Lusting after brother’s wife Pt. 1 [MF] [femdom] [penetration] [cum eating] [degredation] [humiliation] [light impact play]

This is only split into 2 parts because of the length. Part 2 actually gets into the sexy stuff and it picks up immediately after this one.

Criticisms welcome. I want to make this a story with multiple parts. Thank you for reading. Let me know what you think!

The men did not look at all alike, but Dove couldn’t help seeing them as one. Jonathan made himself as wide as possible, spreading his legs and resting his arms out on the edge of the couch. He was determined to look comfortable, dominant over his household, but he wasn’t fooling anybody. Agitation radiated off of him. His brow was creased, stomach and shoulders tight, jaw clenched, and his hands were in fists. Every time a lock of his hair touched his face he was quick to flick it back. Everything about him in this moment contrasted with his brother, Casey who had been confined to a small square of the couch. Casey held his body in close, afraid to encroach on his brother’s property. He knew he was unwanted, and Jonathan made every effort to make him feel unworthy of anything in his house. To Jonathan, Casey was untouchable, a presence he would pay to not be associated with anymore. Dove had a soft spot for him though. Sure, he was skinny, he didn’t dress the best, he needed a haircut, but she couldn’t help seeing him as an extension to her husband. Jonathan and Casey were identical twins, but their wildly different paths in life had molded them to be inverses of each other. When Dove looked at Casey it was like looking at a different version of her clean-cut husband.

Casey was the prodigal son of his family. He was a troubled child and a troubled teen and a troubled adult, but for the past couple of years he had turned his life around. The choices of his life left him shunned from his family, but his improvement was a personal success that Dove recognized and admired. She was really the only one who recognized his progress. Of course, Casey picked up on this, and while under any other circumstances he would have avoided her as best he could to not catch fire from his brother, he just had to get close to her. She saw the good in him, and being hopelessly lonely, something inside of him ached relentlessly to experience the kindness Dove exuded.

Trying to diffuse the intense energy in the air Dove says to her husband, “Honey, you’ve still got work to do outside. You’re losing daylight. Why don’t you go back out and finish really quick and then when you come back dinner will be ready?”. Jonathan lets out a stubborn grunt as he stands up, stretching out his strong body. He walks toward the back door but stops to whisper to Dove.

“I don’t like leaving you alone with him. I know you say you enjoy having him around or whatever, but people like him don’t have boundaries. They’re leeches, and I’m just waiting for the moment when he gets comfortable enough to ask for money. Please stop inviting him over, baby. I’m worried I won’t always be around if that happens. I don’t know how high strung he is”. Jonathan’s pleading look did little to make Dove second guess her newfound friendship. With a defeated sigh, Jonathan finally left out to the yard.

Dove crossed over from the kitchen to sit with Casey. He had been intensely focused on one of her journals. She wrote journals of anything that interested her, keeping record of information, her own theories, and links she found between the topic and her life. The one Casey studied was about parallel universes, Dove’s latest obsession. His careful fingers ran through the pages. A slight breeze blew past him when she approached behind, pulling him out of the journal to meet her gaze.

“So this says there could be other realities? I don’t know if I buy that, but I won’t complain if there’s one where I’m rich and famous,” he jokes.

“Mm but you’ll complain about wanting to switch with your other self. I don’t think there’s a single universe where I can escape your whining”.

With a twinge of sadness and a fake laugh Casey replies, “you’re stuck with me”. Realizing how her words hurt him, Dove sits down next to him and puts her hand on his shoulder.

Trying to reassure him and leaning in close she says, “You know I don’t mean it when I say things like that right? I’m just teasing you. We love having you over”.

“Jonathan does not love having me over. That’s for sure.”

“Don’t worry about him. He just needs to get used to it… I mean, being around you. I don’t invite you over for Jonathan anyway.”

Casey thought for a moment and with a nervous tone asked, “Why do you invite me over, Dove?”. Casey looks to her hand on his shoulder and turns his head away in embarrassment. There is a pause between them and Dove brings her hand back to rest on her lap.

“Well I mean… not that I need a reason but um…. I enjoy talking with you. Jonathan doesn’t really have an interest in a lot of things I do so it’s nice to have someone that is interested in y’know reading my journals and whatnot. N..Not that Jonathan and I don’t have plenty of things in common. We do, it’s just nice to have someone who understands my curiosity and is….enlightening to talk to”.

Stunned and a bit confused Casey asks, “Enlightening? I don’t think anyone has ever used that word to describe me.”

Dove’s eyes brighten. “I don’t believe that for a second! You have a great mind. Most importantly, you understand me. I can’t tell you how many people don’t understand what I’m saying when I talk about my interests half the time, but you always do. And you challenge me on everything too. Every time we talk my theories get stronger”.

As Dove raved on about the things she had learned from talking with him, Casey began to feel a swell of emotions. Importance was not something he had felt very often in his life. Something about being important and wanted by Dove made him feel a twinge of love, accompanied by a sting of shame. He had done many regrettable things in his life, but lusting after his own brother’s wife had a different type of self-loathing attached to it.

Part 2 is up now. Sorry for the split!
