[Pt. 2] [MF] I ruined my shot in high school, but it looks like I’m getting another chance

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/triomr/mf_almost_a_decade_later_i_still_remember_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

It was late when she texted me. Well, late for me at least. These days, it takes a lot to keep me up beyond 10pm. But reading her subtle flirtation gave me a quick shot of adrenaline. Everything awakened. I felt like I was in the cart of a rollercoaster slowly climbing before the big drop.

Why would she have texted me this? Randomly at 1015? On a Thursday? She must have had it bad. This is a desperation text, I reasoned to myself. Does this mean she doesn’t have a boyfriend? No way— she’s too hot and too cool. She’s taken, gotta be. I was dying to uncover her motives and see if our teenaged flirtation could be dusted off in young adulthood.

I read the text again, “You remember when you ruined your best chance with me? Lol”

It had been a few minutes. She was casting bait and I was abso*fucking*lutely going to bite.

“Still thinking about that night on the patio, huh?” I said back.

It wasn’t a strong text, but it’s all I could muster quickly. I wanted her to know how fast I was to chomp down on her hook. I didn’t care if it made me bleed. She needed to know she had me. I was desperately hoping she would meet my pace and not let up.

Three grey dots, then a text came through. “I just can’t believe you didn’t make a move lol”

Ok, so she was telling me something here, right? Confirming my suspicions? She wanted me back then, and I was too afraid. She knew it, that must be why she called it out. Maybe she was testing to see if I’ve grown up. And, I reasoned to myself, she must be really horny right now. This is all too random to not be sex induced. The mind will do cartwheels for the promise of booty.

I thought I should own my previous mistakes. “I can’t believe it either. Smh. I was ready for you. My stupid brain wasn’t haha”

“Ready for what?” She fired back immediately.

Ok, I thought to myself, how much detail do I get into here? She wants to know how my body reacted to her. Does she want to hear about how desperately hard she made me? Certainly she saw my full 7 inch cock protruding from my gym shorts that night. Ugh. That night on the patio. I watched her eyes trace my fully erect cock, saw her brow rise, her tongue slyly moisten her lips. She must have known, but now she just wants to make me say it.

My phone vibrated as my mind tried to craft a measured response.

“My underwear was ruined when I got home. You missed out :P”

*Woah. Someone’s turned on in Portland!* I thought to myself. Well, that was a good sign. I figured it might be time to drop the game and just talk to her, like we were two old friends. Thank god.

“Dude I was so hard, I had to jerk off in the car on the way home.”

“I noticed I had that effect on you. Seemed like a nice dick back in the day lol” she replied.

“It has stayed that way! No job too tough for my big guy hahah” I was feeling a bit more at ease speaking freely.

“Ugh. I’m so in need of some dick.”

“Portland guys not doing it for you?” I inquired.

“My bf is fine. It won’t last forever. He just… doesn’t give me what I need,” she typed back.

Which begged the question…

“What do you need that you’re not getting?”

Three grey dots. Then nothing. A few too many seconds pass. Grey dots again. She was editing something.

Don’t be careful, I thought, just tell me!

Grey dots disappeared again. A couple minutes. They were excruciating. I could feel a new sensation crawling down my shaft as I laid naked in bed, shrouded in the darkness of a nighttime bedroom. My balls were tightening. A dew drop of precum was waiting at the tip of my cock. I was getting really turned on thinking that maybe she was touching herself. Or maybe she had given up; that would be less fun.

Then my phone buzzed again.

“Come to my hotel and find out ;)”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ttqb8z/pt_2_mf_i_ruined_my_shot_in_high_school_but_it


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