Battling Hyperspermia: Chapter 3 – Good friend Sandy lends a helping handy [MF] [Medical condition] [Shy male] [Excessive cum]

Mike sits at his desk nervously, doing his best to pass the time before Sandy shows up. As each minutes draws him nearer to their meeting, he can feel the steady passage of time grind him into his seat and grate his nerves raw. In the two hours he spends keeping himself distracted, Mike relieves himself just one time. Fidgeting in his chair, he receives a text from Sandy to indicate she’s on her way. He checks his phone with a start.

Mike opens the bottom drawer of his desk, stowing his cum-jug. Eyes darting around the room, he searches for any traces of mess or evidence of his lifestyle. Any clothes and rags saturated with his protein are tossed in the hamper. The bedsheets are changed as well. Loose trash and garments are tossed and sorted as he tidies up to an acceptable state. As Mike finishes cleaning up, a flash of movement out of the window catches his eye: Sandy’s car pulling up to the curb.

Mike rushes downstairs to meet her at the door. Opening up, they share a brief greeting as he lets her in. “Can we go up to your room?” Sandy asks. Mike nods, leading the way up the stairs. Offering a seat to her on his bed, Mike sits next to her, a foot away. For a long moment, an uneasy tension fills the room as both seem to reluctant to speak. Finally, Sandy breaks the silence.

“So..” She starts, swinging her legs back and forth lightly as she scans Mike’s room from bedside. “What you were saying earlier about your cum problem, and why you got expelled… Were you being serious?” She asks, turning over to look Mike dead in the eyes. Mike’s eyes flick downwards for a moment, but he returns Sandy’s gaze.

“Yeah. It’s true.” Mike says sullenly. He looks a bit closer at Sandy’s face. She’s taken on a curious look, mysterious glint in her eyes. As Mike regards her, he can’t help but notice she’s put on a touch of makeup since they left in the park. A bit of eyeliner frames her hazel eyes, a faint shimmer of clear gloss adorns her lips. Mike thinks to compliment her, but thinks better of it.

“Does it hurt, like, now?” Sandy asks, pointing towards Mike’s crotch, where, sure enough, a faint outline of his erection is visible, even through the dark denim fabric.

“No, it doesn’t hurt now. I jacked off when I got home.” Mike says, scratching the back of his head self-consciously. “I’ll need to do it again soon, though.” He adds, cheeks beginning to burn.

Their quiet conversation is stifled by an awkward pause. Sandy starts to fidget with her skirt, eyes focused firmly on her feet swaying back-and-forth over the bed. She takes a deep breath. “Can I help you with the next one?” She asks, looking shyly over at Mike.

Mike’s jaw drops. Blushing up to the roots of his hair, he starts to squirm. “Y-you mean with jac-king off?” He stutters out. Sandy nods.

“I believe you, Mike. I’d like to see if it’s true, too. If it’s as extreme as you say, then that sounds like an uncomfortable way to live.” Sandy says gently. “You’ve always been a really sweet guy so I’d like to help if I can, too.” She adds, blushing softly.

“Okay.” Mike says simply, a million thoughts racing through his mind. The fact that he had an **actual** **girl** in his room was one thing, but never did he expect anything to come from it, from she and him. Sandy to be his first experience with a woman? Mike’s mouth starts to feel dry, hoping against hope that he didn’t find a way to embarrass himself. He knew Sandy probably wouldn’t betray his trust, but he thinks of the way most of his peers from high school look at him nowadays, and he doesn’t want to add another reason to isolate himself from them.

“Can you go get a towel?” Sandy asks. “Just in case things get messy.” She adds. Mike smiles faintly. As he rushes to retrieve a clean towel from the laundry room, he comes back and tosses a clean, white towel on the bed.

“Just be careful where you aim it at.” Mike says seriously. Sandy frowns, creasing her brow, unsure if he’s joking or not.

“Take your pants off, sit here next to me.” Sandy instructs, sitting pow-wow on the bed. Mike obliges, pulling his pants and boxers off, exposing his half-hard shaft, a small stream of pre leaking from the tip. He hops on onto the bed quickly, sitting cross-legged, facing Sandy. Instinctively he presses his legs together, putting his hands in his lap self-consciously to obscure his cock and mitigate any disappointment Sandy might be feeling.

Sandy’s eyes betray no hint of disappointment, though. “No, spread your legs out, around me.” Sandy says as she scoots forward. “So I can get closer to you.” She adds, wiggling closer to Mike.

Mike does as she asks, spreading his legs out around her so she can nestle close cross-legged like a little Indian and attend to his totem pole. He takes his hands out of his lap, propping himself up on the bed as Sandy takes the towel and places it near his lap to soak up the steady stream of pre-cum leaking from Mike’s cock.

‘Okay.’ Sandy says to herself mentally, taking a deep breath to psyche herself up. She places one hand on his cock and starts to light pump the top of his stiffening dick. Dry pumps give over quickly to the sloppy ****slick slack**** of a sufficiently lubricated shaft, as Mike continues to leak a seemingly endless supply of his pre over Sandy’s hand and down his length. “I guess you don’t need much lotion.” Sandy jokes, giggling lightly.

The joke goes right over Mike’s head, not unlike the way Sandy takes her thumb occasionally to brush the tip of his cock and dab more of his viscuous fluids down his shaft. He is in cloud nine. Eyelids fluttering at the exquisite, foreign sensation of a woman stroking his shaft, he can do little other than moan and sigh like a contented kitten. Sandy looks up to Mike, enjoying the expressiveness of his face as he reacts adorably and receptively to her gentle, slow stimulation.

“That feels good?” Sandy asks, lightly pumping Mike’s slick shaft with her hand. Eyes still closed, Mike nods. “Hmmmmhh.”He whimpers out, by way of approval.

Sandy turns her attention back to Mike’s cock, which has sprung fully into action. Her eyes widen slightly. “Oh, Mike! You have a really nice dick.” She says appreciatively, placing her other hand on the latter half of his shaft so she can sufficiently stroke his length in tandem. “Thanks..” Mike squeaks out, the combination of approving praise and new sensation of her corkscrew-jerking his cock overwhelming his senses and sending surge after surge of pleasure throughout his body.

Mike leans back, further spreading his legs out as Sandy attentively strokes his slick, throbbing shaft with both hands, intently studying the expression on his face. They continue like this for a couple minutes until, without warning, it happens.

With a loud grunt, Mike’s body seizes and his hips buck. In that fraction of a second after he yells out, the first of many thick, voluminous ropes of his cum erupt from the tip of his cock, which Sandy, lost in the moment as well, has carelessly aimed directly at her face.

The first spurt goes directly toward Sandy’s mouth. Her eyes widen as they follow the trajectory of Mike’s rapid, unexpected ejaculate headed directly toward her face. Her hands freeze on his shaft in shock, mouth agape as the first spurt hits paydirt: A thick, sticky rope of spunk shoots forth forcibly, primarily into her mouth, with her lips and cheeks collecting the remainder. She manages to spit some of it out, but most lingers, overwhelming her sense of taste. An instinctual twitch from her hands jerks Mike cock up, pointed higher towards her face, positioning him to shoot the second spurt: Another thick ribbon of his jizz which lands cleanly around her forehead, splashing into her short hair and trailing down her face in a sticky, sopping mess.

By this time, Sandy’s reflexes have kicked in, and, fueled by an instinctive need to stop the mess that was overwhelming her face and senses, she aims his cock lower, away from her face. The remainder of Mike’s cumshot is fired out in a salvo of sticky, potent eruptions of jizz which land on Sandy’s bare chest and tank top, clinging to her skin and saturating her shirt with his protein, dripping down to pool onto her skirt.

It takes Mike over a minute to finish emptying his load out onto Sandy’s face and body. Not once do either Sandy or Mike reach for the towel. By the end, he is flush, panting contentedly and she is sopping wet with cum, eyes frozen wide in horror.

Sandy looks down at her hands, slick, sticky and drenched in thick, persistently ropey streaks of Mike’s cum. ****PHOO**** She spits out onto her skirt, trying to rid herself of the taste of all the seed that collected in her open maw. “Oh my ***God***, Mike. ***EEEEWWWWW***!!” She yells out disgustedly, rushing off to the bathroom. Mike watches her in shock as she retreats. Cum clinging possessively to the fabric of her clothes, yet dripping and oozing down her exposed skin thickly, she is an absolute mess. The bathroom door slams closed, followed almost immediately by the sound of pulling shower curtains and shower faucet being turned on.

Snapping to his senses, Mike starts to clean up the phenomenal mess he and Sandy made together as he tries to process what happened. A part of him feels ashamed for grossing out Sandy in this way. She asked for it though, and to be fair, he did warn her to be careful where to aim it at. As the sound of the shower running spurs his inner thoughts, Mike sops up the wet, prolific cum stains decorating his bed, finding that he feels mostly relieved, relaxed. Calmer than he’s felt in a long time. Mike considers this, tossing the ruined towel into his laundry hamper as he scampers off to produce a clean towel, and a clean shirt for his friend Sandy.



  1. I guess I don’t get the EWWW scream and run, she walked in there to jerk him off, had to have an idea of what could happen

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