Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 14)

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< Part 13

Just as before, none of the girls seemed to have any questions. Most of them even looked a little stunned. Then finally, as before, it was the shyest girl, Lisa Green, who raised her hand. Lord Jacob then nodded towards her.

"Master Jacob," said Lisa. "For the lack of a better word, I would like to say I found this evening very enlightening. I say 'for the lack of a better word' because usually it is associated with learning something new. I don't know how to describe an experience where something I have always felt to be true can now have words to describe it. It's not that you and Lady Jennifer have given me something new, it's that you have revealed to me something that was already inside me.

"I say this so that you will know that I don't doubt anything you have told me, except your confidence that we, who believe as we do, are in the majority. If we are, why do we not confront those in the minority and educate them in the realities of Christianity?"

Lord Jacob responded, "For a lot of reasons, actually. Mainly because it would be pointless." To his wife he asked, "You're planning to cover 'what are words for' tomorrow, right?" Lady Jennifer nodded her head.

Then back to Lisa he said, "One of the things you will learn tomorrow is that it is nearly impossible to have a productive discussion with someone who has as a different value system. Have you ever watched a liberal and a conservative discuss their differences?"

Lisa gave one of those wide-eyed nods that can only be translated as 'Oh yeah, many times.'

"Not very productive are they. The conservative says something like 'we want to end the welfare state.' Yet the liberal hears 'We don't care if the poor starve.' On the other hand, the liberal will say 'We want peace.' Yet the conservative hears 'We want to surrender.'

"I can no more convince a street preacher of the harm he is causing to the image of Christianity, than I can convince a liberal of the harm he is causing in the poor by getting them dependent on the welfare state. And for the same reasons, which are they both refuse to accept the responsibility of the ramifications of their actions beyond what they intend to happen.

"The only difference between the two is that when you back the street preacher into a theological corner he'll dehumanize you as nothing but a tool of Satan sent to convince him not to continue his 'mission.' It always goes downhill real fast after that."

Lady Jennifer added to this, "I would disagree with my husband in that liberals will also dehumanize us conservatives, but in this case we are nothing more than tools of Carl Rove."

While this Q&A may have started like the previous did, with Lisa Green asking the first question, it didn't continue that way because now Alyson Frazier did not need to be coaxed out with a question. This time she shot her arm up with a great deal of earnest.

"Yes Ally?" asked Lady Jennifer.

"Mistress Jennifer, I still consider myself the proud daughter of liberal parents, and while I may now disagree with them a little bit politically, I resent you claiming that they do not accept the responsibility for their actions. My parents are very responsible people, and for you to think otherwise is very insulting."

"Oh really?" replied Lady Jennifer. "Let's take the Iraq war for example. Do you hear anyone on the left saying 'President Bush meant well, but things just didn't go as planned?' Have you? Of course not. It's been a constant stream of 'Bush meant to go to war with Iraq from the moment he came in the office.' and 'Bush invaded Iraq to get the oil' or 'Bush started a war to get Halliburton rich' or 'Bush knew there were no WMDs' or the real loony thing 'Bush mastermind 9/11 to get the justification he needed.'

"You see, when you're a liberal, you can only be held accountable for the things you intend to do. If you have to tie your mind into a mental pretzel in order to believe in verifiable lies, just so that you can have the justification you need to hate the person you want to hate, then so be it. For liberals, President Bush had to intend what happened, or by their own standard, he can't be held accountable."

Alyson was now quite angry and respond with "And I suppose you think Bush should not be held accountable for the disaster that has occurred in Iraq?"

Lady Jennifer took a few moments to get her anger under control, then replied "You did not include 'Mistress' in your question, and for that you will be spanked later this evening. Your question was intended to draw my character into question and for that your spanking will be doubled.

"Now to answer you question. In no way, shape or form, will I hold anyone other than the terrorists in Iraq accountable for the disaster that is occurring there. If I were forced to point a finger back at this country I would point it at those who are the terrorists' enablers.

"These terrorists know they can never defeat our military, so they are counting on us to cut and run from Iraq. Whether you want to believe it or not, they certainly are not getting the impression we will from President Bush.

"Tell you what; I'll leave it to you to decide where to point the finger to those that give the terrorists the most hope that their wanton slaughter will bear the fruits they desire. Just remember, liberals would never point it at themselves, because they would never intend to enable terrorists."

The room remained quite for a few minutes, and then Sandra Nelson raised her hand. "Yes Sandra," asked Lady Jennifer.

"Master Jacob," began Sandra. "On several occasions you used the label 'those who want non-believers to burn in hell.' I don't think that's fair. It's God that determines who goes to heaven or hell. Certainly the so-called street preachers don't want people to go to hell."

Lord Jacob replied, "They may not want people in general to burn in hell, but it's very important to them that non-believers do. Let's try an ethics experiment. Not too long ago, a Muslim terrorist strapped some bombs to his chest, and walked into a pizza parlor in Tel Aviv to blow himself up. He of course succeeded in killing himself, but he also took out eleven patrons with him.

"Since you just used the word fair, do you think it would be fair if he got into heaven?"

"Of course not, Master Jacob," replied Sandra.

"So you think it would be fair for him to go to hell?"

"It is certainly what he deserves, Master Jacob."

"You have now used the word deserves. Both fair and deserve are judgment calls, and the difference between a judgment call and a simple determination of something, is that a judgment call reflects what you want. So we have now established that you want certain people to burn in hell. That leaves us only to haggle over where you draw the line.

"Now don't worry. I'm not lumping you in with those that want all non-believers to fry in hell. You have only begun to learn how fairness when applied to others twists and maligns your soul. The only people I'm talking about are those that would be disappointed and consider it unfair if non-Christians were allowed in heaven, and there are far too many so-called Christians that feel that way."

Sandra raised her hand again, and Lord Jacob nodded towards her. "Master Jacob. Can I take it from what you just said that it would be OK with you if the terrorist made it into heaven?"

"What I believe," replied Lord Jacob "is what I stated before. Only the part of you that is compatible with God makes it into heaven. Once you have stripped away the deep seeded hatred and cowardice from within the terrorist, and all of his worldly desires, such as the seventy two virgins he thinks are waiting for him, then that miniscule little chunk of what survives of him that makes it into heaven is perfectly fine with me."

And again Sandra raised her hand, which prompted Lord Jacob to say, "More? OK Sandra, what is it?"

"I'm sorry Master Jacob. I hate to appear to be beating a dead horse, but your earlier claim that you don't value that Christ died for your sins so that you may go to heaven, is starting to look like you just don't believe it. Don't you believe that Christ is your savior?"

"Excellent question Sandra," exclaimed Lord Jacob. "I am so happy you asked that. When it is asked of me I always respond passionately, and most important, honestly, that Jesus Christ is my savior. But with those that are not members of this kingdom I don't elaborate any further. For you I will.

"Do I see Christ as saving me from hell? Possibly. I suppose I'll find out when I die. The only thing I know for sure is that Jesus Christ saved me from a life without meaning. He saved me from wasting this precious life on stupid, selfish and ultimately meaningless garbage that never would have brought lasting joy to my life.

"One of the many things that we generally don't get into with initiates is that we don't view heaven as something that you put off until after you are dead. We believe that through Christ we begin to pull heaven into our lives right now. Those that believe heaven is only for after they are dead, generally believe they should live a miserable life of sacrifice and denial in order to earn their way in.

"We believe heaven is not earned, but something you become. If you want to have a joyous and meaningful existence in heaven, then you need to start having a joyous and meaningful life here on earth."

"Ok girls," Lady Jennifer said to break the silence that ensued after what Lord Jacob said. "It's getting very late and there is still much to cover. I'm sure Roberta has some refreshments prepared back in the dining room. Let's take a break and refresh ourselves, and freshen up. Then meet back here in thirty minutes."

Part 15 >
