The Catfish Diaries: The Hotel Affair Part 2 [MF]

You stand there beautiful, in your black dress, shoes in hand and teary eyes, mouth agape. You are staring at your panties pressed against my face, not sure what to say. Seconds tick by without any words spoken until your shoes drop to the bathroom floor.

I stand naked before you, quiet, the hiss of the hot steam spilling out of the shower. My chest soapy and wet, balls shaved and smooth. I stare back, naked desire on full view. I know how you like to watch but see you unsteady and not sure how to take it all in. Your feelings on full display.

I step out of the shower, my heart beating out of my chest. My perversions on full display set an odd backdrop to this tense, uneven moment. My wet feet unsteady, erection easing until my words find purchase in my mouth “ I am sorry….I uh….” not sure what to say “you make me want to lose myself again and I can’t help myself ….”

You take a silent step and lean against the sink for support, head down. I step out of the shower stepping toward you, my wet feet slapping on the cold tile floor. I finally know what I need to say.

“ It may be too late “ I say as I walk toward you. “ but let me try to show you… “ and slowly spin you around until you are facing the mirror. Barely able to see you in the steam I reach over to clean a small section so you can see yourself.

Placing my fingers under your chin, I raise your head until your eyes meet mine. “ Look at me love, let me look one last time into those big deep eyes” I start slowly.

“You are so absolutely beautiful. Inside and out . You are sweet and nurturing“ , i whisper , kissing your ear “Look at your eyes, your nose, these lips” I start as I trace my fingers over the soft flesh and remove your glasses, placing them carefully on the countertop .

“What he doesn’t see I do. What he doesn’t appreciate I will. What he doesn’t give you I will” I say. “ always, but it comes with a price. To taste each other’s souls , this deeply, isn’t safe. “ I say as I wipe you eyes “ You think you can control the burning, but once you feed it, it is a river sweeping you away in wants. You have to find a way to turn it off or it will consume you as much as I want to. Forgive me.” I say. “ I still can’t control it “.

“The hurt is real. This hurt is real but on the other side of that hurt is incredible pleasure if we let someone in” my fingers sliding under the spaghetti straps of your dress. I pull them over your shoulders and step back .

The dress drops silently around your feet until you are completely naked save for the collar still around the porcelain skin of your neck. Still facing the mirror my eyes devour your body.

Your beautiful Venus curves and wide hips and full ass on display. You stand still. I notice your breath quickening and breasts rising sharply. I see you gulping down some emotion, still silent. I feel myself grow but continue.

Leaning closely I whisper in your ear “ I don’t care who your are with or where you are outside of this room. I can’t own you. You will have others as much as you tell yourself you won’t. I’m not going home with you. All I can give you is inside this room …in our bubble “ I say as I lick your ear slowly with my tongue. I feel you shudder and legs buckle as your hands reach for support .

“I can give you my utter devotion and attention to every detail of pleasure you crave . In return i will relive these precious moments until I die . This moment , this picture of perfection . “ I say as I slowly slide down to my knees, my tongue tracing a trail down and through your lower back until my face rests against your ass.

With my hands I turn you around so you are leaning backwards , legs open. Looking up at you, your beautiful face, mouth open , and eyes wide I maintain eye contact as my tongue carefully searches for your clit. Your soft moans Mixed with the patter of the steamy shower feels like we are another world away. Time loses meaning and we are floating in time with each other’s energies combined and mingling.

Silently kissing you side to side , biting and nibbling as I do. Soft marks of pain to remind you that nothing lasts and to enjoy this moment . Now. Bite. Pain.
Hurt. Followed by long slow licks of pleasure . Pain and pleasure inexorably linked

Back and forth slowly in sync with my tongue I feel for the rhythm in your energy until I break for air and slowly stand , my grey beard wet with you. My hands move to the collar around your neck and hold it tenderly before saying “ this may as well be around my neck love…you are welcome to leave if you like. Our time is short here but if you could spend the night….maybe room service?”
