Forbidden Desires Part 21

After the tour and lunch, Fernando leads me into a training room. Its walls are a cool black and the room doesn’t lack space between a firing range, a punching back, a swimming pool, weights, treadmills, and metal cabinets holding more equipment. We walk to where a white  chalky looking circle is drawn onto the wooden floor. Fernando slides his robe off and sits, his legs crossed and his face at ease in his naked state.

“Join me,” he says, motioning his hand to a spot across from him.

“Okay,”  I say, half paying attention as I take in the room and the simplistic nature compared to the garden, the library, and the other dozen rooms he’d shown me earlier. There is a militaristic design to this space blended into athletics and it feels so much like a page out of my blue and green celestial world. It’s hard to believe that my world is a copycat that was created for people without a connection to Krystal. My body slides out of its robe and I sit across from him.

“Both fire and teleportation are in your hands,” Fernando says, looking into my eyes. “They are both different but require the same type of training, the sharpening and focus of the mind. By mastering different levels of focus, anything will be possible. But no one has truly been able to master every level. Even me, who has been raised into it for most of my life. Only the owls of Ma’lor have such talents and can conjure any element of matter and do as they please without the use of hexes for aid in the arts they weren’t born into.”

“Will I ever be able to fully handle it?” I ask him, swallowing a lump. “I mean, if you’ve had most of your life to train.”

“I know that you will,” Fernando smiles. “You have something that I didn’t have when I first started. Our Tither. We will use that as your stepping stone by trade memories. We will trade memories in order to focus your mind into what you will need to start.”

    “Did we get naked because of the Tither,” I ask him, trying to keep my eyes from wandering across his body and the trail that leads to his cock.

    “It is,” he chuckles. “It puts us both into vulnerability and opens our soul’s connection even more.”

    “Does it hurt?” I run a hand across my face. “Sharing memories.”
    “No,” he frowns. “Well… it depends on your definition of pain. Emotionally it may, but not physically.”

    We sat in silence for a moment as I stared into the floor and searched out the reasoning behind such a strange thing existing. It all just seemed so scary, sharing memories. What if I shared the memory of the rape or the pain of my family’s rejection? Or the first time I slept with another guy?

    My mind races with these thoughts and then it stops as Fernando’s arms wrap around me. My face burying into the fluff of his hairy chest and my nose filling with his musk, making my cock stir some as he kisses the top of my head.

    “There is nothing to be scared of,” Fernando whispers, stroking my back. “Nothing could ever scare me. Ever. I will be right next to you if it becomes too much and I will go first. Sharing memories, that is. And you don’t have to share until you are ready to.”

    “Okay,” I say into his chest and pull away to kiss him on his perfectly smooth lips. “Let’s do it.”

    We lay together side by side on the cool wood floor. My chest is heaving some as though I’m about to run around a race track. Fernando takes hold of my hand and squeezes it.

    “Close your eyes,” Fernando lightly says.

    My eyelids close and the world goes dark behind them.

. “ Focus on the lids of your eyes,” he says. “As though you’re searching for a lighthouse in the modest of a great storm.”

    There is a flicker, like lightning during a summer storm.

    Fernando is distant but I can hear him, “The waves do not want you to see it but I do. I do. See the lighthouse, Alonso.”

    And I see it. The lighthouse at the edge of a city, a great stone structure jutting out on the cliff, its spotlight searching out on the rolling waves filled with such anger much like my own chest that is filled with it now.

    Why am I so angry?

    “Are you going to go see her?” a female voice breaks out and I realize I’m standing in a room. A parlor finely decorated with navy blue walls and a fireplace that crackles. My eyes turn on a woman sitting in the other chair across from me who I had been looking past to the sea. She is dressed in a simple yet intricate dark green gown, her fingers weighed down by rings near every knocker, and a necklace made with multiple strands of gold glitters in the fire light.

    “How long does Sarah have, mother?” my voice shakes out, barely audible. My heart skips with the realization that I sound more like Fernando and less like me.

    “Less than a week,” Mother says. “But the doctors believe much sooner. A day or two even.”

    “And there is nothing they can do for her?” I am hoarse. “That’s it for her? A slow death by something that has already taken her sight, mother?”

    “It is,” Mother says, barely holding it together as she fiddles with her rings. “Three doctors have already said there’s nothing to be done but to stand by her side and to say our goodbyes. If it’s too hard… I understand if you can’t go see her. I don’t think I shall be able to, I would lose myself simply to see her like that. Your father has already paid her a visit. They were always closer, those two.”

    “I’ll go,” I say aloud. “I have to or else she’ll never let it go that I didn’t.”

    “Good,” she sighs. “Just make sure to not tell her. She doesn’t need to know just how little time she has. Let her think she still has a chance. It’s a kindness really.

    The world fades to me naked and dressing in a suit made of thick brown leather. Servants are helping me put on the heavy outfit complete with boots. thick gloves, and a mask that takes the shape of a bird’s face.

    “Is it fully sealed?” I ask the servants.
    “It has been properly checked, your grace,” one of the servants says. “The suit is properly sealed.”

    “Thank you,” I tell the servants. “You may take leave.”

    They take flight as though there is nothing more they have ever wanted. No doubt fear of catching the disease is deeply rooted in them.

    I walk to a pair of doors and open them, revealing a bedroom that once used to hold such joy. Now there is only darkness with flowers on every surface attempting to vail the dying scent that lingers like decaying fruit. My mind wants to run but it wont let me and my feet continue to the bedside as I kneel at the girls side.

    “Hey rose petal,” I say as my hand takes hers. Her brown skin has lost much of its warmth and her lips are stained.

    “I was wondering when you were coming jerk,” she says, her eyes somehow still meeting mine. “Dad didn’t think you would but I bet against him. I told him not Fernando. I told him that Fernando would come and he would have to give me all his ice cream for a week when he does. He’s going to be so–”

    She coughs out and red stains her lips. The coughing doesn’t stop and I hold her hand as her breathing wheezes like some entire other creature then the gentle one that laid in bed ill. I feel tears wanting to come as I sit with her alone. The big sister of Fernando with no future to ever have a husband or child. No future as the queen she could have been. A kind and gentle queen like their loving and devoted mother.

    The coughing stops and all I can do is hold her hand. Telling her how much I love her and how when it’s all over we will swim again in the garden pool like we used to.

    And I can feel my body slipping into the memory of us plashing in the cool water. Sarah is alive, her laugh musical in the air soaked with the scent of roses and pines. All pain washes away and there is nothing but contempt for such splendid sunny days.

    I wake on the wood floor and tears stream down my face. Fernando squeezes my hand and I can’t help but to take him into my arms. Catching him off guard, I kiss him deeply.

    “Why did you show me that?” I ask him.

    “Because I’ve felt the pain that sometimes strikes you when we’re together. I wanted to show you that you’re never alone in having suffered, Alonso.” Fernando kisses me. “Now, let’s see if you can summon a little fire. Hold out a finger and focus on the tip.”

    I do as I’m told and focus on the tip of my pointer finger as I sit in his lap.

    “Just take a deep breath,” Fernando tells me. “Focus on breath to help.”

    “It’s not going to happen,” I say. ” I think I need more time Fernando.”

“Don’t give up,” he says. “Just try a little longer.”

My eyes feel as though they could burrow a hole through my finger as I focus even harder. A tingling runs down my spine and up my arm, my teeth chattering together in response as a blue spark jumps at my fingertip and fizzles out.

    “That’s it?” I cry out.

    “Hey,” Fernando laughs out. “I’ve seen worse with Sarah. A spark is better than nothing. You just need more time.”

    “If you say so,” I grin and grind on him. “What is that I feel under neither me?”

    “Why,” Fernando chuckles. “I have no idea what you mean.”

    And he flips me on my back, his hips grinding into me, and kissing me with such need that even Bella never felt with Edward Cullen in bed as my cock leaks precum and I moan between his kisses.

    My nails run down his back as he moans out uncontrollably, cussing.

    “Are you going to fuck me today, your grace?” I laugh. “Or are you just going to tease today?”

    “Either can be arranged with that manor of yours,” he growls as my legs wrap around his waist.
