery red hair and a turquoise dress sitting on my left, her hands folded nervously on her lap.

I alternated my attention between Ariel and Jasmine, captivated by their beauty. Each of them so different from the other, yet both absolutely stunning in their own ways. I enjoyed their soft caresses while they fed me pieces of exotic meat and fruits and goblets of fine wine. I reciprocated their attention by returning their touches, gently stroking their arms and exposed thighs. I got bolder as the dinner progressed, and my right hand soon found its way under Jasmine’s dress. My left hand wrapped around Ariel’s waist, pulling her closer towards me. I inched my hand higher up Jasmine’s inner thighs and was rewarded with a gentle moan as she uncrossed her legs, allowing me further access. Ariel’s body was pressed up against mine, and I could feel her nervously breathing on my face as her soft ample breasts squashed up against my arm.

“Enjoying yourself, Arthur?” Zameer’s voice sounded out. “I heard you have a thing for blondes. Unfortunately, I don’t yet have a blonde wife. But I’m sure Jasmine and Ariel will keep you well satisfied tonight.”

Wait. What? I snapped out of my trance and it took me a solid minute before I could fully process what Zameer just said. Blonde? How does he already know about Olivia? And w-w-wife? I stared wide-eyed at Jasmine and Ariel, incredulous, withdrawing my hands from the ladies sitting next to me.

“Don’t worry. I have more than enough wives to share. Ariel here is my newest.” Zameer laughed, witnessing my trepidation.

“She’s number seven.” Jasmine cooed in my ear. “I’m the fourth.”

“If you like them well enough, maybe we can swap with your Georian princess someday.” Zameer offered. “Come. Let’s go to my study. I’m sure you are eager to talk business.”


I left Zameer’s study exhausted but relieved at managing to convince him to lend his support in our war against Georia. A pair of guards escorted me across more outrageously lavish halls before reaching my bedchamber for the night. I pushed the doors open and stepped into the room, and immediately felt the warmth of lush carpet on the floor under my feet. Intricately carved timber panelling lined the walls. Sheer curtains draped over the sides of a huge four poster bed that sat in the middle of the room. The jewels encrusted in the bed posts sparkled, reflecting the light from the grand marble fireplace that burned in a corner. Two sets of pink and turquoise dresses were folded neatly on the dresser next to the bed. Sitting behind the drapes were two unmistakable silhouettes.

I parted the curtains and crawled into the bed to find both of Emperor Zermatt’s wives waiting for me, stark naked. I marvelled at the bodies of the two women in front of me. Ariel’s long red hair framed her ample breasts which stood proudly firm on her body despite their size. A small tuft of red sat on her nether regions, almost like a fire begging to be extinguished. Jasmine’s breasts were more appropriately sized for her svelte body, but she looked just as enticing, or even more so, with her toned body and bronze complexion that was almost shining in the dim light filtering through the drapes.

The women reached out to me, tugging and pulling on my clothes, and I soon joined them in the nude. Two pairs of hands roamed my body, teasing and caressing, deftly avoiding contact with my throbbing cock. I slid my hand around Ariel, exploring her smooth fair body and feeling her soft tender breasts in my hands, as my tongue fought a valiant battle with Jasmine’s. Breaking away from the kiss, I turned and lowered my head to Ariel’s breasts, hearing her heart thumping heavily in her chest as I brought her nipples into my mouth. Ariel let out a husky moan as her fingers ran across my hair. Jasmine’s hand traced the muscles on my body, moving from my chests to my abs. I felt her hand continue downwards, finally reaching the base of my painfully hard cock that was screaming for attention. She dragged her finger slowly along the entire length of my cock, starting from the base until it reached the head.

“Ahhhhhhh…” I released Ariel’s nipple from my mouth and let out a long sigh as Jasmine’s finger twirled around my sensitive glans. Jasmine grinned, pleased with the reaction she elicited, before closing her hand around my cock and began jerking me off with long slow strokes.

Jasmine nodded at Ariel who joined her between my legs. I silently mouthed a thank you to the Gods and Zameer as I looked down at the two gorgeous faces inches away from my cock. “Oh fuckkkkk…” I groaned as Ariel stuck out her tongue and gave several tentative licks at the exposed head of my cock before opening her mouth and lowering herself onto my cock. I threw my head back and moaned as my cock slowly disappeared into Ariel’s mouth. As Ariel sucked and bobbed her head on my cock, a warm sensation engulfed my balls. Jasmine took my balls into her mouth as she expertly licked and teased my balls with her mouth and hands. I knew I was fighting a losing battle to hold back my impending orgasm as the duo worked on my cock with well-rehearsed precision.

“Wait. Stop, stop.” I pleaded. Not wanting to cum so soon.

“Which one of us do you want to fuck first?” Jasmine smirked, emerging from between my legs.

I examined the shy busty red head before locking eyes with the playful tanned goddess, having made my choice. I spun Jasmine around and pushed her onto her knees. She arched her back and stuck her ass out. I held on to her hips and positioned my well lubricated cock at her entrance as she rocked her hips from side to side teasingly. I moved my hips forward and let my cock slide into her velvety smooth pussy with ease.

“Oooohhhhhh” she moaned as she back up against me, taking the full length of my cock into her. Ariel came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my body. I felt her soft breasts on my back as her hands stroked my chest and twirled her fingers around my nipples. I reached behind my back, pulled her head towards mine and our lips locked.

“Oh yes, General. Fuck me. Fuck me hard.” Jasmine moaned as she moved her hips and fucked herself onto me, squeezing and massaging my cock as she gyrated her ass. “Yes. Yes. Yes. Oh yes. Oh oh my god… Ahhhhhhhhhh…” her pussy clenched tightly around my cock as she came. Her entire body shook and shivered before she went slumping down onto the bed, exhausted, her flawless tanned skin glistening with sweat.

I turned my full attention to Ariel and moved to lay her on her back. I spread her legs apart and leaned in, bringing my mouth to her pink slit, taking a deep breath inhaling her musky womanly scent. I stuck my tongue out and drew it across the length of her pussy, prompting an unexpectedly loud moan from her. “URGHHHHHHH”. Her hands clenched around the fabric of the bed spread as I savoured the sweet nectar flowing from her pussy.

Ariel’s moans caught Jasmine’s attention as she tapped me on my shoulders. “Lay down on your back, General. Let us serve you.” I obliged and laid on my back s instructed, staring up at them. Jasmine jerked on my cock bringing it back to full attention before lining it up with the red head’s pussy as Ariel moved across the bed and straddled my body.

“Argh…” Ariel scrunched her face into a grimace as my cock parted her folds. The heat of her pussy engulfed my cock as I watched the shapely woman lower herself onto me until our pelvis touched. She placed her hands on my chest for support and slowly rocked her hips against mine, her heavy breasts swaying mesmerizingly as she moved. Jasmine cuddled up against me and slid her smooth sweaty body against mine, her lips painting my body with kisses.

“Aahhhhhhhhh… Fuckkkkkkk… Ahhhhh-” my groans were muffled as Jasmine brought her lips against mine, her tongue embracing mine. Her hand reached for my balls, gently cupping and massaging them.

“Ohhh…arghh…ahhh…ohhh…” Ariel’s sensual moans filled the room as she picked up her pace, lifting her hips and slamming them back down impaling herself onto my cock repeatedly. Her hands now holding on to her own breasts as she kneaded them, her messy hair matted against her wanton face. I desperately wanted to, but I knew I couldn’t last much longer.

Expertly reading my pending orgasm, Jasmine parted her lips from mine. Ariel followed her cue and dismounted from me. My cock protested as it left the warm confines of Ariel’s body, coated with her juices, painfully hard and begging for release.

The two women lowered their faces to my crouch. I lifted my head from the bed and made eye contact with Jasmine as she looked into my eyes, dragging her tongue long the shaft of my cock. “Arghhhhhhhhhh…” I groaned as Ariel joined in. I wished there was na artist in the room with us who could paint the scene for posterity. A busty red head and a sex bronze beauty licking and teasing my cock in tandem.

They worked their way up slowly to the sensitive head. My cock was sandwiched between the two pairs of lips as the women made out with each other. Their tongues flitting and dancing around the head of my cock as they kissed and sucked.

The sensation was out of this world. Too much for me, nay, any living man, to take. I groaned and moaned as my body trembled and my cock pulsed, shooting out stream after stream of cum which landed on their faces and bodies. Jasmine and Ariel did not stop, continuing their joint assault on my cock, eager to drain every lost drop of cum from my body.

I slumped back in the bed, exhausted, as Ariel and Jasmine cleaned me up, first with her tongues, before wiping me down gently with a warm towel. I drifted to a blissful sleep with the two women cuddled up next to me.


1 comment

  1. Thank you from taking time off placing pixels in r/place to come read some smut.

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