From Across The Room

A few weeks ago, I received a knock on my front door from one of my neighbors. They were a young attractive couple, in their late twenties I think, we hadn’t had much interaction outside of the occasional casual greeting when we saw each other. They wanted to let me know that they were hosting a house party and asked if I wanted to come along. I am not one for parties usually, but after having spent practically two years indoors with minimal social interaction I figured it was about time I got out the house and they seemed like cool people so I thought fuck it, why not. When I turned up I had already had a few drinks in some vain attempt to prime myself for socialising. I was usually pretty extroverted but after having been out the game for a while I was pretty nervous about going somewhere where I didn’t know anyone. The couple who invited me greeted me at the door, I handed them some booze I had brought along and they showed me in. I wasn’t sure what to expect but I guessed from their age and the fact they had invited a random neighbor that it wasn’t going to be an intimate gathering. I didn’t expect it to be as busy as it was though, practically every inch of floor space was occupied by someone but I managed to squeeze past and get to the kitchen. I felt a lot more awkward than usual so I made a beeline to get myself another drink and found a corner with enough space for me to chill for a while while I figured out what I was going to do. I didn’t want to be that guy who just stood there not talking to anyone but it seemed like everyone already knew each other, clusters of people had begun to form and I just felt like an outsider. I was looking out across the sea of people, scoping out a potential opening into one of the groups or for someone else on their own. As my eyes panned over all the new faces I saw someone looking over in my direction. I dismissed it at first, but when I looked back over in her direction we locked eyes and it was clear she was looking directly at me. I am used to approaching women I am interested in and laying down game but I am not typically the guy who gets girls approaching him. This was different though, I could see it in her eyes, she knew what she wanted and was giving me a look that verged on predatory. I wanted to play it cool and pretend I hadn’t noticed, that is what you are meant to do right? Before I had a chance to look back some guy tapped me on the shoulder and offered me a beer, asked my name and how I knew the couple. I rushed through answering his questions and looked back over to where she was but she had disappeared. The guy continued to ask questions and push for conversation but all I could think about was finding where this girl had gone. He was a nice guy and I guess I was being an asshole but I couldn’t help but give short uninterested replies, my mind was possessed with thoughts of this girl and I had suddenly lost all interest in socialising with anyone. I wasn’t about to go chasing after her though, so I snapped myself out of it and returned my focus back to our conversation. The night continued and I met loads more people, played a few games of beer pong but she hadn’t left my mind all night. I kept looking out across the people hoping I might catch a glimpse of her face despite repeatedly telling myself to just forget about her and enjoy the rest of my night.

I went to get myself another drink, grabbed a cup, filled a quarter of it with whiskey and topped it up with some mixer. As I leaned over the table I felt the tips of someone’s fingers trace lightly up my back, across the back of my neck and then down my shoulder. I almost jumped out of my skin but managed to catch myself before my body had a chance to react. Somehow I just knew it was her and I was completely frozen as she stood right behind me. She pressed up against me and I could feel here leaning in closer to me, I could feel the warmth of her breath dissipate on my skin, her lips right next to my ear. “I had to go change” she whispered as she slid her hand in my pocket and disappeared once again. By the time I turned around it was too late, she had gone, leaving me in complete disbelief and half erect. I would have thought it was all in my imagination if it wasn’t for what she placed in my pocket. I slid my hand down into my pocket and could feel some silky material scrunched up in there but as I put my hand all the way in I could feel that it was soaking wet. My heart stopped as I realised exactly what she had put in my pocket and my cock was now harder than it had ever been before. I had to find her, this time I was willing to go and find her, if she wanted a hunt that was exactly what I was going to give her. I quickly spanned the room and through the corridor I could see her heading up the stairs, I barged through the masses of people to get through and followed her up the stairs. As I got to the top, she had made sure she waited just long enough for me to see her head into one of the bedrooms. I charged forward and as I got to the room I stopped just before the door. I regained my composure, took a few deep breaths and knocked on the door. “Who is it?” She asked. She knew damn well who it was and I knew she knew. “Hey, I think I have something that belongs to you, you must have dropped it downstairs.” There was a short silent pause before I heard the door hand click and the door left ajar. I pushed the door open and shut it behind me, she was sat over on the bed giving me a look of complete innocence as if she had no idea what I was on about. “So what have you got for me?” She asked inquisitively. I raised my arm up just above my head and opened my hand while keeping my thumb pinched against my index finger letting the wet panties hang suspended in the air in front of me. “I guess these aren’t yours then?” She looked up at me, not wanting to admit to it and protested that she had no idea who they belonged to or why I was holding someone’s underwear in my hand. I turned back to face the door, slowly took a few steps towards it and put the panties back in my pocket. As I got to the door I turned the handle and once again went to shut the door behind me but just as it was almost closed all the way I heard her reluctantly call out. “Wait.” I stopped, and slowly pushed the door back open and peered round the corner. “Sorry, did you say something?” I asked. She pouted and frowned at me in silence, so I once again began to leave. “Ok ok, just get in here and close the door behind you.” I stepped in, closing the door behind me, I took a look around the room and it seemed to be a spare bedroom. Not much going on but a home office in the corner, the bed she was sitting on and some office clothes laying around. I started walking towards her and I noticed a tie draped over the office chair. I pointed to the other side of the room at a dress that was hanging on a cupboard and asked if it was hers, she turned to see and I swiped the tie of the chair without her noticing and she looked back at me shaking her head in slight confusion. I stopped still, I looked dead into those eyes that took my soul earlier. I remained silent, eyes fixed on hers as she began to shuffle around on the bed nervously. I paused and waited until her eyes reflected that she understood what was going to happen next. There it was, perfect, that look between fear and excitement I was waiting for. I paced towards her and stood about three inches away from her, she was eye level with my crotch and was staring and the outline of my cock pressing against my trousers. She tilted her head all the way back looking up at me and I wrapped one hand round the back of her head grabbing a handful of hair and opening her mouth with the other one. I stuffed her soaking wet panties in her mouth and closed her mouth around them. She began to breathe heavily through her nose and I could see her nipples getting erect, poking through her dress. I knew it, this was exactly what she wanted and I was only just getting started. I took a step back and pulled her head forward, pushing the side of my cock against the panties in her mouth and leaned over her back. I took the tie and grabbed both of her arms, putting them behind her back and tying them up. I stepped back once again, she sat straight back up and struggled for a little while, getting used to the sensation of being tied up. She fought with the restraint for a few seconds while I maintained eye contact and observed her frustration.

Then it happened, she gave up fighting and submitted. She hung her head down knowing she was defeated before looking back up at me grinning at her knowing I had got her exactly where I wanted her. I paused for a bit longer, admiring my creation and her beauty in this moment of complete control. I walked towards her and stood her up. I positioned a pillow and bent her over the bed, lowering her head facing left onto the pillow while holding onto her tied up arms. I moved off to the right out of view and stayed completely silent. She squirmed on the bed trying to get back up to her feet but each time she tried I would lift up the tie just enough to keep her down until she submitted to the position once again. She laid there huffing and puffing out of her nose and making muffled noises with her mouth. Then everything was quiet. Silent even. I pulled the back of her dress up and spanked her sharply across her right cheek. She winced and moaned, her knees buckled slightly but she managed to remain standing. I waited for everything to go back to quite again and crack, another slap across the left cheek this time. She hadn’t changed at all, just took her panties off and I could see her pussy begin to throb and small droplets trickle down the back of her thigh. I used the back of my hand, running the nail side of my fingertips up from her heels up to her ass cheek. First the left side this time, then the right. Stroking all across the back of legs that began to quiver and shake. Her pussy was pulsating and she was trying to push back into me. I stopped touching her and once again waited for her to become completely still. Without touching her, I reached one arm around the front and hovered my finger just above the clit and my other hand was placed behind her just in front of her soaking wet hole. Once again she wriggled about feeling my close presence but I moved my hands away until she stayed still and submitted to me. Then at the same time I placed the tip of my middle finger slowly into her pussy and my other middle finger brushed lightly against her clit. She cried out a moan that could be heard even through the panties and her legs gave way as she crumpled on the floor. I picked her back up, put her back in position and let her compose herself. This time I knelt down behind her and gave her a taste of her own medicine, I put my mouth as close to her pussy without touching her and just allowed my warm breath to breeze across her soaking wet pussy. She was moaning louder than ever and the panties popped out of her mouth. She immediately seized the opportunity to beg for me to give her my cock but I grabbed the panties and stuffed them back in her mouth. I pulled my cock out from my trousers and I couldn’t believe how hard I was, I thought it was going to explode the second I touched it. I placed the tip just behind the entrance to her pussy and just allowed it to rest there. Every time she tried to back into it, I would move back and place my hand on her clit instead, vibrating my finger on it until her legs would begin to shake. I moved my cock slowly across the outside of her pussy, rubbing past her clit and back towards her asshole. Back and forth until I felt like she was ready to behave and deserving of my cock. I could tell she couldn’t take much more, now as soon as I went near her clit her legs would begin to shake uncontrollably and I would have to keep her propped up to stop her from caving in. I touched her clit once more and watched her wobble again, but this time instead of picking her up I pushed my cock deep inside of her and lifted up. Her pussy was so tight and warm, she was squeezing my cock so tight and I could tell she was already on the verge of cumming. I pulled my cock all the way out and allowed her to flop onto the bed completely, laying on her stomach. I took the panties out of her mouth and she went to talk. “No, no talking, I just want to hear how loud you moan.” I asserted. Then I placed the tip of my cock back at the base of her pussy, it was so slippery, wet and warm that just having my cock near it was bringing me close to cumming too. I took a deep breath and began to dip the tip of my cock in and out, very shallow and slow. She was moaning so loud and then she screamed “PLEASE FUCK ME. I BEG YOU” so I stuffed the panties back into her mouth and went back to teasing her tight little hole. Dipping it in, taking it out, dipping it in and taking it out. I reached around to rub her clit with just the tip of my dick inside her and she started breathing extremely quickly, I knew she was close. I pushed the tip in just a little deeper while rubbing her clit, took it all the way out and stuck it all the way in leaving it deep inside her. I stayed there with my cock as far as it would go inside and she began to cum, squirming about, trying to push me back out with her tied up arms as it was getting so intense but I stayed there, deep inside, her squirming only adding to her own pleasure. Her whole body was vibrating and shaking, my fingertips moving quicker and quicker across her clit. I pulled out quickly, still rubbing her clit and she began to squirt all over my leg. I released the tie and allowed her to crumple into a ball on the bed, still shaking uncontrollably. I was so hard watching her cum like that, my cock was throbbing and my balls swollen with cum. I didn’t want to cum though, the moment was already perfect, we had already gotten exactly what we wanted.



  1. Great story! The visualization and the twist with the panty lead, follow and finish was just perfect. She was a true r/forevertemptress!

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