[MF] Reddit leads to a fun gym encounter

My story started on this sub. I was enjoying my own company last weekend while reading through several stories. I stumbled upon one that I have been unable to find since. It was from a woman who said that she really enjoys when men’s bulges are on display at the gym. In her words “It’s not just men that enjoy looking at women at the gym. That bulge can be the motivation to push through the last step.” I laughed at the humorous way that she wrote it. But it also had me thinking as I have recently been more dedicated to the gym.

Fast forward a few days and it’s legs day at the gym. A heavy deadlift day in my program. Normally on these days I will wear a t-shirt, sweatpants, and tight compression boxers. I decided to skip the boxers. In the dressing room I checked myself out in the mirror prior to heading to the gym floor. My bulge was on display in the grey sweatpants. Not in your face but, certainly noticeable. My blue under armour shirt was also doing a great job of outlining my physique. I work out in the morning and the gym was fairly quiet. Myself, 3 other men, and 4 women. All gym regulars that I see several times a month. I got into my program. Without the underwear it didn’t change what I was there for. About two thirds through my program 2 of the women came over to work near the station I was at. I didn’t change what I was working on. But if I’m honest between working sets, I made sure to stand in a way that if they cared to look, they would have a view. This went on for 15-20 minutes before I was completely done my program. I wasn’t sure if they noticed as I was still trying to get through my workout. But they never left the area during that time. I went to the dressing room, changed, and went on with my day.

Another few day’s pass and we get to yesterday morning, I am in the gym again and nearing the end of my workout. I finish a set and am scribbling a note in the workout book that I am tracking my progress. I look up and see one of the two women who were working out near me the other day. She has beautiful blonde hair, is curvy (as a woman should be), looking amazing in her gym outfit, and a smile on her face that could light up a room. She is two feet away from me and trying to get my attention. I take my headphones off.

“Excuse me.” She says. “Do you remember the other dark-haired girl that I work out with on most days?”

“I do.” I replied with a smile trying to not sound surprised by a pretty woman talking to me.

“Well, she would kill me if she was here and saw me asking you this, but she was wondering if you are single?”

“I’m sorry. I’m not.” I replied.

“Okay, well enjoy the rest of your workout.” She smiled and walked away.

I tried to casually go back to my workout. But inside I was incredibly excited. It may be an incredibly common thing for women to be approached but for myself this was literally only the 3rd time in my life that a woman has approached me. Even if it was for her friend. Also, the 2nd time it happened I ended up marrying that woman. I finished up my program and headed into the dressing room. As I got changed I messaged my wife letting her know I was just asked if I was single at the gym. The timing of the text I figured she would just be waking up. When I got home, I came upstairs to the bedroom. The first words she said as I entered the room were “Do I need to be worried?”

I laughed in response. “Definitely not. Just a great ego boost.”

She looked up from her phone and motioned me over with a finger. I walked over to her side of the bed. Without a word she swung her legs out from under the covers. She got out of bed and straight onto her knees. As she lowered herself to the ground, she took my pants and underwear with her. Before I knew what was happening my cock was in her mouth. It hardened quickly as she worked away. Determined and with purpose she took as much of my length as she could. Her hand playing with my balls as she made it clear that she was in control. Hard, fast, and with a desire to drain me of my seed as efficiently as possible. It didn’t take long at all until she had her prize. As she finished, she rose up to her feet.

“Now get in the shower and don’t you forget this.” were the only words she said with a wicked smile on her face.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/tp7xk5/mf_reddit_leads_to_a_fun_gym_encounter