Step Sister Corruption Part 239 – Day 128 The Breeder Pt 1 (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


Well I think it’s official the girls have decided to go through with having their own website.

The only reason I know that is that I’m staring at $40,000 dollars in cash no less and the girl’s each came by this morning to drop off their package. The only ones left to throw in were me and Kel.

I started the morning with no cash and whatever was in my bank account seriously contemplating just transferring $50,000 to dad just so we could start up the website because I knew the girls were interested but some of them lacked the funds to simply give me $5,000.

I mean I had the $50,000 sitting in my bank account and then some but I didn’t want to finance an idea that might not work and force the girls to do something they didn’t want to do.

It had to be *their* decision.

So imagine my surprise when I got texts from each and every girl was asking me where I lived so they could drop off the money.

Looks like they made their decision.

First to drop off was Felicity. Then Georgina. Then Josphine. Kumi was next and Anita followed her. Bonnie followed right after Kumi and Anita. The last was Heidi as she dropped off her’s and Jaime’s money being the thicker stack.

Each girl meekly smiled saying they had made their decision. A couple of them admitted that they had to take out a loan for the money as they didn’t have that much money simply laying around though they were sure they could easily pay it off within a couple of months or so.

I felt like I was some kind of drug lord having my couriers simply dropping off their individual takes to pick up their next round of drugs to go hit the streets again.

I looked down at the cash sitting in front of me and wanted to make a joke of wanting to hit up a strip club just so I can make it rain on a lucky dancer but I was alone and that joke would be wasted.

Another idea I had was simply laying all that cash on my bed and roll around in it but there’s two huge problems with that idea. One, I’m not a girl as shown by every single movie and television show that does this. And two, I lightly remembered an article exactly how much *residue*; drugs, fluids, and waste, is on cash so I didn’t want that much on me if I’m being honest. Not that I’m a germaphobe or anything like that but it was best if I didn’t do anything like oh I don’t know lick said cash.

I looked at the cash for a little bit longer as I contemplated each of my idea’s before I finally buckled up and put said cash into one of the envelops that the girl’s used to bring me said cash.

Then I texted Kel letting her know that the girl’s had brought me all the money and only thing left was her’s and my share of the cash. Of which Kel simply transferred the $5,000 to me and replied she was busy at the gym.

I rolled my eyes as I read Kel’s obvious increased gym activity as she complained that she needed to *tone* up her new assets as she clearly was fighting to not look like a bimbo with her huge tits, constantly pouty dick sucking lips, plump surprisingly still hard as a rock ass, and tiny waist. All the tall tale signs that Kel did in fact look more like bimbo now more than before. She should just accept her new body and use it to her advantage but whatever it’s not my body.

And she wasn’t the only one….Summer was the same way though not nearly as drastic. Ok there were differences between the two beyond big tits and plump asses. Like Summer had puffy areolas to match her constant hard nipples or Kel’s nipples seemed to protrude more than before. Or both girl’s pussy’s seemed to have decided having plump pussy lips to hide their pussy’s seemed to be a thing.

Whatever the differences were they were still my girl’s.

It was like they were afraid that I might leave them if they gained one iota amount of fat or something. Though I know that wasn’t true but I’ll let them think whatever it was they were thinking I wasn’t complaining of their results.

With all the money ready and put out of sight, I text dad to let him know that I had the money for the webmaster to start the site in which he replied that he would come see me when he got home seeing how he was out and about in town. I think mom may have made him go with her to their therapy but can’t be too sure as I think she said something about making an appointment for the next year.

Whatever his reasoning was I just knew him and mom were out and about doing something so when they get back he’ll come get the money from me.

I shrugged as I had other things on my mind.

Like do some videos.

I went upstairs and was able to get some videos done before Sabrina showed up to do her *duty* as I watched her come into the house after I let her in and go to her corner near the door to strip down to nothing but after the quick strip show i thought she was going to get down on her knees she looked at me and informed me that she had been fully approved by Summer that all her holes were allowed meaning she couldn’t wait for my dick to be shoved up her pussy.

I smiled when I stated rule # 2 which instantly pissed off Sabrina as she stomped her foot like a toddler, “But Summer says I can be trusted now! And I want *Gabe Time*!”

I looked at her resisting the urge to tell her to go to the corner as even I thought her little temper tantrum was semi cute.

Sabrina looked at me, “If you don’t believe me, text Summer. She’ll tell you I can be trusted.”

I looked at her with a smirk before I pulled out my cell and to text Summer.

I looked at my phone confused as I had received a text from an unknown number that I had no idea about. Still I opened the text.

*Unknown: this is Moira from the other night. I’d like to speak with you about what you witnessed the other night if possible. text me so we can speak*

I blinked when I looked at Moira who I was still a little irritated with the other night with how things went down at the end of the night.

Though I did shock and wow them at the end when I asked them what *they* thought of *their* little sister allowing them to think that Mia was my slave. Which wasn’t true. Then I asked them if I should *brand* their sister that she was officially my toy.

That was enough shock when they finally were being protective and I looked at them as I thought their little *jabs* at one another was stupid and really didn’t want anything to do with it.

Yes I was a little irritated that night after the whole *protect* myself so Mia wouldn’t have to deal with any drama and then after the parents left she pretty much spilled the beans allowing the following drama to happen.

Before the end of the night I was surprised that all three sisters not only apologized to Mia for their little scrabbles to me that they shouldn’t have bickered nearly as much as they did that night.

I really didn’t care as I was too irritated how everything went down that by the end of the night when I dropped off Mia the most I could do was smile and wish her a good night without giving her a good night fuck as I was too depleted emotionally to honestly do another deep dicking in Mia’s tight hole. She looked at me when she left my car and was simply saying sorry along with asking if we can remain friends. Once again I said sure but after some time away to get over what happened. She looked at me and nodded saying she understood.

Then when I got home I pretty much used my pent up cum and unloaded it in Summer and Kel before eventually crashing.

I heard Sabrina speak, “Gabe?”

I shook my head from my phone and looked at Sabrina, “Huh!”

She looked at me quizzically, “Well did she reply?”

Right. She wanted *Gabe Time* alone and wanted me to make sure that Summer had signed off on Sabrina in reference to rule # 2.

I shook my head, “Sorry I got side tracked. Hold on, let me text her.”

I returned my attention to my phone and moved from Moira’s text to Summer and text.

*Me: hey Sabrina says you have signed off on her being allowed for **me** alone? is this true?*

I had to wait a minute or two before Summer replied.

*Summer: Yeah I guess she can be trusted for the time being. Why? Is she there?*

*Me: yeah she’s standing here wanting ‘Gabe Time’*

*Summer: **Sigh** yeah I guess it’s fine*

*Me: when did that change?*

*Summer: the other day during your day with Mia*

I looked at the text wondering what Sabrina did to *prove* her worth as I didn’t know and the fact that Summer was holding back the facts from that day makes me want to ask the question.

*Me: what happened when I was with Mia?*

*Summer: long story short Sabrina proved herself*

I read the text and shrugged.

Looks like I won’t get much out of Summer with the way she was wording her replies.

I looked up at Sabrina and smiled, “She just told me it was up to me but she trusts you.”

Sabrina looked at me, “But **you** said I had to go through Summer before **you** would fuck me. Now you’re saying I have to jump through yet *another* hoop?”

I smiled, “Oh I think you’ll enjoy this hoop.”

Sabrina looked at me incredulously as I was sure my smile turned wolfish.

I spoke, “How do you feel about making someone jealous?”

I watched Sabrina look at me for a minute as her emotions rolled through her hate filled mind before she looked at me before a creepy smile formed on her face, “What do I have to do?”

