A Massage Therapist with Benefits – Part 1

This a follow up to a different post I made. I got some encouraging words to continue my work. I wrote this part of the “series” in two parts. If I get more positive feedback I’ll keep the series going. If it doesn’t get positive feedback I’d love to hear some criticisms too!

Part one is here:

“The Best Christmas Gift Ever” – A story about a Client and a Massage Therapist from eroticliterature

This is a fictional story that is loosely based on a few real life experiences I’ve had. Enjoy!

Susannah and I had seen each other for massages and extracurriculars for a few months now but had to put a pause to it once the summer break ended and I had to return to school for preseason training. We did stay in touch during my season but nothing more than a “how’s it going” or “happy holiday”. I wasn’t home all semester, until my season came to a abrupt end when we lost the last game of the season and didn’t make the conference championship.

I was disappointed but definitely happy that I got to go home for Thanksgiving and not to mention that all I could think about was Susannah’s hands rubbing out all my bruises and sores I got during the season.

The Tuesday before thanksgiving I hop on my Amtrak train and call Susannah while I’m riding home. We talk on the phone all the way until I pull to my home station. As I’m getting off the Amtrak to transfer to the local railroad I ask her if I can come straight to her house for a massage. I tell her about all my aches and bruises I’m feeling but to my surprise she shoots me down. She instead suggested that I book a hot stone massage at her place of work. I insisted on that I would rather go to her house but she was adamant that I hang up and book a appointment with her job.

Me wanting to see her do so. I say my goodbyes and see you tomorrow to Susannah and book my appointment at the spa she works at for Wednesday at 4 PM. I finally got home and slap head on the pillow and knock out. My plan was for the next day was, I would go see Susannah and get a massage, go home shower change and be able to go out to the bars with friends since we’re all home for the weekend. I really wasn’t expecting anything sexual because at this point we never did anything at her job before. After my first massage in her home I actually hadn’t gone back to see her at her job, we only saw each other in private.

The next day I wake up around 11 and go to the gym. I text Susannah saying “guess who’s your 4 PM?” She texts back “I can’t wait ;)”. She follows that text with provocative work selfie. It wasn’t her first sexy picture she’s sent but it was definitely the first in her works scrubs. In the picture she’s in the bathroom pulling her pants slightly down exposing her red lace thong while lifting her shirt up exposing her tight body. At this point, I’m starting to think that she’s gonna want to hang out after work and I’m gonna be forced to say no. I decided to tell her before I drive over for my appointment. “I’m going to the bars with friends tonight”. I never get a response back so I continue to make my way.

I arrive to the spa and check in and take a seat. Susannah comes into the lobby all professional and calls my name out asking for me by “Mr. ____”. She’s keeping it professional and it feels no different than my past appointments with her at the spa. She guides me into the room asking me if I’d like a water or to use the bathroom before I enter the room. I tell her I’m okay and follow her into the room. She says “I think you know the drill, undress to your comfort and get under the blanket. I’ll be right back.” So I undress and get under the blanket. The whole time I’m thinking do not do anything to put this woman’s job at risk. A few moments later she walks in closes the door behind her and she asks if I’m comfortable and we begin.

Right away it’s like we didn’t miss a beat, we talked about anything and everything. She starts to explain what hot stones are and how they help reduce inflammation. She started with the hot oils to lubricate my back and then starts rubbing the stones onto me. She continues different techniques like banging the rock into another rock and so on and so forth. We continue the conversation and I list off small injuries that are bothering me. I tell her my hamstrings are tight so she lines the rocks up my back rolls my blanket up exposing anything that would be between my legs. I don’t think much of it because she knows she can be comfortable around me and we have seen every inch of each other’s body’s.

As Susannah’s massaging my calves and hamstrings she asks me about “what’s new?” and I tell her about how “I was disappointed with the season” she tells me she “doesn’t care about that.” She wanted to hear about my “sexcapades”. Which we never talked about before. I never asked her and she never asked me. I ask her if she really wants me to share. She reassured me it’s fine.

So I tell her about the two hookups I had. One girl was a one time thing and the other girl was a few time thing and will probably be a few time thing. She asks me how I knew them I tell her tinder she asks me if “she’s something serious” and I tell her “not right now” and while she’s massaging me her hands start roaming.

She’s brushed my ass and my inner thighs. I know at this point it’s serious because I’ve been through this before at her house. I immediately start getting hard and she keeps asking about my sex life in school. “Is this girl good at sex?” She asks as she goes a little lower in my thighs. I forget to answer because all my bloods leaving my brain and rushing to my dick. She asks if I’m okay and I ask her to repeat the question. She repeats it and then I tell her that she’s pretty good and really into having sex with me. She then asks how often do we hookup and I reply “a few times a week” she doesn’t hesitate and goes even lower. Luckily my dicks tucked down so she’s seeing what her hands are doing to me.

Susannah then asks me if I’m going to be seeing her tonight and I tell her she doesn’t live around here so no. So then she asks me what her name is and as I’m about to answer she grabs my dick and starts stroking in between my legs while I’m face down. I couldn’t answer and I didn’t wanna answer I just wanted her to make me cum. A few moments go and as Susannah keeps stroking me she says “did I make you forget her name?”. I have never been stiffer.

She adds some more oil and continues to stroke me for a few minutes and then stops to remove the rocks. She tells me I could burn my skin if they stay on to long and rubs my back for a few more seconds than tells me to flip. During the flip in the past she would usually hold the blanket up for me and I’d just rotate like a 7-11 hot dog. But this time she hold it up and takes it away completely. Her eyes go immediately to my dick and leads her fingers to it. I ask her if she’s sure and she told me to shut up. Then I ask her about the mess that’s gonna come in a few minutes, she told me not to worry about it.

As Susannah’s jerking me off I keep my hands to myself because I’m still pretty frozen. My heart is pounding and it feels like the first time I’m with her again. Just the idea of possibly being caught is enough to make me excited. She takes one of her hands and grabs my wrist and guides it to her ass. “You could touch me don’t worry.” As she’s giving me a handjob I grab her ass and reach for pussy from behind. I feel how warm she is through her scrubs. I start to get brash and slide my hand under her scrubs pulling them down. Exposing her sexy golden lace thong. I follow the curves of her ass back to her pussy and feel that she’s really wet and slide a finger in. My pointer is working the rough part inside of her pussy while my thumb rubs her clit. A few seconds later I pull my finger out and give me pointer and middle finger a lick and slide both of them inside of her finding her g spot again. My thumb again starts circling her clit. She looks back at me with her jaw dropped, holding in her moans and stares into my eyes while I finger her and she strokes me.

After a few seconds of eye contact I muster up the courage to take my other hand and push her head down. The second I make contact with her head she doesn’t hesitate and take me dick into her mouth. She’s sucking my dick I’m rubbing her g spot she’s fighting moans and I am too. Susannah eventually can’t help but let out small moans, sending vibrations down my shaft with each one. She slows her rhythm down when I speed mine up as she clearly is starting fall into a feeling of euphoria. Moments later Susannah stops sucking leaving my dick resting in her mouth as she starts to cum on my hand. Her body goes limp, laying out across my body. Breathing deep she lets a word. “fuck” she whispers in relief.

After she regains her composure, Susannah continues sucking my dick. I slide just my middle finger in her while I grip her ass with the rest of my hand. My right hand goes to the back of her head holding her pony tail up. She is taking me deep and meeting my tip with the back of her throat until I squeeze as much ass I could grab letting her know I’m about to cum. She gets her cue and deep throats me assuring that not a drop of cum gets anywhere besides her mouth.

She swallows my load and I slide my finger out giving it a taste. She then reaches up for a kiss. For a few moments our tongues wrestle exchange each other’s juices. Something stops her and she looks up at the clock and says “we have to clean up your hours just about up.” She grabs me some paper towel to clean up them she leaves. I get dressed walk out the room and she greets me outside the door. Susannah turns off her slut and turns on her professional massage therapist voice and asks me “how are you feeling?” I smile and reply amazing and then we walk out the room. She tells me to come back again and walks about to the back of the spa.

I speak to the receptionist and she asks me if I’d like to leave a tip and set another appointment. While I’m talking to the receptionist my phone is blowing up I get about 7 texts, all back to back. I tell the receptionist to charge my card 50% for tip. I let her know it’s for the holidays and to let Susannah know I wish her a happy thanksgiving.

I walk to my car and look at my phone. It’s Susannah. 5 texts and 2 images….

Part 2 coming soon!

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/tquor3/a_massage_therapist_with_benefits_part_1


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