Milf Next Door, Todd and Jenni have dinner…(MF)

*(Part 2, check profile for “By the pool…” Got a bit carried away with this scene. Spoiler; no actual sex! But I think it’s pretty sexy all the same! Feedback appreciated. Another part tomorrow (possibly the final part) if i get time!)*

Jenni was feeling a little naughty as she checked the food in the oven. After the explosive orgasm she’d had earlier perhaps her mind wasn’t quite thinking as sensibly as it could be. Convincing herself it was harmless to have a little flirt and dress a little provocatively when the boy coming to dinner obviously wasn’t going to feel the same and probably wouldn’t even pay her any attention like that anyway. He was probably just being polite saying yes in the first place.

Now she felt a little silly and realized she’d likely made a fool of herself with her outfit, hair and make-up done, just for a casual dinner with the neighbor’s son. She’d made sure to blow her hair so it was lifted and full, with not too much makeup but enough to freshen her features and perhaps the red of the lipstick was a little on the obvious side. The dress was passable for a relaxed evening, being a light summer number, although the slim straps on her shoulders left her toned upper back and arms on display, while it dropped loose and low enough to show some cleavage, and even more if she bent over, while hugging the shape of her breasts down over her flat waist, until flaring loosely over her hips and bum, finishing just below the buttocks, showing off her hard muscular thighs. As long as she didn’t bend over with her ass out or chest forward she’d almost pass as respectable! Thankfully she’d thrown out the briefly exciting no underwear option and gone with a racy red thong with matching lacy bra, providing just enough support to lift her bust out of the dress if someone was at the right angle, like being six-foot tall to her five-foot-2. What a silly middle aged woman she was!

Still, she reasoned, a hot guy in the house to stare at over dinner would probably help with some inspiration for a late evening play in her bedroom. Perhaps they might even accidentally bump into each other and she might find out just how firm his muscles were. These thoughts cheered Jenni up and when she heard a knock at the kitchen sliding door she near enough skipped over to open it.

With all the arrogant confidence Todd possessed, he was still unsure as he stepped up to the door. Earlier he’s felt so sure and completely convinced himself Mrs J was into him. Not he thought perhaps that was more a dream he had and what he’d witnessed by the pool was just a middle aged woman seeing to her own needs. Perhaps all women did this as much as guys did and it just wasn’t talked about so much. In which case this was just an invite to dinner and nothing more.

He figured worst case he’d get a decent meal out of it and get to check out the red hot milf who lived next door. There was an idea to push things and find out if there was the chance at more. He turned it over and over, changing his mind with each minute.

He’d done a quick weight session this afternoon to make sure his muscles had a nice pumped look about them, then showered to freshen up. He’d got hard again in the shower but managed to hold off doing anything about it. This trouble then was he felt slightly over sensitive to arousal and he knew from experience that made his decision making slightly one dimensional. Which might have explained why under his loose cotton shorts he’d chosen to wear no underwear. Feeling his cock swing freely against his leg, knowing it would be visible if she looked at his shorts, made him flush first with embarrassment and then with excitement. His white shirt was unbuttoned low enough to show his full pectoral muscles, while keeping a casual yet smart look, but the short sleeves were for a guy with smaller arms, so squeezed nicely round his muscular arms. Todd wasn’t an exhibitionist, but he did know how to show off his best assets.

Eventually he took a deep breath and went with his usual decision making motto of ‘what the fuck!’. If it all went to some embarrassing mess he could play the silly boy card, go red, run home and avoid her for the rest of the summer! So he knocked at the garden doors and waited.

Jenni was light on her heeled sandals which, although only a few inches high, she wouldn’t normally wear for a casual meal, except they made her legs look longer, kept them sightly tensed to show off the muscles and tightened her bum. She slid the door open trying to look relaxed and said, “Hey Todd, come on…” She stopped sharp taking in the romance novel heroine’s wet dream standing before her. His face was all confident young man, with his light floppy hair and clear blue eyes. It was though when her eyes naturally worked down to eye level and she caught a good view of his smooth muscular chest when her words stopped coming out. She’d seen his chest already of course, but there was just something about it being framed in a nice shirt, not fully revealed accompanied by her own terrible fantasies for the evening which took her breath away. What’s wrong with me? She thought, as she looked briefly at his bulging bi-ceps and down to his shorts….oh wow! Her eyes snapped back up and she grabbed his arm to pull him inside, “….come on in!” And she pulled him over towards the kitchen breakfast bar, having the chance to hold and lightly squeeze his strong arm as she led the way. “Don’t you scrub up well!”

Todd barely noticed the brief appraisal from the older woman, or the faltering words, as his own breath was immediately taken away as beautiful mom was revealed by the door sliding back. That she’d applied make up was clear, but it was expertly understated and just accentuated her big brown eyes, which the young stud was briefly lost in, then he saw the passion red lipstick on her full lips, immediately wondering what they felt like. Given his height it was only a matter of dropping his gaze another inch, almost as a subconscious reaction to suddenly be spell bound by the most wonderful cleavage and bust he’d ever witnessed. Pushed up just enough to be almost offering themselves to him, while covered enough that he figured he wouldn’t see them clearly if they were at the same level. Then they were gone and Mrs J was leading him towards the kitchen and sitting him at the breakfast bar. He didn’t hear her words and it was lucky she led the way or he probably would have tripped. He did however definitely feel her hand squeezing his bicep which sent a thrill through his body. When the touch disappeared it was like someone dimmed the lights, at least until his eyes settled again on Mrs J.

She was, he thought in that moment, the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

“Sorry Mrs J,” he hadn’t heard what she said, “what was that?”

She smiled, lighting his world, lifting a glass up, “did you want some wine, or would you prefer a beer?”

“Um,” he was struggling to relax, so thoughts a drink might not be the worst idea, “wine would be nice. Thanks.”

And she filled two glasses with some red wine, sliding one his way and keeping the other for herself.

He took a breath and said, “thanks for this Mrs J, it’s good to be out and in company actually. And just to say, you look really nice this evening…” His words tailed off and he kicked himself inwardly. How dumb did he sound? This was not his usual cool confident approach with women, but there was just something about this real woman in front of him. He took a deep drink, feeling the alcohol immediately calm him a little.

“Aw thanks honey, it’s nice to make a little effort for company,” she flushes a little as she turns to the oven. He really did look so good it was almost overwhelming for her. She really had to get a grip, but all she’d been able to think about was dirty fantasies all afternoon. She’d even had a brief play in the shower, imagining he was in there with her, forcing herself to stop before she had a second orgasm in one day, something which hadn’t happened for years. It also left her quite worked up and possibly leading her down a slightly less respectable path than was wise. The glass of strong red wine before he arrived to settle her nerves may also have been contributing.

She came back to the table and leaned forward on the raised breakfast bar towards Todd. “So,” she started, “how’s a young guy like you not got a girl stopping over with him?” She gives a playful wink.

Being young and male Todds’ eyes immediately took in the bulging breasts as Mrs J almost carelessly crushed them under her when she leaned forward. “Um….I’m just not seeing anyone at the moment…there’s been a couple of girls while studying, but it just didn’t work out…”

Jenni noticed the way his eyes moved over her and loved every moment. She’d had dad’s at the school, college, university, or even at the market, check her out. Mostly she just found it a bit pervy. Just because she wore a low cut top didn’t mean she wanted sweaty middle aged guys dribbling down her cleavage! But seeing this young hot guy do the exact same thing, feeling his eyes eat up her body, it made her excited and feel wanted, maybe needed, by someone. It was intoxicating. She was toying with the idea that maybe something a bit more could be on the cards at some point.

She topped their drinks up, “oh no! I’m surprised a hunky guy like you hasn’t got a string of girls queued up! You’ve really grown into quite a handsome, and muscular, young man!”

He soaked up the appreciation like a sponge and was suddenly confusing himself trying to work out if she was just being polite or she genuinely thought he was good looking. He prayed it was the later. “Well, I’ve tried with a few girls my age, but we just never clicked. There was an….” He held Jenni’s gaze to watch her reaction, “…older…I mean more mature woman….and things were going really well…but…” he shrugged.

“Aw honey, things don’t always work out,” she held the gaze back, trying not to show her heart was suddenly beating a little harder, “but someone else will come along and you’ve just got to get back on the bike so to speak!” She held for a moment longer and went to the oven. “Go pop some music on, I’ve got that old record player just over there. Only meat balls tonight, but they’re homemade at least.”

Todd was really hoping Mrs J got the hint. He hadn’t told anyone about the woman he’d been seeing and it was actually good to mention it to someone. He picked out a 70’s RnB style record and popped it on, immediately enjoying the relaxed beat and smooth voice which came out of the speakers.

“Good choice!” Said Jenni as she put two plates of pasta and meat balls on the same side of the breakfast bar, hoping up onto one of the bar stools. “This was what I listened to the first time I hit second base with my first boyfriend!” She giggled. “Sorry, you don’t want to be embarrassed hearing about some middle-aged woman’s long gone sex life!” Oh god! She thought, what was she thinking! Todd had distracted her quite a bit walking back over, as quite obviously as he walked, she could see he wasn’t wearing underwear and outlined against his cotton shorts was evidence she had done him a complete injustice in her fantasies. Even soft he was well endowed and suddenly the excited milf was thinking awful thoughts about the young mans’ penis and how she could get a look at it. As she watched him she also shifted her legs a little, just to see how he reacted. She wasn’t disappointed.

Todd walked back over, noticing how Mrs J had put the plates on the same side, not opposite as he was expecting. Initially disappointed at the thought of losing the view of her amazing cleavage, he realized they would now be only inches apart and he may get to casually touch her. Todd definitely noticed the way Mrs J looked down and lingered on his shorts, feeling a thrill at the attention. “Oh, I don’t mind Mrs J! It’s kinda fun to hear about it and I’m sure it’s not all long gone!” ‘kinda fun’?? How much like a silly boy did he sound now? He thought. “I just meant, you’re really good looking and definitely don’t look like that would be all in the past.” Todd nearly tripped then. Jenni had hopped up onto the seat, causing her breasts to bounce wonderfully and then she spread her legs, appearing like she was trying to get comfortable, but with her dress being so short Todd suddenly had a view all the way to the top of her smooth brown thighs seeing the small bright red triangle of her tiny underwear. She must have seen him staring, but she said nothing as he slipped into the seat next to her.

Their knees touched, as Jenni had hoped, with them sitting slightly sideways at the bar, eating their juicy meaty balls in the rich sauce, enjoying the flavors and feel in their mouths. “Life changes when your older Todd, and do call me Jenni, sex just doesn’t happen like it used to.” She topped up the glasses again.

The young man was a little worried while they chatted away. It was so easy to talk to Jenni and food was fantastic. Yet she seemed to be unconsciously rubbing her knees against his as they talked and would often reach out to stroke his arm lightly to make a point. He had taken this as permission to do the same and when he said, “thanks so much for the food, it really is amazing.” He reached out and lightly stroked her thigh, the nearest part of her to him. Whether aware or not, as he lightly touched her skin along the top part of her leg, she gently parted them, causing his fingers to slip to the inside of her thigh.

“Ohhhh….” She barely whispered, a wave of faintness passing over her form the sensation of the studs hand on the inside of her thigh, “you’re welcome Todd….” She breathed huskily.

“Sorry!” He pulled his hand back.

“No no! Don’t be silly!” She said leaning in and putting a hand on his firm chest, “you’re fine!” And to make sure he knew that she put her own hand on his thigh and ran it up a little way, being careful to avoid the shaft clearly outlined on the inside of his thigh. “Let me get you a top up!” Jenni reached over the bar, giving a wonderful view of her ample cleavage. Todd’s glass was half full, so didn’t even need topping up.

Todd had more immediate problems though as he was starting to get more physically excited and the hand on his thigh was causing a stirring in his penis which he was desperately trying the quell. Thankfully a distraction was at hand, as Jenni somehow knocked his glass over and although he caught it mid fall, it spilled red wine all over his white shirt and light cotton trouser. He jumped up off the seat and so did Mrs J.

“Oh Todd! I’m so sorry!” She said, “quick! Take off your shirt!” And she started at his buttons for him, making quick work of them and slipping the shirt over his strong shoulders and down his muscular arms in no time at all.

Jenni threw the shirt to the empty sink and then grabbed a towel from the side to start drying Todd. This put them close with the woman gently rubbing the towel down the boys ripped torso. Down his firm chest, over his tapering six pack and down to the V at the base of his low slung shorts. Apart from his incredible physique she also noticed how little hair there was and wondered if he kept himself shaved down below. With the attention she was giving his body she didn’t notice he was actually fully dry and she was staring at what appeared to be a semi hard bulge in his shorts, “Um….we need to do something about that Todd….”

The hot young man was in a complete whirlwind of thoughts and sensations. It all had happened so fast he wondered at how he was suddenly topless in the woman’s kitchen, feeling her hands, through a towel, running up and down his hard body. As she spoke and looked down his eyes followed her gaze and he sputtered initially, “uggghhh….ughhhh…..oh!” He realised she meant the red wine! “Um, I better head home and get cleaned up I guess….” But he really didn’t want anything of the sort.

“No no!” He was relieved at her protests, “it was my fault I should clean you…I mean it…..up.” She suddenly looked around and grabbed something. “Here! Pop this on! It’ll save your modesty and I can sort your clothes out. Just don’t turn round!” She winked.

Todd looks confused briefly but as he lifts the material he realizes it’s a cooking apron. Thankfully not a silly feminine one, just plain and deep red. Having got used to following Mrs J’s lead he dutifully slips the apron on and shorts off. He stays facing her the whole time so as not to expose his butt to the woman, not that he’d mind particularly.

Jenni scoops up the shorts and quickly sets to work spraying them and the shirt with stain remover before throwing them into the washing machine. A few minutes later and she’s back with Todd, both flustered by the brief excitement, but when their gaze settled on each other they both smile and laugh.

“Well that was a bit of drama!” Jenni says laughing. She takes in Todd for the first time since she hastily got him naked, although not exactly how things had gone in her fantasy. His broad shoulders were on clear view as the apron covered nothing above his mid chest. Sadly for the slightly horny milf the young man’s chest was mostly covered as the apron was actually hers, so not meant for someone of his height. On the upside though, where it came to below Jenni’s knees normally, it sat around mid-thigh on the younger man standing opposite her. Although not shaped to his body, with the string tied behind him, making efforts to save his modesty at least from the front and sides. With the apron being so flush to his body though, what was not saved was the obvious bulge around his crotch, which they both tried ever so hard to pretend wasn’t there.

“Thanks Mrs J…I mean Jenni,” said Todd, “but I do feel a bit silly standing here in your kitchen in just an apron!”

“At least you’re not naked!” Jenni winked and then flushed, realizing what she’d said. “Hang on, I’ve got an idea to make you feel more comfortable! You poor us a fresh drink and put another record on.” And she quickly went off through the utility room door.

Todd quickly poured the drinks and went over to look for a record. After a little look he settled on a some new romantic 80’s club tracks. It was quite upbeat, if a little retro, and he quite liked the sound of it.

“Another good choice! I use to dance to this all the time!” Todd jumped round, suddenly realizing his ass was on full display to Jenni.

Now Mrs J was not silly, but wine and passion make fools of us all, so instead of retrieving sweat pants and T-shirt of her husbands or sons for poor Todd to put on, she settled on a different solution, which in the cold light of day was like something form a poorly written romance novel bought in an airport of stumbled across online, but which, at this moment, made complete sense to Jenni! She also got to pause a few feet from Todd and admire his perfect buttock’s which looked like she could crush any number of things between. She could feel her nipples had hardened into stiff little bullets.

As the stud turned around he was rewarded with a vision from a fantasy he’d never had, but surely would in future. The short slim milf was standing in just an apron. It was a little smaller than the one he wore, but still came down to almost her knees. The top part however, didn’t only reveal her sexy toned shoulders and arms, but dropped to not far above her nipples. Todd knew this because with the fabric being quite thin, he could quite clearly see her nipples hard as rocks, through the material. His jaw actually dropped. The wonderful full breast also peaked out of the sides of the small apron, pulling his eyes and it felt like his cock, towards them.

“Mrs J…..” Todd sopped for a lack of words.

Jenni felt now she knew where this was going and had given up on any thoughts it wouldn’t. She reached out and took his hand, “dance with me Todd, it’s been so long…” He looked so hot to her, she felt so breathless in passion for him and she was as sure as she could be, looking down at where his apron was starting to point in her direction, that he felt the same.

Todd only hesitated as he was lost in drinking in the sensual beauty before him. He wanted her more than anything in that moment and judging by her clothing, behavior and his own youthful confidence, she wanted him too, which meant they both wanted the same thing to happen between them. He watched her holding his hand as she stated to gyrate before him, body moving like quicksilver to the music and he made a choice.

The young stud pulled her in close as he started to move in time with her, bodies only separated by two thin aprons. “Oh Mrs J….”

Her head by his chest, lost in the music she reached a hand up to run her hand through his hair and cup his strong jaw, “oh Todd…” and pulled his lips to hers.

To be continued…



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