My best friends brother… Pt1 [MM]

Hey guys so I fully plan on making this a series as I document the intense events that took place. I’ll provide a little black ground and description of the people involved so you can get a good visual. Everyone will have their names changed for privacy purposes☺️ I’m Tyler by the way. My best friend Ryan and I had been friends since 3rd grade. We had gone through middle school and high school together and being friends for so long had almost blended our families. I had a little sister 3 years younger than me Named Emma And Ryan had 2 younger sisters a brother just shy of 2 years older named Andrew.

I’m 5,11 with peanut butter skin and dark curly hair that stopped just below my shoulder. I have a nice smile which I cherish and light brown eyes. I’m in good shape as well since I run track.
Ryan, Was about 5,10, fairer skinned with short dark hair and blue eyes. He was also quite fit as he was a swimmer.
Andrew, 6,1 had short dark hair tapered on the sides. His skin was a tanned from so much time spent on the field as he was a baseball player. His muscular build was almost god like, broad shoulders, washboard abs and chiseled features to match all paired with piercing grey eyes.

It was graduation day and Ryan and I had waited for this moment for so long. As we walked across the stage accepting our diplomas I had spotted our families in the audience cheering. Through them I also spotted Andrew

Ryan: Drew wh- what, I thought you wouldn’t be able to make it ?

Drew: And miss my little brothers big day? No way!

He said as he hugged and ruffed up Ryan’s hair a little. Our families laughed and celebrated the moment as Andrew walked over to me. I stuck out my hand for a handshake and so did he but, instead to my surprise he grabbed me and pulled me in for a bear hug. He huge arms wrapped around me and embraced me.

Me: O- hey to you too Drew.

Drew: Congrats man, you guys are almost men now haha.

Me: Aweeee….so are you

I said slyly as we laughed. Drew and I were never really close but we got along and he was always a cool guy. Ryan was like a brother to me and by extension so was he. After our families went out to dinner to celebrate Ryan and I planned to go to a huge party the quarterback was having for graduation. Drew told us he’d be driving us so we could really let loose and enjoy ourselves. We arrived and almost every senior of 2020 was there. It was fun and Ryan definitely didn’t hold back at all, I on the other hand always rathered being the more sober responsible one. Not to say I didn’t drink but I knew my limit and I liked to be in control of myself. At around 2 am I called Drew to pick us up because at this point Ryan was absolutely wasted. When he arrived we put Ryan in the backseat, I got in the passenger and we began driving to their house.

Drew: How’s everything been since I’ve been gone?

Me: Well as you can see I’ve taken the role of older brother
We laughed

Drew: You don’t drink much huh?

Me: Eh… I’m not a super party person.

Drew: I see, hey I um… I heard you came out by the way

Here we go… I had come out to my family and Ryan that I was bi a few months prior and thankfully everyone was supportive. The crazy thing is, I still got nervous anytime someone asked me about it.

Me: Oh… yea… I’m um bi

Drew: Well I think it’s pretty cool that you were brave enough to come out. If it was ever a question, you have my support bro.

He said as he reached over to pat my knee in endearment.

Me: Tha-

Ryan: I-… I think I’m gonna throw up

Drew: HELL NO not in my car. You better hold it, we’re right around the corner.

Andrew mashed the gas and pulled in front of the house. I jumped out of the car and just barely got the door open before Ryan vomited all over the curb. After carrying him upstairs and getting him in bed we were pretty tired. I crashed on the couch, normally I’d sleep in Ryan’s room but… yea no
The next morning we woke up to Ryan’s mom making breakfast. I sat at the table with Drew and they rest of the family as we waited for Ryan. About 10 minutes later he stumbled down stairs looking like shit. Their mom, Mrs. Satori said…

Mrs. S: Hey Drew did you know that Tyler here is going to school with you next semester?

Drew: Wait really? You got accepted into Brown?

Me: Wel-… I- yea… I just haven’t fully decided on going.

Drew: What’s stopping you?

Me: Well Ryan hasn’t gotten his acceptance letter yet…

Well fast forward some drama with Ryan actually deciding to take a gap year and the day came for me to leave. Drew had the heads that I’d be attending college with him, our parents gave him the assignment of “looking out for me”

I got to campus, got everything situated and said goodbye to my parents. I met Drew in the dining hall.

Drew: Have you met your roommate yet?

Me: No, he didn’t come to the dorm, maybe he’s there now or something.

Drew: Well hopefully you get along with him, don’t wanna have to beat anyone up haha

Me: I don’t think that’s gonna be necessary

Drew: No you heard your folks, I’m your body guard.

Me: I’m capable of handling mysel-

Right then I tripped over something and my bag and tray began to fall. Drew caught my tray before it spilled everywhere as I scramble to grab my bag.

Drew: Right… totally handling yourself.

Me: Shut up

I rolled my eyes as he laughed. Later that evening I layed in my bed reading when I got a text from Drew.

Drew: Met your roomie yet?

Me: Nope, why?

Drew: Idk just wanted to know

Me: I hear someone walking up, maybe it’s him.

I tried to act busy as I heard the keys jangle. The door opened and the light from outside poured into the dim room.

Me: Oh hey I’m-

As I turned around to face my roommate I sat stuck for a second. It… it was Drew


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