[FM] Whored out by my Mom

The weather here was gorgeous on Saturday afternoon. My Mom rang me around midday to say she was laying out in her back yard enjoying the sun and about to make a pitcher of sangria. I changed into a bikini, threw a dress over it and hopped my car and drove over to her house.

I arrived at my Mom’s place. My Stepdad Tim was watching a football match with his friend André. I said hi to them, then went through to the yard and joined my Mom, taking the offered glass of Sangria from her.

I took off my dress, settled back on a sun lounger, sipped my drink, closed my eyes and pretended I was lying on a beach somewhere.

After a couple of drinks My Mom started to gossip to me about André.

“He’s looking for a new secretary, the girl he had working for him handed in her notice. You should ask him for an interview”

“Why did she quit?” I asked

“She found a new boyfriend.” She responded with a shrug.

“Why would she have to quit over that?” I asked suspiciously

“She was sleeping him” Mom explained nonchalantly. “Not that he was gonna pressure her to keep doing it, he’s a good guy, but she wants a clean break”

I chuckled at that “Mom, are you trying to whore me out?”

She sighed “You whore yourself out. He’s a nice man who’ll pay you a lot more than you make now. He likes you, he said he’d give you an interview if you’d like the job.”

If you think my Mom was being judgey here, she wasn’t, just being literal. My Mom is a former Sex Worker and I followed her into that line of work when I was old enough. She doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with consenting adults paying for things.

A bit about André. He’s about 50 but he looks good for his age. He actually looks really like the actor John Hamm, tall, broad, black hair, strong chin, handsome. I’d met him a few times at various events, I always found him charming and enjoyed chatting to him. He works as a television producer for a company that makes trashy reality TV shows for as cheap as possible.

I spent a bit of time thinking about it while I enjoyed the sun, and I admitted to myself that if sleeping with him got my foot in the door on a nice salary increase then it would probably be worth it. If it didn’t work out my old boss would probably have me back if she could.

The afternoon dragged on, the football match ended, and Tim & André came out to chat to us. André soon made moves to leave and asked me if I’d like a lift. “Sounds good” I responded, too tipsy to drive myself.

I sat into his car and was thinking about how to broach the subject of the assistant job with André when he did it for me “So, your Mom says you might be in the market for a new job?”

She set the whole thing up I thought. She invited me over and buttered me up while André was there.

“Yeah, I might be? I like where I am but the salary is shit, so if I’m open to opportunities”

“Well I’m offering [X4 current salary]”

I was a bit taken aback by that “Wow, that’s very generous” I said surprised.

“You’re a trained Masseuse like you’re Mom, aren’t you?” He asked.

“Yeah, is that part of the job description?” I asked grinning at him.

“More of a nice to have.”

“I heard you like getting hands on with staff alright” I teased.

He chuckled at that “Your Mom might have told me about your little side business. I guess I hoped you’d be open to it?”

“Are you trying to hire a secretary or a whore” I asked teasingly.

He shrugged “Look, you don’t have to sleep with me to get the job. I know what everyone says about Ariadne and I… the fact is we got into a relationship. That’s why my wife left actually. She left the job and is leaving me because…. Because I cheated on her to tell you the truth”.

“Oh, My Mom said….. uh, she had a different story”.

“You’re Mom and her friends like to gossip” he pointed out. I couldn’t disagree.

He looked sad and I felt really bad for misjudging him. My estimation of him grew a lot just for telling me that.

We reached my building and I turned to him “Why don’t we talk about it upstairs?”

He followed me up to my apartment. I led him to a seat, handed him a beer, sat down opposite him and we chatted.

We actually had a bit of a proper interview, he talked me through the actual expectations of the role, all fairly light and stuff I was mostly used to doing. I answered a couple of light interview questions and he was satisfied with that.


“Anything else you want to tell me?” he asked after we were done chatting.

“I’m a pretty good amateur lap dancer if that helps” I cracked.

He smirked and spread his legs a little “I’m not sure I can just take your word for that”

I smiled back and him and stood up. I put on some music on Spotify and started to dance, pulling my dress over my head and throwing it on the ground, leaving me in my bikini.

I straddled him and thrust my hips towards him a few times, then turned around and pressed my ass into his hard cock. I grabbed his hands and placed them on my stomach, then guided them up my body to touch my tits through my top.

I stood up and untied my top, then straddled him again to pull his mouth down to kiss my nipples.

I stood again and bent forward, I slid my bottoms down and smacked my ass for him.

I straddled him again and this time I reached down and unzipped him, freeing his hard, thick cock. I smiled down at it, then at him “Let me get a condom.”

“Can we leave that out?” he asked cheekily?

I thought about it for a second “I don’t fuck guys raw for money. So, I guess, it depends. Do I need to fuck you to get the job? Or do I have the job and do you want to date me?”

“Trust me, you have the job” he grinned “And I was definitely going to ask you out”

I smiled at him and took his dick in my hand, pointed it at my cunt and lowered myself down his length.

I put my arms tight around his neck and kissed him passionately on the lips as I started to fuck him, grinding my hips. I got caught up in it and kept increasing my pace, fucking him faster, harder, he gripped my ass and synced his own thrusts with my movement.

“I’m close” he breathed after a while. “I want it in my mouth” I told him. He nodded. We stopped fucking, I climbed off him and sunk to my knees and slid my lips up and down his shaft a few times till he shot his load.

I sat back on the couch with my mouth closed, smiling at him while I swallowed it. “That was incredible” he told me. “You didn’t get off?” he asked. I shook my head. He made me lie back on the couch and went down on me (this is why I wanted to swallow, I knew I’d need to get off and a lot of guys are grossed out by their own cum down there). He was an experienced clit sucker and I came quickly.

After that we went for dinner, then he spent the night. Today I got a contract for my new job, so I handed in my notice. My boss is happy for me, so is my Mom, and I’m meeting André for dinner again tonight. Fingers crossed it works out!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/tqyjc7/fm_whored_out_by_my_mom


  1. Sounds like the start of something beautiful. Good luck in your new job!

  2. Good call on the swallowing so he would go down on you. Hot story, thank you for sharing!

  3. Good luck on the new job! And good luck with your relationship with Andre (both professionally and personally).

  4. but if he had a condom on, then there’d be no cum near your pussy for him to be gross out by

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