Milf Next Door, Todd and Jenni by the pool… (MF)

Jenni stretched herself out on the sun lounger enjoying the warmth on her bare skin. She liked to keep her tan topped up and often used her neighbour Jess’ pool area. Jess and her had been friends for years and she was often away on business so Jenni kept and eye on the place. Both their boys had been friends growing up.

The only issue she had right now was tan lines. Normally she bathed nude, but her neighbour’s son Tod was back from University so she’d offered to look out for him while Jess was away. So a middle aged woman in her birthday suit with a 20 year old boy might not be quite what his mum was thinking of as ‘looking after’ him.

There were however certain benefits to the situation. The skinny friend of her son had somehow turned into a muscular toned young stud while away. She got the bonus of watching him work out, which he preferred to do in the sun with only shorts on, while she relaxed. He was 6ft, tanned skin, lovely muscular thighs, broad shoulders with a full chest and a rippling six pack. So basically every romance reading middle aged woman’s wet dream.

He really was a hot young man, although she couldn’t imagine any interest in a middle aged mom of a friend, she did toy with certain fantasies in her imagination. Much the same as she had about Channing Tatum or Tom Hardy, but just Todd instead! Her husband was away a lot and they did okay, but had been together a long time, so mostly she took care of herself with a selection of vibrators and dildos, while entertaining some lovely fantasy situations. Mostly this was enough for her, but watching Todd’s sweaty straining body shine in the sun, she did sigh and wonder if she needed a bit more than what she was getting.

She sat up and started applying cream to her shoulders, getting ready to tan her back. She figured half a hour and then head in for some private time thinking about Todd. She smiled to herself.

Todd for his part had been bummed to end up stuck at home while his friends were off travelling. He’s screwed up some exams and was trying to make up some credit over the summer. Finding out he had the house to himself was a definite perk but when his mom had told him Mrs J would be keeping an eye on him it made him feel like a school boy and left him in a mood for days.

That mood had turned around when he saw Mrs J lazing by the pool on the first morning he was back. She’d always been a good looking mom, but as teens they’d never really looked at each other’s mom’s like that, with them being so so old. Something had happened in Todd’s mind though while he was away and for whatever reason older women had become somewhat more interested, even to the point of having an affair with a married tutor.

Looking over at Mrs J tanning while he pumped his muscles up, he had to admit she was quite the Milf these days. Andy had said his mom had got into swimming and yoga almost to the point of obsession, with being home alone so much, and looking at how smooth and toned her body looked he could believe it. And endless tan certainly didn’t hurt the look either. He was sure on a couple of passing inspections he’d not spotted any white of tan lines, although he couldn’t be sure, so assumed she sometimes tanned nude, or at least did in his own fantasies! The brunette, hazel eyes mom had featured in his wet dreams quite a lot recently. Her body was tight, yet age and children had given her lovely rounded hips and full mommy breasts, which really just made it so Todd struggled not to stare at inappropriate places.

This would definitely have it’s perks, even if the young man doubted the hot mom of his friend would be interested in more, he’d be happy just looking and dreaming through the summer.

Between sets of pull ups he spotted her sitting up trying to reach her back with the sun cream and in a moment thought ‘fuck it!’ and called over to her, “hey Mrs J! I’ll give you hand with that, not sure even all the yoga makes you that flexible!” And he headed over with a smile.

Mmmm. Jenni was admiring the pull ups while struggling with the cream. When he called over and started walking it took a moment to register what he said. Her heart skipped a little quicker as the young man headed her way, all shimmering muscle with the sun glaring off his sweat drenched body.

She shrugged inwardly and said, “thanks Todd, you’re a dream!” Before laying down on her front. She wasn’t sure if it was excitement or a cool breeze but her nipples had suddenly hardened and she thought it best not to embarrass the guy too much. “Just pop the strap love, don’t want any tan lines if I can help it!”

As he slipped onto the edge of the sun lounger he hesitated for a moment before wiggling the clip at the back of Jenni’s bikini top then squirted so cream onto his hand rubbing them together to warm it a little, “won’t be a moment Mrs J…”

“No rush Todd,” Jenni purred a little feeling him so close, “I won’t burn in a few minutes!”

He placed his hands with as much confidence as he could muster on her back and started rubbing in the cream. Close up her figure was fantastic and he could the outline of her muscles. Feeling how firm and soft her body was got Todd’s pulse racing in a way he hadn’t expected. He lingered perhaps a little longer than he needed to really, enjoying his task.

“Thanks Todd, this really is good of you.”

“Any time Mrs J! Shall I…um…do you…” His eyes had wandered down to her buttocks which were fully on display in the thong Jenni wore. The were bronzed by the sun, flared wide at the hips and perfectly rounded from exercise. “You’re legs!” Todd blurted out, “um…do your legs need doing?” Thankfully she was facing away and couldn’t see Todd blushing. He felt like a silly school boy all of a sudden, rather the man he was trying to act like.

“Oh!” Jenni had realised as Todd worked down her back how her butt was completely on display! She hadn’t even thought about the thing until he was barely two foot away from it, staring down at her nearly naked ass. “Please, if you don’t mind, I’d forgotten the backs.” Jenni was flushing herself, but more from the young man’s touch than embarrassment. She was enjoying this a little more than she should be, but figured it was harmless really and from his point of view probably nothing more to it than him helping out a friend of his mothers.

Todd had shuffled down a bit and started at the ankles, working up over each calf in turn and then her thighs. As he’s done before, he took a little longer than he really needed to, but sudden unexpected chance to legitimately run his hands over this gorgeous woman’s body was too much to pass over quickly. As he got to grips with her swim hardened thighs his fingers slipped around without thinking a little further, on the upper inside near her butt. He quickly pulled his hands back and said, “all done Mrs J!”

Jenni had been lost in the moment having her legs gripped by strong young hands so when the fingers moved to her inner thigh she didn’t really pay it much attention, but when a single finger got close enough to briefly glide over her pussy lips like a cooling breeze, a small wave of electric passed though her, which left her sticking a moan.

So disappointed was she with the sudden loss of contact and so lost in the moment, she asked in a quiet voice, “I know it’s cheeky, but I hadn’t done my buttocks either…would you mind?” And the words were out before she knew it and she held her breath knowing she’d said something stupid that would make things awkward! Damn me and my libido! She thought to herself.

Todd didn’t dare talk at first as he lowered is freshly creamed hands to the glorious buttocks before him, huskily whispering as he came into contact, “sure thing…”

And Jenni sucked in a big breath, of relief she hadn’t made a mess and in excitement at feeling a man touch her sensitive backside for the first time in years. Her husband was a real gem, but they didn’t make love much anymore and when they did it was more going through the motions than actual passion. It worked for the both she figured, but she’d forgotten what it was like to want to be touched by someone.

“Mmmm…” Jenni didn’t even realise she’d moaned aloud.

Todd heard it loud and clear though and for the first time wondered, just as he finished, if Mrs J had been enjoying herself almost as much as he had.

“There you go!” He said getting up. “I better go grab a shower!” Thankfully she didn’t look round as awkwardly moved, due to his semi hard cock in his shorts, which was the main reason he was in a rush to get some privacy!

“Thanks Todd!” Jenni called after him, “come over tonight and I’ll cook you some dinner to say thanks!”

“That’s be great, see you later!” Todd hadn’t risked turning around, just called over his shoulder.

Jenni was in a little bit of heaven and decided it was nice, but she must behave like a grown up around you Todd, or she’d make herself look a fool!

When she heard the house door close, knowing he’s be occupied in the shower, she decided waiting for a bit of fun fantasizing was out of the question and one hand slipped down and under her body. She was sure she could be quiet and absolutely sure she couldn’t wait till she got home.

Todd was naked and under the powerful stream of water before it even warmed up, sending a thrill of cold through his body. As much as it got his attention it there was no comparison to the memory of Mrs J’s skin against his hands or the memory of the shape of her. As he stood there water flowing freely from head to foot, he briefly wondered what was wrong with him and him someone he’d known all his life could have such an effect on him. Thankfully like many young men he gave up on thinking too much and focused on the erotic thoughts in his mind.

He leaned against the wall of the large shower with one arm as the hot water cleaned his body and reached down to start pumping his hard penis, entertaining thoughts so dirty about Mrs J that only one thing would wash them away. He worked his thick long cock slowly, savoring his fantasy thoughts, imagining what could have been if he’d stayed outside and the sexy Milf out there was on the same page as he was, their bronzed sweaty bodies pressed together in the sun, feeling the same hunger and passion. Mmmmmmmm….if only, thought Todd to himself.

Jenni from a distance looked like a woman tanning her back, perhaps just trying to get comfortable while dealing with a mild itch. Close up there was a much more immediate niggle she was trying to scratch at the moment and the tan was all but forgotten.

One arm was partly supporting her head, which was turned to the side, with hazel eyes closed, hand gripping the edge of the lounger, while her other arm was under the length of her body, finger inside her thong, working her damp pussy with hard rhythmic circles. Mmmmmm….she groaned here and there lost in a wonderful day dream. She made sure to have regular sessions through the week of private time and usually spent these in her bedroom with her toy, occasionally opting for the bath for a change of scene. Although she was no prude to an occasional outside play, especially when younger, the source of her currently day dreams being not far away and most like naked was a step further than the middle aged hottie usually went, but also seemed to make the excitement all the better.

She really was quite wet and pleased she had a towel under her so as not to leave a stain on the lounger. These moments normally lasted anything upto a hour, but she knew this would have to be quick, or Todd would be done, so she picked up the pace, her ass with a mind of it’s own, twerked in time with her hand, urgently humping the lounger, trying to hold her moan.

In her mind Todd had stuck around and moved his hands further between her legs, it being him not her working the excited pussy. For her part she imagined her was positioned close to her side and reaching out she could grab his not insubstantial erection, giving him a hand job only an experienced woman could.

She rolled onto her back, still lost in the moment, allowing the sun to warm her breasts as the bikini top fell away. Not as pert as when younger, they didn’t sit proud on her chest, yet had swollen and grown as she had, so still appeared ripe and tempting if anyone was lucky enough to see them. As she worked the inside of her thong with more urgency she grabbed one of her breasts with her free hand and squeezed it hard, pinching the nipple between two fingers. Ever so close to a small explosive orgasm.

Todd had stopped just before cumming, knowing how his mom had always got pissed if she found ‘that’ in the shower, so had trained himself to save the embarrassment. His fantasy had been intense and nearly taken him over the edge, so as soon as he was out he stood at the toilet smashing away at his dick, taking himself back to the edge, desperate to relieve the stress he’d built up in his body.

He glanced briefly through the high window above the toilet and suddenly movement caused his gaze to lock onto the view. Through the bush foliage, past the edge of the pool, by pure luck to where Mrs J had positioned her lounger and his body went immediately to the edge.

Although his view was slightly blocked, he could definitely make out Mrs J turning over onto her back with her breast fully exposed for the sun and him to see. As he thought, there were no tan lines at all and he assumed this was how she usually tanned. Even without thinking, so consumed was he with the wonderful juicy breasts he was getting a sight of, his hand started moving up and down his hard shaft with greater speed. He assumed she figured he was busy for a while so it would be okay to go topless, but then…

Oh my god! He was in brief shock as he saw how her head was tilted back, gently moving a little, his young eyes picking out the detail of a lip being bitten, and then realizing all of a sudden her hand was buried in between her legs, staying there, moving in small quick movements. She couldn’t be! He thought. But knew immediately she was, especially when her hand grabbed her breast and squeezed it hard and he got to see the flesh squeeze between her grasping fingers, too big to fit in even his big hands! He saw her body tense in what must have been her own rapture.

Todd pumped furiously witnessing the most erotic thing he’d ever witnessed in person. As she writhed on the lounger he came, hearing a scream of pleasure, quickly cut off, spurting like only a young man can, imagining it was him making her feel like that and thinking ‘if only she wanted me like I want her!’. He continued to cum as he squeezed out the last of his orgasm, not even thinking about the mess he’d have to clean up. His breath was ragged as he took a final look to see her getting up and walking slightly unsteadily towards her own home.

As he got back in the shower he realized how much he suddenly desired the older woman and so wished she felt the same, when a thought occurred, that actually she had decided to do what she did straight after he’d ‘helped’ with the sun-cream. Maybe, just maybe, there was something there. Suddenly he was very much looking forward to dinner, with all the confidence of youth on his side.

Jenni was in the throws of the best she’d had in years, electric pulses rippling through her body, from her clitoris out to the tips of fingers and toes. Her breasts jiggled as she got lost in the throws of excitement, her legs and arms tensed and muscles of her belly tightening and relaxing, tightening and relaxing, with each wave. Her fingers had gone into over drive and her nipple had nearly been pulled off the feelings were so intense. Now she was coming down her over sensitive clit could barely take the lightest touch, but she loved that torturous feeling so much she still tried. A scream had escaped her lips, getting through the fog of her imagination and she’d managed to stifle it quickly, hoping Todd hadn’t heard!

She’s been lost in a wild fantasy where the young mans hands had explored her body, paying special attention to her breasts and thighs, before going to work on her pussy, while she in turn explored his erection while he sat with his toned young body mere inches from her face. In her dream he was well endowed and she was sure the reality would not be quite so, um, obvious, but it was a fun dream. He also lasted the whole length of her fantasy, which by her own experience was unlikely!

He’d looked at her, in the fantasy, like he wanted to eat her up, overwhelmed with desire for her. She rewarded him by encouraging him to kneel beside her, took over the clit stimulation so he could watch her pleasure herself for him enjoyment and then proceeded to give him a long wet blowjob while he told her how beautiful she was…

On these thoughts she’d cum and when she realized she’d been so loud, as soon as her shaky legs could manage, she headed home for a shower and rest.

She was really looking forward to dinner and promised herself to behave like the respectable woman she clearly wasn’t!



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