[m/f] Twin Towers of Love: a 9/11 story

If they could make a love story about Titanic or Pearl Harbor, I can make one about 9/11 so buckle up. This one will be a wild ride.

Greg and Hope had only been together a few weeks. Greg had two tickets to a few weeks. Greg was a Los Angeles native, Hope hailed from New York. They had come to know each other from AOL chat rooms and instant messenger. Over the course of months, they spoke endlessly. They talked about their goals, futures, kids, houses, careers. After some time, they decided to meet. Greg was an avid Indianapolis Colts fan. Since his old team, The Los Angeles Rams, had moved to St. Louis, he found comfort in the high flying offense of Peyton Manning and Edgerrin James. Hope didn’t follow football very closely, but she grew up in a Jets household. Her father idolized Broadway Joe Namath and spoke endlessly about the failures of their front office.

Sensing an opportunity, Greg made a suggestion. The Colts were set to play the Jets on September 9th in New York. It would be a perfect opportunity to meet. He talked it over with Holly and she agreed. He purchased plane tickets and bought two tickets to the game.

He flew into town on Tuesday the 4th. Hope showed him around to a few local restaurants. They had tacos and saw the Statue of Liberty.

On the walk back to the subway they came across a man selling watches.

“Rolexes, $25!”
“Wow that’s such a steal,” Greg remarked.
“Honey, you know those are fake, right?” Replied Hope.
“Hmm…sir, are these fake?”
“Fake? Of course they aren’t fake. What do you think I’m doing? Running a scam? I have a wife and kid to feed. I’m a legitimate businessman who obtains these watches through creative means.”
“See? I told you,” he said to Hope, giving the man his money.
“Thanks, buddy. It’s been tough with the job market lately. Bring it in.”

The watch purveyor opened up for a hug and Greg went in for it. He was very touched that he could make such a difference for someone.

They walked back to the subway and went to Holly’s apartment in Brooklyn. 

“You know he probably pick pocketed you, right?”
Greg hesitated a moment. He checked his front pocket where he kept his wallet. Feeling smug he said “nope, my wallet is still here. I keep it in the front pocket where it’s harder to get.”

Then he checked his jacket pocket for their tickets to the Jets game. He felt nothing there. He quickly checked his others, finding nothing.

“What did he get?” She asked.
“Our tickets.” Greg was upset. The whole reason he came was gone.
“We can always scalp some tickets,” she said reassuringly.

They went back to her place and spent the night together.

Greg had a girlfriend in high school but it had been some time since he had been with someone. She had him sit on the sofa with a glass of wine and she lit candles. They were everywhere–the end tables, shelves, TV stand. It made for a very romantic atmosphere.

“I’ve waited a long time to be with someone,” she said.
“Hopefully I won’t disappont.”
Greg was a gentle lover.

He kissed her neck and slowly worked down to her supple breasts. She breathed in and her pulse rose as he worked further down. Pulling her legs apart, he took a taste. She arched her back and writhed as he worked through the alphabet with his tongue. As we worked, he moved his hands around her body, caressing gently. She whispered “put it in me.”

He had a condom with him. He had never used one before, and didn’t know quite what to do. His dad told him to make sure to lube the inside before putting it on. Put it on the tip and roll it back. But how far? Does it stretch over the balls?

He dabbed some lube and started rolling it on. He got to the base of his penis and tried to roll further to cover the balls. He felt a sharp pain as it stretched over one and realized quickly that it must not be right. He readjusted, leaving it at the base and they resumed their session.

Hope quickly decided to switch on top and she rode him to completion. After she came, she lay next to him, quivering.

“Hope, what do I do now? I haven’t finished yet.”
“What? Oh sorry I dunno, just finish yourself I guess.”
“Ok thanks”
He stroked until he finished, touching her breasts for inspiration. He threw the used condom away and they went to bed.

Hope was up early in the morning. She decided to take him to a local breakfast spot near her apartment. They were seated and ordered eggs with breakfast potatoes. When Greg’s plate came out, it had hash browns instead of breakfast potatoes. He looked crestfallen.

“What’s wrong, sweetie?” She asked
“Oh they just gave me hash browns instead of breakfast potatoes, it’s ok I’ll eat them.”
“No,” she insisted. “That’s outrageous. I’ll fix it. Waiter!”
The waiter came over.
“Can I help you with something?”
“They gave him hash browns instead of breakfast potatoes. Please take the dish and return it with the right food.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“You can bet your tip will suffer because of it.”
“I’m sorry ma’am.”

Greg felt relieved. He had never returned a plate of food in his life. For the first time he felt alive.

They passed the rest of the week enraptured with each other. Sunday arrived and they went to the stadium for the game.

Greg went looking for a ticket scalper and found one selling two tickets. He purchased them and they went in.

The tickets were the worst seats in the house. They were at the top of the stadium near a pillar that blocked a good portion of the game. Rather than be upset, the young couple decided to make the most of it.

Greg decided to see how many hot dogs he could fit in his mouth. It was 3. He choked. Hope had to perform the heimlich maneuver to save him. He expelled the hot dog and drank some more beer.

“Hope, should I go streaking?”
“No, Greg, we would get kicked out.”
“So? It’s not like we can see the game from up here.”
“Please don’t.”

They passed another quarter. In the fourth quarter, with the game firmly in hand for the Colts, the kiss cam came on over the score board. To their surprise, it stopped on the young couple.

“Hey let’s smooch!” Hope said excitedly.
Greg leaned in and kissed her and stood up.
Hope thought for a second like he was going to propose.
“Honey, we’ve only known each other a few months I’m…”
And then she realized he wasn’t proposing at all. He pulled his pants down and mooned the camera operator, showing his butt to the entire stadium. Hope turned scarlett with embarrassment but secretly found it funny.

Security quickly came and escorted them out of the stadium. They went and got some dinner and returned to her apartment.

Greg was set to leave on Tuesday. They had planned to road trip up the coast. He had always wanted to see Plymouth Rock and visit Boston, so they planned to spend the day there Monday and he would fly back on Tuesday.

They decided to take the train to Boston on Sunday evening since they left the game early.

Hope started to pack her overnight bag.
“Honey, I was wondering if you’d like to pack a larger suitcase,” Greg said.
“Why is that?”
“Well, I bought two tickets for the return flight. I wasn’t sure how we would hit it off, but I’ve really enjoyed my time with you this week. I was wondering if I could show you Los Angeles the way you’ve showed me New York.”
“But Greg, I have to work next week!”
“It’s ok, you don’t have to.”

She was taken aback. How could he have enjoyed her so much that he bought her a plane ticket? She had some vacation time set aside and a good bit of money in the bank.

“You know what? Let’s do it!”

Greg was elated. “Oh you’re going to love it! I’m going to take you to every taco stand in the city!”

She got her larger suitcase and packed it. They hurried to the Amtrak station and boarded the train to Boston.

They got a motel for the night. It was a seedy place. The front desk attendant asked if they were booking by the hour or by the night.

“Why would we only need an hour?” Hope asked.
“I’ll book you for the evening, Miss.” The attendant replied.

“What was that all about?” Greg asked her on their way to their door. “I don’t know,” she replied.

The motel room had the distinct odor of urine and the top cover on the bed seemed to have had some bleach stains. Still, the couple were young and in love.

Greg laid down on the bed with a newspaper. Hope announced, “you know I’ve never made love in the shower.” He dropped the newspaper and looked up, hopefully. She had unbuttoned her blouse, showing her small but supple cleavage. “I need some help undressing.”

Greg leaped into action. His pants were off within 3 steps. The lovers locked lips passionately and he slid her blouse off her shoulders. The bra was a bit harder but he managed the latch without having to stop kissing. As they stood barefoot on the greasy carpet, he worked his way down to kiss her neck, then her shoulder, then her breast, then her belly. He stopped at her prominent mound and looked up at her. He suckled on the edge of the mound and felt inside her with his right index finger. I motioned for her to “come here” and moved his mouth down to the clit. Hope sharply inhaled and let out a moan.

“Let’s get the shower going.”

The water took a long time to warm and never fully got hot. The young couple didn’t care. Greg lathered up a rag and washed Hope’s body, piece by piece, delicately and slowly. He admired her curves as the water washed the soap over every detail. He breathed in her beauty with vigor. As he finished, she took the soap in hand and dropped it.

“Oops, looks like I’ll need the soap. I hope nothing happens as I retrieve it.”
Greg knew a hint when he got one and delicately thrust inside of her. He was a bit taller than her so the session was not as passionate as the movies made it seem. Still, they managed to thrust and moan like two teenagers discovering their bodies. He exploded inside her and his love dripped down the leg with the water and swirled into the drain.

They dried off and went to bed.

The next day they explored Boston. They rented a car and drove to Plymouth. He was disappointed with Plymouth Rock. It wasn’t very large. It was just a small boulder sitting on the sand. They got some seafood and returned to Boston. They visited some local breweries and visited some historic sights from the Revolutionary War.

The day passed by quickly and they returned to the motel late. Their flight was early the next morning and they wanted to get a head start. They got breakfast at the airport. When Greg went to order a beer, Hope stopped him. “Maybe after the Jets game, we shouldn’t.”

“Ok,” he replied. He got a tea instead.

They got to the terminal to board. A Saudi man cut in front of Greg to board the plane.

“Uh, excuse me sir.”
The Man turned around.
He turned back around.
“It’s just, you cut in front of me in line.”
He turned back.
“So what? We will all end up the same place today.”
“Yeah but it’s the *principle* of the thing. I was here first and then you cut. You’re a cutter!”
The man, clearly agitated, came up close to Greg’s face.
“How would you like me to cut you right now? Hmm? Perhaps I could find a way to spill your blood. Your mother is ashamed of you.”

Greg was very taken aback and said no more. They boarded the flight and the plane took off.

Shortly after takeoff, the Saudi man got up and yelled. Then several others joined him. They were armed with box cutters and forced their way into the cockpit and took control of the plane.

Greg started panicking.
“What are we going to do?”
“I don’t know, Greg. They probably just want money. Trust that the authorities will solve it.”
“I suppose you’re right. God I’m scared. You know that’s the man that cut us in line! I knew he was a bad guy!”
“Yes, Greg, cutting people in line is a clear indicator of being a plane hijacker.”
“Do you think maybe this is all my fault?”
Hope didn’t understand. “What the hell do you mean?”
“Do you think I angered him and pushed him over the edge? Like, maybe he didn’t wake up planning to hijack a plane but maybe I pushed him to do it.”
“I don’t think that’s how it works, Greg.”
“But what if it is?”
“Then ask him. Fuck if I care.”

She wasn’t serious but Greg raised his hand, interrupting the hijackers.

“Excuse me! Excuse me! Sir, I think all of this was a misunderstanding! I didn’t mind that much that you cut me!”
“Be silent! Your family are descended from dogs!”
“Yeesh, he’s rude, this guy.”
“Greg, he’s a hijacker. Being polite isn’t in the job description.”
“I guess so…”
“Hey,” she said, “I know what may help ease your mind. I’ve always wanted to join the mile high club.”
“What? We’re going to die and you’re thinking about fucking?” He couldn’t believe she would suggest it.
“I mean, why not?”
“I mean…that’s unimpeachable logic.”
“I’ll go now, you go in a few minutes.”
She worked back to the bathroom and entered. It stank from a previous passenger going poop. Still, she was determined to join the mile high club.

While he waited, others started using the phones to call loved ones to tell them good bye. Greg decided he had waited long enough and got up to work his way back. As soon as he stood, the Saudi man yelled at him.

“You again, what are you doing?”
Others saw this and thought perhaps he was going to try and stop them. A woman in the other aisle said “good for you, we support you! If we come together we can stop them.”
“No I’m not doing that, sorry.”
The Saudi man began to approach.
“Sorry, sir, I’m just going to the bathroom. Uh…go about your hijacking.”

As he passed the woman who cheered him on she gave him a look of disappointment. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t” he said as he passed.

He went into the bathroom and Hope immediately grabbed him and kissed him. She had already worked up her skirt and took off her panties. She undid his pants and grabbed his love. It was flaccid.

“Come on can’t you get it up?”
“I’m, uh, in a bit of a stressful situation here, as you know.”
“Oh don’t think about that. Get it up.”
She worked him and worked life into his formerly flaccid member. She then turned around and presented for him. He thrust inside of her and they began to make vigorous love.

He worked and worked and was ready to explode inside of her. The plane banked hard and they fell into each other as he was getting ready to finish. Then as they sta–

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/tp8yw3/mf_twin_towers_of_love_a_911_story