The Office Slut – Part 1 [Mdom] [Blackmail] [Public Humiliation]

“Everyone, I’d like you to meet our new office slut, the former Ms. Reynolds. You may not know this, but she was embezzling large sums of money from the company. We came to a little agreement about how she’d like to pay back her debt, and you’ll all have the opportunity to benefit from it. She’s free-use, so anyone in the office is welcome to use her as you please, anytime you’d like.” 

    Whispers broke out across the room, and while I couldn’t hear most of the time, a few were audible. 

    “What a whore…who willingly gives their body away instead of going to jail.” 

    “I never liked her…you can bet I’m going to use that ass the first chance I get.” 

    “How humiliating for her, she’s pathetic.” 

    My face continued to flush even redder with each comment, and I wanted to disappear. I had avoided jail time and saved my professional reputation, but at what cost? I was on my knees with a plug in my ass  – how much worse could things get? 

    Unfortunately, I didn’t know it at the time…but things could get much, much worse. 

*** 2 Hours Earlier ***

There was no getting out of it. 

I had fucked up and now, I was definitely going to lose my job for it. 

And it wasn’t just any job, either  – it was a full-time, cozy gig at a big company where I worked an easy 9-to-5, had decent pay, got great coverage, and an entire month of paid vacation every year. 

    Six months ago, I had been hired as an accountant, keeping track of the company’s expenditures. At first, things were just fine, I made sure I did everything by the book, not a number out of place. 

    But then I began to notice that the profits at my company were huge, and surely, nobody would notice if a thousand bucks went missing here or there, right? 

    I spent about three months fudging the numbers (and taking just over $10,000 from the company), and I thought my plan had worked perfectly…until I got an email from my boss, Mr. Harper, asking to talk about some of the recent expenses I’d logged. 

    I didn’t need to be a clairvoyant to know that I’d been caught, and as soon as that conversation was over, I’d either be cleaning out my desk or walking out in handcuffs. This brings us to this 9AM on Tuesday morning  – the time I was scheduled to meet with Mr. Harper. 

    “Ms. Reynolds?” 

    I looked up from the chair I’d grabbed outside his office to see Mr. Harper’s secretary, Angela, approaching from her desk. With silky blonde hair and a jawline that could cut glass, Angela was probably the most attractive woman in the office  – and she knew it. 


    “Mr. Harper is ready for you now,” she said. Her tone was professional, but the smirk on Angela’s face told me she knew I was about to be fired.  “Good luck in there, Reynolds, hope he doesn’t leave you too sore.” 

    “What?” I turned to ask Angela to clarify what she meant by that, but the secretary was already strutting back to her desk. 

    I stood in front of the large wooden doors, took a deep breath, and entered Mr. Harper’s office. I knew the meeting wasn’t going to be pleasant, and I just needed to prepare myself for the outcome, whatever that may be. 

    As always, Mr. Harper was typing away at his computer, a stern look on his face. He was a tall, attractive man with piercing eyes, but as one of higher-ups, he seemed like he always had a permanent frown etched on his face. 

    “Take a seat, Ms. Reynolds,” Mr. Harper said, not even looking up from his computer. 

    I didn’t say a word as I sat down in front of his desk, but all I wanted to do was sink into the cushioned chair. We sat there in silence for several moments as Mr. Harper continued to type away at his computer. My heart felt like it was going to beat out my chest, and for a second, I wondered if he could hear it  – was adding to the suspense supposed to intimidate me more? Because it was working. 

    Finally, he stopped typing and met my gaze. Making eye-contact was almost worse than the silence, something about Mr. Harper had always made me want to avoid eye-contact. 

    “Do you know why I called you in here today, Ms. Reynolds?” he asked. 

    “No, sir.” 

    “Don’t lie to me,” Mr. Harper said, “You know why you’re here. Tell me.” 

    “Well, uh, it’s about the numbers,” I said, fidgeting in my seat, “I didn’t log them correctly.” 

    “No, you didn’t,” Mr. Harper said, his tone ice cold, “But we both know this wasn’t an accidental error. You logged the numbers incorrectly so that you could line your own pockets with company funds.” 

    I couldn’t bear to meet his eyes, so I kept my gaze on the floor and nodded. “I am truly sorry, sir.” 

    “Please,” Mr. Harper scoffed, “Let’s not pretend you came clean because you’re a good person. You would’ve kept this up for years if I’d never caught you. Unfortunately for you, all our account balances get triple-checked every quarter  – mostly to avoid incidents like this.” 

    I felt so dumb. Of course a company as big as this one would have a quality-control process. 

    “I can pay the company back, sir,” I said, “I might just need a little time. But I can give all the money back.” 

    “You embezzled over $10,000,” Mr. Harper said, “You committed a crime, Ms. Reynolds. Not only is that a felony, but you could earn some serious jail time.” 

    I tried not to show how freaked out I was by that thought. I knew it was a possibility that I could walk out of here in handcuffs, but I’d foolishly hoped that maybe I could convince Mr. Harper just to fire me and let me pay the money back. 

    “If I were anyone else, I’d call the police and file charges,” Mr. Harper continued, “However, today is your lucky day. I have a proposition for you, Ms. Reynolds.” 

    I looked up, barely masking my shock. 

“What do you mean, sir?” 

“The company did an extensive background and credit check on you when we hired you. We know the only way we’re going to get that $10,000 back is through years of payments, and frankly, that’s just not worth it for us. However, there is another way you can pay us back.” 

I wasn’t sure why, but I had a feeling I wasn’t going to like what came out of his mouth next. 

“As you already know, working at this company comes with plenty of stress  – for me, my employees, and even my secretary. That’s why I try so hard to offer incentives  – quarterly bonuses, an espresso machine, paid vacation…and I think *you* could be another incentive, Ms. Reynolds.” 

Now, I *really* had no idea where this was going. 

“I want to give my employees and myself something that relieves their stress on a daily basis. Something they can do when they take a bad sales call or to celebrate a big win  – or, really, I should say, I want to give them someone to do.”

I couldn’t suppress the gasp from coming out of my mouth. 

Surely, he wasn’t suggesting what I was thinking he was? 

“I know it probably sounds absurd,” Mr. Harper continued, “But there are benefits to the proposition I’m about to give you, so I suggest you hold your judgment till the end.” 

I nodded. 

“I want to make you the office slut, Ms. Reynolds. Legally, you’ll still be working here with full benefits and making your old salary…but your position and office responsibilities will be different.” 

I was about to protest, but Mr. Harper cut me off before I could even start. “Now, before you act like you’re so above this insane offer, let me just remind you that our company did do a thorough background check on you when we hired you. We know all about your crazy days in college, how much you whored yourself around. You’re far from some wide-eyed virgin. Let’s also not forget what’s sitting on the table here. You’re only in this position because you embezzled ten grand from this company. This new position is the only thing standing in the way of a jail cell with your name on it.”

Everything in me wanted to protest, to slap Mr. Harper in the face for even daring to suggest that I was or would be a whore…but I couldn’t. As much as I wanted to deny it, my circumstances were dire  – and there was no way I could go to jail. What choice did I have? 

“What would it be like if I was the ‘office slut’?” 

Mr. Harper grinned. 

“Your new position would last a year, and after that, we’ll write you a glowing reputation to wherever you want to go  – nobody would ever have to know about the embezzlement or what you did to protect your reputation. As far as specifics go, let’s just say you’ll figure it out as you go.” 

I had a feeling Mr. Harper’s vagueness was intentional, but I was out of options, and really, how bad could a year be? 

“Okay…I’ll do it. I’ll take the position.” 

Mr. Harper’s grin widened. “Perfect…but this kind of agreement requires more than a handshake. If you really want to be the office slut, then I want you to get on your knees, crawl under the desk, and blow me.” 

*This is only the first snippet of this series, you can check out my profile for details if you’d like to read the rest of the saga.*



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