Chapter 2: The Witch [Fantasy][FM][Masturbation][noncon to con][rape][spanking][femdom][bondage]

Hello again dear reader,

Just a short side note from the writer: if you find the cut between chapter 2 and 3 weird or not really fitting as a chapter change, so do I. Apparently, I am only allowed 4000 characters per post. So I had to split the original chapter 2 into two different ones. Do not worry at the end of this one and just read on in the next if you want.

I hope you enjoy it :)

**Shael’s Night**

The pale raven-haired elf Shaellanor lay awake alone in her tent. Her dwarven paladin companion Aldis lay in ambush for a witch their group pursued while the young human mage John slept in his tent. Shael, as her friends called her really needed to fall asleep soon. Her shift for the witch-ambush would cut her night short already. She had no time to waste precious hours laying awake in bed. But even though she knew better, she could not find sleep. The events of the day kept her mind racing and her blood rushing in her ears. On the bygone day, she got jumped by a magic creature made of spaghetti and sausage. Yes, it sounded silly she knew. She got restrained, suspended in the air, and fucked with a speed and intensity she never experienced before. Shael did not mind the fucking. She had her fair share of sexual adventures at home and even though she did not agree to this one, she still enjoyed it at some point. The monster gave her a level of excitement she did not know possible. No elf at home or anywhere else ever made her squirm and ache as she did in that hut. What she did mind was the humiliation when she got caught. She was a proud elven ranger, no man should see her naked against her will, much less in such an undignified state “And even less witness me enjoy being handled like that…” she thought slightly ashamed.

Even though the monster gave her heights of pleasure like no one before, it denied her the release of an orgasm. It edged her on and on always letting her calm down enough before bringing her to the edge again. Shael’s clit was still swollen and sensitive from the ordeal she had to endure. Each of her movements reminded her of her dire urge for release. She would never find sleep like this. She *needed* to cum. She pushed her right hand down her pants reaching for her still wet pussy. The slightest touch of her clit sent a wave of pleasure through her body, remembering it of the dozens of tiny appendages pushing individually against it with vibrating speed. Shael suppressed a moan as she started to rub her clit between two fingers. It felt good, very good, but nothing compared to the heights of pleasure from before. She needed more. An additional her other hand went to her b-cup breast kneading it vigorously with the grip strength of the experienced archer she was. Passionately, she pinched her nipple and her clit at the same time “YES” she thought as she was about to lose a loud moan of pleasure. And suddenly she stopped. With both hands now holding her pillow and pressing it thoroughly in her face, she muffled her moan as well as possible. “No, not here. What if John is still awake hears me?” she thought, embarrassed at the mere thought of giving him such a show… again. “I need to find another place.”

Shael snuck out of her tent, making sure to not make the slightest noise. It was not really difficult for her. Sneaking in the forest was one of her specialties after all. When she snuck by John’s tent, she could hear him groan and moan silently, accompanied by a distinct “fap fap fap fap” sound. She rolled her eyes “Of course. He is wanking like crazy. What else should I expect? Hells, I basically told him to do exactly that. At least he is an obedient little rookie.” She smirked at the last thought as she left the camp.

Shael searched for a good place and quickly found one sufficiently far away from the camp. a big flat stone, larger than her body lying within the bed of the nearby river. Moss covered it and would make it quite comfy. Shael stripped off her clothes and stashed them at the riverbank then she swam naked through the cool slow-flowing river to the stone where she lay on her back. The moonlight made her pale wet body shine like a star on the dark surface of the stone and river around her. She let herself enjoy the slight summer breeze for a moment. Then she spread her legs and reached for her pussy again. She started by rubbing her clit first slowly, adjusting to the sensation, but then quickly sped up eager to finally have that orgasm she was denied all day. Her second hand also went to her pussy. She did not waste any time with foreplay and immediately thrust three fingers inside of her. She moaned freely and loudly. her back arched. She pushed her hips in the air with her legs she called upon the image of being fucked and teased by the monster and the memory of the blissful state she had been in. There it was! The first wave of orgasm hit her hard. Her body shivered each of her muscled vibrated with pure pleasure. Her sense of self and her surroundings faded, there was only pleasure. But Shael did not stop. Just as she wished the tentacles had done, she continued to furiously fuck herself. The next wave of orgasm hit her. Her legs gave in, letting her lay on her back again. Yet she still did not stop. Her mind overcome by pleasure, she relived every second of her assault. How the sausages fucked her face and pussy, the overwhelming feeling of oily tentacles vibrating against her nipples and clit. The strange unknown sensation of the few tiny appendages penetrating her virgin sphincter. Without thinking, her fingers left her dripping pussy and wandered lower, slightly pressing against her sphincter giving her a jolt of pleasure at the new sensation. Eager, needing more, she pushed her well-lubed index finger inside. Just the tip just probing while she never stopped furiously rubbing her clit. Her finger, even though delicate and thin, was still far bigger than the tentacles. The sensation was stronger, the new feeling of pressure, the naughtiness of the act overwhelmed her. She started to slightly push and pull, fucking her virgin sphincter with just the fingertip. The next orgasm rolled over her, maybe the strongest so far and the first she ever had with something penetrating her ass. She finally stopped, letting her body lay still on the moss. Her body was now shiny with sweat, her breast heaved up and down as she panted heavily from the exhausting pleasure she just experienced.

Shael became aware of herself and her surroundings again. She slowly pulled her finger out of her anus “that was not so bad” she thought, still drowsy in her afterglow. She checked her surroundings, she was still alone, the moon had risen quite high. “Oh, Goddess! How long have I been here? If Aldis already returned from her shift, how will I explain my absence from the camp?” She quickly jumped into the water and swam to her clothes. No time to let her body dry and get dressed, she quickly snuck through the forest. The camp was silent. “Maybe I am not too late,” she thought to herself. As she snuck through the tents, her pointy elven ears could make out a very silent and very slow “fap…. fap…. fap…..” from John’s tent. “He is still at it?! He won’t get any sleep like this! Hopefully, he will be of use tomorrow, but we really need to change that.” Shael snuck into the tent she shared with Aldis, it was empty. Shael quickly tuck herself in and after a few short minutes, she was off having sweet dreams for the night.

“Shael, Shael wake up” Aldis’s voice tore Shael out of her slumber. Why was it Aldis who woke her up? The rookie had the middle watch. And why could Shael see sunlight through the fabric of the tent? Immediately alert, shael rose “Where is John?” “I do not know,” Aldis replied “I woke up just before you and noticed you were not on watch. Something must have happened!” Honest worry showed on Aldis’ face. “Damn rookie! I hope he is still alive. We should not have let him take a shift alone.” Shael was already preparing her bow, knife, and garb. Aldis followed suit. She did not take the time to put on her entire plate armor, chainmail and her two-handed hammer would have to suffice. Hurryingly, they headed out to find and safe John.

They decided it would be best to start the search at the location from which John should have watched the witches’ hut. Aldis stood guard while Shael searched for clues. She thoroughly inspected the ground and surrounding plant life. She could clearly see various deep short footprints from Aldis’s heavy metal boots. Also, a place where someone sat for a while on the earth from the roundness and size of the mark, could only stem from Aldis buttcheeks. Then she noticed a faint smell. She knew this scent, but could not place her finger on it. She followed her nose to a bush that blocked the line of sight to the witches’ hut. “A good place to stand when you watch it,” she thought. The smell came from a sticky white-yellow substance gluing some leaves and branches together. She touched it with the tip of her fingers and brought it to her nose “Ewww, dried up cum,” she recognized the smell. “So he must have stood here.” Shael had her opinions about the rookie jerking off on guard, but she pushed them aside as more urgent matters needed her attention now. She searched for footprints near this place and indeed found marks of John’s big plain leather boots. He seemed to have turned around quickly at this position. Then there were smaller yet deeper marks leading from here towards the hut. “This small and still so deep, either someone is wearing very small plate boots or someone carried a second person. Likely John,” she informed Aldis of her findings. “Then we shall go and rescue him,” Aldis replied, readying her hammer. “Wait, something is bugging me. These marks appear only here and only in a depth caused the increased weight. No sign of their arrival. No sign of them weighting anything without carrying John,” Shael said warningly. “Maybe it’s some witchcraft or other magic trickery. It matters not,” Aldis dismissed the warning with a stern expression. “Whatever abilities our foe might have, we have to act now and quickly to save our companion.” It was seldom that Aldis’s natural dwarven stubbornness came through. But if it coincided with her divine duty to safe and protect, Shael knew there was no arguing with her. “Fine.” She sighed. Knowing they would likely be walking into a trap.

They approached the hut with as much stealth as possible for a dwarf in chainmail armed with a Warhammer. Shael tried to push the door open like the day before. It did not move an inch. “Come on, just pick the lock like usual,” Aldis urged her on. “I would, but this door does not have a lock. Neither does it have bars. I checked yesterday,” Shael whispered back. “Well then that is the end for the stealthy approach,” Aldis said, already raising her Warhammer for a massive swing against the door. It did not connect. At the last moment, the door opened, leaving Aldis not target. She lost her balance and stumbled inside. The floor was empty, but the kitchen door was open for Aldis and Shael to peek inside.

**Johns encounter**

John just came. A lot. He masturbated half the night thinking of Shael being fucked by a tentacle monster and imagining it would be him to please her. Just as his cum hit the bush in front of him, he heard a deep feminine voice behind him “Oh my, what do we have here?” John immediately spun around. Behind him stood a tall dark-skinned woman with white hair flowing in locks down her shoulders. She wore a blue and white dress that pushed her breasts up and together, creating a magnificent cleavage. The dress split at both sides of her legs, allowing for very unrestricted movement. At the waist, it was held together by a golden belt in intricate complex patterns. Her blue eyes fixated him with interest and amusement. “This must be the witch!” John thought. Even though he expected more of an old ugly hag instead of this beautiful woman that definitely did not exceed the age of 40. But if it is a witch, she could have put him under an illusion or changed her appearance. John’s Eyes flared up in vibrant violet as he peered into the astral plane, the realm where the chaotic swirls of energy and the intricate orderly patterns of magic could be seen. He immediately got overwhelmed. His vision blurred and he had to concentrate to not throw up. Looking at this woman in the astral plane was like looking into the sun from up close. Like gazing into the maddening abyss of magic itself. She radiated power. John’s consciousness faded. He was still awake but could barely perceive anything. “You should not have done that,” the woman said in a scolding tone “don’t they teach you anymore how rude it is to violate another’s privacy like that?” John could feel his legs giving in but something stopped him from falling to the ground. He felt warmth enveloping his body. “Well, we will see.” He could feel his body being moved. Footsteps, the sound of a squeaking door. Another door. An exotic scent invaded his nostrils. It made John dream of full juicy fruits and hot winds over the desert. Then came softness. A soft surface under his back. He lay still. “Here drink that,” the voice said as he felt a warm sweet liquid being poured into his mouth “it will help with your drowsiness”.

John’s senses came back to him. The sickening feeling in his stomach quickly faded. He found himself lying in the silken canopy bed within the witches’ bedroom. At the foot of the bed, the white-haired beauty, definitely the witch, John assumed now, was standing observing John’s every move with interest. “Good you are able to act as a sentient being again.” She started coldly. “Now tell me who you are and why you were pleasuring yourself while you watched my house. I mean I have seen quite some fetishes in my life. But the house? Really?” John sat straight. Ignoring her question entirely and still overwhelmed from what he witnessed moments ago. ßOnly one question dominated his mind “Wh-Who, no, what are you?” He uttered still in disbelief. “Rude again,” the witch replied. “Do you not have the simplest manners? I will have to punish you later for this. But, since you won’t be able to think of anything else it seems, let me introduce myself. As far as I know, I am called a witch in these lands. I have been called many things throughout the years, but that is what they call me now. As you may have already guessed, I am not human. What exactly I am is a very personal question that I refuse to answer to perverts like you. But for now, I am first and foremost the owner of this house. You can call me,” she paused in consideration for just a moment “Yaga. Now be so kind and answer my questions and show some manners, boy!”

John quickly considered his options. He could tell her the truth, but how would this being react if she was told someone came to take her out? Or lie? John was a terrible liar and he knew it. And what kind of believable lie could even explain that he was in the middle of nowhere, and it just so happens that her moving house was here right now. He got an idea, a mixture of both. “My name is John Faragon. I am an adept of the arcane from the Academy of Riverborn. I am on my custom exploratory voyage and thus in search of aspects of the world worth it to report at my academy. I found small hints, not much more than rumors that led me to believe there might be a copy of the Arcaneum to be found here and considering the va..” *SMACK* She moved so fast that John could not even begin to react before her flat hand made contact with his cheek. His head was thrown to the side and a burning pain spread over the left side of his face. “I can tolerate that you are just an ill-mannered perverted savage and thus do not know how impolite it is to spy on someone using the Eyes of Violet. I can even understand that you were overwhelmed when you rudely answered my question with another question. But I will not tolerate being disrespected by your lies!” Her eyes changed color as she got visibly angry. But it was not the bright violet John knew from his regular use of the arcane. Her eyes changed to a deep dark purple and it was not restricted to her iris her complete eyes took a menacingly inhumane dark color. “Dare to lie to me one more time and I assure you, you will regret it.”

John needed a moment to compose himself. The slap on his cheek made him feel like the foul-mouthed boy he was when he was last slapped like that. Also, the alienness of her eyes and her threatening words actually frightened him. Whatever she might actually be, what could and would such a being do to him if he angered her? Better not taking another chance, he opted for the truth. “I, hrhm, I apologize, my lady,” he started using his usual more formal tone, hoping that someone who spoke of manners so often might be persuaded by it. “I gave you my real name and profession. But the reason for my presence at your home is a different one. I anticipated you might take offense and thus wanted to avoid the topic. I failed to consider that a half-truth might be the bigger faux-pas.” John bowed his head, hoping to appear sufficiently contrite. The witch showed just the slightest smirk, indicating that she was pleased by his respectful tone. “I was sent to stop a supposed” John gulped hard, knowing how insulting the word might be to some ” witch in a moving house from further damaging the crops and cattle of the local peasantry. And my search let me here.” John sweat bullets. If this offended the witch, these might have been his last words. Anticipating the worst, John tried to remember every defensive spell he could think of while waiting for her tiniest reaction.

A few moments passed. For John, these were the longest seconds of his young life. “Well, what can I say? I did not commit any of the acts these peasants accuse me of. Was that all?” The witch said with a sigh. She sounded more annoyed and bored than angry. Maybe it was this change in her demeanor that enticed John to talk before he thought as he asked “But I have seen the ill and dying cattle. And the crops really did grow week and an unusual amount withered this yea…” He stopped mid-sentence as he became aware that his insistence on the accusations may be a really bad idea. The witch looked at him, actually surprised for a moment. Then she chuckled “And there I really thought you might be an intelligent and somewhat educated individual for a moment. Cattle go ill. It happens. Especially when the people caring for them are poor and have little expertise in the simplest hygiene and medicine issues. And about the crops, for people whose entire life revolves around it, the present-day farmers really only know the slightest bit about proper farming. The poor harvest is likely the result of improper or no crop rotation in combination with too much or too little fertilizer.” She pointed at him with a smirk “But you, the oh so well educated man believed the illiterate peasants’ superstitious babble of ‘A witch did it’.” John’s head got red. Having the quality of his education questioned like that was an insult to the one thing he took the most pride in. The witch chuckled again. Clearly amused by his reaction.

“They also claimed that you abducted one of their men. He went missing after paying a visit to your walking hut. Obviously, coincidence is unlikely at this point!” John retorted. The fear for his life was suppressed by his desire, his need to not be thought of as stupid. “And when was that supposed to be?” The witch asked, tilting her head slightly as she watched him. “Just over a week ago”. The witch narrowed her eyes in thought for a moment seemingly trying to remember something. “Oh yes, there was a man. Just over a week ago. He came to my house to hunt down the witch and be the hero of his town. In order to impress some girl, I presume. I remember him just standing there not knowing what to do when he saw me. He surely expected to encounter an old ugly hag and was quite surprised when he instead found me.” She smiled proudly and waved a hand towards her magnificent hourglass frame and perfectly symmetric face with the high cheekbones big deep eyes and full dark lips. “He was kinda cute. So manly and heroic one moment and suddenly so unsure almost shy. So I seduced him and had my fun with him for a few nights… and days.” She said these last words in a sensual almost seductive tone. John could not help but imagine this beauty being fucked wildly by some farmer. Her big brown tits bounced up and down as she rode him in bed. His cock twitched and started to grow. John shifted slightly in the bed, trying to hide the expanding tent in his robes. The witch seemed in thought for a moment, not directly looking at John as she relished in the memory. “He surely did not take long to forget about that girl at home he set out to impress.” Her attention went back to John. “Anyway, he left, well more I left him after these few days. I think I saw him following my home for some time. Clearly, she would have preferred to stay. But I have not seen him in the last few days. Maybe she ran into some trouble along the way? There are goblins, wolves, and various more dangerous creatures in this forest.” She shrugged. “I followed the river in that time. If you follow it back, you might find the missing man.”

John’s ears peaked up at the last sentence. Did that mean she would let him go? It clearly sounded like it. If that were correct, he only had to avoid messing up now and he could leave alive and maybe even unharmed! “In this case my lady, I am sorry for intruding in your homestead due to apparently unjustified reasons. When I return to the village, hopefully, accompanied by the missing person, I will make sure to restore your reputation by refuting all the rumors these peasants spread about you.” He bowed his head in apology again. When his gaze rose up again, he could see her still towering at the foot of the bed. Now gazing approvingly down at him. “Very well young man. Then that leaves us only with one thing to do.” She made a swirling hand gesture. “Your punishment.”

At her gesture, the bedsheets below John came to life. They quickly restrained his arms, legs, and midsection. Pressing his entire body flat down on the sheets. Fear immediately had John back in her grip. “Why… what punishment do you speak of?” He yelled confused and scared. “Don’t you remember?” She asked, playing innocent. “I told you at the beginning of our conversation that I would punish you for your rudeness. Did you expect I would not be up to my word?” She moved to the side of the bed her hand reaching to his midsection. “And a dirty pervert like you that shamelessly jerked off to my house definitely is in dire need of some disciplinary action.” She emphasized her words by snipping painfully at the tip of the very visible tent John’s erection now produced in his robe. The sudden intense touch sent a shiver of pain and pleasure down John’s spine. He could feel his erection strengthen and pulsing, straining against the cloth of his clothes.

“I think some spanking is in order,” Yaga said sternly as she sat on a chair next to the head end of the bed. With a circular motion of her index finger, she made the sheets turn John on all fours his forearms and calves safely secured at the mattress. She started to search a nearby drawer for something. “Please my lady, that won’t be necessary.” John tried to plead from his very undignified position. “I already see the error of my ways and can assure you that I learned my lesson”. She took out a big hairbrush. “Oh, I am certain that you know you made a mistake. I am just going to make sure that you do not forget it, ever.” She whispered a few words in an unknown language to the brush. Then it flew threw the air towards the foot of the bed outside of John’s vision. Yaga produced a bottle and a wine glass and talked while she poured herself in. “This is how your punishment will look like: the hairbrush will spank your ass and after each impact, you will say ‘I am sorry lady Yaga’ and ‘I deserve this punishment’ until I am convinced that you really mean it. Understood?”

John only kneeled there in silence as he could feel his robe being pulled up, exposing his naked ass. He could not believe this was happening to him. He had never been spanked. Not even as a child. *SMACK* A fierce pain went through his butt at the first impact of the brush. It was so strong that John’s eyes instantly got wet. “If I ask you something, I expect to be answered immediately and truthfully. Understood, boy?” Yaga asked in an angered, menacing tone. John overcame his pain and pressed the words between his teeth “Yes Lady Yaga, I understand.” He could see Yaga make a beckoning motion and braced for the impact. It did not take long. Though it was less painful than the first, it still hurt a lot as the cold flat surface of the brush smacked against his exposed white cheek. “I am sorry lady Yaga”, John said quietly. Ashamed, but he knew he had no chance of refusing to bend to the witches’ wishes. “Speak loud and clear, boy.” She corrected him as she sipped at her wine. The next slap targeted his other cheek. “I deserve this punishment,” John said with tears beginning to form in his eyes. Another smack. His slowly reddening ass started to feel like it was on fire. “I am sorry Lady Yaga.” She looked at him attentively. ‘Maybe she really meant what she said?’ John thought to himself. Another smack. “I deserve this punishment” ‘I did not take her literally when she spoke of punishment at the start’ The next impact made John cry out in pain for the first time. Tears began rolling down his cheeks. ‘Maybe, she does not see this as just a cruel game’ He thought as he started to sob. The next impact came. This time, he looked Yaga directly in the eyes through his tears “I am sorry lady Yaga”. His hopes that this might have been enough got crashed, as the next impact hit him. “I deserve this punishment” ‘Perhaps I really do…’ He thought, remembering how he broke into her house, her bedroom, he even touched her books without her approval. *Smack* “I am sorry lady Yaga”. After saying it this time, he lowered his gaze, not looking into her eyes anymore, but on the sheets in front of him. Waiting for the next impact. Which did not come.

After a few moments of nothing, John looked up at Yaga. She had put away her glass of wine and stood up. “I believe you and accept your apology, young boy.” She said in a voice that at least sounded genuine to John, despite the strange context in which the words were uttered. “Stay still for a moment. Take your time to recover from your ordeal. I know it must have been much.” She ordered in a firm yet gentle tone. “I am going to apply some healing gel to your butt. It will prevent lasting injuries and make sure the redness will disappear in a day or two.” John’s face was still buried in the sheets his tears started to dry as he felt the coldness of fingers touch his burning cheeks. He whimpered audibly. “I know, this must-have hurt. But I want you to understand that my intention never was to harm you, only to correct your unacceptable behavior.” He could feel her hands spreading a cold gelly substance over his ass. The pain did not go away immediately, but nevertheless, it decreased severely.

They stayed like that in silence for a few minutes as Yaga continued the treatment of John’s sore asscheeks. During it, John could occasionally feel her slippery hand graze his exposed balls. At first, he barely noticed. But the more the pain went away, his senses back to normal and his emotions down from the humiliation he felt minutes ago, he became all the more aware that there was a beautiful woman, maybe the most beautiful he ever saw, was right now basically massaging his ass while occasionally touching his balls. Even though he did not want to, he even feared it would anger her again, his cock started to grow again. “Damn libido!” He thought in desperation. Suddenly, felt her entire hand grasp his ball sack. He felt delicate fingers carefully feeling up each ball individually and thoroughly. He did not dare protest. “Say,” Yaga began slowly apparently contemplating something “do you happen to be a virgin?” The question surprised and embarrassed him even though the woman asking it was literally holding his balls in her fingers. He nevertheless answered promptly and truthfully “Yes, I am,” he said in slight shame. “Oh, nothing to be ashamed about young one.” She said encouragingly. “The reason I ask is.. have you ever heard about the special properties of virgin blood in alchemical processes? Oh, don’t flinch. I am not going to take your blood. But by your reaction, I assume you know about it. What you maybe do not know, it is quite unknown in most scholarly circles, is that virgin semen has its uses, too. In fact, if applied correctly, it enhances the quality of most potions that take a not-directly harmful effect on the body. For example, you could increase the duration of a transformative potion or the size of the creature it changes the user into. But it would not work on a poison, as this does directly harm the body.” While she gave her little tutorial, she continued to massage John’s balls in her lubed-up hands, they were glistening with gel and quite slippery. The feeling teased John immensely. He could feel the first little drops of precum manifesting at the tip of his throbbing erection. “Sadly, male virgins willing to… donate some semen are rare to find. Your kind seems to be in a habit of losing that property at quite a young age.” She chuckled in amusement. “But since the opportunity arises here, I have an offer for you.” John gulped, was this really going where he thought it was? “If you let me milk you for your semen, I will give you something in exchange. I am considering some knowledge that you may take back to your academy as part of your custom journey. For example the knowledge about potion enhancement through Virginis Sperma. I am sure the alchemists would be willing to make you Archmage just for that.” Yaga chuckled at the thought.
