Cheating with my New Neighbor’s Daughter | 8: Family Day [male pov][older man][younger woman][age difference][neighbors daughter][cheating][drama][series][slow build][sfw]

**8: Family Day**

After a few more minutes, Charlotte was done and got in the shotgun while Liz and the kids sat in the back.

We’ve been joking about how Charlotte caught Charlie’s cookie stash in his room with him saying he stole it from the pantry while sleepwalking when Liz suddenly uttered, “Cookie aside, you guys honestly should clean your car windows from the inside.”

“Well, I thought we did. Right, honey?” Charlotte calmly asked me.

Confused, I furrowed my brows and glanced at Liz through the rear view mirror saying, “Yeah, I make sure of that. Why?”

“There’s some hand prints on this one. It looks gross. Kinda looked like Charlie’s hands that just been licked after eating some cookies,” Liz spoke teasing Charlie again.

My heart dropped after realizing it must have been Paige’s hands when she was having an org*sm earlier today. We both completely forgot about wiping the windows.

I tried to laugh with them as Charlie denies touching the windows—but of course it came out more of a nervous laugh.

“I swear, that’s not me,” Charlie swore while giggling.

“Yeah, right, whose is that, then?” Liz tickled him which made Charlie laugh even more.

Charlotte turned her head to peek on the prints before teasing, “Definitely Charlie.”

She then turned back and stared at the road silently. I didn’t say anything more and focused my attention to the road, but I felt her glance at me for a second.

– – –

After having lunch, Charlie wanted to go to the park to watch some ducks and chill on the grass so we went to the town’s largest park.

Charlie hurriedly pulled me towards the duck pond while Liz and Charlotte held Chloe’s hands as they assist her in walking.

Charlie proceeded on admiring the ducks specially that one with around 10 ducklings following her behind.

“Dad, look,” he eagerly tugged my shirt while pointing at a duck submerging it’s head underwater.

As I look at it, I had a glimpse across the pond of someone I know.

I thought it was Sadie, but I can’t see too well since I have a shades on instead of my prescription glasses.

I also noticed that she was talking to someone. At first I thought I didn’t know him, so I proceeded to pay attention to whatever duck Charlie is pointing to. But after a few minutes, when it seemed like the guy she was with was about to leave her, she held his hand and anxiously stomped her feet.

The man turned to her and in the process I caught a glimpse of his face and thought to myself that he sort of looked like Paige’s boyfriend slash ex-boyfriend, Miles.

I squinted a bit to see clearer, but before I was able to accurately identify him, he pushed her hand away and stormed off. The girl that looked like Sadie just stood there for a minute before wiping off what I assume to be tears off her cheeks while walking away to the opposite side.

I got confused by what I just saw but then again, it could be two completely different persons I don’t personally know. So I decided to ignore it and ask Charlie if he wanted to buy duck feed from the park store.

“Yes!” He excitedly nodded.

“Alright, go tell your mom first,” I said to him and I stood there watching him run to Charlotte.

We went to buy some feed and then returned to our spot to feed the ducks. Charlotte, along with Liz and Chloe, walked towards us and sat beside me on the grass.

“Honey?” She called to me.

“Hmm?” I lousily answered.

“Have you talked to Mr. Turner about the camping trip?” She asked just as when Chloe started walking to her brother while being assisted by Liz.

“Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that. He actually has this lake house kind of cabin in the mountains that we could use for free,” I explained casually.

She perked up and said, “Really? Wow, that’s so nice of them. How about an RV? Does he have one that we could rent?”

“Well, actually they just use their two cars when going there. But one was broken so they haven’t really went there yet this summer. So I suggested to him to go along with us since we got space in our car,” I told her.

I saw a hint of disappointment in her face, but she kept a smile to hide it. I wasn’t surprised by this since, of course, I knew she would not be happy to have other people tag along with our supposed private vacation.

“That sounds great. Right? I’m sure Charlie would love to be with the kids,” she said while looking over at Charlie who is now feeding the ducks with Liz and Chloe.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought too,” I uttered.

“Should we invite them over to finalize our plans? We could do it by tomorrow and I’ll prepare a simple dinner,” she suggested looking pleased.

“Good idea. I’ll give Ellis a call,” I smiled before dialing him.

From our conversation over the phone, Ellis agreed to come over tomorrow night along with his wife and kids. Charlotte got excited over this and made us go for a grocery run after Charlie was done feeding the ducks. Since I have patients tomorrow, I told her that I’ll try to get home as soon as I finish my last appointment in the afternoon so I could help her prepare our house for the Turners.

*- – -*

We got home by evening as we also had dinner out. Everyone was exhausted so after preparing the kids to sleep, we all went to our respective bedrooms to rest for the night.

I sat down on our bed reading a novel before I go to sleep while Charlotte does her night routine in front of her dresser table.

I didn’t notice her walking towards me as I am so engrossed on reading so she decided to clear her throat to get my attention.

She was standing by the edge of the bed near me wearing a night gown and slowly unfurling the knot wrapped around waist.

“What?” I asked, making sure I looked dumb not knowing what she’s trying to do.

She held on to the rim of the robe covering her chest as she said in a seductive voice, “Tonight, maybe we could do *it*?”

I closed my book and uttered, “I’m sorry, I’m really tired right now. I just want to rest.”

“Alright, it’s okay. You don’t have to do anything. I’ll do all the work. I’ll blow you, ride you,” she insisted with lust still lingering in her voice.

“I’m sorry. I really can’t do it tonight,” I declined again as I settle my book and eyeglasses on my side table.

She tied the ribbon tightly and crossed her arms as she say in a pissed tone, “Seriously, Trent? Until when are going to keep pushing me away? Aren’t you tired of making up excuses?”

“Alright, that’s it. You asked and I said no. I’m not gonna do it and if you really need it, you can always relieve yourself,” I said in a more calm tone.

“I’m not just talking about the sex, for god’s sake! You know that. Don’t act dumb with me,” she spoke loud enough I’m sure if Charlie’s awake in his room beside ours, he would’ve heard it.

“Just talk to me when you’ve calmed yourself down,” I uttered as I stood up, grabbed my phone from the side table, and started walking towards the door.

She breathed heavily before asking in a much relaxed voice, “Where are you going?”

“Downstairs. Do you need some water?” I asked her casually.

She raised an eyebrow and asked in a mocking tone, “Are you gonna sleep on the couch again? Or are you gonna mast*rbate in the bathroom like I always hear you do at 3 in the fucking morning?”

My shoulders dropped and my arms lazily fell on my sides as I turn my back to her and went for the doorknob and left the room.

I walked to the kitchen and drank a glass of water then breathe a sigh of relief. The relief of finally being alone was short lived as I realized I haven’t really slept on the couch for while now ever since Liz stayed around, which meant I couldn’t also do it tonight and for as long as she’s in our guest room.

“Fuck,” I quietly grunted then a thought passed by my mind: it may be the best for all of us if I divorce her.

I quickly brushed it off and resumed to thinking for the best place to sleep tonight.

I surrendered after about 5 minutes of blank stares at the refrigerator and decided to go out and sit beside the pool for better ambience. I sat there and realized that I’ve already lost my will to sleep and just rest tonight after that fight I had with Charlotte.

It was around 9pm, which is still considerably early, so I thought Paige might still be awake at this time and decided to text her: *Are you still up?*

Without a minute later, she replied.

*Yup. What’s up?*

I smiled and immediately answered.

*Nothing. I just want to hear your voice. Can I call?*

She then quickly sent.

*Of course*.

I called her as soon as I received it, “Hey.”

She asked in a gentle voice, “Hey, is everything okay?”

I involuntarily sighed and honestly answered, “I just had a fight with Charlotte. She, um, wanted to have sex with me tonight, but I declined and it set her off. She was pissed. Now I’m sitting outside by the pool, waiting for things to cool down.”

“I’m…sorry—“ Paige was about to apologize when I cut her off saying, “No, no, no. I shouldn’t have told you. It’s not your problem. Just take this as me venting out to you.”

She replied still in a calm sweet voice, “I appreciate you telling me. But, is it really not my problem, though? I somehow got myself into this now.”

“I’ve told you this this morning. You didn’t cause my issues with Charlotte. It’s purely between the two of us. My mistake is that I had faith that I’ll still love her the same. But turned out, I won’t. I can’t. And just in the middle of this, I met you,” I sincerely explained.

She paused for a second before having the courage to ask, “What did she do to you?”

I took a deep breathe, asking myself if it’s right to tell her, before finally spilling the truth, “She cheated on me. She, um, started having an affair with my best man three years ago. I didn’t have a clue. I only found out when she got pregnant a year ago. For a while after Chloe was born, I still didn’t suspect anything. I treated her as my child. A month after that, Charlotte told me everything saying she could no longer hold the guilt. So, yeah, that’s basically what happened.”

“Oh, god, I’m sorry I didn’t know you went through that. So that’s why you decided to move here,” she told me with concern in her voice.

“Yeah, I thought I could save us. I thought I could forgive her, but the truth was I can’t trust her anymore and my love for her was long gone. I can’t stand having sex with her not even taking a kiss from her,” I spoke all the words I’ve been keeping inside my head.

She was silent for a minute then asked with her voice cracking like she was about to cry, “Is this why you’re cheating on her with me? Are you trying to get back at her?”

“God, Paige, no. I don’t know if you’re gonna believe this but I wasn’t trying to get revenge. It didn’t even cross my mind. It’s more than a year since I found out, I could’ve did that back then if that’s what I wanted. I remained loyal to her because I didn’t want to hurt her like she did to me. It’s just that…I didn’t foresee that I would meet someone who has this effect over me. I could not resist you. I honestly didn’t expect you coming to my life,” I explained.
